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Chapter four hundred and twenty first

With the death of Jia Pingnan, the commander of Dajiang's three armies, the battle to attack Nanyang City came to an end.

Almost all the high-level generals were dead, and those remaining Dajiang soldiers who had charged desperately before dropped their weapons and surrendered...

Since then, the dust has settled, and since then, the gate of the Dajiang Dynasty has been broken!

"The surrenderers collected the soldiers and sent them to the rear for strict supervision. They immediately cleaned up the battlefield and ordered the Dawn Legion to temporarily take over Nanyang City. If there are any resisters, kill them. But if there are any troublemakers, kill them!"

After the overall situation was decided, Qin Antai immediately gave the order.

He did not order the killing of the captives. After all, it was inhumane to do so. Besides, the captives were also useful, such as being sent to build the city as coolies. If the Dajiang Dynasty wanted to redeem those captives, they could also give him a heavy blow.

, of course, that must be at least after the war is truly over. After all, if prisoners are returned during the war, they will become soldiers if they pick up weapons after they return.

In short, it is impossible for the captives to have an easy life while in captivity. It is impossible to provide for them like an uncle. Squeezing their surplus value is the normal operation.

Although the war is over, there are still many things to do next, including counting battle losses, collecting supplies, treating the wounded, and writing victory reports to the capital...

However, there are dedicated people responsible for these trivial matters, and Qin Antai does not need to do them himself.

Nanyang City was captured by Dali, and the people in Dajiang in the city were terrified. No one knew what Dali's people would do to them, so many people who saw that the situation was wrong began to flee with their families.

However, there were not many people who fled, and most of them were from well-off families. After all, at this time of year, it was freezing and snowy. Where could an ordinary family abandon their home and run? They would probably freeze to death and starve to death on the way.

Post-war statistics show that in this half-day war, approximately 700,000 enemy troops were annihilated and more than 100,000 were captured, while our own casualties totaled less than 30,000!

This kind of result was so shocking that even if the coach Qin Antai had expected it, it would be a bit unbelievable, but this is the fact.

The gap is dozens of times. It is not a battle at the same level at all. There has never been such a shocking result in history. This battle alone is enough to go down in history.

For such a victory, the Thunder Fire Army played a vital role and was the first contributor. If it had not been for the Thunder Fire Army, let alone such a victory, Dali might not have been able to win Nanyang City if most of its casualties were casualties.

The Dawn Legion took over Nanyang City and guarded various key points. These are temporary. Special personnel will take over Nanyang City in the future.

When Nanyang City was taken over by Dali, the military camps, treasures, food, and everything in the city left behind by Dali's army...

Bring it to you.

Of course, some things still have to be done superficially and should not look too ugly. For example, the wealth of rich families in the city cannot be openly robbed. You must find a reason such as searching for unstable factors. Well, in fact, it is no different from openly robbing.

However, as the victorious party, the people of Dajiang in Nanyang City were not qualified to refute.

The fact is that in other words, if Dajiang's people had captured Dali's city, they would have done the same thing.

Among them, what makes Qin Antai and his senior officials most happy is not how much wealth they get after occupying Nanyang City, but the food.

Previously, Dajiang had more than one million troops stationed in Nanyang City. How much food would be needed for millions of people to survive the winter? It is said that if you have food in hand, you will not panic. With this food, the next war will be easy to fight, at least you will not worry about the soldiers.

You can only talk about other things when you are hungry and your military morale is stable.

In Nanyang City, the former General's Mansion, Qin Antai and others directly stationed here. As soldiers, this is where they should come.

Why not go to a better government yamen? Because it is taboo. If you go to a yamen, could it be that Qin Antai still wants to interfere in politics and people's livelihood? As a general, just lead the troops in battle. If you interfere in politics and people's livelihood, it will be a big problem.

When the hat comes off, he, Qin Antai, will also be embarrassed and may even arouse suspicion from his superiors.

Gathering together the generals who went on the expedition, Qin Antai made arrangements again.

He said: "This battle is a great victory, but don't dwell on the previous results, because for us, the war has just begun. Next, there is the entire Dajiang Dynasty waiting for us to capture one by one. As for whether we can go as far as

Which step will be taken depends on the efforts of the soldiers."

"Order the White Horse Army to come from Xieyang City to take over Nanyang City and stabilize the rear area, so that we can continue to send troops forward. The task of garrisoning Nanyang City is very important and cannot be missed. Otherwise, our army will penetrate deep into the river and lose its retreat. The consequences will be disastrous!"

