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Chapter 424 The form is in jeopardy!

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Wu Qingmei immediately said in a deep voice: "What should we do next?"

As the king of a country, she would not be in chaos at this time. This sentence was not only asking Yunjing and others, but also asking herself, as she quickly thought about the next action in her mind.

"That gang of traitors is very likely to jump over the wall. Let's continue to the fourth stronghold. Even if they have already withdrawn, we will go there and follow their footsteps. If we can catch them, we will have a chance to stop them from making a desperate move!"

Hearing what Yun Jing said, Hong Ya nodded immediately and said: "Let's go, I will take you to the next closest place, which is more than 8,000 miles away from here. I will control it on the way and we will discuss countermeasures as we go."

Without further ado, after Hongya finished speaking, he quickly disappeared with Yunjing and the others and rushed to the next place.

Hearing this, the corner of Yunjing's mouth twitched. Tubo and the others, who were rushing to get ready before their relationship, all got motion sickness. Did you, the old man, do it on purpose?

After setting off, on the way to the next location, Yunjing and the others were able to communicate normally under Hongya's control.

Wu Qingmei said: "Now the people in our arrest department are too scattered. We must immediately notify Mr. Chai and others, so that all the people in the arrest department can assemble and be prepared to deal with the desperate behavior of the traitor organization. This requires an order from the headquarters of the arrest department. Also, the army must be assembled and all available troops must be prepared in advance, but this requires an order from His Majesty!"

Aren't you the emperor of San Luo? He murmured in his heart, and Yun Jing cooperated: "Yes, the armed forces that deal with the traitorous organization must be notified in advance so that they can be mobilized."

An inexplicable color flashed in Hong Ya's eyes, and he suspected that Yun Jing had already figured out Wu Qingmei's identity at this time, but he had no evidence...

After a pause, Yunjing's eyes flickered and he continued: "By the way, how many cities in your Sanluo Dynasty have a population of more than 10 million? Where are they? Count those with more than 5 million."

Quickly understanding what Yun Jing meant, Wu Qingmei immediately took out a map and unfolded it, saying: "Our Sanluo Dynasty has many cities with a population of more than five million, especially now that disaster victims are gathering. The latest statistics of such cities include fifty "Multiple seats"

As he spoke, Wu Qingmei quickly reached out and pointed out the corresponding city locations at various places on the map.

"Boy Yun, what you mean is that those treacherous people are likely to attack a city with a large population, right? But we don't know where they will attack, so the manpower we prepare in advance must be arranged to be able to rush to any city quickly. Is that the place?" Hong Ya also understood Yun Jing's intention and asked immediately.

Nodding, Yunjing said: "That's right, senior, it's exactly like this. It takes time to mobilize a large number of manpower, but it also takes time to activate the traitors. It depends on which side is faster. But if we can find the place where they attack in advance and stop them, Even better”

Speaking of this, Yunjing pointed to a place on the map and said: "Here, the place called Qingmiao County, has convenient transportation and can reach all parts of Sanluo. It is also the relative center of all your Sanluo cities with a population of more than five million. It can take care of all directions at the same time, so I think it is best to gather the manpower arranged in this place, what do you think?"

After looking at the map carefully, Hong Ya said: "Boy Yun, this place is not the most central, right? Pingchuan Prefecture, a thousand miles away, is more central."

"Senior, the Pingchuan Zhou area you belong to is the most central place of each city, but in your haste, you only saw the straight-line distance from it to each city, and ignored the mountains, rivers and swamps on the way. Where is the Qingmiao County that the junior mentioned

It seems that there are detours to all directions, but it is the fastest place to hold an army. Moreover, there is a drought and waterways are impassable, so the only way is by land, so Qingmiao County is the best choice," Yunjing explained.

Hong Ya didn't feel embarrassed when Yun Jing bluntly pointed out his negligence. He had already reached the point where he was calm, and standing at his height, he considered the same problem from a different angle. Yun Jing, like this

As soon as he explained, he quickly adjusted his mentality and said with deep understanding: "Young boy Yun is right. Qingmiao County is indeed the best gathering place. After all, young people have flexible ideas. Old people can't compare with you."

young people"

"Mr. Hong, please don't say that, this country is still counting on you," Wu Qingmei said immediately.

Hong Ya said: "I can still help support the situation when it comes to big things, but I don't have that much energy in all aspects."

"Okay, let's not talk about this. If it makes no sense for everyone, I will make sure that all parties are gathering towards Qingmiao County." Yunjing looked at them and asked.

