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Chapter 452: Under the pressure that this age should not bear

The light rain kept falling, the clouds were very low, and the world seemed a bit gloomy even during the day.

The cloud scenery is hidden above the clouds, and 'Xiao Qiang' is following the ground all the way to pick out remote places.

Xiaoqiang is the nickname given by Yunjing to the guy with the ‘immortality’. After all, ‘can’t be killed’, isn’t this enough for Xiaoqiang?

"Hurry up, we are already hundreds of miles away from Jiangzhou, and we haven't arrived yet?" Yunjing muttered in his mind, a little bored.

For him, Xiaoqiang on the ground was too slow, but he had to say that the guy was vigilant enough. He often took detours on purpose, as if to prevent the pursuers from following him, but he never dreamed that someone would be so far away in the sky.

Follow him.

"I originally said that I would accompany my family to weed the fields early this morning, but this delay was no longer an option. Afterwards, I didn't know how my mother would nag me, saying that I should ask someone to help me take a message home, but I ran away without knowing why.

It’s not a big deal if I’m missing. Maybe my family thought I had gone to Goulan..."

Yunjing thought to himself, this person would think of random things when he gets bored.

Following along, Yunjing discovered that the place where 'Xiaoqiang' ran was gradually getting more and more remote, running all the way to deep mountains and old forests, so that Yunjing could see the vast Li River during breakfast.

The Li River, which almost runs through the Dali Dynasty, passes through Jiangzhou, hence its name.

It can be seen from the name Jiangzhou that the water system in this land is very developed. In fact, Jiangzhou not only has the Li River, but also dozens of other large and small rivers. It’s just that those rivers are not as famous as the Li River. What about the other several rivers?

Most of the ten rivers are tributaries of the Li River.

Xiaoqiang headed upstream along the wilderness along the Li River, then turned into a 100-meter-wide tributary and headed deep into the mountains. After going dozens of miles into the mountains, his figure finally stopped on a cliff.

Have you arrived?

Yunjing's heart moved and he began to observe this area.

This area is deserted, and there are no traces of human activity. If the organization's headquarters is here, what's the point? After all, they want to cause trouble, so why don't they go to densely populated areas as much as possible?

"Maybe they can't see the light of day yet, so they can only hide it as much as possible, even if it's a little troublesome..." Thoughts flashed in his mind, and Yun Jing could only think about it this way.

On the edge of the cliff at the foot of 'Xiaoqiang', a tributary of the Li River, a ship more than 40 meters long came towards the water, then crashed into the cliff and disappeared.

Of course, it didn't really disappear out of thin air, but because of the angle, the ship entered a cave on the cliff.

There were quite a few people on the boat, three to four hundred in total. Except for a dozen or twenty martial arts practitioners in the acquired realm, the others were all children of about ten years old!

All the children looked the same, and they were all frightened and anxious, but none of them dared to cry. If anyone cried, the people who were in charge of them would whip them with whips, completely ignoring that they were just children and would kill them sincerely.


Under Yun Jing's observation, the martial arts practitioners on the boat were similar to Zhang Wang and others, with a parasite in their head...

You don't need to think about Yun Jing to think that those people were controlled and helped to kidnap children for evil organizations, and now they are brought here.

Hundreds of kids!

This is just what Yunjing saw. How many things did he not see?

Behind every child is a family. How sad and sad is the family’s disappearance?

A flash of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and Yun Jing suppressed the anger in his heart and continued to observe.

"So, is the base of this evil organization in an underground cave? Then why do they kidnap children here? Furthermore, is this their only stronghold?"

While Yun Jing continued to observe secretly, Xiao Qiang, who was following him, jumped off the cliff, stepped onto the boat and entered the cave.

After carefully observing the surface of this area, Yunjing discovered that in this desolate place, there were actually many hidden sentries. They were just ordinary martial arts practitioners. They did not even have the innate realm. Without exception, they had no brains.

There is a parasite inside.

"These martial arts practitioners parasitized by insects must be the lowest-level spiritual servants in this organization. They are responsible for distracting various parties to kidnap children, and are responsible for guarding the surroundings of the lair..."

After observing the surface of the earth clearly, Yunjing began to observe the underground, just "at a glance". If the anger could be turned into a real flame, I am afraid that the anger in Yunjing's eyes would be enough to burn the sky and boil the sea in this life!

The cave on the cliff went deep into the mountain. The boat carrying the children sailed on the water and docked after more than a thousand meters. The children were driven off the boat like ducks by the whip.

There, a special person took away the children. When the children were all off, the cargo ship turned around and returned outside the cave. It had obviously completed its mission and left to transport the next batch.

In the process, each of the spiritual servants on the ship was rewarded with a blood-red pill, which they eagerly swallowed after being grateful.

