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Chapter 582 Give me a face?

Many people tend to subconsciously ignore his age when they come into contact with Yunjing. He can play with children for a long time without getting bored, he can get along well with people of the same age, and he can also talk happily with older people...

Lin Xingyu is obviously a few years older than Yun Jing, five years to be precise. Now she is twenty-three years old. She has been able to stand alone for many years, but when she is with Yun Jing, she subconsciously

Ignoring the age gap between the two parties, it seemed as if Yunjing was older than her, very calm and calm, which made people feel at ease.

The two of them cuddled together and talked about each other. Time passed quickly, and the sun turned westward before they knew it.

During this period, Yunjing didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Even though the relationship between the two parties was already clear, he was someone who had never tasted meat and was not so impatient. Besides, it was in broad daylight, and girls were thin-skinned, so they were afraid of scaring her.

I did take the time to catch a few fish, and they were very plump. The things I had been thinking about for a long time came to a successful conclusion, and this day was considered a full harvest.

Gu Gu Gu Gu...

A soft sound rang in his ears, and Yun Jing lowered his head to look at Lin Xingyu, who was leaning on his shoulder.

Her face turned red immediately and she didn't dare to look at the cloud scenery. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in. Her stomach was growling loudly. She was so embarrassed in front of her lover.

Facts have proved that no matter how beautiful a girl is, she is no different from other people. She sleeps when she is sleepy, screams when she is hungry, and her farts cannot be rainbows...

"Xingyu must be hungry," Yunjing said with a smile. People who practice martial arts have strong digestion abilities and are more likely to get hungry than ordinary people. Moreover, Lin Xingyu is only in the middle stage of acquired food, so daily digestion requires food intake.

Nodding, Lin Xingyu said sheepishly: "I'm a little hungry. I went out to deal with some things early in the morning. I haven't had time to eat yet, so I made Xiao Jing laugh."

"It's a normal reaction to growl when you're hungry. What's the joke? In that case, let's get something to eat. These fish are so plump that they can be eaten as a gift." Yunjing pointed to the fish basket and said.

Hearing this, Lin Xingyu straightened up, started to roll up his sleeves, revealing his white wrists and said: "I'll do it, Xiao Jing, just rest. Although I spend most of my time practicing martial arts, I can't boast about my cooking skills.

, it’s not bad, just let Xiao Jing have a taste, and I will serve you for many years to come.”

After speaking, her voice became smaller and smaller.

Girls in this era pay attention to being able to go to the hall and the kitchen. After all, they are going to get married. If they don’t have good cooking skills, they will be disliked. Therefore, cooking is almost every girl’s basic skill. How can it be like Yunjing’s previous life, where ten girls

More than half of them can turn ingredients into poison, so let’s not mention them.

But at this moment, Lin Xingyu was confused as soon as he finished speaking. Since there are no seasoning utensils here, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. You can't just grill the fish and eat it. Can you eat it?

Seeing her confusion, Yun Jing smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, it's a small matter, it's up to me."

Lin Xingyu looked at him in astonishment after hearing this, not understanding what it meant, but soon her eyes widened with a look of disbelief, as if she was in a dream. Her silly look was quite cute, which was completely different from her usual indifferent and serious expression.

, there is a kind of cute contrast.

I saw tables, bowls, chopsticks, various condiments and kitchen utensils flying in one after another from the horizon. They flew here and arranged them in categories. Soon, a terrace kitchen was ready while Lin Xingyu was stunned.

"This..." Lin Xingyu was dumbfounded. How could something fly by itself? She soon realized that it was Yun Jing's arm and looked at him in disbelief.

Yun Jing smiled and said, "Don't be surprised. I got all these things from a distance. Some of them are bought now and some are brought from home. It's very convenient if you don't steal or rob."

"It's unbelievable. This kind of method is unheard of and I can't believe it." Lin Xingyu took a long breath and said. If Yunjing hadn't admitted that he did it, he would have thought he saw a ghost in broad daylight.

Yunjing said indifferently: "These are nothing, but they are more convenient for daily life."

"Well, then Xiaojing, please rest first and I'll get you something to eat." Lin Xingyu calmed down and said, not intending to get to the bottom of it. She knew that Yunjing's methods were meaningless, but she couldn't figure out Yunjing's intentions.

