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Four hundred and thirtieth chapters three little things

Even if the sky falls, the living will always have to live their lives. A few days after the villagers who were injured and killed during the expedition were buried, the life in Xiaoxi Village returned to the peace of the past. However, for the families of the dead villagers, they want to completely get out of their hearts.

The pain is not that easy, it takes time to smooth over little by little.

However, when time passes and the sea changes, who will still remember whom? Perhaps when you are alive, you can do more happy things and leave more traces of your existence, then life will be meaningful...

There were less than ten days left before the New Year Festival. The weather was gloomy that day. When Yunjing got up and went downstairs, he saw his brother Yundong sitting on the doorstep and staring into the distance in a daze.

Yunjing, who was about to go to town to bring back the custom-made stove, couldn't help but curiously asked: "Xiaodong, what are you doing, aren't you cold?"

"Brother, please leave me alone, I have something on my mind." Yundong pretended to be serious and serious, as if he was thinking about life.

Yun Jing couldn't laugh or cry, you are the only one who has something to worry about, a kid like this is probably idle, just give him a good beating...

After thinking about it, why did Yunjing go to beat his brother for fun when he had nothing to do? He smiled and said: "Hey, I have something to worry about. Let me talk to you and give you some advice. Could it be that I like some girl? If so,

Our family's current conditions are not bad, how about asking someone to propose marriage for you?"

Yundong looked at Yunjing speechlessly and said, "Brother, where did you go? I'm not interested in girls now..."

"Mom, it's weird. Your Yundong doesn't like girls. Could it be that he's stupid in studying? What if he likes a boy..." Yun Xi, who was rubbing her eyes, was still not quite awake. When she heard Yundong

He suddenly woke up and went to my mother to report this terrible situation.

Yundong covered his face, he hadn't posted anything these days, what the hell, this little girl's character can make anyone angry to death.

Yun Jing was also dumbfounded. He sat down next to Yun Dong and asked, "Ignore her and tell me, what are you thinking about?"

After thinking about it for a while, Yundong glanced in the direction of the back mountain, and said in a melancholy tone: "Brother, if Third Uncle and the others had gone to serve as soldiers, if they had had martial arts, I'm afraid such a tragedy wouldn't have happened, right?


"How could you have such an idea?" Yun Jing said dumbly.

Lowering his head and watching an ant crawling around at his feet, Yundong said: "I had this idea since that day. When I saw the ashes of my third uncle and his family coming back, I felt very uncomfortable. Then I was thinking,

Only when you are strong can you control your own destiny, otherwise you can only be like a piece of grass, with a little bit of wind and rain, your destiny cannot be controlled by you."

Huh? My little brother actually thinks so much?

Yunjing raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Yun Dong, and then realized that he had reached a critical period of growth.

After thinking about it, Yun Jing said: "Xiaodong, you are right, but not entirely right."

"How do you say that?" Yundong was stunned. This was the first real heart-to-heart talk between the two brothers.

Yunjing said seriously: "The strength you are referring to is only in terms of force, but what I want to tell you is that a person's real strength does not refer to one aspect, but is all-round strength.

The power of force is only to arm our bodies. Without the wisdom to match it, we will only become reckless. If we are not careful, we will become other people's pawns at the mercy of others. In addition to force, wisdom is also crucial. Wisdom is armed

What is important is that our brains, with enough wisdom, will allow us to have a better grasp of the overall situation and people's hearts, and can avoid a lot of troubles. Do you understand what I am saying?"

"I understand, but I understand completely," Yundong muttered, and then added: "But brother, whether it is force or wisdom, if you can achieve the ultimate in one aspect, wouldn't you also be able to control your own destiny?"

I actually can't refute it...

Yunjing's mouth twitched, he shook his head and smiled: "Your statement is correct, but the crux of the question is, how many people can achieve the ultimate in touching? In terms of pure force, even if they become legendary in the world,

Can you truly control your own destiny if you are in a free state? In other words, if you simply do knowledge, even if you are knowledgeable and powerful, you can control your own destiny? So, you think too much and cannot master certain aspects.