"In addition, the Dajiang Dynasty's national gate has been broken. The first and hardest nut has been cracked. Next, our combat method will be adjusted. The troops will be divided into three groups, divided into three armies: left, center and right. Each army will have 250,000 soldiers.

, attack the city from three directions and point directly at the capital of Dajiang!"

"Of these three armies, the left army is commanded by General Li Qiuli and carries 80,000 thunder and fire troops. The middle army is under the charge of this general and still needs 80,000 thunder and fire troops. The right army is under the command of General Zhang Shoubei and also needs 80,000 thunder and fire troops.

In addition, the remaining Thunder Fire Army is divided into two groups to cooperate with the rear to guard Nanyang City and Xieyang City!"

Seeing the powerful combat power of the Thunder Fire Army, Qin Antai made a strategy of dividing this army. After all, the most difficult battle at the moment has been won. The gathering of 300,000 Thunder Fire Army will only be wasted. It is up to them to cooperate.

The most correct choice is for the army to clear the way.

Qin Antai believes that with the combat power of the Thunder Fire Army, the next battle will be overwhelming. After all, it is impossible for a million troops to gather in the hinterland city of the Dajiang Dynasty. Even if there are tens of thousands of Thunder Fire Army, it is probably not a big problem.

It's a shame the battle lasted a little longer.

"It all depends on the commander's arrangement"

None of the generals present had any objections.

Although Li Qiu's Thunder Fire Army was divided, he was still the leader of the Thunder Fire Army. He was only temporarily lent to all parties to cooperate with the next battle. He was not seized from power. In fact, if he refused to divide his troops, Qin Antai could do nothing, but

Li Qiu is not the kind of stubborn person, and he can still see the overall situation clearly.

Nodding, Qin Antai looked at the sand table and said: "The Dajiang Dynasty will never watch us invade in large numbers. It will definitely send heavy troops to encircle and suppress it. It depends on you all to adapt to the situation. Then, before our army can truly threaten Dajiang Capital,

, there will definitely be a tough battle, if we win, then we can truly take control of Dajiang Capital!"

"That tough battle is bound to happen, even more difficult than taking over Nanyang City. At that time, we will not only have to face Dajiang's army, but also probably the reinforcements from the Sanluo Dynasty and the Golden Wolf Dynasty. Therefore,

Before that war comes, our three armies need to join forces to deal with it, and troops from the rear must also be sent to support."

After he finished speaking, Li Qiu nodded and said: "Yes, there will be a tough battle waiting for me, but that will be at least half a month later. Dajiang has not moved so quickly to assemble the army, but once they gather,

It must be more than one million, and if we add the reinforcements from the Sanluo Dynasty and the Golden Wolf Dynasty, we may have to face millions of enemy troops!"

"At that time, we will have to rely on the Thunder and Fire Army under General Li. We have the Thunder and Fire Army, and no matter how many enemies come, they will be... That new word is called cannon fodder, right?" Zhang Shoubei said with a grin.

Qin Antai nodded and smiled: "Yes, they are cannon fodder. In front of the Thunder Fire Army, no matter how many enemy troops there are, they will be blasted to ashes!"

However, some people are worried: "If we push Dajiang too hard and even threaten to destroy Dajiang, then the powerful people in Dajiang Myth Realm will never sit idly by and ignore it. Even the myths of Sanluo Dynasty and Golden Wolf Dynasty

Jing will also be dispatched. After all, if we can destroy Dajiang, it is not impossible to destroy them. They will not allow such a thing to happen!"

"General, there is no need to worry about this. If the mythical realms of the three northern kingdoms dare to intervene in the war, huh, there will come a time when they will regret it," Qin Antai sneered.

Although I don't know where he got the confidence, others have also put away their worries. As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Qin Antai will not joke with the lives of the soldiers.

Qin Antai was sighing in his heart, behind our Dali stood the legendary Master Liu from the Xiaoyao Realm. In front of the Xiaoyao Realm, even those from the Mythical Realm could jump to death without knowing how!

Without this reassurance, how could I, Lao Qin, dare to invade Dajiang at the risk of angering the mythical realm of the Three Kingdoms?

Master Liu has already reached the realm of freedom. What level is that? It has been just a legend for thousands of years, but now Master Liu has actually reached that step...

After all, Nanyang City is the border fortress of the Dajiang Dynasty. Although Dali's army occupied it, there are always some people loyal to Dajiang who cannot accept this fact. Although major riots did not occur, small resistances continued, but

In front of the large army from Dali, small resistance was easily suppressed.

In the evening, the 200,000-strong White Horse Army came from Xianyang City to take over the city. They were originally the great defenders who stabilized the rear. Although they failed to rush to the front, their task of stabilizing the rear was no easier than charging into the battle.

