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Chapter 517 The last question

Master Deng actually made a special trip to take care of him? This was something Yunjing had never thought about, and he was a little stunned for a moment.

Um, I made a special trip... I'm afraid I'm just being sentimental, right? After all, the entire dynasty is holding an examination today, and Master Deng is probably patrolling the country, and he happened to come here at the same time.

His voice was still echoing in his ears, and no one around him noticed it. The methods of the Mythical Realm were certainly beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even if there were many powerful people in the True Realm sitting in the entire examination room, no clues could be found.

In fact, the people who were responsible for inspecting Yunjing were all frozen at this moment, their eyes were blank, and maybe their thinking had stagnated. The true artistic conception was enough to affect other people's senses with will, and the mythical realm even had the ability to tamper with other people's memories.


Master Deng said that these unnecessary procedures should be ignored. Does this count as Master Deng helping to use the back door?

It is said that as a master, the other party, not to mention giving himself such convenience, even directly giving himself a title of civil servant, is true and true. Who dares to refute? If it comes to the emperor, he will admit it directly...

I didn't take any papers with me, and I didn't intend to cheat. I just eliminated unnecessary procedures, and I can't say that I messed up the rules.

Yun Jing felt relieved when he thought about it.

There is nothing wrong with him. Since he can avoid such degrading things, he will not continue to follow the process pedantically.

During the inspection, you have to open your mouth and check your mouth. Every inch of your body must be carefully inspected, even the excrement door. Just thinking about it makes you want to stab someone!

This was not the time to communicate with Master Deng. After hearing this, Yun Jing quickly felt relieved, raised his head slightly, and raised his hands in a salute upward to show his gratitude to Master Deng.

"Xiao Jing, take the exam well. I congratulate you in advance on being nominated on the list. Go ahead." Master Deng's voice sounded again, and he immediately stopped speaking.

Yunjing didn't know whether the other party had left or not, but he thought that Master Deng was a little too confident in him, so he congratulated himself in advance for being nominated on the list, tsk...

It's not that Yunjing doesn't have confidence in himself. After all, he hasn't taken the exam yet. Who can tell what will happen next. He thinks he is quite diligent in studying, but he doesn't look down on anyone else. God knows what is hidden in the candidates.

of monster.

After a while, the people responsible for inspecting Yunjing regained their freedom. One of them smiled and said: "This young master has offended, and we are also responsible for it. Please understand that the inspection has been completed. There is no problem with the young master's character. Please

, I will congratulate you in advance on your victory, and I will check on other people later, please please"

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"Sorry to trouble you all," Yun Jing said as he pretended to tidy up his clothes. He remained calm on the surface, but in his heart he knew that these people's memories had probably been tampered with by Master Deng. These were all trivial matters, innocuous.

'The examination is completed', Yunjing left the room, and then he could actually go to the examination room. The people behind Xindao would not have such good luck...

On the other side, Master Deng was secretly rejoicing, thinking that he had arrived in time, and if he had delayed a little longer, Yun Jing might have really completed the inspection.

It is related to the imperial examination. Everyone has to pass this test. There is no privilege at all. But Master Deng knew in his heart that Yunjing was different. Look at the things he had done in the past and had already 'invented' that one.

Doesn't it mean that the merits of the present generation will benefit the future? The influence on the entire dynasty is too great.

If Yunjing becomes dissatisfied and turns to other countries, the loss will be huge.

That's great, especially since Yunjing is protected by Liu Neng, even if he goes to other countries, few people would dare to force him to stay!

Not to mention anything else, given the relationship between Yunjing and Empress Sanluo, if she ran away to the Sanluo Dynasty because of this, Sanluo would not know how much advantage she would take...

Yunjing was right about one thing. Although Deng Changchun paid special attention to him, he did not come specifically for him. Instead, as Yunjing guessed, he was patrolling the world and helping Yunjing was considered a courtesy.

The whole country was opening up academic courses, and all the state capitals of the entire Dali Dynasty were doing it at the same time. Except for the Master from the Mythical Realm, no one could take care of all the places in a short time.

After the 'inspection was completed' at Yunjing, Master Deng transferred to other places. If there was any fraud, he would not be polite...