What kind of methods are used is simply a mystery. The more you understand, the more unfathomable it becomes. I am afraid that what I understand now is only the tip of the iceberg.

Such a man is so attractive that people can't help but want to get in touch and get to know him, and then he can't stop like a moth to a flame...

Seeing her busy, Yun Jing said: "You and I will spend the rest of our lives together. There is nothing I can't let you know. If you have any questions, just ask. There is no need to hide it in your heart."

"I know, Xiao Jing, but take it slow, I'm afraid it's too much to understand all at once." Lin Xingyu nodded. She understood what Yun Jing meant, and her heart felt warm and happy.

If your lover is willing to open his heart to you, is there anything more joyful in the world than this?

I have to say that Lin Xingyu's cooking skills are really good. After a lot of work, he used three different cooking methods for several fishes, steaming, boiling, and grilling.

During this period, Yunjing was not just waiting to start eating, but was also helping. It felt like a husband and wife accompanying each other, warm and comfortable.

"Come on, Xiaojing, try it and see how it tastes. Is it to your liking? If there are any shortcomings, tell me so that I can improve them in the future." The two sat opposite each other, and Lin Xingyu gave him a piece of fish.

Looking forward to it.

Yunjing took one bite, chewed it slowly, gave a thumbs up and said, "It's delicious."

There were no exaggerated words of praise. Just two words brought a bright smile to Lin Xingyu's face. Yunjing was telling the truth, not coaxing her out of conscience.

"That's good, that makes me feel relieved. I'm afraid you won't be able to get used to it, Xiaojing," Lin Xingyu said with relief.

After giving her a chopstick, Yunjing said: "Come on, Xingyu, you can eat too, eat more. I eat less, so don't pay too much attention to me."

"Yeah." Lin Xingyu smiled sweetly. She was already hungry and ate in small bites. Her movements were graceful, but not slow. If Yun Jing hadn't been there, she would have been faster. After all, she still had to be reserved in front of her lover.

A little bit.

Watching her eating elegantly, Yun Jing couldn't help but smile and said: "Spooning soup with bare hands, accompanied by the wind, and a beauty by your side, life is like this, what more can I ask for?"

"Xiaojing, you scholars are always so elegant and interesting. Is it really so beautiful?" Lin Xingyu couldn't help but raised his head and said, his face flushed like a cloud, and his heart felt sweet after being praised by his lover.

Nodding, Yun Jing said: "It is so beautiful. If you can calm down, you can feel nostalgic everywhere. However, people in the world are in such a hurry that they always forget to stop and take a closer look around them. They miss out on so much without even realizing it."

After all, Lin Xingyu was a man of the world. He was not very good at saying such things. He paused and said sincerely: "That's great."

"Haha, it would be better if I could drink another glass of wine and get drunk in the breeze. It's rare in this world." Yun Jing said with a leisurely smile.

When Lin Xingyu heard the word "drinking", she couldn't help but think of Yunjing touching her when she was drunk in the early spring. She felt a little strange in her heart. Her cheeks were slightly red and she didn't dare to look at him, but she said by mistake: "Xiaojing wants to drink."

Are you ready? How about I have a drink with you?"

Seeing her like this, Yunjing also realized what she was thinking, shook his head and said: "Forget it, I tend to lose control of my hands and feet after drinking. It would be bad if I do something rude again."

"Xiao Jing, please stop teasing me. Even if you know that, I won't mind even if that happens," Lin Xingyu said weakly, his voice almost inaudible.

Yun Jing looked at her with a half-smile and said, "Really?"

"Fake", Lin Xing said what he said but didn't mean what he meant.

Yunjing stopped teasing her and said, "Eat quickly, it will get cold soon in this season, and it won't taste good when it gets cold."

"Yes." Lin Xingyu nodded, feeling very beautiful. Yunjing cared about her and took her feelings into consideration, not treating her as a mere appendage for fun. She actually didn't mind, but how dare a girl take the initiative...

She finished the few fish quickly, and most of them went into Lin Xingyu's stomach, which made her quite embarrassed. She was afraid of leaving a rude impression on her lover by eating too much.

Yunjing didn't mind. It was normal for martial arts practitioners to eat a lot. He guessed that Lin Xingyu hadn't eaten enough yet. After all, could she use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to replace her daily consumption?

After finishing the meal, Yunjing thought about it and took some water to wash some items. It was very convenient without having to do anything, and then returned them through the air.

