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Chapter 487 Snake

The figure of the giant python appeared on the water, with less than one-third of its body exposed, but it was already more than 100 meters tall, and it was as high as more than 30 stories high!

The scales under its head exploded, making a choking sound as it shook. It was violent and ferocious, like a dynamite barrel next to a fire. It would explode and tear everything apart at any time. Its cold eyes stared at Yunjing and the others, and its mouth opened slightly.

It roared like a bull.

The terrifying aura of the giant python filled the air, and the area for dozens of miles suddenly became silent. It was so depressing that people could hardly breathe. Even the creatures in the water immediately hid under the water and shivered. For a while, the water surface became calm.


"Brother Yun, the giant python is really here. It has appeared. It's so big, so long, so black, and so fierce!" Ye Tian, ​​who was beside Yun Jing, looked at the giant python and said with wide eyes.

Ye Tian didn't show any fear. After all, he really didn't know what fear was except that he had a rough life since he was a child. Anyway, he never encountered any real danger.

It was the same when facing the giant python at this time. I was curious, surprised, excited...but not afraid.

Fang Yueyue immediately hid behind Ye Tian, ​​holding the corners of his clothes tightly, her small body trembling slightly. When she saw the giant python, she felt that she was no different from an ant, and the other party blew his breath.

It's enough to kill her ten times a hundred times.

Obviously Yunjing is more reliable at this time, but she just hides behind Ye Tian. This is how women are. At critical moments, they will always be the first to get close to the person they care about most. Although she is still young, she is still a girl.

No different from anyone else.

"Let's go quickly. If the giant python comes, we will die," Fang Yueyue said anxiously.

Ye Tian patted her little hand carelessly and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid Yueyue, Brother Yun is here. If he dares to bring us here, you don't have to worry about safety issues."

At the same time, Brother Ye Tianxin, Daoyun, and Old Man Liu can talk and laugh with each other. Who is Old Man Liu? That is the only free state known to the world so far!

So this scene is a bit confusing to Brother Yun.

You will be generous to others and capture the hearts of other people's little girls.

Glancing at Ye Tian slightly, Yunjing almost rolled his eyes, but now was not the time to play around with them.

Facing the violent giant python in the distance, Yun Jing looked at it calmly, but his heart was filled with ups and downs, not because of fear, but because this kind of strange beast was really rare.

"Let's come here and watch calmly," Fang Yueyue said in a low voice, shrinking her neck.

Ye Tian said: "Yueyue, don't say anything. Brother Yun naturally has his own motives for doing this."

Brother Yun, Brother Yun, you only have Brother Yun in your eyes, just forget about living with him for the rest of your life...

Fang Yueyue felt so depressed that she even forgot about fear and rolled her eyes fiercely at Ye Tian. Moreover, her hands were a little itchy and she wanted to twist some soft meat and twist it hard!

She endured it so hard.

Facing Fang Yueyue's rolling eyes, Ye Tian didn't know why, but instead asked Yueyue if something was wrong with him.

On the opposite side, the giant python broke into the home despite being discovered. Normally at this time, it would have torn the intruder into pieces as soon as possible. It went berserk, but it didn't do that.

The towering head bowed slightly, its cold eyes stared at Yunjing and the others, and the giant python opened its ferocious mouth and roared suddenly.

It roared for tens of miles, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye radiated in all directions. Even if the sound waves reached the cloud scene and the others on the shore, a strong wind blew up, blowing sand and rocks around, and the clothes on the cloud scene and the others were shaking.


Without taking action immediately, the giant python seemed to be using this method to warn and expel Yunjing and the others.

However, Yunjing did not regress, and even had a relaxed smile on his face.

"It seems that my characteristic of being close to all things in nature has worked. The giant python did not attack immediately. However, my characteristic of being close to all things in nature is not enough to allow such strange beasts to take the initiative to get close. It is also

Being hostile, still angry, and not being attacked by such strange beasts is already the limit of what I can achieve now by being close to nature."

