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Chapter six hundred

Returning south, Yunjing originally planned to go directly back to Niujiao Town, but he stopped for a while while passing over Xinlin County.

Looking at the pictures of the county town and surrounding areas below, he felt a little depressed and there was no smile on his face.

A severe drought has affected the entire world, and Xinlin County is no exception.

Half of the shops in the county have closed down, and it is extremely desolate. There are more than ten times more beggars on the streets than before. The sound of begging is everywhere. Behind some corner houses, beggars in ragged clothes look numb.

Nowadays, the hottest business in the county is not the brothels, casinos, restaurants, teahouses, or grain and oil shops, but the water sellers on the streets. They use oxcarts or horse-drawn carriages to transport clean water from afar.

It was sold out and I couldn't even smell the vapor when I went there late.

Water is not expensive, but the demand is huge in times of drought. People will die of thirst if they don’t drink water for up to two or three days.

In addition, refugees from all over the surrounding areas are gradually gathering towards the county town, dragging their families with them, just to find a way to survive.

Many simple shacks have been built around the county to accommodate the victims, and the court's disaster relief porridge is already in progress, which can barely allow the victims to survive for the time being.

After all, Xinlin County is located in the south, which is much better than the bitter cold land of Yangfeng County. Therefore, the situation here is better than that of Yangfeng County, but it is not much better. As long as the weather does not change and it rains, it will evolve into Yangfeng County.

It's only a matter of time before thousands of disaster victims gather together.

He looked away from the county seat and looked in all directions. As he saw the cloud scenery, most of the rivers had completely dried up, including the rivers he had originally used to lead to underground water sources.

Even if it doesn't rain, the water in the underground river is not inexhaustible.

The only good thing is that the crops in the fields were not completely harvested. Some fields close to rivers were irrigated by water during the critical period of crop growth, but they were still harvested.

But overall, grain production is estimated to be only half of previous years, maybe a little less.

Even if there is a harvest for a family, this kind of food output can only barely sustain a family's life, but don't forget, there are taxes!

I just don’t know whether the dynasty will introduce a series of tax reduction and exemption policies during the drought. If it continues like in previous years, people will simply not be able to survive.

This is just this year. If it doesn’t rain next year, no matter how hard we try, the harvest in the fields will probably be 10% or even none at all!

Thinking of this, Yunjing's mood became even more depressed.

After staying briefly, Yunjing thought about it and flew in the direction of Liuye Sword Sect. Now that he was back, it was still necessary to say hello to Lin Xingyu, but unfortunately Yunjing did not see her figure in the sect.

After a little secret understanding, Yunjing learned that Lin Xingyu was leading a team to participate in a martial arts conference in Wangjiang County. In this martial arts conference, all sects in Wangjiang County, large and small, were invited. Liuye Jian

Pie is no exception.

The reason for such a grand gathering is that the current drought is severe and banditry is widespread. It is time for people in the world to fight against the strong and help the weak and act chivalrously.

Such martial arts conferences are, to a certain extent, organized voluntarily by Jianghu sects and are also directed by the government. Otherwise, the dynasty would not be able to stop the Jianghu people from gathering together. Now that everything is in chaos, the government also needs Jianghu people to contribute.

People in the world like this kind of tone the most. It is a rare opportunity to become famous, and it is also an opportunity to expand influence.

Knowing this, Yunjing didn't intend to get involved. In a county, the most powerful people may not have the true artistic conception. Lin Xingyu is measured, so as long as she doesn't be aggressive and keeps a low profile, it won't be a big problem.

After leaving a letter in Lin Xingyu's boudoir that he had returned, Yunjing flew to Niujiao Town.

The situation here is much better. Although the market is still very depressed, there are very few refugees and beggars. After all, this is where Yunjing lives. Under his secret care, the food in the surrounding fields has been guaranteed to a certain extent.

This situation makes people feel a lot more at ease, but at this time, the output in the fields seems to be less than 60 to 70% of normal years. Compared with other places, this is already a bumper harvest.

Of course, there is another reason. This is a grain source town gifted by the emperor, and it is also a fiefdom of the eldest princess. People do not have to pay taxes. Under various prerequisites, the situation here is much better than other places.

But it is only temporary. The climate does not return to normal. As time goes by, it is only a matter of time that this place becomes like other places.

Bai Zhi was not in the small courtyard in the suburbs, and Yunjing knew that she had gone to the lotus pond hut in the mountains to retreat.

Not looking for her for the time being, Yunjing first found Song Yan in the town, sent a message through the air and asked him to come to the suburbs to meet him, and then returned to the small courtyard outside the town silently.

During the time when Song Yan arrived, Yunjing was sharpening his ink, picking up his pen, and spreading out the paper to write a famous post. After he had almost finished writing, Song Yan came quickly.