After looking at the sky, Yunjing asked Lin Xingyu, who was leaning next to him after the meal: "Xingyu, what are your plans next?"

"There are a lot of things going on in our school during this period, especially recently. I have to go back to our school to deal with emergencies at any time. Xiaojing, I'm sorry, I don't have much time to spend with you recently," Lin Xingyu said with some trepidation.

She also wanted to stay with Yunjing all the time, especially since she had just established a relationship with Yunjing. However, as Yunjing said, life is not limited to the love between children. Of course, if she had to choose, she would

I would give up everything and choose Yunjing.

Yunjing comforted: "It's okay, I understand."

Then Lin Xingyu thought for a while and said: "After that, the more important thing is to work hard to improve your cultivation and carry forward the school." At this point, she paused, stared at Yun Jing and said: "Xiao Jing, you

You are so outstanding, if I don’t work hard, I’m afraid I won’t even be qualified to stand by your side in the future.”

"What are you talking about? You know I don't care about this. I want you to be safe and happy." Yunjing shook his head and said.

Selectively ignoring the word 'you', Lin Xingyu said: "But I care, and I want to share Xiao Jing's worries instead of simply becoming a burden."

"Well, just be happy. No matter what you want to do, I support it," Yun Jing said with a smile.

The sun was turning to the west, and Lin Xingyu stopped talking and leaned next to Yunjing, quietly experiencing this rare peace.

When the sunset glowed like fire, Yunjing thought for a moment and said, "It's getting late, shall I take you back first?"

"...Yeah", Lin Xingyu opened her mouth and nodded. Even though her heart was full of reluctance and nostalgia, there were still many things waiting for her, so we could only part ways temporarily.

In fact, there is no separation. After all, it is easy to meet each other, but the love between children is so long that it is always so difficult to leave. I wish I could stay together thirteen hours a day...

After packing up, Yunjing sent her back to Liuye Sword Sect.

Yunjing came here to fish, but Lin Xingyu came here on horseback, so if they didn't want to walk, they would have to ride together.

The black horse tied to the tree snorted when he saw the two men approaching, and bowed his head in an extremely docile manner.

Lin Xingyu was immediately surprised and said: "Xiao Jing, Mo Yun has been following me for several years. He has a fierce temper. Usually he will get angry when anyone approaches him except me. Now it seems that not only does he hate you, but he also takes the initiative to get close to you."

Girls in love are all the same, they can be extremely happy about anything that concerns both parties.

"Perhaps it also saw that we are close to each other. You are its master, and I am half of its master." Yunjing reached out and stroked the horse's temples and smiled. There was no need to bring up such things as being close to animals since he was a child.

It was said at this time.

The horses were not noisy at all when they were petted by Yun Jing, but were instead very docile.

Lin Xingyu immediately nodded and said, "I guess that's what it is." Then she bit her lip and looked at Yun Jing and said shyly, "Shall I take you on horseback?"

"That's fine." Yunjing didn't see her outside.

Immediately, Lin Xingyu got on the horse and handed Yunjing's hand to Yunjing. Yunjing took her hand and sat behind her, then put his arms around her waist. She could clearly feel her whole body stiffen.

"Drive", Lin Xingyu calmly urged the horse to move forward, but Yun Jing hugged his waist, and his whole body felt a little weak. He seemed to be unable to exert himself, and his face turned red and his neck turned red.

Although the two of them have already established their relationship, she is still very shy to be in such close contact, but she likes this feeling very much.

Holding her slender and strong waist, their backs and chests were touching as the horses moved forward. Smelling the incense of her Dharma, Yun Jing also felt a little distraught.

Not long after leaving, Lin Xingyu whispered: "Something is pushing against me." When she said this, her voice was trembling, and it was obviously squeezed out of her throat.

"Um, it's a natural reaction, you can't control this kind of thing," Yun Jing said awkwardly.

Lin Xingyu understood immediately. She didn't say anything and was even more at a loss. All the advantages were taken advantage of, but she didn't hate it.

Yunjing continued awkwardly: "How about I go down and walk?"

"No... no, just let it be. Xiao Jing, please stop talking and be good. It's hard for me to ride like this." Lin Xingyu said with a trembling voice, almost crying. This is really killing my sister.