At this time, Yunjing thought to himself that this was already good, it was better than starting at the first opportunity, and his characteristic of being close to nature and all things was also growing with his growth.

Sooner or later, these strange beasts will probably take the initiative to get close to me.

Of course, Yunjing came here not just to take a look at the giant python, nor to kill it, but to try to prevent him from harming innocent people. It was best to calm down its anger. As a last resort, Yunjing also did the best he could.

Bad plans.

No grievances, no grudges. Although it cannot speak, it is already psychic after all and is considered an intelligent creature. I hope it can communicate with it.

With thoughts flickering in his mind, Yun Jing waved his hand behind his back to signal Ye Tian and the others to stay where they were, but he smiled and calmly took a step in the direction of the giant python.

Brother Yun actually took the initiative to move towards the giant python? Ye Tian looked at it curiously and said nothing.

Instead, Fang Yueyue nervously exclaimed: "Brother Yun, what are you doing?"

"Don't be impatient. I have a sense of discretion. You stay here and don't move." Yunjing replied calmly and continued to move forward.

Whether it is Ye Tian or Fang Yueyue, they only weigh a few dozen pounds. As long as they are within the range of telekinesis, Yunjing can move them to other places at any time. Therefore, if he is separated from them, Yunjing can also ensure their safety.


Clang, Clang, Clang~!

Facing Yun Jing's almost provocative action, the exploding scales on the giant python shook even more violently, the water around its body fluctuated violently, and its cold pupils even stood up in a line.


The giant python's head continued to press down for more than ten meters and roared in the direction of the cloud scenery, with a strong sense of angry threats and expulsion.

Even Yunjing actually felt that it seemed a little... a little wronged?

It's like a giant python doesn't even take the initiative to attack, but you still have to push your nose and face. Don't wait to bully the snake like this...

Yunjing's footsteps kept moving, walking towards the direction of the giant python at a leisurely pace. He left the ground on the shore and was already standing on the water. The waves were surging under his feet, but his shoes were not wet. It was really

standing and walking on the water.

What kind of light gong is this?

Even though Fang Yueyue was well-informed, looking at Yun Jing's back at this moment, she didn't understand at all. She couldn't stand on the water as easily as he did even if she was in a true artistic conception, right? It was as if there was no weight.


The giant python's breath became violent again, and even its tail, which was hidden under the water, broke out of the water and started swinging, causing huge waves.

The python's posture made Yun Jing feel more angry and aggrieved in Yun Jing's senses, and he even felt a little uneasy.

"Can you understand what I'm saying?" Yunjing walked over slowly and said calmly. They were far apart, but Yunjing believed that the other party could hear me. As for snakes, their hearing and vision are not outstanding and they rely on infrared sensors.

Characteristics, Yunjing guessed that it would not be feasible to deal with such strange beasts.

Naturally, the giant python did not understand Yun Jing's words, and had obviously never interacted with humans, so it just roared louder in response to Yun Jing's questions.

However, it is a psychic beast after all, and its life instinct does not sense Yunjing's malice. On the contrary, it does not repel and dislike Yunjing. Therefore, even if Yunjing keeps pushing further, it does not take the initiative to attack.

Yunjing has gotten along with too many small animals. In recent years, he has even gotten along with many ferocious beasts. He understands the habits of animals very well. As long as the animals do not take the initiative to attack, then they can talk about it and build mutual trust little by little.

If you try to communicate with animals, you won't be able to become friends in the end.

Of course, there must be a certain degree of control in this, otherwise you will just be delivering food rations to animals.

Among the animals that he had gotten along with before, none could pose a threat to Yunjing. Naturally, there was no such thing as sending rations. As for this strange beast, although Yunjing was calm on the surface at this time, he was highly vigilant in his heart.

"Don't be so nervous. I don't have any ill intentions when I come here, and I'm not here to target you. I just want to communicate with you. If possible, it's not impossible to make friends." Yunjing continued to move forward, constantly releasing his goodwill.