To achieve the ultimate, you can only make up for your shortcomings from other aspects.”

Yundong's eyes were full of mosquito coils, and he blinked: "Brother, I don't understand what you are saying at all."

Then am I not playing the piano to a cow?

In fact, at Yundong's age, he really couldn't understand what he said to him, and then stood up and said: "Then you can think about it slowly. In fact, you can think of so much from what happened to the third uncle and the others, which is good, but

There is actually no point in thinking about these things, because we humans, living in this world, just live well in the present, and who can say clearly what will happen in the future."

Looking at Yun Jing's back, Yundong muttered blankly: "So what did my brother and I say?"

It's not on the same channel at all.

Then Yundong continued to stare at the sky in a daze. His own problem was not solved. In fact, after he saw the ashes of the villagers who returned from the expedition, he felt a sense of crisis in his heart, fearing that this would happen to him one day.

Then the idea of ​​becoming stronger came to mind.

But he is still young, and the concept of so-called power is very vague, and he does not know how to operate it in detail.

Well, young people are starting to have their own troubles and thoughts. For these things, Yunjing, the elder brother, can only remind him that real growth still depends on himself.

When Yun Jing went out, he shook his head secretly in his heart. Look, this is what happens when you read half a bucket of water. You have ideas, but you can't figure them out. You are at a loss. You haven't even figured out the concept. Can you figure it out?

That's weird.

Soon after Yunjing came to town, the blacksmith shop had already built several stoves. Yunjing first moved one to his wife's house and installed it for use. The house was warm and he received heartfelt praise from his wife.

After staying at his wife's house for a while, Yunjing gave a stove to Mr. Yang Yungong's house. In the process, he and Yang Yungong chatted for a while, and then he said goodbye and left. Finally, Yang Yungong also gave Yunjing a book.

In the end, Yunjing went home carrying a stove. Currently, the blacksmith shop has only built three of them. The other Yunjings will be built and sent to the corresponding people.

When the stove at home is turned on, the whole house is warm and hot water is available at any time. The whole family is very happy.

Young people's thoughts are changeable. After half a day, Yundong no longer bothered about the morning's problem. He was playing with the chicken he raised at home. After a while, he actually developed feelings...

By the fire, after Yunshan fully understood this new thing, he looked at Yunjing and said: "Xiao Jing, this stove is good, warm and convenient. If you have time, you can make one for your aunt. She lives alone and has this thing."

It’s also a lot more convenient.”

"Don't worry, dad. I have already made arrangements. However, the blacksmith shop has limited manpower and has not been able to build it yet. I will send it to my aunt as soon as possible," Yun Jing said with a smile.

Nodding, Yunshan was no longer entangled. His son has had his own opinions since he was a child, and he couldn't help but ask: "Boss, I think you have been busy with this and that during the time you came back. What are you going to do next?"

What to do?”

When something goes wrong, I'll be Xiao Jing, and when nothing goes wrong, I'll be the boss. Dad, you are too realistic...

Muttering in his heart, Yun Jing said, "Dad, why do you ask that?"

"I am your father, why do you need to ask about your future plans?" Yunshan suddenly took out his father's hegemony and glared.

You are the father, I can't afford to offend you.

So Yunjing thought for a while and said: "There are many things to do next, prepare for the exam, and strive to win the title of Juren in the next two years, but this is not urgent, and I am sure. For now, I plan to clean up our yard

Next, we will lay stone slabs in the yard so that there will not be too much muddy water in and out. The stone slabs will make the yard flat and convenient for drying things in summer and autumn. Then we will also prepare a pavilion in the yard where we can enjoy the breeze and drink tea when we have nothing to do.

It’s also good to read a book.”

"If you think about all the bells and whistles, if you have the time, since you have to prepare for the exam, why don't you read more books?" Yunshan curled his lips and said, not understanding the elegance and enjoyment of scholars at all.