Yun Jingxin said, "What can I do? Sister Xingyu, if you try to resist but still welcome me in my arms, if your body comes into contact accidentally, a normal man will inevitably react, okay?"

Both parties stopped talking, the atmosphere was a bit charming, and even the cold winter wind seemed to be shy and hot.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long. The two rode their horses for a few miles. Lin Xingyu pulled the reins and stopped in the middle of the road. He quickly put away his previous shyness and looked ahead with a cold face. However,

With her back against Yun Jing's chest, her eyes were a little wandering and unfocused.

"Xiao Jing, stop making trouble, someone is blocking the road," Lin Xingyu reminded in a low voice, feeling extremely tangled in her heart. Being blocked by someone would definitely not make her feel better, especially when the other person was obviously coming for her, but being interrupted by someone to get along with her lover, this

Making her even angrier.

The sun was about to set, the cold wind stirred up the dead grass and dust, and the atmosphere on the road was a little solemn.

In front of them, more than a dozen people rushed out of the woods on both sides of the road. The two leaders stood in front, both in their forties or fifty years old.

The first two people, one was wearing black clothes, was tall and majestic, holding a large black gun, the other was wearing gray robes, with cold eyes, and he was holding a long straight knife in his arms.

These two people have late acquired cultivation levels, and the dozen or so people following them are mostly in the middle acquired levels.

The appearance of that group of people was obviously malicious and they blocked me in the middle of the road. Yun Jing said in his heart that it relieved my embarrassment, so thank you very much.

Yunjing didn't know these people. After all, they looked like people from the Jianghu. Yunjing didn't know much about the Jianghu. He had noticed them a long time ago, but didn't pay attention. This time they jumped out, and he didn't know who they were for.

He still came for Lin Xingyu.

Yunjing didn't know them, but Lin Xingyu was no stranger to them.

Riding on the horse, Lin Xingyu looked forward with a frosty face and said in a deep voice: "Senior Zhao, Senior Hong, I wonder what you mean by leading people to block this junior's path? It's such a big battle, I really look up to this junior!"

After speaking, Lin Xingyu quickly explained to Yun Jing the person who was coming. The person holding the gun was the deputy hall master of the Iron Spear Hall, named Zhao Xitan. He had acquired advanced cultivation and was good at using a big gun. His combat power was in the Iron Spear Hall.

Ranked in the top three, he is also ranked in the top ten in the entire Xinlin County. The other one is Hong Tao, an elder of the Feng Dao Sect. He has sharp sword skills and is as strong as Zhao Xitan.

Lin Xingyu knew that their appearance was not a good one. Lin Xingyu knew that they would most likely not dare to do anything to him, but if they were not afraid of ten thousand, they would be afraid of what might happen. Their strength was not as good as theirs, so they did not dare to be careless at all.

Lin Xingyu thought a lot at this moment. Because of her younger brother Lin Yexing, she had acquired several powerful martial arts skills. As long as she gave herself time, not many people in the entire Xinlin County arena would pose a threat to her in the near future.

, then no one will be able to stop the rise of the Liuye Sword Sect, so will these people kill themselves?

Although they will definitely be retaliated against if they die, death is like a lamp going out. It will be difficult for the Willow Leaf Sword Sect to develop and grow if they lose themselves...

That's what she thought, but Lin Xingyu didn't have much fear. It wasn't because Yunjing's existence made her emboldened, but because if they wanted to kill her, the cost was beyond their ability to bear. There was a lot of room for maneuver.

They didn't dare to show off their faces if they had no choice.

The world is like this, no one knows what will happen in the next moment. Not long ago, these people went to congratulate Lin Yexing, but now they are fighting each other.

Faced with Lin Xingyu's question, Zhao Xitan from the opposite side stepped forward and said with a smile: "Niece Xian has become more and more beautiful after not seeing you for many days. Don't get me wrong, we don't have any malicious intention in blocking the road. We just want to invite you to a place to stay for a while." At this point

He paused, looked at Yun Jing behind Lin Xingyu and continued: "I hope I didn't disturb niece Xian's good things. That's not our original intention."

At this time, Yun Jing wanted to say something, but Lin Xingyu, who had his back turned to him, seemed to have a tacit understanding, gently shook his head and whispered: "Xiao Jing, leave it to me, I will handle it. You are a scholar, and things in the world are handled by me."

I don’t want you to get involved too much, they don’t dare to do anything to you.”

