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Chapter 65: Willows and Flowers?

You wouldn't know this unless you inquired about it. Once you inquired about it, Yun Lin realized how demanding studying was for a weak-legged person like him.

These three conditions have almost blocked the way for 99% of the common people in the world to want to study!

The confused Yun Lin remained silent. He was so confused that he suddenly thought of something. He looked at Zhang Changgui and said, "No, if reading is so difficult, even though I don't have much knowledge, I know that there are still many literate people."


"Literacy does not mean reading, Uncle Lin," Zhang Changgui said dumbly.

Yunlin didn't understand and asked, "How do you say it?"

"How to put it, well, let's put it this way, for example, Uncle Lin, if you learn to read and then teach your children at home, the children will become literate after learning from you. Or, if you want, you can hire literate people to teach your children how to read.

This is probably how the literate people you mentioned came to be," Zhang Changgui scratched his head and explained as best he could.

Yunlin was confused and asked blankly: "Is there any difference?"

"The difference is huge," Zhang Changgui said with a glare, "That's just literacy, how can it be called reading? Look at those people who learned to read through the teachings of their elders or by asking others to teach them. Which of them dare to call themselves scholars?"

"Is there any difference?" Yun Lin repeated this sentence, he was really confused.

Isn’t literacy the same as reading? Isn’t reading just for literacy?

Zhang Changgui pulled back his hair, and his knowledge was limited. How to explain this?

After thinking for a while, he suddenly understood the difference and said: "Studying through formal channels can help you gain fame and become an official. It is the way to truly change your destiny. However, simple literacy is just literacy. After literacy, it is still just literacy.


Even though he said this, Yunlin was still a little confused and looked at him blankly.

Seeing this, Zhang Changgui racked his brains and said patiently: "Uncle Lin, you know about martial arts training, right? It's like that martial arts sect."

"I know this. A few days ago, there were three children in our village who were taken away by the Feng Dao Sect to practice martial arts." Yun Lin nodded quickly.

Zhang Changgui hurriedly said: "Is there such a thing? Those three children are so lucky. In this case, I can explain it easily. Look, those three children went to... Fengdaomen? I remember correctly, right?

In Feng Dao Sect, they will have the opportunity to read and write in the future, but after they become literate, they cannot be called scholars. They are still civilians. Common people with great skills cannot participate in the knowledge gained through literacy in Jianghu sects.

Those who took the imperial examination, that is to say, the government does not recognize them as scholars at all. This can be clearly distinguished from their titles."

"You see, real scholars call themselves students or something like that when they communicate with others, while those who are literate through other channels mostly call themselves "under", "me", "we", "me", etc. The former is the same

Listening to it makes people feel that the conversation is vulgar, while the latter makes people feel vulgar. This is the difference, do you understand?"

After trying hard to summarize and analyzing carefully, it took a while before Yunlin seemed to understand something: "In other words, 'scholars' can participate in the imperial examination and become officials, while literate people are still civilians? They don't even get it through the channels you mentioned.

With so much knowledge, they cannot take part in the imperial examination? Well, such people are not recognized as scholars by scholars?"

Fortunately, Yun Lin became the village chief and had some training, so he was able to summarize these words, but the summary is still specious.

"That's exactly the truth," Zhang Changgui clapped his hands and finally straightened up.

Yun Lin scratched his head and said, "In other words, we civilians actually still have hope of studying?"

"That's not reading, it's literacy. Reading is learning. Literacy is just to avoid being blind. But even simple literacy is not a simple thing and the cost is still huge." Zhang Changgui nodded and corrected Yun.

Lin's wording.

Slightly relieved, Yunlin smiled and said: "I told you earlier, I just want my grandson to be literate. I thought the widow had died, so I didn't care about him."

After being stunned for a moment, Zhang Changgui burst into laughter. He made a mistake for a long time. What he was talking about was not a concept at all. He shook his head and said: "I thought Uncle Lin wanted your grandson to study and take the imperial examination to become an official."

"Being an official? I don't dare to think about it." Yun Lin quickly shook his head.

He really didn't dare think about becoming an official, but what made him relieved was that his grandson didn't really have no chance if he wanted to study, although what he meant by reading was different from what Zhang Changgui meant by reading.

Then he asked: "Then how can I make my grandson study...well, be literate, yes, just be literate."

"This is simple. Just pay someone to teach you. How much you want to learn depends on how much you are willing to spend. Of course, it also depends on whether your grandson can learn it. Also, the most you can ask for is a teacher.

It is impossible to recruit real scholars to be taught by those who are literate. It is also embarrassing to say that such people are simply literate. They cannot take part in the imperial examination, and the students they teach cannot take part in the imperial examination. But such people are literate.

Those who feel they are superior to others and do menial work cannot save their dignity, and most of their lives are unsatisfactory if they are neither good nor bad." When the matter started, Zhang Changgui became talkative and started to talk about other experiences.

Nodding, Yunlin said: "That's it."

At this moment, he was thinking about where to hire someone to teach Yunjing. The prerequisite was that he had money. This was the most important thing. He had no idea how much to spend. In the end, the more the better.

But this is not urgent, it is not a matter of a day or two.

After getting what he wanted to know, and chatting with Zhang Changgui for a while, Yun Lin was about to leave, and then tried to think of a way to fulfill Yun Jing's dream of 'study'.