With their arrival, Wang Changyun, the commander of the White Horse Army, also brought good news, that is, at the beginning of the daytime war, the 200,000 Dajiang army that Jia Pingnan arranged to attack Xieyang City had also been eliminated. With an absolute advantage,

, the 200,000-strong Jiang army divided into two groups did not cause any trouble.

However, the battle at the rear did not have the terrifying combat power of the Thunder Fire Army. After a fight, both sides suffered casualties. Fortunately, the problem was solved and nearly 100,000 people were captured.

Wang Changyun led the White Horse Army to take over the city defense, and naturally he also captured more than 200,000 Dajiang troops twice. His arrangement for these prisoners was that they would not starve to death without being fed, and they would also have to work hard.

Repair the city wall. As for 200,000 people, it won’t take long to repair the city wall. Then there is no other work to do. The front line is fighting, squeezing the energy of those prisoners, and building the rear into a solid iron chain. It can stabilize the rear and squeeze their energy.

Preventing chaos and killing two birds with one stone...

After the day's battle, Yunjing and others at the bottom of the army followed orders from their superiors and entered Nanyang City to take over the city's defense.

However, Nanyang City had just been captured at that time, and the city was in chaos. Their task was not easy. They needed to suppress those who were unwilling to cause trouble, and fighting was inevitable.

Hundreds of thousands of troops from Dali entered the city and guarded the four walls. Then they sent troops in units to all sides to suppress the various riots in the city. It was not until the afternoon that the suppression was almost complete.

Yunjing's squadron was one of the teams patrolling the city to suppress the riots. During the process of suppressing the riots, many people died at the hands of Yunjing, including several innate masters!

Just like Nanyang City in Dali, there are countless scholars and people from Dali gathered there, as well as many folk experts. Naturally, the same is true in Nanyang City in Dajiang.

But in front of the army, these scattered civilian masters did not make much waves.

In fact, among the civilian masters who gathered there were some from the True Illusion, trying to unite to create chaos. However, Zhang Shoubei, the commander of the Dawn Legion in the late stage of the True Illusion, personally took action, and they could only suffer.

The late stage of True Artistic Realm, under the premise that the Mythical Realm does not care about trivial matters, has already reached the ceiling of combat power in the world. It is difficult for civilian masters to enter the late stage of True Artistic Realm without national resources. Therefore, the riots in Nanyang City did not occur.

The rest of the strong men in the later stage of artistic conception were simply not enough in front of Zhang Shoubei.

What's 'interesting' is that the scholars in Dajiang gathered together in the city and denounced Da Li's actions with righteousness. As scholars, they stood on the moral high ground and spat on them. They would take down all such people who dared to do so.

Just resist and be hacked to death!

Scholars, after reading for a few days, they think they are superior to others. Who can blame them for not seeing the situation clearly?

Of course, they are civilians, not soldiers who pick up knives to kill people. As long as they don't cause trouble, ignore them. If they cause trouble, they can be caught and chopped and that's it.

After the White Horse Legion came to take over the city defense, Yunjing and the others did not need to worry about the follow-up matters. They reorganized the team and returned to camp to repair.

The camp, of course, is the military camp left by the previous Dajiang Dynasty, located outside Nanyang City.

The various camps that originally housed Dajiang's millions of troops can now be occupied by hundreds of thousands of people in Dali. Each person is not limited to a 'single room', but they can all be allocated a spacious tent.

"After a busy day, I can finally relax for a while." In the tent, Yun Jing took off his hard armor and muttered.

He had not had an easy day. Being on the battlefield, he was very nervous. He had to pay attention to the movements of all parties, and he also had to secretly destroy the enemy. After relaxing, he felt very tired even though he had an excellent physique. Mainly because

Mental exhaustion.

Fortunately, the battle is over and you can relax a little.

"It's a pity that those enemies who were secretly killed by using 'spells' and using telekinesis cannot be counted as military merits. Those who can really be converted into military merits are the few innate masters and hundreds of enemy soldiers who died in my hands. But even so

, the credit is already considerable.”

Yun Jing didn't care that the enemy soldiers he killed secretly could not be converted into military achievements. If he really wanted to get promoted, he wouldn't rely on this. After all, he could achieve his goal of reducing his own casualties as much as possible.

Rewards based on merit are not so fast. That happened after the war. Yunjing is still just a squadron leader, but his name is in the merit book. Before he became an official, his military achievements after the war will become his resume on his academic record.


Not surprisingly, his position as squadron leader will continue until the war.