Feeling that there was a generation gap with his son and that he couldn't continue chatting, Yunshan simply got up and prepared to find someone to have a drink and chat. After all, idleness in this winter is idleness. When he went out, he did not forget to drop a sentence and said: "

What about paving stone slabs in the yard and building a pavilion? Please hurry up. I don’t have enough money to find your mother..."

Do you still need money to build a yard? Yun Jingxin said, Dad, you underestimate me too much.

Then don’t you think those fancy things and asking me to fix them faster mean what they mean?

When Yun Dong saw his father leaving, he turned around and winked at Yun Jing and said, "Brother, you've seen it, our father is so duplicitous. In fact, he really wants to see what kind of flowers you have planted in the yard.

, although he doesn’t have so many ideas, it doesn’t stop him from enjoying it.”

"Yes, I completely agree." Yun Jing nodded. The two brothers reached a consensus and then looked at each other and smiled.

Renovating the yard to improve the cloudscape was not a temporary idea. It had been an idea for a long time, but he only had time to implement it now. Not only was he renovating the yard, he was also planning to build a kang for his home, and then provide running water and the entire toilet.

Now that conditions permit, it’s time to put together the supporting facilities and enjoy them.

Moreover, Yunjing has already made a plan in his mind. He will go to find a barren hill in the mountains to cut the stone slabs for paving the yard. Then he will drag Dahei back with him. The wood for the pavilion also has a forest at home, so he can just cut down a few trees.

Enough, with the means he has now, it is very convenient to do this. In fact, what Yunjing prefers is the fun of doing it himself.

You can make your home the way you want by yourself, and it will be very comfortable just thinking about it.

"When the time comes, your kid will also have to help me. Even if you are idle, you will be idle." After thinking about it for a while, Yunjing looked at Yundong and said, and decided to recruit his strong man. Well, the two brothers will work together to tidy up the yard before the New Year Festival.


"Brother, I think you can do it alone," Yundong said, shrinking his neck.

Yunjing looked at him sideways: "Huh?"

"No problem, just do whatever you say!"

That's pretty much it.

Yunjing is a man of action. Now that he has made a decision, he no longer hesitates. He plans to get the materials ready today, so he gets up and goes out to prepare to go into the mountains to lay the stone slabs for the yard.

As soon as the door opened, Grandpa Yunlin walked towards me.

"Xiao Jing, are you ready to go out?" Yun Lin asked curiously.

Nodding, Yunjing said, "I'm going to go into the mountains. Is there something wrong with Grandpa?"

He didn't worry about what Yunjing was doing in the mountains. Anyway, his grandson was very capable. Yunlin said, "It's nothing. I just want to tell you that I have discussed the road construction with the villagers."

"Have we discussed it? What do you think?" Yunjing returned to the house and decided to find out more about this matter.

Yun Lin also came into the room and sat down, took a sip of steaming tea, said something comfortable, and then said: "Actually, not only do everyone have no opinions on the road construction, but they are very positive. After all, it is really inconvenient to go out on this road.

, and now that everyone’s conditions are getting better, I think it’s time to straighten the road. When I mentioned it, they all actively agreed.”

Yun Jing nodded secretly, knowing early on that this matter was not a big problem, it was just that no one mentioned it before.

Then Yunlin added: "To be specific, we have discussed and decided to do this. First, measure how long the road is and how much it will cost, and then raise funds according to each household. If we purely rely on the village to raise funds to spend money to build the road,

We definitely can't afford that much money, but in terms of labor, each family can save a lot of money, and then the people who contribute can eat at home, which can also save a lot of expenses. When building roads, these materials are used

They are all nearby. In fact, the main expense is the loss of tools, so the problem is not big. There are no dangerous places on that road. It is almost all widened and leveled. There are not many places that require major construction. Well, everyone thinks it can be done before the end of next year.

Make the road right”

After hearing what grandpa said briefly, Yunjing actually knew that it would not be that simple after the actual construction started, but the problem was not big, so he pondered a little and said: "Grandpa, just take care of this matter. If there is any need for your grandson's help, please feel free to ask."