After they swallowed the blood-red pills, the restless bugs in their heads calmed down. From this, Yunjing deduced that the pills were used to appease the bugs parasitic in the spirit servant's head.

What would happen if they didn't have that pill to soothe them? The bugs would kill them right inside their heads?

The exact circumstances of Yunjing are unknown. He did not happen to see the fate of the spiritual servant who did not get the pill...

The cave in the heart of the mountain is very large and extends in all directions. It has been artificially repaired and the traces have not been visible for a long time. It is an excellent hiding place. There are torches, candles and burning braziers everywhere inside, illuminating the cave.

In the cave, there were forty or fifty people wearing special black robes like 'Xiaoqiang' and the others, and five people wearing blood-red robes, but the majority were children and ordinary martial arts practitioners.

There are thousands of children, who are imprisoned in special places. There are also two to three hundred people practicing martial arts, and there are more than ten innate masters.

"Those five people wearing blood-colored robes are probably the so-called holy envoys. The other people in black robes should be saints, and then there are hundreds of spiritual servants of ordinary martial arts practitioners... This is an extremely terrifying force.

The power, dozens of saints with strange abilities and a few obviously more powerful holy envoys, if they are desperate to cause trouble... I can't imagine what it will be like!"

Silently observing the situation in the underground cave, Yun Jing quickly discovered that they seemed to be divided into five parts. This was easy to distinguish, as can be seen from the patterns on their robes.

In addition to the three patterns of abstract spiders, eyeballs, and a pool of blood, Yunjing saw two different patterns. The two new patterns were a black fish scale-like pattern and a feather pattern surrounded by black mist.

"People with abstract spider patterns on their robes can control hair, people with eyeball patterns can control animals and people, and people with a pool of blood pattern are almost immortal. I have seen the means represented by these three patterns, so

What kind of abilities do people with fish scales and feather patterns have? Could it be water fighting and sky fighting?"

Unless you see it with your own eyes, you can't know the cloud scenery. These guys are too evil to be judged by common sense.

There are dozens of guys with evil skills. Thinking of the scene of dealing with Xie Tong and the others last night, if these dozens of people united to take action, Yun Jing would feel a little numb just thinking about the scene.

These situations can all be observed at a glance, but what made Yunjing furious was that he saw the corpses of thousands of children in a remote place in the cave!

All were in their teens, and the cause of death was that their hearts were pierced with a sharp knife.

Thousands of children's corpses are piled up, some have been dead for some time, the corpses are rotting, and some are obviously not dead long...

Those eyes that have lost their color seem to still contain infinite attachment to life, but more of the fear and helplessness before death.

"They came here to kidnap the child, but they stabbed the heart and drained the blood before killing him!"

Yun Jing felt cold all over, how could they do it? The anger in his heart almost overwhelmed his reason, and he desperately went out to kill these pigs and dogs.

The dead are dead, but the children who are still alive must not suffer their poisonous hands again!

Resisting the impulse in his heart, Yunjing continued to observe, and he was also thinking about how many people would be needed to wipe out this place in one fell swoop, and at the same time, he had to rescue the children while ensuring their safety.

There is a very special place in the underground cave. It is a natural hall with a radius of several hundred meters.

The reason why that place is special is because there are five holy envoys wearing blood-colored robes. They kneel on the ground in a circle with great piety, and in the center of the five of them is a pool less than two meters in diameter.


The pool in their center was full of dark red blood, and the source of the blood, no need to think about it, must be from those kidnapped children!

Such a big pool, two or three meters deep, filled with blood, how many people would have to be killed?

There are complex and strange patterns on the ground around the blood pool with a radius of 100 meters. The patterns are blood red, blooming with dense blood light, and are extremely evil.

Moreover, the blood pool was not calm either. The blood inside was surging and rolling, and insects could be vaguely seen squirming and swimming around in the blood pool, making people's scalp numb.

"So, that blood pool is the so-called mother's nest? And those bugs that die 'normally' will return here to breed again through a special method? And the blood of the child is the nutrient solution that breeds bugs?"

These thoughts flashed through Yunjing's mind when he saw the blood pool, but he vaguely felt that the surging blood pool seemed to be connected to some distant and evil place because of the strange patterns around it...

Five holy envoys wearing blood-colored robes knelt devoutly around the blood pool, muttering words that Yunjing could not understand at all. Those words were not any language that Yunjing knew.

They seem to be praying?


Suddenly, the strange patterns around the blood pool glowed brightly, making the entire dark and gloomy cave glow with blood.

At the same time, the blood in the blood pool rose up endlessly, and the blood even gushed out of the pool more than two meters high. The blood gushing out of the pool did not flow in all directions, but formed a strange face in the air.


The face was twisting and changing, intertwining into five different forms.