Hong Ya typeset, nodded and said: "That's the decision."

Then he signaled Tubo Hongluoke to communicate with all aspects. Chai Shilin was not here, so he would handle such communication matters.

As for Wu Qingmei, isn't she still responsible for arresting Si Baihu?

"How long will it take to gather manpower?" Yunjing asked after thinking about it.

Hong Ya had been inactive for a long time and was not clear about San Luo's ability to act at the moment, so he motioned to Wu Qingmei.

As the king of a country, Wu Qingmei must know it best. She said: "The arresting department has very strong operational capabilities. With as many manpower as possible, it can take nine cities to reach the designated location in Qingmiao County in at most two days. As for the army, we must march urgently."

I’m afraid it will take at least five days. No matter how elite the troops are, they can only go at this speed.”

"Five days? I hope it's still too late," Yun Jing said helplessly.

After all, the assembly and mobilization is not as convenient as them. Five days is already the most urgent mobilization, and even after assembly, it will take time to rush to the place where the rape organization will attack.

If the traitor were to attack in the farthest city where the team was gathered, it would probably take more than five days to get there!

If the traitor organization is really desperate to jump over the wall as speculated, it can't be done without mobilizing a large force. If the will of the foreign Holy Lord comes and Hongya is restrained, Yunjing and the others will be unable to do anything with the opponent's manpower.

Hong Ya comforted him: "Boy Yun, don't be so pessimistic, what if they don't take action at all?"

"That's best," Yun Jing exhaled.

He knew in his heart that Hong Ya said this just to comfort himself. Judging from the current situation, the traitor organization would probably do anything to promote the will of the Holy Lord. After all, Yunjing's actions in this day have almost defeated half of their power.

, if we delay it any longer, there will be no chance.

Soon Tubo had communicated with all parties and conveyed Yunjing's arrangements, and all parties in the Sanluo court also took urgent action.

During this period, the mobilization of the army required the nod of Wu Qingmei, the king of the country. Yunjing noticed that she was giving orders secretly and pretended not to see it.

After Tubo reported the results of the communication, he brought some bad news. He said: "Master Yun, when I communicated with Master Chai just now, he told me some bad news. He told me to let me know."

You, just an hour ago, villains were causing chaos in various places in Sanluo. There were even countless bandits who were not convinced by the king and openly defied the court. There was chaos everywhere. It can be said that there were weapons everywhere. Mr. Chai analyzed these rebels.

It was done by the forces under the command and control of the traitor organization, with the intention of diverting the attention of the imperial court to implement their plan!"

With his heart condensed, Yun Jing said: "The situation that I least expected to see has happened, but this is enough to confirm that the traitor organization will make all-out efforts to promote the arrival of the so-called Holy Lord!"

Hearing what he said, everyone accompanying him looked solemn, especially Wu Qingmei. This is the country she rules. The current situation can be said to be that the entire country is on the verge of falling apart. The entire country is in chaos, especially

In a world-wide drought, it is not impossible for an entire country to perish if you don't pay attention.

"Don't be impatient. Bring it to the traitor organization and destroy it. Everything will be solved and everything will be fine," Hong Ya said.

His old man's words were very meaningful, which made Wu Qingmei feel at ease a little.

The Mythical Realm is the pillar of the country. With him, the country can stabilize no matter how precarious it is, and it can save the building. The Mythological Realm has that ability.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Qingmei said: "In the current situation, we can only order the local governments to suppress the rebellion. Only after the traitor organizations are eliminated will we have the energy to quell these incidents. Now the elimination of the traitor organizations is the most important!


This sentence shouldn't be something she, a young police officer, is qualified to say, but at this time, she can't care so much. After all, the country is almost gone.

Not worrying about these, Yunjing looked down at Hongya and hesitated to speak, but he still couldn't help but said: "Mr. Hong, before this junior came to your Sanluo, your Majesty once said that General Sanluo and Da

Therefore, if necessary, you can ask me for help from Dali, and I won’t refuse if you think about it.”

A country is actually in crisis and needs to ask for help from other countries. How bad is this country from top to bottom? So asking for help will not be done easily until the end of the road. This is why Yun Jing hesitated to say this again and again.


With an unmoved face, Hong Ya said calmly: "Boy Yun, I understand what you mean, but it's not that time yet. After all, I'm not dead yet."

After hearing what he said, Yun Jing secretly said that it was true and stopped trying to persuade him.

Think about it, how can a country easily allow other countries' "peacekeeping troops" to come and station? Unless it really reaches a crisis of national annihilation...