Of course, if a Shangguan dies unexpectedly on the battlefield, someone with outstanding performance like him will have the opportunity to be appointed temporarily. Yunjing doesn't want that to happen. It's not that he doesn't want to be promoted or to be in the limelight, but that he doesn't want to be promoted.

It would be best if no one on your side dies...

After he rested for a while, several team captains under his command came to visit one after another. It was true that Yunjing's performance during the day was too outstanding, and they all wanted to come and establish a good relationship with Yunjing.

No one in their squadron died in the battle, and only a few were slightly injured. In the past, people would not dare to think of such a thing, but now their squadron has survived completely after the war, all thanks to Yun

Jing, as long as there are experts, he will take action, otherwise they don't know how many people will die.

After dealing with the people under his command, it was late at night. Yun Jing finished writing his travel notes and took a rest. Before taking a break, he used to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within the range of his mind power to increase his strength...

In his travel notes in the past, he only recorded trivial things, but now he writes about his experiences in the military. Of course, he did not record some taboo things, so he just knew them.

If some taboo things were written down on paper, it would be great fun for him if someone saw it. Leaking secrets is a serious crime!

Early the next morning, war drums sounded like thunder in the military camp.

Yunjing and the others received the order and needed to set off for the expedition.

After capturing Nanyang City and opening the door to the Dajiang Dynasty, it can be said that the war has just begun.

The army of Dali was divided into three groups. Yunjing and the others belonged to the army on the right, and they followed Zhang Shoubei to the northeast and penetrated deep into the hinterland of the river to attack the city and build a stronghold.

Marching on a snowy day, all kinds of troubles and hardships are hard to describe.

Sledges, a powerful snow weapon, have become popular among the army. With this tool, they can march faster and can carry more supplies.

After three days of rapid march, the army of 250,000 people rushed for more than 300 miles. Yunjing and his right army arrived at a county town with a population of one million in Dajiang. There were only 30,000 troops stationed here. They still knew that Dali had already arrived.

They were mobilized urgently after knocking on the door of the country.

Conquering this city was effortless. The people of the Dajiang Dynasty wanted to resist, but the Lei Huo Army showed up a little, blasted open the city gates and blew down the city walls. With the masters from Dali killing the generals and seizing the flag, the city could not be conquered.

It was occupied by Dali's army.

Yunjing and the others spent a day repairing in this city. Firstly, they were waiting for the White Horse Army to send people from the rear to take over. Secondly, they were to capture a city, and it was an enemy's city. How could they not loot it... Well, how could they not check the city?

of dangerous goods?

The gold and silver treasures are too dangerous. You people in Dajiang cannot handle them. Leave them to us to help keep them safe...

Most of the 'dangerous goods' in custody will be handed over to the country, and a small portion will be distributed to the soldiers. After all, the soldiers can't work in vain, but they need to be distributed uniformly after the war. The war is still going on. Is it difficult?

You still have money to fight the war, after all, it is indispensable for everyone.

The war was fought easily, and there is still a lot of money waiting to be collected after the war. I feel good about it. I will fight this kind of war for another ten years!

After people from the rear were sent to take over the city, the army continued to set off. Two days later they arrived at a state city in Dajiang, where there were 100,000 troops as if facing a formidable enemy.

However, under the indiscriminate bombardment of the Thunder and Fire Army, the 100,000 troops here were captured without causing any trouble.

A state city is much richer than a county city a few days ago, even if some people who saw the situation in bad luck took away a large amount of wealth and fled...

Although Dali's three-pronged army was divided into three groups, they did not go too far apart and went deep alone. Instead, they swept across the rivers and cities along the way and advanced steadily. Even if one side was in danger, the other two sides could still carry out the attack within two days.


However, for many days in a row, the three armies did not encounter much obstacles. The combat power of the Thunder and Fire Army was really terrible. It was not at the same level as the armies of this era. Firearms cleared the way and bombed the enemy indiscriminately.

What's the block?

The three-pronged army was unstoppable under the guidance of the Leihuo Army. They could capture a city in a few days, and sometimes even several cities in a day. They were simply unstoppable. When they arrived at the back, the city of Dajiang simply gave up resistance and opened the city gate when they saw the Dali army.

, not even the defenders.

This situation is not surprising. After all, after the country opens, it is impossible for local cities to prepare millions of troops in advance. If the army is short, it is just to deliver food, so why die in vain?

But this also shows that the Dajiang Dynasty is gathering its troops to prepare for a war!

Ever since Nanyang City was broken and Jia Pingnan died in battle, the Dajiang Dynasty was in an uproar. In just one day, Nanyang City was broken, and a million-strong army could not defend it for even a day. It was like a dream.