The examination room is not big, with walls built on three sides. You can't see other examination rooms in it. This examination room is two meters long, two meters deep, and three meters high, making it seem a bit narrow and empty.

There were only two wooden boards and a clean barrel, and nothing else.

Those two wooden boards, one is for sitting and the other is used as a table for writing. They are staggered and placed on the walls on both sides. Because the exam will last for several days, in the evening, the candidates can use the table to

The panels were removed and combined into a bed.

I don’t know if quilts will be given out at night. I murmured in my heart that Yunjing himself doesn’t care. He can handle a bare hard bed, but it’s not necessarily true for others. Without quilts, many scholars are still weak. What if?

Illness leads to delay in the imperial examination... That is their own business. It should be noted that every scholar practices martial arts. Who can be obedient because he neglects to practice and is weak?

Although the dynasty strives to train scholars with both civil and military skills, it is normal for some people to not practice martial arts due to various reasons.

It was still early before dawn and the imperial examination had not yet started. After entering the examination room, Yunjing could only wait.

The examination room was obviously so tight that it was difficult for mosquitoes to get in and out, and there were no small animals. Yun Jingxin said that if there were small animals, they could also pass the time.

There are really no animals in the examination room, not even rats. Special drugs are mixed underground, presumably to prevent candidates from cheating by using animals such as rats. This situation must be guarded against. You must be aware that strange people and strange things in this world have God knows what tricks.

, there are also many experts in animal training.

Bored, time passed little by little, and when the sky was dim, Yunjing found that the candidates in the two examination rooms on the left and right were already in place. Because he did not know who the other party was, Yunjing had no intention of communicating, let alone using his mind to observe.

Some interest.

However, the person on the left was hissing and gasping for air...

"Brothers on both sides, are you okay?" The guy pumping out the air conditioner was a little restless. After a while, he couldn't help but ask. The exam hadn't started yet, so it didn't affect the order of the exam room.

Yun Jing didn't say anything, but someone from the second room on the left spoke, gritting his teeth and saying: "What a fart, it's an insult to politeness, it's an insult to politeness!"

"No, those guys who checked me were too rude. Although I wiped something on my hands, I still feel a slight pain in my valley at the moment. I made a note of it. Don't let me know who checked me, otherwise I will

I won’t suffer such a loss!” The guy who was pumping air-conditioning said with his teeth clenching.

"Brother, you can't say that. After all, others have their responsibilities and everyone is treated equally. Therefore, it is a bit inappropriate to bear grudges against others. Please note that not to mention us, every senior has experienced this kind of thing, including those in the court.

The same goes for all of you, let’s be more generous and not care about it.”

"I'm just talking, you're not allowed to complain..."

The silent Yunjing secretly rejoiced, thanks to Master Deng's help, otherwise he would have had to go through what they had gone through, and he got goosebumps all over his body just thinking about it.

When the morning light dawned, the candidates taking part in the imperial examination had all their books in place, and the examination room had been closed. Those who failed to arrive in time were also disqualified from entering the examination room. Who could blame you for not being punctual? How dare you disobey.

If you are unforgiving and make trouble, you will only suffer the consequences.


As the sun rose, a calm and deep voice resounded through the entire examination room, and then explained some rules that disrupted the order of the examination room, such as prohibiting anyone from communicating during the examination. Once any clearly stated behavior occurs, severe punishment will be imposed, with the lightest punishment being expulsion from the examination room.

At worst, he will be deprived of his fame!

Regulations are commonplace, and all the candidates know it. After it was over, the voice asked everyone to stand up, and then salute Tianyu to the three hundred sages. After it was over, he took the lead in leading the candidates to declare respect for the sages, respect for knowledge, and respect for the exam.

Finally, the voice said: "The exam will begin after the bell rings, and the exam papers will be distributed!"

After the words fell, he stopped speaking. At the same time, the rich and melodious bell rang three times in a row, and this scientific examination officially began.

Bullock carts drove through the examination room, handing out examination papers to the candidates. Soldiers escorted the examination papers with cold eyes. During this period, the person handing out the examination papers was not allowed to have any transgressive communication with any candidate. Once this happened, the consequences would be serious!