At this time, the giant python whipped its tail directly on the water, causing huge waves. It was not attacking the cloud scene, but a warning, as if to say that if you continue to move forward, I will be rude.

It's actually a little cute?

Yunjing muttered in his heart, but he didn't act too hastily. Despite the strong wind and the giant wolf around him, he still kept approaching the giant python, but he slowed down slightly.

Seeing Yun Jing slowing down, the giant python seemed to feel that his warning had worked, and its angry, uneasy and aggrieved aura slightly restrained.

If it wasn't an animal, it didn't realize that Yun Jing was testing its bottom line and habits little by little.

Gradually, Yunjing has penetrated deep into the lake, and is less than two thousand meters away from the giant python. This distance is extremely dangerous. With the huge body of the giant python, a projectile Yunjing is within its attack range.

At this time, Ye Tian on the shore was just curious, but Fang Yueyue was so nervous that she didn't dare to express herself.

"Others are others, I am me. Those people have taken action against you before and caused you to be injured. I am not here to advise you to give up your hatred for those who hurt you. The fact is that it is natural for you to seek revenge from them after you are injured, but

There is a saying that every injustice has its debtor. Most of us humans are kind-hearted. I just hope that when you take revenge in the future, you will try not to affect innocent people. I don’t know if you can understand me, but what I want to express

I think you should have felt it, right?"

Yunjing said while getting closer to the other party.

The giant python stared at the cloud scene, its tail swaying uneasily on the water surface. The exploding scales sometimes shook rapidly, making a cold and harsh clang sound, and sometimes soothed as if to restrain its violent aura.

Seeing this, Yun Jing did not push too hard, knowing that the other party was probably in an extremely contradictory state at this time. If he acted too hastily, it would probably make him go completely berserk, so he slowed down again.

At the same time, Yunjing also knew that the other party had received his kindness, and he was not completely sure whether he could completely calm down and get along with him in a friendly manner, but Yunjing could still prevent it from falling into violent extremes.

I get along with animals a lot more and have a lot of experience in cloud scenery.

If the giant python hadn't been too powerful, Yunjing felt that both of them would have stayed together, 'talking and laughing'.

"You were attacked and injured. I am not on the same side as them. It feels very uncomfortable to be injured. How about letting me help you?" Yunjing slowed down again and said.

The giant python, which was in an extremely conflicted state, stared at Yunjing. It sensed Yunjing's kindness, but its previous experience made it extremely wary. Its instinct told it that it should not trust humans. But Yunjing, a tiny human,

But it's not annoying.

It’s just that I don’t hate it anymore.

The cloudscape gives the python a feeling just like the mountains, rocks, vegetation, and the warm sunshine and the crystal clear morning dew. It is very kind, warm, and beautiful.

But as powerful as it is, even if Yunjing gives it a very comfortable feeling, it is impossible to put down its guard and take the initiative to get close. To use an inappropriate metaphor, after all, the two sides have different levels of life, and the gap is too big.

Saying to help it, Yunjing is not without purpose.

When he finished speaking, he attracted the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to wrap around the giant python's body, nourishing and soothing the injured little by little.

However, Yunjing has controlled the amount and does not try his best all at once. There has to be a process. First, let him feel the benefits, and then gradually let him put down his guard and anger. He will try his best as soon as he comes, and then he will have nothing to talk about.

Got the chips.

The giant python itself can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to grow. Animals are more sensitive to nature than humans. Therefore, at this time, the giant python clearly felt that the concentration of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around it had increased, more than doubling, which caused its injured body to

Recovery is very helpful, but compared to its huge body, it is just that, better than nothing.

"Do you feel it? I can help you. You don't have to be so angry and nervous. Relax a little. I don't mean any harm. Maybe we can really become friends."

Yunjing smiled and slowly approached while releasing kindness and attracting more spiritual energy to surround it.

At this time, the python's restless tail movements slowly slowed down, and the cold pupils that formed a slit also relaxed and relaxed, and even the exploding scales no longer trembled, and even tended to calm down.