Everyone in the court was anxious, and how to deal with the overwhelming Dali army became an urgent problem.

Especially at this time, many scholars in the Dajiang Dynasty jumped out to make trouble, accusing the court of inaction and the corruption of the army. Otherwise, how could a million-strong army not be able to hold on for a day? The army is so rotten that the world must give an explanation.

What part went wrong!

Some scholars angrily criticized the imperial court, saying that they should not have provoked Dali to attack Master Chen of Dali, but now they have tasted the bitter consequences.

How many people were displaced during the war? How much wealth flowed into the hands of Da Li? The country was destroyed and the family was destroyed. It was all the fault of the imperial court!

On the one hand, the Dajiang Dynasty appeased the people, and on the other hand, it gathered its troops and prepared to choose a suitable location to destroy Dali's army. It also quickly sought help from the Sanluo Dynasty and the Golden Wolf Dynasty.

At this time, the Dajiang Dynasty had never thought about surrendering and admitting defeat. It was just a temporary defeat. With the mythical realm, no matter how powerful Dali was, Dajiang could not be destroyed!

Let him jump around for a while first. When our troops gather and the friendly troops come to help, Dali will have to vomit out whatever he has eaten and bring it back...

Compared with the various chaos in the Dajiang Dynasty, the country in Dali is full of joy. Good news is sent back every day. Before they have time to digest the good news before, better news comes again. It is simply overwhelming. The whole city of Dali is overwhelmed.

It's boiling.

The people of Dali were proud and proud. They were filled with anger over the Master's murder, but it was not enough!

While the soldiers on the front line were attacking the city, the people of Dali did not hold back and actively donated food and supplies. Countless people lined up to join the army to serve the country.

The imperial court was not dazzled by the current results of the war. Logistics was carried out in an orderly manner. Excellent soldiers were selected from those who took the initiative to join the army from all over the country, and the entire army of millions rushed to the front lines.

There are also casualties in frontline operations. If we don't replenish the number of troops in time, the number of frontline soldiers will only become less and less...

The Dali army penetrated into the Dajiang Dynasty with overwhelming force. This situation really shocked the Sanluo Dynasty and the Golden Wolf Dynasty. They did not want to see the Dajiang Dynasty being 'annihilated' by the Dali Dynasty in one go.

Have a positive attitude and try your best.

The two countries tacitly sent 500,000 troops to attack the border of the Dali Dynasty. In this way, they put pressure on the Dali Dynasty in an attempt to delay the Dali offensive. At the same time, they also sent 500,000 troops each to support the Dajiang Dynasty.

Although these two countries have made great gestures, they have not actually tried their best. The attack on Dali is real. It would be good if they could break through the border of Dali. Even if they fail, it doesn't matter. As for the crisis suffered by Dajiang, they are even happy to see it succeed.

Dajiang was beaten so badly, so naturally he had to rely on these two countries. In this way, it couldn't be easier to scrape a layer of oil and water from Dajiang Dynasty.

The Dajiang Dynasty has assembled an army of 1.5 million, plus the troops of 500,000 each supported by the Sanluo Golden Wolf Dynasty, for a total of 2.5 million, to give Dali's army a head-on attack!

They have even planned that after annihilating the rebel army in Dali, their army will march southward from Xieyang City to attack Dali. Only then will the Golden Wolf Dynasty and the Sanluo Dynasty really contribute, and then the Three Kingdoms will be divided in one fell swoop.

Out of bounds.

These three countries did not underestimate Dali, but they did not believe that Dali could withstand the joint attack of the three countries at the same time, even though they still had sufficient confidence after knowing the terrifying combat power of the Leihuo Army.

Why did the three countries keep an eye on Da Li instead of stabbing San Luo and Jin Lang in the back while Da Jiang was weak?

There are two reasons. First, Dali is located in the south and has a good environment. Second, it is because Dali is easy to bully. One of the mythical realms of Dali has died. With this starting point, if you don't bully, who will you bully?

On the 23rd day since the Dali army penetrated two thousand miles into the hinterland of Dajiang and captured nearly one-fifth of Dajiang Dynasty's territory, counting from the time when Nanyang City troops were divided into three groups, Dajiang Dynasty was finally ready.

A total of 2.5 million troops from the three countries gathered together at Dajiang Dynasty Xingluoyuan, intending to wipe out the hundreds of thousands of troops who were deep in Dali in one fell swoop.

Naturally, it was impossible for Dali not to know about such a huge movement, so the troops divided into three groups gathered together to prepare for the battle.

This battle is the key. If it is won, Dali's army will be able to command the capital of Dajiang with real overwhelming force!

This chapter has been completed!
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