When the bloody face appeared, words came out of his mouth that Yun Jing couldn't understand at all. The voice was evil and weird, which made people feel uncomfortable.

When that face appeared, the five saints around them stopped praying, and their bodies were trembling, not with fear, but with excitement that reached the extreme of fanaticism.

The face only appeared for about ten breaths, and it seemed that it had finished what it needed to say, and then five pieces of blood flew out and submerged into the bodies of the five surrounding holy envoys.

After receiving the blood light, the five saints seemed to be relaxed and comfortable, and at the same time, the auras on their bodies became stronger and stronger.

They seemed to have contacted someone in a distant and unknown place through prayer, and then received a reward.

Perhaps they were not connected to one person, but to five, after all, that face changed into five forms.

Those five faces may represent the so-called Holy Lord of this organization?

The face disappeared and turned into blood again and fell into the pool. At the same time, the blood-colored light with strange patterns around it also weakened.

It can be seen with the naked eye that when everything calmed down, the blood in the pool decreased by about one-third, so that every insect in it was somewhat stranded...

Only then did the five holy envoys in blood-colored robes stand up, stay away from the blood pool, and communicate in Dali Mandarin.

"There is always not enough blood. Every time we communicate with the Holy Lord, we consume so much. I will have someone kill another batch of children later to replenish all the previous consumption."

"This is simple. We still have many children here. But the problem is that our large-scale kidnapping of children has attracted the attention of the government. It will become more and more difficult to kidnap children. After all, the Holy Lord needs pure children.

The blood of boys and girls, the more outstanding the blood saint, the more they like it. However, such children often come from well-off families. The families behind them put pressure on the government, so it is even more difficult for us to find them. Moreover, such children are not

If you catch one weed, you will lose one, and it will take time for the other ones to grow up.”

"This is indeed a problem, but the Dali Dynasty is very large and has a large population. To catch them in a distant place is nothing more than controlling more spiritual servants. As long as there is enough blood, the holy insects will be continuously cultivated, and spiritual insects will be cultivated continuously.

Have as many servants as you want!"

"As for the government, we don't have to worry about it. Now that we have passed the most difficult stage, it's okay if we don't cause trouble to the government. If the government doesn't understand, hehe, just expose it."

"That's what I said, but we haven't done anything we want, so it's always right to be more cautious. The five of us have received the gift of the Holy Lord, and our methods are no longer afraid of the true artistic conception. But don't forget how powerful the power of the dynasty is.

, there are many true artistic conceptions, and there is also a mythical realm, which is not something we can provoke at the moment, especially now that there is a Xiaoyao realm in the Dali Dynasty..."

"The problems you mentioned are not big, so what about the Mythical Realm? Soon, when we become stronger, we will directly massacre the city and sacrifice tens of millions of people. At that time, the Holy Lord will be able to condense the clones with the sacrificed life and come, Mythology

There is nothing to worry about, there is a clone of the Holy Lord to deal with it. As for the newly emerged free realm, I am afraid that I have contacted other people to carry out the so-called mission. I have no time to take care of myself. How can I spare the time to take care of our little troubles?"

"That's right, Xiaoyaojing has their own affairs. The so-called Xiaoyao, Xiaoyao is nothing. Only when you stand at such a height do you know what you will be carrying. Having said that, you have to thank the new Xiaoyaojing who appeared in the Dali Dynasty.

Although his appearance has added a new force to the world, it is also because of him that other people came to look for him, which allowed several holy masters to find opportunities to quietly send the holy insects out, otherwise where would we be today?"

"Yes, if that were not the case, where would we be today? Soon, very soon. After we contact the Holy Lord a few more times, and get the gifts and become stronger, we can sacrifice souls on a large scale to help the Holy Lord gather clones to come. Once the Holy Lord comes,

When the avatar of the Lord comes, it can quickly devour the living beings and become stronger. At that time, the inside and outside will cooperate, and the army of the Holy Lord will have the opportunity to break through the defense line and sweep across the world. At that time, as the pioneers of the coming of the Holy Lord, we will definitely receive the supreme gift of the Holy Lord!"

"I'm really looking forward to it when I think about it. When the Holy Lord rules the world, money and beauty, what we want will not be a matter of a word."

"Surface, money and beauty, how can there be strong power to be charming?"

"But we have to hurry up and don't let other places rush to help the Holy Lord gather the clones first. That will make us appear very incompetent."

"Yes, we can't let them take the lead. We are the most loyal envoys of the Holy Lord. I just don't know what steps other places have taken."

"No matter what they do, we just have to do our best. The Holy Lord sends out holy insects to scatter all over the world. Except for the Holy Lord, we can't contact them at all. In short, whoever helps the Holy Lord gather his clones first will be the biggest contributor.


