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Chapter 468: The Palace of Longevity

The mountain is not high, only about 100 meters. It is located a thousand meters away from the left side of the road. There are green pines and green bamboos swaying in the wind.

The road from the official road to the foot of the mountain is paved with bluestones. A three-foot-high archway stands at the end of the road, with three large characters "Eternal Life Palace" written on it.

A stone path has been built from the foot of the mountain to the courtyard buildings on the mountain. The plants on both sides of the stone path have obviously been carefully pruned by the characters.

In the building on the mountain, there are bells, drums, tripods, furnaces, gongs, trumpets, and other ritual vessels placed in many places.

It is not a residential house. The main building is a symmetrical palace-like structure, similar to the layout of a Taoist temple.

In the largest hall in the courtyard, there is a statue of a clay figure about 10 feet high, wearing hemp clothes, holding a bamboo stick in his right hand, a bamboo slip in his left hand, and wearing a lotus crown on his head.

The clay sculpture with kind eyebrows and kind eyes slightly bows its head, as if looking down at all living beings.

Looking at the situation on the mountain from a distance, if Yunjing hadn't known that there was no such thing as the existence of gods and Buddhas in this world, the first thing he would have thought of was which gods were enshrined here.

In the buildings on the mountain, there was an endless stream of people coming to offer incense. There were businessmen, common people, scholars, and ladies. They all looked pious and went to the clay sculpture hall to kowtow to incense. They kept their heads closed when kowtowing.

Eyes pray.

Peaceful and quiet, in such an environment, it is easy to be infected by the atmosphere, and the mood can naturally return to calm. Although there are many people, it does not seem noisy, it is very harmonious, does not make people feel abrupt, and does not feel that human beings can guide it.

There, the people who maintained the continuity wore uniform blue robes, and even when they faced people in ragged clothes, they greeted them with smiles without the slightest hint of disgust.

In the words and deeds of those who maintained order, Yunjing actually felt a sense of "all beings are equal". It seemed that in their eyes, there was no distinction between high and low, rich and poor.

"The Palace of Eternal Life..." Yun Jing couldn't help but mutter in his heart. This place with an extremely strong religious atmosphere obviously didn't take long to build, no more than three years at most.

Under Yun Jing's observation, there was a clear division of labor among those who presided over the Changsheng Palace. The palace owner was obviously highly virtuous and respected, and ordinary people could not see him at all. There were deacons in each palace who were responsible for presiding over the incense offering process, and there were also young men in green clothes who were dedicated to receiving pilgrims.

Of course, there are places selling incense, candles and other items, there are also people who are responsible for recording donations from pilgrims, and there are even 'psychological counselors' who can help people to understand their mentality...

With all these things, Yun Jing thought he had seen the famous mountains and ancient temples in his previous life.

"There is actually a book of merit and deeds... Tsk." Yunjing couldn't help but marveled when he saw the booklet recording the donations. There were so many 'great benevolent people', and the number recorded on it was dozens of taels.

Donations ranging from a hundred taels to a thousand taels!

It should be noted that at present, coarse grains only cost one copper per catty, one tael of silver equals hundreds of kilograms of coarse grains, and one acre of land cannot produce hundreds of kilograms of grains. In this case, this Changsheng Palace’s method of making money is really a big deal.

What is the difference between donated money and free money?

The key point is that it was just a donation, not counting the money they made from selling incense candles and some disaster relief and safety items. Yun Jing felt that their money-making methods were a bit excessive.

I dared to charge one tael of silver for a wooden sign that said "Guarantee Peace", and the person who bought it didn't even bother to tell me the price. He was afraid that if he paid less, he wouldn't be able to guarantee peace, let alone an advanced gold, silver, and jade sign or even a dedicated person to help ward off disasters and pray for blessings.

Yun Jing summed it up and got an idea. This is the Changsheng Palace that came out of nowhere. It has a good reputation. People come in an endless stream to offer incense and pray for blessings. They all do so voluntarily. Then the Changsheng Palace earns

earned a lot

If it's just to make money, which smart person came up with the process? If there is an ulterior motive...

What exactly is this place is? It is difficult to make a conclusion for the time being. Further observation is needed.