The bad news came one after another. Yunjing and the others hadn't reached their destination yet, but another bad news came. After hearing it, Wu Qingmei couldn't maintain her evaluation, her face was frosty and her eyes were almost ready to burst into flames.

Even his mind was a little shaken.

In the past, Yunjing and the others had repeatedly overestimated the scale of the gang's rebellion, but they still underestimated it a little.

In order to achieve their goals, the traitorous organizations did not hesitate to launch coups and military coups directly under their control!

The latest news is that a group of civil servants in the Sanluo court actually used the pretext of natural and man-made disasters to force Wu Qingmei to abdicate. They even elected a new monarch. Not only that, more than a dozen garrisons directly rebelled, and the troops involved

There are more than one million people!

Due to internal and external troubles, the whole of Sanluo is really on the verge of collapse.

And the initiator of all the current situations is all the traitor organizations that use all possible means.

Yunjing and the others knew that this was a sign of the traitor organization's impatience, but the current situation was real. They were desperate and desperate, and they were completely reckless about the consequences.

"Huh, as long as I'm here, a few clowns can't change the world!" Hong Ya said coldly, his face darkening.

Although he didn't say it clearly, he was giving Wu Qingmei reassurance.

Feeling at ease, Wu Qingmei pretended to be relaxed and said: "Your Majesty has great talent and great strategy, and the chaos in this area can be calmed down with a backhand."

This is not because she is bragging, but she must have such confidence. Once she herself is shaken, then there will be a real danger.

"Well, your Majesty Sang Luo, who is a woman and has established a firm position in the country, must have talents in the world. The current situation is only temporary." Yun Jing nodded. Although he did not identify his identity at this time, Yun Jing did not mind giving it to her.


"Brother Yun, do you think so too? I also believe that under His Majesty's leadership, the current situation will be calmed down soon." Wu Qingmei looked at Yun Jing and said with a smile.

She didn't even realize that she cared about Yun Jing's opinion at this time. In the end, no matter how strong she was, she was still just a woman. There were times when women were weak. At such times, they often subconsciously wanted someone to protect them from the wind and rain.


Before this, Wu Qingmei had been looking for a talented person who could give her advice, and after getting along with Yunjing, she seemed to feel that she had found such a person. It was only because of the differences between her family and country that she stopped thinking about it.

At this time, when Wu Qingmei needed someone to protect her from wind and rain the most, Yun Jing happened to play such a role. Even just one word or attitude gave her a subconscious feeling that she was not alone.

As a result, silently, a mentality that she had never had before quietly took root in her heart, and she couldn't stop it...

As for why such a character is not Hong Ya, the age gap is too big, and the old man is one of San Luo's greatest heritages.

Yunjing was completely unaware of the 'seriousness' of certain problems. At this moment, he was thinking that Sang Luo was already in such a situation, and he estimated that Wu Qingmei would leave and return to the court to take charge of the overall situation soon.

She left the court and ran here. No matter how good the arrangements were, how could the chaotic situation be dealt with in a timely manner without personally taking charge?

Drought, banditry is everywhere, weapons are everywhere, coups, mutinies, and the biggest threat is the traitor organization...

In this case, no one knows how much pressure Wu Qingmei is under, and she really has a good heart and skills. Otherwise, if it were other people, let alone women, few men would be able to withstand such pressure.

The best choice is to collapse and be afraid of being destroyed.

Hongya's speed was still very fast. With Yunjing and the others, they arrived at the fourth stronghold of the traitor organization in a short time.

Not surprisingly, the place was already deserted.

No need to discuss, Yunjing immediately began to observe the clues here, in order to follow the clues to track down the whereabouts of the evacuated gang members. If they can be found, they will even go to the place where they want to make a desperate move, that way

Only then can we have a chance to stop the conspiracy of the rape organization.

It's a pity that they were delayed for a long time. The traces of the traitors who were evacuated here were eliminated as much as possible. It is not easy to track them under the forgiving cloud scenery.

It is probably because the rapists at the third stronghold were tracked even after they were evacuated. The rapists at the fourth stronghold simply ran away in all directions after they were evacuated. They will definitely not gather again to give Yunjing and the others all the opportunities.

As a result, the difficulty of eradicating the rapists on a large scale has skyrocketed, and getting rid of a few sporadic members no longer makes any sense to the current situation.

When Yunjing was looking for clues, he noticed that Wu Qingmei had quietly left. This was not beyond Yunjing's expectation. After all, the Sanluo situation now required her to sit in the center and handle it.