"Okay, our first priority now is to catch more children and use their blood as sacrifices to contact the Holy Lord to get rewards and grow up. Only by being strong can we help the Holy Lord more."

"By the way, how is the investigation going on about the Holy Insect being taken out and killed?"

"I sent people to investigate last night. The results should be available soon. We were busy contacting the Holy Master but we ignored this..., huh? Two of the three people sent out last night actually died.

, the Holy Insect has returned to the Blood Pool Mother Nest, it’s a waste!”

"This matter must be investigated clearly and resolved. It is related to the coming of the Holy Lord and the plan cannot be lost. Blood Saint Zhao Gang is back. Ask him and kill him after asking. The Holy Lord lent them the power to do even this little thing.

If you don’t do it well, it’s a shame…”

After the five holy envoys had a brief exchange, they asked someone to bring Zhao Gang to inquire about the situation.

Blood saints are the unified title of all those who borrow the power of the Holy Lord. They borrow the power of the Blood Holy Lord and can be said to have "immortality", but this power comes from the so-called Holy Lord, not their own.

, and as a holy envoy, he has greater power and authority. Crushing a saint to death is no different from squeezing an ant to death.

Zhao Gang was the name of the Blood Saint whom Yunjing called Xiaoqiang. He was brought to the five holy envoys and explained in detail what he had encountered after going to investigate last night...

At this time, Yunjing, who was hidden above the clouds, was full of thoughts. The information revealed by the previous conversations between the holy envoys simply made him dumbfounded.

"An originally simple case of missing children actually involved such an extraordinary incident, and these things should not be known to the world!"

What exactly is their so-called Holy Master? There is more than one, and it seems that they are not yet in this world, so where are they? Another world? Or another space?

They deliberately brought the so-called holy insects to train apostles, and they were actually preparing for the arrival of their clones!

The reason why Xiaoyao Realm has always been a legend is because after they set foot on that level, they will bear the responsibilities of that level, so they disappeared from the "Xiaoyao" world. They have no time to show their saints in front of the world, and they have no way to escape.

Don't open your body...

Now it seems that those big guys in Xiaoyao Realm are clearly protecting the human race in a certain place to resist foreign enemies, and the enemy they face is probably the Holy Lord mentioned by the people below. The so-called Holy Lord is probably very powerful.

The level is similar to that of Xiaoyao Realm. Only Xiaoyao Realm can deal with it. Others are not even qualified to understand that side.

The problem is that there seems to be a flaw now, and there is a loophole in the defense line that the people of Xiaoyao Realm have been guarding tightly. This is how the following guys with strange abilities appear.

No wonder there is no freedom in the world. They are obviously trying their best and are not paying attention to being taken advantage of. How can there be a Gongfu who shows his sage to take care of the little things of the family, the country and the world?

"It was actually Liu Neng and Master Liu who set foot in the Xiaoyao Realm that caused such a flaw. After he set foot in the Xiaoyao Realm, the Xiaoyao Realms on the 'front line' felt it and came to find him. Because someone left, they were taken advantage of..."

Thoughts flicker in my mind, and the cloud scene is extremely melancholy. Drinking and pecking, there is a cause and effect relationship. Who can I ask to explain this kind of thing?

Obviously, Liu Neng's arrival in Xiaoyao Realm has added a new force to the human race, but because of him, the "frontline" sent people to look for him and there was an oversight!

So what exactly is the so-called Holy Lord?

"In short, we are not human beings. Human beings do not have such evil and weird methods. Human beings practice martial arts and reach the five realms. So far, as far as I know, humans do not have other cultivation systems. So here is the problem. Apart from enemies like the 'Holy Lord', humans

Besides, are there any other ethnic enemies? I’m afraid there are, but you have to be in Xiaoyao Realm to learn about these things.”

Thinking of this, Yunjing was speechless. What does this mean? The real beginning is after reaching the full level? Otherwise, he would not even be qualified to understand the truth of the world...

After withdrawing his thoughts and looking down, Yun Jing's eyes flashed, so these guys below were raped!

For things that are worse than pigs and dogs, it is not an exaggeration to die ten thousand times.

"The problem is serious. There are dozens of guys with weird methods below. Don't talk about me. Even sending troops to encircle and suppress them is difficult. Especially the safety of those children must be ensured. They are innocent. I hope your father-in-law and the others can do more.

Well, there are enough people and they are strong enough, otherwise big trouble will happen to one bad person. The key point is that in order to come to the world, those so-called Holy Lords arranged more than just this place. Where are the other ghosts?

, if it is not eliminated in advance, once the so-called Holy Lord comes, it will not be far from the end of life."

Faced with this kind of problem, Yun Jing was scratching his head. He was just a young man in the late stages of life, and knowing these things would put him under a lot of pressure.

This chapter has been completed!
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