Of course, his curiosity is not that serious. He just wants to understand that in a world without gods and Buddhas, only with the combination of high reading and extraordinary martial arts, such a prosperous place has appeared. He feels that it is unreasonable to not understand it.

"Ahead is the Palace of Eternal Life. After two days of driving, we are finally here. My granddaughter-in-law is about to give birth. With your blessing, I will definitely give birth to a boy."

"Don't worry, sister, as long as you pray sincerely, your Majesty will definitely bless you to get your wish."

"Of course I believe that Your Majesty can bless me, but I don't know if I have accumulated enough blessings."

"Your Majesty is selfless, as long as you are sincere..."

Two people passed by Yunjing. They were two elderly people. They talked and walked all the way to the Changsheng Palace.

"Great Master? Is that the name of the clay sculpture enshrined there? It seems that it has really become famous. Even country people like this know how to travel for several days to come and pray..." Yunjing looked at the Palace of Eternal Life on the mountain.

He groaned.

About half an hour later, Song Yan, who went to inquire about the news, came back.

"How was your inquiry?" Yunjing asked curiously. What he observed was only superficial, and what others said would be more specific.

Song Yan immediately replied: "Master, this place is called Qingzhu Mountain. On the mountain is a place called Changsheng Palace. We passed a small town before. Less than ten miles ahead is a county town, and a hundred miles away is Jiangzhou Prefecture.

The geographical location is probably like this, I won’t say more about it..."

The Changsheng Palace is geographically remote, but not completely remote. It is not too far away from the 'earthly world' and can be reached by people from several nearby major population centers within one day. It seems to have been specially measured.

Hearing this, Yun Jing nodded slightly and signaled Song Yan to continue.

Then Song Yan added: "According to my understanding, Qingzhu Mountain was still a barren mountain three years ago. One day, the owner of the Changsheng Palace, known as Mr. Baoshou, came here and funded the construction of the Changsheng Palace."

Mr. Baoshou, the title is quite normal, there is no such thing as a real-life Celestial Master or Dharma King. With this thought in his mind, Yunjing looked at the palace master who was known as Mr. Baoshou from afar.

He looks like a man in his fifties or sixties, with a white beard and white hair, but his skin is as healthy and rosy as a young man. He is wearing a gray moiré robe and looks like a fairy.

This person is very approachable, making it hard for anyone to feel bad about him. It's not that he has good looks, but that he has a true artistic conception. His lifespan is as long as that of an ordinary person, and is equivalent to the peak age of an ordinary person.

The true artistic conception, under the condition that the myth has not been extinct, is already the most powerful person in the world who can walk normally, and he actually goes to this barren mountain to build a place for people to burn incense and pray for blessings...

If it is just to make money, it is not necessary at all. It should be noted that in this realm, asking for money is too simple. You only need to reveal one idea. Many people are offering you money, mountains and silver. If you are not looking for money, then what are you looking for?

"At the beginning, this place was not well-known. Occasionally, some passersby passed by and communicated with Mr. Baoshou. Gradually, the reputation spread. How can I say it, it's a bit...a bit magical!"

Song Yan actually used the word "miraculous" to describe it, and the cloud scene aroused interest. How magical is it?

Having said this, Song Yan paused and continued: "Let's put it this way, young master, when people first communicated with Mr. Baoshou and were impressed by his words, maybe they were just curious, or they were seeking psychological comfort.

So I burn incense and pray here. After such people leave, I find that it is quite effective. For example, there is a heroine who is too good-looking to be flattered and finds a husband. For example, a family that has not had children for ten years is about to be wiped out.

For example, after praying for blessings, a child will come to you in old age; another example is a scholar, after praying for blessings, good luck, and he will be admitted to the imperial examination; another example is a seriously ill person, after praying for blessings, his illness will be cured inexplicably, and the list goes on!"

Is there such a thing?

Yunjing was shocked. If just burning incense and praying for blessings can do such a good thing, then why do you need to work hard? Why do you need to seek medical advice? Why don't everyone just burn incense and pray for blessings?

Suddenly Yunjing felt an aura of exaggerated propaganda coming towards his face.