"Young master is back," Song Yan said in a surprised tone as soon as he arrived, as if he had suddenly found his backbone.

Nodding, Yunjing looked at him and asked, "Is everything okay during my absence?"

"Everything is fine, but Master, as you know the current situation, our cake shop was closed two months ago," Song Yan thought for a moment and said.

Yunjing expressed his understanding of this. Under the drought, many people have difficulty eating, and there is no spare money for such luxuries as cakes.

Then Song Yan said: "By the way, young master, the grain you asked to be transported from the capital has been handed over and stored in batches."

"Is there anything wrong?" Yun Dingding nodded and asked casually.

Song Yan put away his smile and said: "Although there was nothing wrong, it was not all smooth sailing, especially the last batch of grain, which was almost detained by the government when passing through the prefecture. In desperation, I had to move out of the Princess Mansion on my own.

Only the name can be released..."

After saying that, Song Yan looked at Yun Jing with some anxiety. After all, he was just a servant. He was extremely bold to dare to take the title of Princess Mansion, especially if he did so on his own initiative.

The food was almost seized by the government. Considering the current situation, it was normal. Food was needed everywhere. How could the government watch Yunjing's food slip away before their eyes?

In response to this, Yun Jing said calmly: "I know about this. You did a good job. I won't blame you. As for the Princess Mansion, I just said hello when I came back. It will be fine."

"Well, I have no choice but to do it. If I cause trouble to the young master, I will die without mercy," Song Yan said with a sigh of relief.

Then Yunjing stopped worrying about these little things, and handed the written name card to Song Yan and said: "This is my name card. Xiao Song, take it, then go to the county and ask for help from the county in my name."

Order, tell him that we are willing to provide food to help the victims. You must handle this matter without delay. If you think about it, the county magistrate will not refuse, but will not be happy in time."

The reason for this arrangement was that Yunjing had an idea a long time ago, otherwise he would not have prepared so much food in advance. However, his ability alone is limited and he can only try to take care of one county. He will not be able to do anything for more places.

Judging from the food he has hoarded, it is still possible to keep hundreds of thousands of victims alive for a year and a half. Moreover, the number of victims in Xinlin County is not yet hundreds of thousands, just a few thousand. Of course,

There will definitely be more in the future.

This time when food was provided for disaster relief, Yunjing made it very clear in his post that although he had provided food, it was not in his own name, but in the name of the government.

There are many things involved and you have to be careful, otherwise you will only cause trouble for yourself.

For example, during a disaster, disaster relief is a matter for the government of the dynasty. What do you want to do by providing disaster relief in your own name? Gather the hearts of the people? If such a big label is taken off, although it is unlikely, but what if it happens?

, if it happened, Yunjing would not be able to withstand it just by relying on his own identity and energy.

So it can only be done in the name of the government, even if he provides food.

What Yunjing wants is to help the victims. As for reputation and the like, he doesn't care. Even if he has to be clean, it doesn't matter. Can he be called selfless? Of course not, it can even be said to be selfish, because he tries not to give anything to himself.

Looking for trouble.

Song Yan took the name card and said, "Okay, young master, I will definitely handle this matter."

At this time, Song Yan understood Yunjing's real intention of hoarding food since last year. He really had a long-term vision. If it was a last-minute idea, where would he find so much food?

However, this was beyond Song Yan's expectation. He had been frightened before, thinking that his young master was hoarding so much food because he wanted to cause trouble, um, for example, to start an uprising or something. After all, if there was food, how could he be afraid that no one would be around? And his young master

His ability was extraordinary, and maybe he couldn't sit in that position. He had already thought about it, and he would do whatever the young master wanted to do. His feelings were that he thought too much.

After learning the purpose of Yunjing's food, Song Yan breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he felt a little bit disappointed...

Not knowing how to read minds, Yunjing naturally didn't know what Song Yan was thinking, but now he said seriously: "We also need to pay attention to methods and methods when relieving the victims. We don't just give food to the government and that's it, otherwise it will just be

It's thankless and even cheap for some people. Next I say, just do it."

"Master, tell me, I'll listen," Song Yan said seriously.

Yunjing continued: "After you go to the county, make it clear to the officials that we will provide food relief to the victims in the name of the government, but we will do it specifically. The food will not fall into the hands of the government. We will give it to the victims.

We do this to give our reputation to the government to prevent some people from enriching their own pockets. We have to guard against this kind of thing. Some officials will definitely be dissatisfied with such a request, but it is hard for them to say anything. After all, we are helping the government to work hard and provide food in vain.

, I just hold my nose and admit it. As for frame-up because I can't get any benefits, there's no need to worry about it. My master has to weigh one or two. If someone else does something because they can't get any benefits, I don't mind.

Bring out the name of Princess Mansion..."