Not long after, Yunjing also got his own test papers, a thick stack with more than a hundred test papers measuring three feet square!

Along with the contents of these examination papers were the test questions that he would take in the next three days. After receiving the thick examination paper, Yun Jingxin said that it was no wonder that it had to be pulled by an ox cart.

In addition to the examination papers, there are also pens, inks, paper and inkstones issued by the dynasty and blank sheets of paper for drafting.

After flipping through the test papers for a while, Yunjing was slightly surprised. He never thought that the three-day test papers would be issued at once.

The purpose of checking the test papers is to detect any errors or omissions in the test papers in advance so that they can be replaced in time. If you are not careful and you find errors or omissions in the test papers halfway through the exam, it will be a big deal.

After checking, there were no problems with Yunjing's test paper. At the same time, he also roughly understood that the test was divided into three parts. The first was fill-in-the-blank questions, which involved various classics. This relied on everyone's accumulation.

This part of the test paper takes up more than two-thirds!

In fact, starting from the Tongsheng Examination, the subsequent Scholarship Examination and even the current Juren Examination, the content of this kind of extensive knowledge and extensive writing has occupied a large weight, but the content of the exam is different. The Juren Examination is relatively more extensive and unfamiliar, which is very difficult.

It's a test of a person's background. Content that he hasn't seen before just doesn't exist, and it can't appear in his mind out of thin air.

The second part is the true-false questions, which involve some calculation content. Most of the questions give some examples for candidates to make judgments and questions, which are more complex and difficult than fill-in-the-blank questions.

The last part of the test is about policy theory, which is a big question. There is only one question that allows candidates to analyze and write an essay. The weight is probably greater than the previous two parts combined!

In short, all the examination contents are very extensive, including sages' classics, medical astrology, mountains and rivers geography, humanities and customs, etiquette and ethics, legal cases, measurement and calculation...

In comparison, the content of the previous Tongsheng Examination and Scholar Examination was simply child's play.

After a little inspection, Yun Jing was secretly glad that the imperial examination did not require candidates to write poems or anything like that. That was his shortcoming. After passing the exam, he could become an official. Poems, songs, and the like were no longer relevant.

Yunjing did not rush to answer the questions, but filled in his identity information carefully first, so as not to forget to leave his identity information when the exam was over, which would make him feel lonely after the exam.

When the time comes, the test papers will be copied anonymously and then graded. Yunjing understands these procedures.

When the sun rises, the entire examination room is completely silent. Every candidate is seriously dealing with the test questions in front of them. This atmosphere is very depressing, and people with poor psychological quality are prone to problems.

In order to deal with various emergencies, there are soldiers and examiners patrolling around the examination room, ready to deal with all emergencies at any time.

After the preliminary preparations were completed, Yunjing officially began to answer questions.

The first question is a fill-in-the-blank question, and it is also a scoring question, not just for Yunjing, but for any candidate.

This question comes from the quotations of Emperor Taizu of the Dali Dynasty. Everyone has learned it, and it can even be said to be a required question.

‘Rituals and music have collapsed, corrupt officials are rampant, the people are in dire straits, the country will be ruined, humans and animals are indistinguishable, I hate not having enough food and clothing, and for myself, the people and the common people, I will _________!’

After scanning the title at a glance, Yunjing wrote four words in the blank space with a pen.

Rebuild the world!

It can be said that any three-year-old child knows this quote from the founder of the Dali Dynasty. He once couldn't live anymore, so he raised a flag to rebel and overthrew the previous dynasty and established the current Dali. More than 800 years have passed.


How should I put it? The founder of the Dali Dynasty was actually not very legendary in the first half of his life. He was born as a general and held military power. When the country was in turmoil, he was able to rise up with great momentum. After all, the previous dynasty was already riddled with holes.

, there is not even one who can fight.

The first half of his life was mediocre, but the second half of his life became extraordinary. The most worthy of praise is that most of the territories lost in the corruption of the previous dynasty were fought back by him after the founding of the country, so much so that the three northern countries were frightened and signed the

Two hundred years of no-war agreement!