After praying for efficacious results, coincidences will inevitably occur. In this way, if you promote a few typical examples, people would rather believe them. If a few coincidences appear in the future, there is no need to promote them at all. The 'facts' are before your eyes. In the current era,

The vast majority of people don't even know the cognitive level, so that's not a big deal.

As for those who say that prayers don’t work, who will care about you? It’s amazing that you are not sincere enough and you will think so.

To be honest, asking Yunjing to achieve such a level of trust in Changsheng Palace is not a matter of bragging or talking. It is because people's knowledge in this era is too shallow. There are indeed smart people, but

You know, three people can make a tiger. Once a large number of people are fooled, people have a herd mentality, and no matter how smart they are, they will be led astray.

As the saying goes, there are too many fools and not enough liars. It couldn’t be more appropriate to describe this era.

Yunjing does not rule out that Changsheng Palace has achieved its current popularity and scale through publicity and deception. In his opinion, such methods are just childish.

But again, what is that Mr. Baoshou doing? Is he just trying to make money?

Song Yan didn't know these thoughts that were passing through Yun Jing's mind, and continued: "There are so many efficacious examples. In this way, the reputation of the Changsheng Palace slowly spreads. As various efficacious things happen,

More and more people come to offer incense and pray for blessings. Especially with the help of many people who have fulfilled their wishes, in just three years, the Changsheng Palace has become so popular. From dignitaries to peddlers, people are interested in it.

It can be said that this place is very popular. I heard that the lord of the previous county is also a frequent visitor here. He often comes here to burn incense and pray for blessings. Even the state capital has many dignitaries who come here specially. We are here at an unusual time. If it is the mid-month meeting,

', this place is called a lively place”

Have they all reached this level? Gu

Yunjing thought to himself, if Mr. Baoshou had ulterior motives, the consequences would be serious. Yunjing is not sure yet whether people have been brainwashed, but some people have definitely reached that level.

And once people are brainwashed, have 'faith', and have spiritual sustenance, they will be desperate!

People in this era have never experienced the horror of brainwashing, so I'm afraid they don't take this kind of thing to heart at all. Maybe the current officials are still happy to see it happen and will regard it as a good thing...

"Then what is enshrined here is the 'Master Fu'an'. As long as you sincerely pray for blessings, it can play a role in eliminating disasters and solving problems, bringing happiness, longevity and tranquility. It is very effective. Many people believe it without doubt. There are many people who have experienced it. What kind of existence is Master Fu'an?"

I have never heard of it. I heard those people say that the Great Master Fu'an has been transcending the world for tens of thousands of years and occasionally brings blessings. Mr. Baoshou occasionally received the guidance of the Great Master Fu'an and erected a statue here to show the way to the world.

, as long as you pray sincerely, you will receive blessing gifts from the Great Master Fu'an."

Master Fu'an, is this name just a gimmick created by Mr. Baoshou?

As we all know, living people cannot become "gods", living people can only be believers and preachers of gods, so it is not surprising at all that Mr. Baoshou came up with the Yunjing of Fu'an Master.

Yunjing doesn't believe a dime about this. The highest level a person can achieve in this world is the realm of freedom. Even if he is in the realm of freedom, he only has a lifespan of a thousand years. The Great Master Fu'an tens of thousands of years ago, isn't this nonsense?

In tens of thousands of years, stones can be weathered into gravel, so how could the name of Great Master Fu'an be passed down? Then Mr. Baoshou has been given advice, why don't you go to heaven?

"By the way, there are also free distribution of books about the life and sayings of the Great Master Fu'an. If people sincerely recite the deeds and sayings of the Great Master Fu'an, they can ward off misfortunes and pray for blessings. I also went to get a few books because many people

There are people over there who specialize in reciting and explaining the reason why I am illiterate. No, that’s it. Master, please read it.”

After listening to what Song Yan said, Yunjing took the so-called life records and sayings of Master Fu'an that he had received for free and looked through them.

In this era, reading is not something that ordinary people can covet, so things like books are very expensive. The Changsheng Palace also distributes free explanation books. This investment is a bit high, but so far, the effect is remarkable.