"And then, if we build roads next year, can everyone spare time? After all, road construction requires strong labor, so don't delay things in the fields."

"Don't worry about that. The conditions in the village are getting better now. Most families have cattle. Except for the busy farming season and the autumn harvest, we can spare our hands at other times," Yun Lin said with a smile.

In fact, Yunlin feels a little sad in his heart. Nowadays, every household in the village has enough food and clothing, almost every household has moved into a new house, and most of them have cattle for farming. Such days were once unimaginable, but now they have come true.

Well, when did these days begin?

It seems that the emergence of farmyard manure...

"Since there are no worries about farming, let's do it," Yun Jing said with a smile, then patted his forehead and said, "By the way, grandpa, there is an organization called the Relief Society in the dynasty, which was probably established under the leadership of the second prince.

, many large households have donated money to the cooperative to do good things. Our village needs to build roads, which is related to people's livelihood. I will take some time to ask if I can apply for a sum of money. If so, the villagers can save a lot by raising funds."

"Is there such a good thing?" Yun Lin stared slightly, having never heard of a relief society at all.

Don't mention it, when it comes to this, Yunjing's mind becomes active. There are big dogs who can harvest the wool, so why should the Kuhaha villagers contribute money and efforts?

The purpose of the relief society is to help people build bridges and pave roads. Now, isn't the road construction in Xiaoxi Village in line with the original intention of the relief society?

If he comes forward, it is not a big problem to apply for a sum of money. If necessary, Yunjing does not mind going to the president... Anyway, this is not to enrich his own pocket, but to truly do things for the people at the bottom.

Thinking of this, Yun Jing smiled and said: "Grandpa, there is indeed such a thing. Our place is remote. You haven't heard of it. It's normal. Leave it to me. I should be able to apply for a sum of money. The Relief Society will send people to pay attention.

Fund movements, this is normal, and then, maybe they will send special road construction personnel to give guidance, which can save a lot of trouble."

The more Yun Lin listened, the more dreamy he became, and he said dumbfoundedly: "Why does it sound unreliable to me? If you continue to say so, Xiao Jing, we might as well not have to pay for our villagers and money, and they will just fix it for us, haha..."

"It's not impossible," Yun Jing pondered.

Yun Lin didn't believe it at all, shook his head and said: "Okay, anyway, the road construction project has been implemented. After the New Year Festival, the busy farming will begin. After the initial period of busy work, I will discuss with everyone to start the construction.

, we hope that by the end of next year everyone can go to the town through spacious roads.”

"Grandpa, you can make the decision, and I will use this time to find a way to apply for the funds," Yun Dingding nodded and smiled.

His family is indeed not short of money, and it is not a big deal to directly use the money to build this road, but that is not the way to be a human being. It will create a barrier with the villagers. People, if you stand too high, you will not be gregarious and get along.

It will be very awkward, after all, my family still lives in Xiaoxi Village.

However, there is no problem in taking benefits from the dynasty. They are national welfare, not showy charity from the Yunjing family, and the funds are used through Yunjing to help everyone save money.

Things to get.

It was unrealistic to start road construction immediately. Yunjing returned to the present and started to tidy up his own yard. After discussing it with his grandfather, Yunjing went out into the mountains to find stones for paving the yard.

Xiaoxi Village is located in a remote place, surrounded by many unclaimed barren mountains. After wandering around, Yunjing found a suitable stone, a kind of bluestone with good texture, not far from home, only a kilometer or two.

With Dahei's physical strength, he could transport back enough stone slabs to pave the yard with a few more trips. After all, Yunjing didn't want to cover the whole yard, and he still had to leave a vegetable garden, flower bed, pond and pavilion area.

Since you want to clean up the yard, then do it well and make it look the way you like, so that you can live comfortably.

After finding the stone, Yunjing began to cut the stone slabs.

Cutting stone slabs is not difficult for him. He uses a set of iron-cutting sword techniques from a distance to cut the stone slabs one by one like cutting tofu.