Wu Qingmei left, and she didn't have time to meet Yun Jing in her true colors for several days. Originally, her plan was to find an opportunity to take out Ye Ling's vest, but she never got the chance.

After she left, the real Wu Changkong appeared seamlessly. Wu Qingmei probably explained how to get along with Yunjing, but after all, it was not Wu Qingmei himself, and getting along with him was completely different. Wu Changkong also

Understand this, just find something to do for yourself and deliberately avoid the cloud scenery.

But Yunjing is 'his good friend', and he recommended him to Sanluo. Why should he keep avoiding him?

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and keep it awkward. Yun Jing didn't try to expose it. In addition, Wu Changkong himself had good acting skills. Occasionally, the exchanges seemed to be the same as before, but in fact both parties knew it well.

Sometimes Wu Changkong is also entangled in his heart. Your Majesty, why don't you and Mr. Yun identify themselves? Then he won't be embarrassed. He can only complain about this kind of thing in his heart. He doesn't dare to do anything about Wu Qingmei's arrangement.

Any objections.

As the king of a country, Wu Changkong could only obey orders and cooperate.

After careful observation, Yunjing said to Hong Ya: "Mr. Hong, I have found eight directions in which the traitors escaped, and there are traces of their departure. I guess that even if they follow these eight directions, they will still be there."

They will continue to separate ways, and even be led by their predecessors!"

"In other words, the other party already knows our tracking method, so they will not gather together. We will continue to chase. Even if we catch a few small fish, it will be meaningless." Hong Ya frowned slightly.

Nodding, Yun Jing said: "I guess they are pretty much the same, but they will definitely gather together, but at that time..."

Hong Ya understood what he meant. At that time, it would be a critical moment for the victory of Chariot and Horse. Either the traitor organization would be wiped out in one fell swoop, hidden dangers would be eliminated and the situation of Sanluo would be quelled, or the Holy Lord would come and everything would be irreversible.

Under natural disasters, we must avoid the terrifying expansion of foreign civilizations!

It's scary to think about it. The rate of expansion of the rape organization is already terrifying. If the Holy Lord comes to take charge again, not to mention Sanluo, the surrounding countries and even the entire world will be in danger.

Thinking of this, Yunjing was thinking that the foreign civilization cursed the human race, that is, after the drought, could what followed one after another be the disaster of the foreign civilization?

If this is the case, will the human race still have a future if the drought continues? How can the curse be lifted?

With thoughts flickering in his mind, Yun Jing thought of the fleeting flash of inspiration not long ago. What key points had he overlooked? Where is the future of the human race?

If the curse is not removed, can this coming of the Holy Lord of the foreign civilization really be stopped? Even if San Luo's situation subsides, will there be no human beings planted by foreign civilizations in other countries?

Looking up at the sky, the sun is blazing like fire in the sky, but the cloud scenery makes me feel cold all over. The sky is covered by a thick dark sky. There is no hope, only endless darkness and cold despair.

"Boy Yun, why are you so stunned?" Hong Ya called Yun Jing several times from the side but no response, and finally patted him on the shoulder.

After retracting his thoughts, Yunjing hurried over: "Junior is distracted, senior, please forgive me, where did we talk?"

"I said, it's pointless for us to continue tracking. Let's go to Qingmiao County and wait for the large forces to gather. When we determine the place where the traitor organization wants to attack, we can annihilate it in one fell swoop. What do you think?" Hong Ya said, in his heart.

But he was wondering, what on earth did this boy think of that made him lose his mind, who had always been calm and composed? It must be no small matter.

But if Yunjing didn't tell him, it wouldn't be easy for him to ask.

"Okay, it will take a few days to assemble a large force. We can't be idle. If you have time, go around and calm down the chaos. Your Sanluo Dynasty is too chaotic. Whether it is to reduce the pressure on your court or

To save the people, we can't be idle, we should do our part if we can," Yun Dingding nodded.

Wu Qingmei has left, but the real Wu Changkong did not express any opinions.

Hong Ya took them directly to Qingmiao County and said on the way: "Boy Yun, we must take action on what you said, but there are more important things."

Yunjing understood in an instant and said: "Yes, there are more important things. The large army is gathering. I don't know how many people are hiding in it. It needs to be solved in advance. Don't wait until the critical moment and we will be in chaos.

Then how to deal with the rape organization?”

"It's easy to talk to smart people, but it's up to you to rescue the traitor. I'm not good at it," Hong Ya said bluntly.