There are five or six books in total that Song Yan brought. The top one is the life record of Master Fu'an, and the rest are quotations. These books are not thick, only more than ten pages, and at most less than thirty pages.

According to the life records of Fu'an Master, his origin is unclear. He was born tens of thousands of years ago. When he was born, there were flowers in the sky, golden lotuses blooming on the ground, and various strange phenomena. Fu'an Master was born in a poor family, and suffered all the sufferings in the world in his early years.

, he did not complain, but always had a kind heart. In summary, he had to help others even if he had not enough to eat. After such an experience, one day the Great Master Fu'an would be blessed by heaven, and all of a sudden

He has obtained countless magical powers and has been free from the world. He still has a benevolent heart and benefits the world. He is known as the Great Master Fu'an in the world. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the Great Master Fu'an has long disappeared in the long river of history. A few years ago, Mr. Baoshou

Only now is he known to the world after encountering someone worthy of his guidance.

This seems to be a compilation, and the compilation is not very good. Scholars who make a living by writing scripts are better than this. Yun Jing sneers at this. If he were to write it, he would definitely be able to portray the great Master Fu'an.

There is flesh and blood that makes people believe deeply, but there are people and there are traces to follow, instead of just blowing off the whole thing like above.

The problem is that people have become convinced of this, and people’s hearts are so deceived...

Then, the quotations about the Great Master Fu'an are similar in format to scriptures, with ups and downs, and they are all about advising people to do good, to endure hardship is blessing, not to complain, and God has justice.

After reading it, Yun Jing fell into deep thought.

So what exactly is Mr. Baoshou doing? To create a great master of Fu'an, from the current point of view, apart from making money conveniently, he is all about persuading people to do good.

Of course it is a good thing that people have kind hearts, but the higher the status of Master Fu'an in people's hearts, and as a person personally taught by Master Fu'an, Mr. Baoshou's status will naturally rise in people's hearts. If this cycle continues, one day,

Mr. Baoshou only needs one word, and the kindness of people will become his sharpest weapon!

Thinking of that situation, Yun Jing also felt a little numb.

At present, there is no conflict between Yunjing and Mr. Baoshou, and the other party has not done anything extraordinary. Even if he makes money, it is voluntary, reasonable and legal, and no one can find fault.

Yunjing is not an official, and he has not been deceived by him. He has no reason to trouble him.

But just turn a blind eye to this kind of thing? If you let it continue to develop...

With thoughts flickering in his mind, Yun Jing looked at Song Yan and said, "Xiao Song, what do you think about this Palace of Eternal Life?"

"Young Master, I don't know either." Song Yan shook his head first, then organized his words and said: "Normally speaking, this is actually quite good. People come here to burn incense and pray for blessings. Regardless of whether it is effective or not, there is always a mentality.

Comfort, and moreover, they listened and studied the "teachings" of the Great Master Fu'an. It is a good thing that people's hearts are kind. Especially I heard that Mr. Baoshou is not a money-grubbing person. He takes all the money donated by people.

He has done good deeds, built bridges and paved roads, and helped the desperate. When people mention him, they are all grateful and admire him. However, Mr. Baoshou does not seek fame and wealth, but only does good deeds. Now he rarely sees people, because he is afraid that others will come to thank him.

, but he has always been doing good things quietly.”

This is the most terrifying thing. If a person does not seek fame or profit, then he must have a big goal!

"You think it's a good thing if it's normal, but what if it's not normal?" Yun Jing asked again.

After all, after following Yun Jing for so many years, Song Yan has been influenced by Yun Jing to some extent. He will not be deceived by superficial phenomena so easily, but it would be a bit difficult for him to see through the essence of the problem at once.


Regarding this question, Song Yan thought for a while and said: "Master, I can't tell you what's wrong under abnormal circumstances, but I just feel that something is wrong, and I can't figure out what's wrong."

Nodding, Yun Jing said: "You are right if you can feel something is wrong. It is impossible to live without desires and desires in this world. When a person is extremely kind but does not want anything, it must be that he has not yet expressed what he wants.

come out!"

"Well, young master, what do you think Mr. Baoshou is doing now?" Song Yan asked curiously.