The Iron Cutting Sword Technique is a powerful sword technique that is used by those who practice martial arts in the later stages of the acquired life to coordinate with their internal strength. When used normally, the internal force is applied to the sword body, which will form a sharp sword energy. When practiced to the extreme, the sword energy formed in the later stages of acquisition can be as strong as two

Three feet.

But at this moment, Yunjing used spiritual energy to simulate the path of the iron-cutting sword technique through the air, but the execution was completely different.

The spiritual energy forms a two-meter-long golden edge, which is like substance. It is easy to cut through gold and jade. In front of this edge, a mid- to late-stage Xiantian warrior will probably be cut to pieces in an instant if he does not have powerful body-protecting techniques.


Such methods are now used by Yunjing to cut stones... I can only say that he is happy.

At the foot of a barren bluestone mountain, Yun Jing used his mind to pull away the snow, and saw a golden edge flying up and down, going in and out of the stone wall from time to time. The bluestone was cut into pieces of one-size-fits-all stone slabs, which were stacked neatly.

The stone slabs are five centimeters thick and half a meter square. They are very suitable for paving the yard.

When they were almost done, Yunjing stopped and went home. The day was almost over and he would start to clean up the yard tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Yunjing put on coarse clothes, lifted Yundong out of his warm bed, brought him to the yard, threw him a hoe, and asked him to level the ground according to the lines that Yunjing had drawn in advance.

Yundong couldn't resist, so he could only wave his hoe while thinking vaguely.

In the middle of winter, Yunshan and Yunlin had nothing to do. They joined in the activity of leveling the yard and were very motivated. After all, they wanted to build a good home. Their generation had an ancestral home plot. That was a hundred

It was a pleasure, and as a result, Yun Dong, who was still quite critical of it, didn't even dare to fart.

After the arrangements were made, Yunjing took Dahei to transport the slates, and hung two large baskets on Dahei's back. He could carry ten or twenty yuan back at a time. After all, Dahei was not an ordinary farm cow, he could be regarded as an alien.

He is a beast, and his strength and endurance are beyond ordinary people's imagination. If he were not afraid of attracting too much attention, Yunjing estimated that Dahei would have no problem transporting thirty-four yuan at a time...

After all, the repairs to the yard at home could not be hidden from the villagers, and they were idle. When Yunjing took Dahei to transport the stone slabs for the third time, some villagers actually came to help.

The villagers were so enthusiastic, and Yunjing was happy to see the result. It was nothing more than a few more pairs of chopsticks for the meal.

Not to mention, this kind of life away from fighting, killing, and intrigue is quite good. It is fulfilling and happy. I personally make my home the way I like it. This sense of accomplishment is not as happy as competing in a martial arts competition to see how many people are in the limelight.


Of course, although this kind of small life away from right and wrong is comfortable, it will become boring after a long time. However, there are ways to adjust Yun Jing's boring mood. It is not yet time to get tired of it, so let him wait for a while.

Paving the yard with flagstones is not a technical task. Just level and tamp the ground, install the flagstones, and fill in the gaps with lime joints. In just three days, Yunjing's yard was almost ready.

The smooth and smooth stone floor looks comfortable.

The yard is not entirely paved with stone slabs. Yunjing has left about a part of the vegetable plot, and then planned the location of a small pond flower bed and a pavilion. In the coming year, flowers will be planted in the flower bed and water lilies will be raised in the pond.

It's very comfortable. I can drink a glass of wine in the pavilion and enjoy the breeze. Oh, those little days are beautiful just thinking about it.

After the yard was paved, Yunjing began to build a pavilion. A few logs of wood were enough to make the pavilion. There was no need to make it too elaborate. It had to be combined with the fantasy elements of the countryside. It couldn't be too far away from the general environment. Just be simple and unpretentious.

Then there’s the toilet…

The busy days always passed quickly. After his yard was completely renewed, the annual New Year Festival also arrived.

After the New Year Festival, the new year will come.

This chapter has been completed!
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