"Brother Yun is Brother Yun. He can gradually get along well with such a tyrannical beast and giant python. How can he be like those people who only know how to fight and kill. The problem is that they can't defeat...", Ye on the shore

Tian thought to himself, looking at it curiously with a smile on his face. Anyway, he felt that the atmosphere was quite relaxed and harmonious.

On the other hand, it was Fang Yueyue who was so nervous that she forgot her last name. Yunjing was close to the giant python over there. The size difference between the two sides after getting close was so big that Yunjing couldn't even squeeze the gap between his teeth. It was almost as if the giant python blew Yunjing's breath.

The scenery is gone...

"Look, I can really help you. I come with good intentions. Even if we can't be friends, I don't want to be enemies. That's not good for either of us. You are besieged, hurt, and angry and wronged.

I understand, but I hope you won’t anger innocent people. Even if you want to take revenge in the future, I hope you will only seek out those who hurt you. Can you understand what I mean?”

Yunjing continued as he slowly approached.

As the two sides approached, the giant python's body out of the water was too tall, so Yunjing had to increase his height little by little.

His mind controlled two water balls to float under his feet. Under his control, the water balls formed the shape of a blooming lotus the size of a washbasin. Every time he took a step, he landed on the 'water lotus'. The two lotus flowers appeared alternately under his feet. He stepped in the void.

Lotus grows every step of the way!

As Yun Jing got closer, he felt his kindness, especially the spiritual energy nourishing him. The giant python truly felt the help of this human being to him. Therefore, it knew that it could crush this human being with just one move, but it did not do that.

After doing it, the uneasily wagging tail completely calmed down and disappeared back into the water, the exploding scales also relaxed and rejoined the body, and even the erect pupils returned to their natural state.


Facing the "close at hand" cloud scene, the giant python let out a low whimper from its throat, as if it was afraid that the cloud scene would be blown away and shocked to death, and it seemed to be expressing its grievances and anger.

I obviously didn't do anything, I just went out to have fun. Why do you humans want to beat me to death? Can you explain to me?

Of course Yunjing couldn't understand what it wanted to express, but he could feel its grievance and anger. Step by step, Shenglian continued to increase his height and get closer to the other person. Yunjing said: "Everyone is different, some are kind and some are evil.

, there are people who are benevolent and righteous, and there are people who are selfless. Your appearance, although you have done nothing, has brought threats and dangers to people. Due to biological instinct, they are afraid of you, so they want to contact you as a threat and take action against you. Stand

From a human perspective, they are not wrong. Your fight back is also to protect yourself, and you are right, but I hope you will not anger innocent people because of this. It is your right and freedom to seek revenge, and I will not do it either.

I advise you to stop them. They want to kill you, and you want to kill them. This is fair, but when they kill you, they do not deliberately target and kill your kind, so you should not do that, okay?"

Although there is a language barrier between the two parties, the python is already psychic. Yunjing tries his best to express what he wants to express, and the other party should feel it.

As he spoke, Yunjing had reached the same height as the giant python's head, a hundred meters apart, and looked at it calmly.

At such a close distance, the difference in body shape between the two sides was too obvious. Yun Jing could not even compare to a sharp thorn on the opponent's head, and it was not enough to show off the gap between his teeth in a real sense.

It's not that Yunjing doesn't know how dangerous such a distance is, but he is confident that the opponent can't hurt him at such a close distance. If he wants to avoid it, he just flies away. Yunjing is extremely confident in his own reaction ability and speed. It's amazing that he is too fast.

Just wearing clothes.

As he spoke, Yun Jing did not forget to attract more spiritual energy to help the giant python nourish its body and recover from its injuries. At this time, the concentration of spiritual energy invisible to the naked eye in the world around the giant python was four to five times higher than usual.

Although Yunjing can plunder the spiritual energy within a radius of more than ten kilometers at once, he does not do that. After all, it takes time to plunder the spiritual energy of the world and the world at once. This is good, and it can maintain about ten times the concentration in the surrounding area.