At this point, Yunjing paused and continued: "In addition, our food seems to be a lot, but it cannot withstand the long-term consumption of the flood of victims, so it must be based on the number of victims. Remember not to waste a grain of rice at a critical moment.

It can save lives. Then we mainly give porridge. The clear soup is a little less watery, and it can be mixed with other things such as grain bran. As long as it can fill the stomach and not starve to death, don't think it is cruel. Please know how to help the victims.

It’s not a matter of one or two days. Master, I’m reluctant to part with food. I’m really afraid that there won’t be enough food later.”

"Secondly, we can't do everything to provide relief to the victims. We have to pretend to be digging food out of our teeth, which will make it impossible to carry out at any time. Remember, we are just supporting, and the government is the main force in disaster relief."

"Then we can't just do our part. While relieving the victims, we must also find ways to mobilize other large families. One person's ability is limited. Only with the participation of many people can we help more people for a long time, and with more people participating,

We won’t stand out any more.”

"Finally, regarding manpower, there are more victims, and when we are short of manpower, we can select some representatives from the victims to maintain continuity. I don't need to mention this to you too much."

"Another point is that just giving food to the victims is not a problem. They have left their homes and have nothing to do but cause trouble, so we need to find something for them to do to divert their energy. Regarding this point, I will

Not much to say, the dynasty has already issued specific regulations, you can discuss it with the government when the time comes."

"Well, that's about all, did you hear me clearly?"

He said so much in detail, but Song Yan still had some unclear reasons, so he immediately nodded and said: "Don't worry, young master, I understand everything, and I promise to handle it properly for you."

"I'm quite relieved when you do things. Go ahead and leave this matter to you," Yun Dingding nodded and smiled.

After Song Yan left, Yun Jingxin said that he could only try his best to contribute, and he could only take care of a small area, and there was nothing more he could do.

In the final analysis, we still need to solve the curse problem, otherwise God knows how long the drought will last. No matter how much we do, it will only be a drop in the bucket. If this problem is not solved and the drought continues, what will happen next?

But when he thought that the entire human civilization had been cursed, Yun Jing felt a deep sense of powerlessness. What could he do about the things on the "front line" that even the elders of Xiaoyao Realm couldn't handle?

Yunjing firmly believes that there will always be a way, but he just doesn't know what to do for the moment. After all, there is a saying that there is no perfect path for everyone. No matter what, there is always a glimmer of hope. There can be no absolute things in the world!

After Song Yan made arrangements, Yunjing stopped in the small courtyard for a while, and then went back to his home in Xiaoxi Village. After being away for so long, his family must be worried. Making family members feel at ease is the most basic filial piety for a child.

Time flies by so fast, and this year has already reached the autumn harvest season without realizing it.

Compared to other places, Xiaoxi Village has been secretly taken care of by Yunjing, and the grain production here has not been greatly affected. The only impact is that the weather is too hot during the grain growing season, which makes the plant growth less than ideal.

Generally speaking, Xiaoxi Village's grain production should be 80-90% of previous years, which is slightly better than expected. But even so, there are not many smiles on the faces of the villagers.

In previous years, there was a bumper harvest, but this year the harvest has been reduced. This is even more uncomfortable than cutting off flesh on their bodies.

After all, they are from the countryside. They have hardly traveled far, have little experience, and have few sources of information. If the villagers of Xiaoxi Village were informed about the situation in the severely affected areas, they might not feel dissatisfied with this year's production.

When Yunjing returned to the village, every household was busy harvesting grain. As in previous years, they were afraid that a strong wind or heavy rain would cause no grain harvest.

The human-powered threshing machines in the fields hummed as they were stepped on by the villagers. That was the sound of harvesting, and it sounded wonderful.

Yunjing came back safely, and his family felt relieved. However, before Yunjing could enjoy the warmth of home after going out, he was urged by his family to go to the fields to collect grain and work as a "coolie".

He is the "strongest worker" in the family. One of them can support ten... um, one hundred... Anyway, one can support many of them. If you don't work, do you still want to exhaust your parents to death?

In Yunshan's parlance, what's wrong with the scholars? The scholars are not my children? The scholars don't need to eat? Hurry up and work for me, so that the food can be loaded into the warehouse. This will make people feel at ease.

No matter what it was like outside, the feeling at home gave Yun Jing an incomparable warmth and simplicity. He liked this kind of life very much. No matter how beautiful the scenery was outside, it could not match the smile on his parents' faces.

During the autumn harvest season, the school will have a special period of vacation. This holiday is to allow students to go into the fields and experience the hard work of farmers. It is considered an assignment assigned by the teacher to the students. Of course, after avoiding the teacher, there are a few

Who knows if a student will actually go to the ground?

This kind of holiday decoration is that of Niujiao Town School. It is the same everywhere, including schools like the Four University Palaces. Learning is not just building a building in the air. Only by experiencing it in person can you truly understand what is written between the lines.