Not only is he not good at it, without Yunjing's mental ability, which is no different from clairvoyance, a rapist who is always controlled by bugs would not be able to recognize him standing in front of him.

Yun Jing said: "Senior, don't be too optimistic. The use of insects to control people is just one of the methods used by traitors to control people. They have many internal methods, such as coercion and inducement. Therefore, if the internal organs that are not parasitized by insects appear in the younger generation,

There’s nothing I can do in front of you.”

"That's true, but didn't we arrest so many alive? They will always give away most of them. Anyway, try to eliminate them as much as possible," Hong Ya said tangledly.

Yunjing was helpless, shook his head and said, "I can only do my best."

It didn't take long for them to arrive at Qingmiao County. The local government had been notified in advance and had already mobilized manpower to prepare a venue for the large troops to gather.

The order was issued directly from the capital, and the local officials did not dare to disobey it, even if it was already a big mess.

Arriving at Qingmiao County, this place used to be one of the granaries of the Sanluo Dynasty for thousands of miles, but now it is full of disaster victims. Hongya couldn't help but said: "Boy Yun, I know how many brushes you have. I don't know how much you know about disaster relief."

Can you tell me some effective strategies?”

When Hong Ya asked this question, he was just talking casually. He didn't expect Yun Jing to say anything that would make his eyes light up. After all, Yun Jing was too young. He could absorb knowledge quickly from books, but actual actions required little by little.


Yunjing did not give Hongya a long speech on how to provide disaster relief, but said: "Senior, I will not talk too much about disaster relief, but you, Sanluo, can send people to our Dali School to learn. Now

We in Dali have designated a relatively complete set of policies, which will help you in the current disaster situation in Sanluo."

Instead of just saying it with your mouth, let them see it for themselves. Once they see the effect, they will naturally believe it.

"Is that so? I'll arrange for someone to learn from it..." Hong Ya said casually, then raised his eyebrows and asked: "How many suggestions did you have for the strategy that Dali has formulated now?"

"Well, I'm not afraid of seniors' jokes. Would you believe it if juniors said that most of those strategies were proposed by juniors?" Yun Jing said with a smile.

"Believe it, why don't I believe it? You shouldn't be a big talker, but the suggestions you made have been fully adopted by your Dali. I want to see what is outstanding about you, so I will let people come to your Dali to observe.

"Study, well, you don't need to send anyone there, just ask the envoy to ask you Dali for a complete set of information to send back," Hong Ya said with interest and a lot more seriousness.

Regarding disaster relief, this is just a matter of passing mention. The most critical thing at present is to wipe out the traitor organizations.

The vanguard troops have already begun to assemble, Yunjing is busy screening out the spies planted by the rape organization, and Hong Ya is using his own methods to urge the people below to step up the interrogation of the captured survivors. Everything is going on nervously and busily.

Before dark that day, Qingmei Qingyue also came to Qingmiao County to continue to perform her duties of serving Yunjing. At the same time, she also brought the follow-up investigation results of the poisoning incident of Yunjing in Luohu County.

In the end, the poisoning incident was only traced to the vegetable farmer, and the real culprit was not found at all. He had no hope of finding the real culprit, and Yunjing didn't care, so he left it alone.

This incident was just a trivial matter for the entire Sanluo Dynasty, but for Yunjing himself, it was a life-threatening matter, because it represented the beginning of the traitor organization's attempt to get rid of him.

The other party will definitely deliberately try to kill him.

Since that poisoning, Yunjing has been in crisis all the time, but the enemy has not found the opportunity. Once the enemy seizes the opportunity, they will give him a fatal blow at any time!

After a busy day, Yun Jing rarely had a moment of leisure. Under the night, he looked at the map of San Luo. Which city would the secret gangster organization sacrifice to prepare for the so-called Holy Lord's coming?

In this day, Yunjing uncovered hundreds of spies within the vanguard assembly team alone, many of whom were in high positions!

How these matters should be dealt with was Sang Luo's business, and Yunjing didn't interfere.

But there are traitors and spies everywhere. If they suddenly turn against each other during a real fight with the traitors, the consequences will be mind-numbing to think about.

Fortunately, there is still time to uncover the underlying cause. As for whether it can be cleaned up, we can only do our best.

"Master Yun, Master Leng Wushuang has finished interrogating the first traitor you uncovered, Gu Mo, and wants to present the interrogation results to you. It's already very late now, do you think?"

Qingmei came here, bringing a pot of tea to Yunjing and also brought such news.

With a thought in his heart, Yun Jing said: "Is there any result? Let him do it..."

This chapter has been completed!
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