Lasts a long time.

"Ang... roar..."

Faced with Yun Jing's nagging words, the giant python responded with such a low voice and had completely relaxed and calmed down.

Although the language barrier prevented direct communication, Yunjing judged from his own experience of getting along with so many animals at this time that the giant python understood what he meant and responded at the same time. It would not let go of its hatred of almost being killed, but it also

We will not implicate innocent people.

I breathed a sigh of relief, this is good.

Yunjing really doesn't want to go to the other extreme unless necessary.

"That's good. I know you are very powerful, but there are countless strong people in the human race. If you insist on angering the weak people, it will not do you any good. The consequence will be that you will be completely wiped out. I hope you can understand what I mean.

Good intentions," Yun Dingding nodded and said with a smile.

The python's cold pupils shrank slightly, obviously knowing that the entire human race was not something it could mess with, and it shook its head slightly in response.

From now on, He Yuan and the others will be resented by this strange beast and giant python, and they will probably have trouble sleeping and eating. The python is psychic and will definitely remember their breath. It may not be difficult to seek revenge against them.

He thought so, but Yunjing didn't care. After all, it was none of his business. They had tried to kill the giant python before, so they had to be prepared to bear the consequences.

"It's a pleasure to get along with you. Maybe you don't understand what I say. In fact, getting along with you is much easier than with my kind. Most of you act according to instinct, while everyone of my kind

Everyone has their own thoughts, and there are many duplicitous people. If possible, I hope we can become friends. In fact, I also have many animal friends. Maybe you can feel their breath on me," Yun Jing said again.

Under the setting sun, the cloudscape and the huge python looked at each other calmly. The originally terrifying scene now seemed very harmonious and natural. However, the audience was only two and a half-year-old children. If outsiders knew about it, it would be very shocking.

He stared at Yunjing calmly for a moment, and he didn't know whether it was because he felt that the scent of other animals on Yunjing's body did not deceive him, or because Yunjing's kindness was recognized by him.

Then, the giant python's huge head moved slowly towards the direction of Yunjing, getting closer and closer...

"Be careful~!" Fang Yueyue exclaimed in the distance, and immediately covered her mouth nervously and subconsciously, looking over there in fear.

At this time, Ye Tiandu, who had no idea about fear, began to worry about Yunjing.

Yunjing waved at Ye Tian and the others from a distance, telling them not to be nervous.

Letting the giant python get closer, Yunjing could feel its kindness, otherwise it would not approach slowly and cautiously, but would open its mouth and roll its tongue to swallow him.

As the giant python approached, Yun Jing could clearly feel the terrifying and savage aura, especially the size difference between the two sides. To be honest, it was really a bit different and exciting.

Shuangfei approached, the cloud scene was not as big as one of its eyes, and his figure was clearly reflected in the other's eyes.

The giant python cautiously stuck out the tip of its tongue and approached the cloud scene just around the corner.

Yunjing also slowly raised his hand, and then touched the tip of his tongue with his, which was cold and soft, like touching silk.

There is no salivary mucus on the tip of the python's tongue, so it's not disgusting at all.

The two sides came into contact and separated at the first touch, but the eyes of the giant python showed a friendly look.

Then Yunjing tentatively stretched out his hand, but the python did not dodge, so Yunjing placed his hand on a ferocious spike on the python's head.

I touched it, and it felt cold and tough. I accidentally tapped it with my knuckles, and it felt hard.

Unfortunately, this thing was too big, and it was unrealistic to rub it along the head. Yunjing felt a little regretful for no reason.

In response to Yun Jing's move, the python paused for a moment and seemed stunned, as if it didn't expect Yun Jing to dare to make such a bold move.

It seems to be saying, isn't this human being afraid of irritating me if he behaves like this?

However, it didn't make any extra moves in response to Yun Jing's actions. It was slightly dazed, and then slowly distanced itself.

This chapter has been completed!
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