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Chapter 50 Summer Morning

The big buffalo walked slowly along the paths in the village, eating tender grass on the roadside and wagging its tail to drive away mosquitoes and flies.

Yunjing lay lazily on the back of the cow. He was a little sleepy, his eyes seemed to be closed and not closed, he was swaying, and he was in a dissociated state of half dreaming and half awake.

He looked like he was about to fall to the ground at any moment, which made people fearful, but he was swaying from side to side and couldn't fall down.

He has become accustomed to this situation, just like when he fell asleep in class in his previous life, he seemed to be listening carefully, but in fact he was out of his mind...

It is said that an old horse knows its way, and the same goes for this cow. Yunjing did not drive it anywhere clearly, so it slowly ate the grass and headed towards the place where Yunjing usually grazes.

In the morning, the birds on the branches were chirping, and Yun Jing didn't feel irritable. Instead, he felt that the birds were singing a lullaby to him.

It is bright in the east, the red sun is rising, and its path is bright.

The sun jumped out of the ground like a fireball, smearing the clouds on the horizon like fire.

The temperature in the summer morning was not high, and the wind blew across my face, like a gentle hand caressing me.

Yun Jing, who was half asleep and half awake, had a particularly peaceful mind, as if he was intoxicated in the summer morning breeze.

Breeze, red sun, buffalo, shepherd boy, smoke, birds chirping, morning dew, thatched hut...

Everything is so harmonious and natural.

An early bird fluttered its wings and landed on Yunjing's shoulder. It didn't seem to feel the fear and cruelty of a naughty child like Yunjing. It was combing its feathers as if Yunjing was just an ordinary stone.

, an ordinary branch poses no threat to it.


Another bird landed on Yunjing's shoulder, right next to the previous one. They showed off their beautiful feathers to each other, and then the two heads came together, cuddling up like humans and chirping happily.


The sound of the two birds made the sleepy Yunjing open his eyes slightly. He tilted his head slightly and glanced at the two birds while he was lying on his stomach. He smiled silently and touched the two birds gently with his hands.

He closed his eyes again.

Not a sparrow, don’t worry about your hands shaking in the future...

The two birds were not scared away by him. Instead, when Yunjing stroked them, they rubbed their heads against Yunjing's fingers, as if to express affection to him.

This kind of situation has happened frequently in the past two months, and Yunjing has become accustomed to it. These little animals don't seem to be afraid of him at all, but often take the initiative to get close to him.

Sometimes it's a bird, sometimes it's a squirrel, sometimes it's a butterfly...

Of course, Yunjing has never harmed these small animals that are close to him.

At the beginning, small animals ran towards him. If he looked at them, the small animals would be scared away. But now, similar small animals are no longer afraid of him. Yunjing can even interact with these small animals when he is bored.

For fun.

Yunjing couldn't understand why this was happening. According to his observation for a while, these little animals did not get close to other children in the village as they did to himself.

He couldn't figure out the reason, but he wasn't too entangled in it. Why should you be so serious about everything, right?

Moreover, being close to small animals can often bring you some different fun when you are bored.

He thought that he liked all the beauty in the world, the feeling of water flowing through his fingers, the fragrance of flowers, the vitality of green leaves, the chirping of birds, the mistiness of white clouds, the selflessness of the earth, and the red sun.


Then, I like to be close to nature, so nature is also close to me?

Soon after, Yunjing rode Dahei to the stream. There was a large wasteland slope here. Because there were not many livestock in the village, the vegetation here grew lush, making it a good place for grazing cattle.

In the scorching heat of summer, the hair of buffaloes is not strong. Come here, wait until the buffaloes are full, and you can go into the water to cool down in the hot weather, and you can also wash off the cow dung on your body...

When he came here, Yunjing got off the back of the cow, turned to the two birds on his shoulders and said: "Go, go, I'm not your father, you can still stay with me all the time, I am

I won’t find bugs for you to eat.”

As he spoke, he gently pushed the two birds, and the two birds nuzzled his fingers, then flapped their wings and flew away.

Dahei went to find grass to eat by himself. Yunjing came to a willow tree and sat on a stone, leaning against the willow tree, breathing the fresh morning air.

By now he was almost awake from his drowsiness.

Bored, he simply picked a willow leaf from the weeping willow on the side, put it to his lips, thought for a while, and exhaled, the willow leaf trembled and made a crisp sound.

The sound was not harsh at all, but beautiful and sweet.

Yunjing played a beautiful melody using only a willow leaf. This unique skill was something that most people couldn't do, and countless children in the village envied it.

Playing with leaves is a small skill that Yunjing mastered in his previous life. Now it is not difficult to pick it up again. On the contrary, as his memory and quick thinking have increased day by day, this small skill has reached a very advanced level and is no longer limited to special people.

A leaf or even a piece of grass can be used as a musical instrument by him.

He was playing a beautiful melody with willow leaves in his mouth, and Yunjing was singing along with the rhythm in his heart.

"The flowers bloom in spring, the wind in autumn, and the setting sun in winter. In my melancholy youth, I once thought this ignorantly..."

Yun Jing likes the song "Story of Time" very much. Now he plays it on willow leaves, and it seems to make this midsummer morning extra cheerful, because the tone is crisp and clear, and there is no hint of melancholy and regret in the tune.


Playing the ballads over and over again, Yunjing's heart felt particularly peaceful, as if he had blended into this world, so natural and harmonious.

As if attracted by the beautiful sound, birds flew from a distance and landed on the willow trees and on Yunjing's shoulders. They jumped up and down, showing off their beautiful feathers, but made no sound, not even the sound of the frogs croaking by the stream.

Slowly getting weaker...

The sound of the melody spread far and wide. Villagers who got up early and were busy in the fields heard it and subconsciously slowed down the movements of their hands, as if they were afraid of disturbing the beautiful sound.

They looked towards the direction from which the sound came and smiled knowingly.

It's the grandson of the Yunlin family. He plays really well. I don't know where he learned this skill. He's also well-behaved and sensible. The old Yun family is so lucky...

'Wow wow... wow wow...'

I don’t know how long it took, but this peaceful and harmonious scene was broken by the cry of a child.

The frightened birds fluttered their wings and flew away. Yunjing stopped playing and looked in the direction of the source of the cry, and suddenly smiled.

A four or five-year-old boy with tears and runny nose led a cow to this barren slope and cried so sadly.

That guy definitely got beat up.

Sanzhu Yunjing, a boy from the same village who saw the morning glory approaching, made malicious speculations in his heart.

His family is also one of the few in the village that owns cows. It seems that the guy doesn't want to come to herd the cows, but he has to. It's normal for him to be beaten.

Shaking his head, Yun Jingxin said, that guy doesn't like herding cattle now. He will wait two years until the heavy farm work gradually falls on his shoulders. Only then will he realize how happy and relaxing it is to herd cattle.

When you are young, you don’t know what it’s like to be sad, just do it and cherish it...

This chapter has been completed!
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