Hearing this, Yunjing pondered for a moment and patted her shoulder without saying anything, indicating that if she couldn't solve the problem, she would still have him.

Then Lin Xingyu looked forward and said coldly: "Senior Zhao, I would like to salute you, senior. I'm afraid you didn't invite me this way, right?"

As his thoughts flickered, Lin Xingyu probably understood their intentions. For his own sake, as long as they were given some time, the rise of the Liuye Sword Sect would be unstoppable. They were anxious and did not dare to do anything to themselves, so they wanted to control themselves for a while.

Time, within this period of time, they will definitely take action against the Liu Ye Sword Sect. If the Liu Ye Sword Sect is gone by then, everything will be meaningless.

"Forgive me, niece Xian. We have heard a little bit about your methods. It will inevitably hurt the harmony if you start to fight. It will be bad if we bump into each other. So I have to bring my brothers to invite you. I will bully more and bully less."

Although it’s a bit embarrassing, I’d rather not do anything if I can, right?” Hong Tao, who was standing next to him, also stepped forward and said, with no embarrassment on his face. In order to achieve his goal, this approach is normal.

In the Jianghu, if you are too moralistic, you will not be able to get away with it.

"That's right, so niece Xian should come with us. This way, hello to you and me. Hello to everyone. As for Mr. Yun, please forgive me. We sincerely and unintentionally offended. I hope you won't interfere in our affairs. It seems that

You two have a very close relationship, but I hope we can understand each other," Zhao Xitan said again.

After all, the world of martial arts and the circle of scholars are two different fields. Zhao Xitan and the others knew Yunjing. If they didn't have this kind of discernment, they would have died long ago. They didn't dare to offend Yunjing easily, but they finally met Yunjing.

Lin Xingyu was alone. How could she let go of such an opportunity? She just didn't expect that Yun Jing would be with her and have a close relationship with her. But now that the matter was at this point, she had no choice but to bite the bullet.

To be honest, everyone is very confused at this time. Lin Xingyu is alone and being targeted. How to deal with the current situation? The key is that she does not want to involve Yunjing, and Yunjing, although she has no intention of getting involved in the affairs of the world, she can always

You can't just let Lin Xingyu be taken away by them. The relationship has just been confirmed. How can a man allow such a thing to happen?

The same was true on the other side. Lin Xingyu was alone, but it was easy to handle. She couldn't resist in a large number of people. After politely asking him to leave, he stayed in a place with good food and drinks for a while, and then the problem was solved.

It's time to make amends and apologize. After all, a lot of things have been done, but she is actually with Yun Jing and behaves intimately, which is difficult to handle.

What the hell is wrong with this?

After pondering for a moment, Lin Xingyu would definitely not let them take them away. He raised his sword and said, "What if I don't want to go with you?"

"What's wrong with my virtuous niece?" Zhao Xitan asked tangledly.

Hong Tao was also embarrassed and said: "Yes, niece Xian knew that she was losing, so why did she fight with each other? It's really not our original intention to hurt the harmony. You might as well come with us. Don't worry, we are just going to a place to stay for a while, and we won't embarrass you.


"It seems that the two seniors are determined," Lin Xingyu said in a deep voice.

After walking for many years, she may look like a little bird in front of Yun Jing, but she is still very bloody and will not be intimidated by the situation in front of her. This kind of her has a different character in Yun Jing's eyes.

There was definitely no way to start a fight, and Yunjing didn't want that to happen, but continuing with this stalemate was not an option, so he coughed dryly to attract attention and said: "Everyone, I am not a junior who will encounter such a thing by chance.

What I want to see is that this junior has no intention of getting involved in the affairs of the world, but I want you to know that Xingyu and I have agreed to spend the rest of their lives together. As a man, you can't just watch your woman being bullied. I hope everyone understands, so

, I’m so shameless, junior. I hope everyone can give me some face. Youdao values ​​harmony. Let’s all leave. Just pretend that this incident didn’t happen, okay?”


No one here dared to look down upon Yunjing's words, let alone them. Looking at Jiangzhou, how many people dared not to give Yunjing a face? But when things have come to this, if we just stop here, the rest of the arrangements will be disrupted.

What to do?

Wait patiently for their answers. To Yunjing, these are all trivial matters. It's best if you can turn them into big ones. Anyway, try not to do anything if you can.

This chapter has been completed!
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