He just had the idea of ​​​​doing his best to obey fate. If it turned out that he couldn't do anything in the end, there was nothing he could do.

To be honest, the reason why Yunlin and the others find it difficult to study is because of their status. In fact, studying is not a problem at all in front of truly capable people.


However, as the saying goes, if you want to turn over, it is a leap of class, it is to jump out of the shackles of fate, just like a fish jumping over a dragon's gate, isn't it difficult?

When they parted, Yun Lin felt inexplicably unwilling. He looked at Zhang Changgui and asked, "What stumps us civilians? Apart from those three conditions, can we really only be literate and unable to read? Real reading!"


Hearing this, Zhang Changgui raised his eyebrows subconsciously, and after thinking carefully, he frowned and said, "You can't say that. God has not yet revealed a perfect way for everyone. There are no absolutes in this world. There is still a way for ordinary people to really study, but it is very difficult and very difficult.

It’s difficult”

"Can you tell me something?" Yun Lin stopped and asked curiously. He was really just curious.

He was satisfied that his grandson could learn to read and did not dare to ask for more.

After racking his brains, Zhang Changgui thought for a while and said: "As far as I know, there are only two ways for civilians to really study and take the imperial examination. As far as I know, the first is to practice martial arts to an extremely powerful level.

Then join the Gongmen and perform meritorious service and climb up. When you reach a certain height, the problem of studying will be easily solved. However, it is difficult for civilians to simply practice martial arts. What's more, after you have developed superb skills, join the Gongmen and compete with others to perform meritorious service and climb up.

If you climb this road, I’m afraid you will waste your whole life and end up dying without being able to achieve the goal of studying for the imperial examination.”

"The second way is to become a disciple, to become a true scholar. If you can succeed in becoming a disciple, you will become a family. A master should not make clear arrangements for his apprentices? You must know that a master is like a master, like a teacher or a father.

, is the inheritance of the mantle and is the real elder. Although they are not blood relatives, the relationship is more reliable than blood relatives. The law clearly stipulates that killing one's master is a treasonous crime! Putting aside the law, in ordinary terms, if a person is

If you betray your master and do something treasonous and unethical, you will be cast aside and criticized by thousands of people."

"Having said that, apprenticeship is the best shortcut for ordinary people who want to study. If you can succeed in apprenticeship, you will probably save tuition fees, and the master will teach you wholeheartedly. After all, a true master-disciple relationship is destiny.

They are all tied together. It can even be said that the master’s hopes for the future are pinned on the apprentice. Uncle Lin, you may not understand that many times a master’s expectations for his apprentice are more important than his own flesh and blood!”

After hearing the two methods he mentioned, Yunlin was stunned and murmured: "Is there really a way?"

He simply felt that it was not impossible for common people to study, and he had no other ideas.

"That's not the case. There is no perfect path." Zhang Changgui laughed, then shook his head and sighed: "I don't know how difficult it is to study for a career in martial arts, but we civilians should not even think about it, and then become apprentices.

, it is indeed a shortcut, but why should they accept you as their apprentice? It is a bundle of fate. Who dares to easily tie his future to an unrelated person? If you are both prosperous and deprived, you will be deprived of everything. Let’s take the government-run school in the town.

For Mr. Li, the head of the mountain, I don’t know how many people want to send their children to be apprentices. It is not an exaggeration to say that the threshold has been broken. The money and treasures alone are beyond our imagination. The result has been so many years.

, Mr. Li didn’t confiscate even one of his apprentices…”

As he spoke, an idea flashed in Zhang Changgui's head, and he looked at Yun Lin with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Go on, what's wrong?" Yun Lin heard this with excitement, and subconsciously urged him when he suddenly stopped, and then was looked at by Zhang Changgui's eyes in confusion.

Zhang Changgui's eyes gradually brightened, and his heart beat a little faster. He did not continue, but said slightly excitedly: "Yes, Uncle Lin, you can take your grandson to Mr. Li's place to try. If you can

If you become your teacher, your grandson's desire to study will not be a problem!"

When he made this suggestion, it was not that Zhang Changgui was out of imagination, but that he really thought it was possible. A few years ago, Yunjing was only two years old, and he had already shown to be so smart. Especially the unique feeling that Yunjing gave him at the time, he still feels that it is possible.

He still clearly remembered that until now, no other person could give him that feeling. At this time, he inexplicably felt that Yunjing's apprenticeship had a high chance of success, without any reason.

"Ah?" Yunlin was confused by him again.

My grandson is apprenticed to a disciple? Why did he come here?

Zhang Changgui became more and more anxious and said: "You can really try it. As far as I know, Mr. Li is a very good person. He usually doesn't turn away people who want to be apprentices. He will take a test. But

So far, no one can pass his exam. I met your grandson when he was only two years old. He was already well-behaved and sensible. As the saying goes, he must be smarter now, right? So

I think if you take him to become a disciple of Mr. Li, there is still a good chance. You can definitely give it a try. You listen to me. It doesn’t cost anything to try anyway."


Yun Lin was so confused that he actually felt a little moved by what he said.

Although simple literacy is enough, wouldn't it be better if you have the opportunity to actually read?


is it possible?

This chapter has been completed!
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