There have been great changes in personnel, and last year there was an incident where the three northern countries united and wanted to destroy and separate. Fortunately, it's all over.

The second question is almost a bonus question. It is from a classic written by a follower of the Myth Realm who was close to the founding ancestor of the Dali Dynasty. The book is called "Ding Jiangshan" and was expounded by the Myth Realm master after the founding of the Dali Dynasty.

Summary of how to govern the country and secure the people.

That book, Yun Jing, can be said to have fluent answers, and it is easy to write down the answers.

When he saw the third question, Yun Jing paused for a moment, then wrote down the answer with a heavy heart.

This question asks why Master Chen was granted the title of Confucius in this dynasty. Yunjing filled in the blank with "Paddy Rice," a medical classic.

Actually putting Master Chen in the third question, Yunjing knew that Dali was using this to commemorate the late Master Chen. After all, it had only been a few years since he was assassinated and fell by the Dajiang Dynasty, and the world should not forget him.

Even Yun Jing can imagine that in the imperial examinations in the next few years, the content about Master Chen will be a required question!

Regarding the content of this kind of test paper that requires extensive knowledge and knowledge, Yunjing can be said to be invincible and not difficult at all. However, he did not become careless because of this. He did every question very seriously and strived to do his best.

Every word is correct and neat, after all, the layout is also very important.

After answering questions one after another and dozens of test papers, Yunjing found that the time had reached noon unknowingly.

"Although I have tried to slow down as much as possible, if I continue at this rate, I am afraid that I will be able to finish answering the first two parts of the imperial examination today, and I will have two days to study and answer the last big question seriously."

With this thought in his mind, Yunjing was not complacent, nor did he think about handing in the paper in advance on his own. In many cases, being quick is not necessarily good, what if the examiner doesn't like such a move.

At noon, there were oxcarts pulling food and distributing it to each examination room. Everything was done in an orderly and silent manner. Students were not allowed to bring their own food during the imperial examination.

Yunjing also temporarily put aside answering questions to receive the food.

The food given out is very ordinary, two steamed buns, pickles with minced meat and a bowl of mung bean soup, and nothing else. Tsk, how much better do you want to eat the free food?

After the meal, Yun Jing took a short break and continued to answer questions. Someone would come and collect the tableware.

In the afternoon, he had already answered all the "fill in the blanks" in the first part. He checked that there were no errors or omissions. The paper was clean and pleasing to the eye, and his handwriting looked better than the printed ones.

Next came the 'false or false' questions, which were so difficult that Yunjing's answering speed slowed down.

Some of the questions in this part involve calculation and measurement. Mathematics is not difficult for Yunjing. After all, the level of this era is just that. Some of the content involves the trial and judgment of cases, which requires the study and application of the law. After all, one can be a judge.

For officials, the laws need to be understood by heart, and then there are the contents about human ethics and morality, which need to be judged by oneself, and secondly, there are also matters about marching and fighting...

Answering the questions slowly and slowly, as the sun set, Yunjing found that he had answered all the true and false questions. This was under the premise that he had slowed down as much as possible, and there was only one big question left in the end.

To be honest, he couldn't guarantee that he was right about this part. After all, it would be nice to have a clear answer for something like a true-false question, which involves calculations. Everyone has their own opinion about the case, and he didn't.

I am sure that the answer is right in the mind of the examiner. You can only answer the question from an observable perspective as realistically as possible, do not go off the beaten path, be fair and balanced, and do not seek to shine in front of your eyes.

This is in line with his usual mentality.

Looking up at the sky, Yunjing put down his writing brush. Instead of looking at the last big question, he repeatedly checked the contents of the previously prepared test paper.

"I have tried my best, I hope I can get a good result," Yunjing thought to himself as he put down the test paper as the sky grew dark.

Again, there are bound to be hidden dragons and crouching tigers among the candidates. He does not expect to be number one. It would be good to be as high on the list as possible. After all, the answers to many questions need to take into account the personality and mentality of the examiner.

Dinner was served, and after Yunjing finished eating, he relaxed and rested. Even though he was full of energy, he did not intend to use the evening to solve the last question.