It was the same way when Yunjing was in school. Not only during the autumn harvest, but also during the busy farming season in spring, there were holidays like this.

I don’t know if other students will actually go to the fields during such a holiday. Anyway, Yunjing’s younger brothers and sisters cannot escape and come back to the village to help harvest crops.

After all, Yunxi is a girl and helps with light things, such as delivering rice. As for Yundong, the heavy work falls on him. At his age, as his father Yunshan said, I

When you're your age, you're capable of doing any job at home, so please be more serious.

Under the scorching sun, Yundong was sweating profusely. His bare skin was covered with light marks from the cutting of rice leaves. There was fluff on the straw, which was very scratchy. There were small bumps in many places on his body, but this guy didn't complain about being tired.

, because his brother Yunjing is also busy.

Yundong didn't look at Yunjing with envy and speechless eyes. They were both born to the same girl. How could there be such a big difference? The eldest brother didn't even have a drop of sweat on his body. His skin was as white as a girl's, while he himself was tanned.


After working for a long time, he took advantage of his break. On the edge of the field, under a willow tree that was dying under the scorching sun, Yundong sat down next to Yunjing enjoying the cool air. He looked at his family not far away. He looked expectant and nervous.

He asked Yunjing in a low voice: "Brother, do you still remember what you promised me?"

Yunjing held a bamboo cup, which was filled with juice boiled from the pears of the pear tree in his yard, with honey added. He put some ice cubes in it, and it was a veritable ice-cold honey and snow pear water.

Take a sip to cool down your heart, not to mention how comfortable it is. Upon hearing this, Yunjing handed the cup in his hand to Yun Dong and said, "Drink something?"

Yundong opened it without hesitation, and took a big mouthful of Gudu Gudu. He let out a breath, not to mention how comfortable it was, and secretly thought that our eldest brother would enjoy it.

Well, in fact, Yunjing's family members all drink such iced drinks, how could he just enjoy it for himself?

I promised you a lot of things, kid. Which one are you referring to?

With his heart ticking, Yun Dingding nodded and said, "Of course I remember it."

No matter what, let's show our attitude first. As for what is going on, my little brother will definitely tell it himself.

Yun Dong's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to say: "Brother, when will you arrange it for me? I have been waiting for many years."

The little brother actually didn't play his cards according to the routine. I don't even know what you are referring to right now.

However, no matter what you promise to Yundong, there are preconditions here in Yunjing. Yunjing said with a straight face: "Arrangements can be made at any time, but have you ever done what you promised me?"

"Of course, I obtained the title of Tongsheng a few months ago. Brother, you have hardly seen anyone this year. I didn't even come to tell you. You, the elder brother, don't care at all about such a big thing.

Our family has been setting up a flowing banquet for two days, and let me tell you, brother, I got into the top ten in the county," Yundong said in a speechless and showy tone.

Yunjing curled his lips and said, "Look how proud you are. You are only in the top ten. Your brother and I were the first in the exam back then. Am I showing off?"

Isn’t this showing off? Yundong was speechless and subconsciously asked: “Which time was first?”

"Both children and men are ranked number one," Yun Jing said lightly.

I didn't mention it to you when I was a scholar. Yundong rolled his eyes and said, "Brother, please don't interrupt. Does the promise you promised me still count? We don't want to default on our debts."

What you are saying is, your brother, if I default on my debt, what else can you do to me?

Yun Jing's heart was pounding, but he remembered it. It seemed that he had promised Yun Dong that once he obtained the title of Tongsheng, he would teach him martial arts, give him a sword, and arrange a book boy for him.

Thinking of this, Yunjing suddenly felt a little bit at a loss, and the loss was huge. He had accomplished one thing, and actually got several of his promises in exchange?

Do you want to break your promise? Even this kid can't change the world.

Forget it, we have already agreed to something, we can't do anything to get rich by breaking our promise, Yun Jing said: "I remember everything, don't worry."

"Hey, brother, you are the best, when will you implement it for me?" Yundong said expectantly.

Yunjing stood up and patted his butt and said, "What are you busy with? What else can I do without you? You have to work. If you don't finish the work, there will be nothing. I will arrange it for you when I am free. Don't worry, it won't be long."

"Brother, this is what you said, don't forget it." Yundong followed up in a hurry.

Yunjing secretly curled his lips inwardly as he was a man born into fame and not stable at all.

This guy actually had his fame as a child, so it was worth all the effort and effort to correct him.

The parents must be very happy to have two famous scholars in the family. What they want in life is for their children to have a good future...


I recommend a good gay book, titled: "I, Godzilla, the Great Old One"

Introduction: Kang Qiao woke up from the original birth of the world, but at this time he became the larvae of Godzilla.

This is the story of Godzilla punching the giant beast of the past and kicking the gods of faith.

This chapter has been completed!
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