Shaking his head directly, Yunjing said: "I don't know, but there are two situations: what he wants to do and what he gets."

"It makes sense, the young master's words are always so profound," Song Yan said thoughtfully.

Yun Jing said angrily: "I don't even know how to flatter people, but I have depth. It's obviously nonsense."

"Hey, Master, what should we do next? Investigate this Changsheng Palace and find out Mr. Baoshou's purpose?" Song Yan changed the subject.

Looking in the direction of the Changsheng Palace, Yun Jing said: "First, they have not committed any crime and are still doing their best to do good things. Second, they have not offended us, and they have never harbored evil. Third, we are not government agents, so why should we investigate them?"


"But young master, don't we all feel that something is wrong here, so we just let it go like this?" Song Yan asked, and then he said: "That's right, we have no reason to suspect someone of offending someone without any reason, what's more?

It’s better to have one less thing to do”

Shaking his head, Yun Jing said: "It's impossible to just let it go, but we shouldn't take care of this kind of thing. After all, this is no longer a personal grudge, it's about the people's hearts. It's up to the government to come forward and think twice before we act rashly.

Intervening is likely to lead to serious consequences. You must know that people's hearts are like this. If you don't do well, big trouble will happen. You and I can't bear it. Let's go and continue our journey. This Palace of Eternal Life will not run away. I already have it in my heart.


"Okay, young master", Song Yan immediately stopped talking.

Over the years, he has become familiar with his young master. He does not take the initiative to cause trouble, but he is not afraid of trouble. He should be responsible for big things. Now that he says he doesn't care, he has actually taken this matter to heart. He just used

Better way to deal with it than to act recklessly like a person of this age.

Song Yanxin said that this was his young master. If it were someone else of this age, he might not be able to hold back anymore and rush forward. As for the consequences, what would they be?

Regarding the matter of Changsheng Palace, Yunjing certainly couldn't just let it go. Putting aside everything else, he couldn't just sit idly by and ignore the feeling that made him instinctively repulse and disgust him when he encountered a rape organization not long ago.

Having experienced the last time, the emergence of this feeling made Yunjing attach great importance to it. Maybe something extraordinary would be involved behind it. It was not as simple as a palace of longevity!

If something like a rape organization was involved, Yunjing's current little shoulders would not be able to bear it.

Maybe the problem is not that serious, but what if?

During the stay, Yunjing had secretly observed carefully. The people in the Changsheng Palace did not seem to be controlled by others, and there were no strange parasites on them. They seemed to have no problems, but they gave him

This has sounded the alarm, because if we go deeper into this, it is likely to be even more troublesome than the rape organization not long ago!

"First there was the human rape organization created by extraterrestrial creatures, and now there is this kind of existence that gathers people's hearts. The purpose is unknown and the origin is unknown. Why do things like this keep happening recently? Is there anything related to this place and the human rape organization? I hope I have thought too much...


Yunjing couldn't help but rub his eyebrows as he left. Ever since the rape organization appeared, he always felt that a terrifying storm was brewing. This palace of longevity is no coincidence.

He didn't feel like he was being suspicious. His feelings had almost always been correct.

"Is it difficult because as I grow up, I travel to more places and see more, and I gradually begin to come into contact with some unknown aspects? After all, you only live in a small place and you only come into contact with so much in your lifetime."

Next, Yunjing decided to ventilate the ant building and let them investigate the Changsheng Palace in depth. With the jade pendant of the eldest princess, it would not be a big problem for the love ant building to go out.

Yilou is relatively professional in investigating these things, not to mention that they belong directly to the emperor and are completely trustworthy. With the current scale of the Changsheng Palace, Yunjing is not overthinking it. He estimates that it is useless to ask the local government to come forward. Not only will it be unflattering, but he may ask the local government to come forward.

It will also be accused of being framed. After all, many officials in the local government are also attracted to this place.

Do you want to talk to Master Deng?

"It's better not to use it for the time being. Let's wait and see what happens with the investigation in Yilou. After all, it's not to that level yet. Even a small matter can't be explained to an old man. If there is really a problem, Master Deng said the other day that after the rape organization came out,

The dynasty will set up a special department."

This chapter has been completed!
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