The examination room does not prohibit candidates from answering questions at night. In order to make it easier for candidates to seize the time, two lanterns are hung in each examination room in the examination room. It should be noted that Yunjing's performance does not mean that others are also fast. At the end of the day, most people

They are all still struggling with the 'fill in the blanks' in the first part. Even after the final three days of the exam, some people can't even finish the test paper. Not everyone has a photographic memory like Yun Jing, who has a memory in his head.

The content of the library can be mastered if you know it, or you can't master it if you don't know it. There are no shortcuts.

On the first night of the exam, I don’t know how many people had to burn the lights to work hard, but it is estimated that not many people could actually sleep peacefully.

Without paying attention to anyone else, Yunjing fell asleep peacefully. As expected, the government did not send quilts to the candidates. In this summer, the bare wooden boards were fine except for being a little uncomfortable. It would not make people sick from the cold, but instead

It's quite hot...

The next morning, Yunjing felt refreshed and found to his dismay that the government did not provide toiletries at all. Fortunately, it was not a big problem for him.

After eating the breakfast sent by the government, Yunjing looked at the last big topic, and when he saw the topic, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The title only has four words, long-term peace and stability!

Candidates need to analyze these four words to write an article. As for the content, it depends on their own level.

"It is worthy of being a national examination. The test is no longer about a person's knowledge, but more about a person's vision and means. It has risen to the level of governing a country and a family. Long-lasting peace and stability. Although these four words are simple, they can be extended.

It’s a very abstract conceptual question, but it cannot get rid of one core idea, which is how to achieve long-term prosperity and strength for a country!”

Thoughts flashed in his mind. Yun Jing thought a lot when he looked at this question. He did have some ideas on how to answer the question, but it had to be in line with the world's deeds and circumstances. It couldn't be too empty or too rhetorical, but it had to be meaningful and practical.

The kind that works.

Regarding this issue, Yun Jing did not write anything for a whole half day.

It wasn't until he had a meal at noon and took a short break to relax that he made the first draft on the draft paper.

Regarding how to achieve long-term peace and stability, Yunjing decided to elaborate on it from four aspects, namely people's livelihood, military, law, and diplomacy!

In terms of people's livelihood, Yun Jing elaborated on the importance of the people's prosperity. If the people are rich, the country will be rich, and if the people are poor, the country will be poor. Only when the people are rich can the country be strong. He is not superficial rhetoric, but based on reality, how to achieve the goal of people's prosperity.

, himself is a farmer, Yunjing uses farming as the entry point, first saying that food is the most important thing for the people, and only when they are full can they talk about other things, focusing on the importance of food. With the entry point, he then based on his own understanding of Taoism.

The geographical environment describes which places are suitable for growing what kind of food, so as to maximize the efficiency of land utilization. This aspect is described clearly, and then the importance of water conservancy to fields is discussed, and then the impact of land desertification on fields is briefly discussed.

Then he specifically pointed out that some places are suitable for the concept of terraced fields, but this aspect needs the cooperation of the government to promote it. After farming, he expanded on and began to describe the basic necessities of food, clothing, housing and transportation after a full stomach, and even briefly discussed the economic circulation.

Importance, using the concept of living water to be used by the people to describe the economy also needs to be circulated like water to maximize economic utilization, but the premise of all this is that the people need to be able to fill their stomachs.

The reason why Yunjing has only scratched the surface of many things in this part without going into depth is partly because some concepts are too advanced, and partly because this is just a trial, and that's enough.

There are only one or two thousand words in it, and Yun Jing only writes about people's livelihood. He has to be busy later and has plenty of time. Don't rush, take your time, write the first draft first, and then slowly improve it later.

Next is the military content. Because I have experience in the military, Yun Jing writes about this aspect not as rhetoric, but as a personal experience, with traces to follow. Yun Jing thought about this aspect a little, and no longer 'followed the rules', but a

Let’s take discipline as the entry point, rather than strategic equipment and the like, and emphasize discipline and what role and effect it will play under what circumstances. This is so eloquent that it only takes one or two thousand words.

This chapter has been completed!
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