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Chapter 649

The group of people went out and headed towards the location of the liar under the leadership of the policeman.

Qingmei Qingyue and the others were also together. The maids were guarding the servants, and the policemen were clearing the way. There were more than ten people, but they were not too eye-catching. After all, this was Sanluo Capital, and the emperor's feet were much bigger than Yunjing's group.


The liar was being watched and couldn't escape. Yunjing and the others were not in a hurry. They walked there and visited Sanluo Capital along the way, which was quite leisurely.

Tubo Qingyue and the others introduced everything around them to Yunjing. Compared to Wu Qingmei, they knew the city better. They also visited Sanluo Capital, but they had two completely different feelings.

Passing by a street stall, Yun Jing saw a kind of emerald green leaf that was sold in the shape of a maple leaf. The vendor only sold this kind of thing, and there were quite a few people buying it, so he stopped for a while and asked out of curiosity: "Why are there so many people?"

Everyone likes to sell this kind of leaves? There are no less than ten similar stalls along the way, and there are also shops specializing in selling them. The business is booming. It is not expensive and cannot be eaten. Why is this? Is it some special purpose? "

Hearing his question, Qingmei suddenly looked like she had just remembered something, and immediately explained: "Master Huiyun, this kind of leaf is called Qingluo leaf in our Sanluo. It has no use, but it has a special meaning."

"Tell me about it," Yun Jing said with great interest.

Qingmei continued to explain: "This starts with a special festival in our Sanluo, and it is second only to the annual festival, called Qingluo Festival, which will be in a few days..."

Listening to Qingmei's explanation, Yunjing understood why so many people bought the so-called Qingluo Ye.

It is said that in the history of the Sanluo Dynasty, hundreds of years ago, there was a pair of young men and women named Qingsang and Luoyang. One was a rich lady and the other was a down-and-out warrior. One day Qingsang went out for an outing and was kidnapped by bandits. It happened that

He was met by Luo Yang, so he rescued Qingsang, and the two formed an indissoluble bond from then on.

Nothing bloody happened during this period. After the two met by chance, they fell in love and got married happily with the blessings of their relatives and friends, even though their identities were very different.

They were a happy couple. A few years later, there happened to be a war between the Sanluo Dynasty and the neighboring Dajiang Dynasty. The border was tight. Naluo Yang also had a heart to serve the country, so he discussed with Qingsang and joined the army.

I joined the army and have been there for more than ten years.

During this period, because Luo Yang's status in the army was not high, he often went out to defend against enemies and was concerned about Qingmulg. However, it was inconvenient to write letters, so he used Qingmulberry leaves to replace letters home.

Green mulberry leaves were a very common leaf in the Sanluo Dynasty, no different from roadside weeds. Every time Luo Yang sent home a leaf, even if he didn't say a word, Qingsang knew that her husband was safe after seeing it.

So, their correspondence with each other continued for more than ten years, until Luo Yang returned home after the war and reunited with Qingsang.

This was once a common thing, but because of Luo Yang's performance in the military and later on he held a high position, the story between them spread. His Majesty San Luo lamented the love between his husband and wife.

, and also issued a special commendation.

As a result of His Majesty Sang Luo's actions, the story between Qing Sang and Luo Yang became even more widely circulated. Scholars wrote poems and stories about them, and brothel girls also sang their stories, which was even more popular among the people.


Anyway, this story gradually became popular among people, so the ordinary green mulberry leaf became a symbol of love in the Sanluo Dynasty. I don’t know when the Green Mulberry Festival gradually began to exist.

This day is the day when Luo Yang returned in triumph and reunited with Qingsang, and the Qingsang Festival is set on this day.

The festival has been handed down to this day, and has gradually evolved differently from the original. In the Sanluo Dynasty, every day on this day, unmarried men and women would prepare a green mulberry leaf and write some words they wanted to express on the green mulberry leaf. If

If there is a person you like, you will try your best to give it to the person to express your feelings. If there is no person you like, you will climb up and let the green mulberry leaf with the message go with the wind to see if God's will will appear in someone's hand and you will have a beautiful life from now on.

Fate, and those who are married will also prepare such a leaf and write some lyrical messages for their lovers...

In short, this festival is still very beautiful, and it has evolved into various forms of celebration, which vary from place to place, but the general meaning is the same.

In the Samluo Dynasty, the Green Mulberry Festival was an important festival second only to the New Year Festival. It could be described as a national carnival because green mulberry leaves could be seen everywhere and everyone could participate. Even the illiterate people understood the meaning of the green mulberry leaves and collected one.

You can also express your feelings by giving it to your sweetheart.

All these reasons are why Yunjing can see people buying and selling green mulberry leaves everywhere on the streets of the capital city of the Samlua Dynasty. The festival is approaching, and the demand for this kind of leaves is very high. Even if it is common, someone still needs to provide it, right?

A large industrial chain has formed during this specific holiday period, and some people have already begun to cultivate special green mulberry leaves.

However, one thing that is regrettable is that many plants have died due to the global drought for so long, including green mulberry trees. Therefore, the supply of this kind of leaves is now in short supply. It is only within the scope of Sanluo. Under the drought, this kind of leaf is cheap.

Leaves to participate in the festive atmosphere that many people cannot do...

After understanding this, Yunjing understood that there are so many things to say about staying away from a small green mulberry leaf that can be seen everywhere.

In fact, many things in the world were very common at first, but as they spread more, they were given special meanings. In the end, it is always better to have more beautiful things and less sad things.

While listening to Qingmei's explanation, Yunjing and the others were also heading towards the liar. After listening, Yunjing said: "The Green Mulberry Festival will be in a few days. I'd like to have a chance to see it."

"If Mr. Yun had walked on the street that day, I wonder how many green mulberry leaves he would have received," Song Yue, who came to Sanluo with Yun Jing, couldn't help but joked.

Qingmei Qingyue looked at each other secretly and remained silent, thinking that Mr. Yun might not have the chance to receive so many green mulberry leaves. After all, what would his majesty think?

But no matter what, the person who receives more green mulberry leaves that day will be more favored, and even because of this, countless people will secretly compete with each other that day. Whenever there is a competition, there will always be situations that make people laugh and laugh. It is human nature.

Well, the human heart is the most complex.

The emergence of the Green Mulberry Festival is both accidental and inevitable. People need a beautiful sustenance. There must be some time in a short life when they need to let go of their worries, otherwise life will be too depressed and not much fun.

Moreover, this kind of participation of all people in happy things will also contribute to the peace of the country and the country. People will have sustenance and beautiful yearnings in their hearts, and their mentality of doing things will be relaxed.

In response to Song Yue's joke, Yunjing responded: "Mr. Song, you have to take it easy, don't be snatched home by San Luo's enthusiastic girl. If you come back with a beauty, I'm afraid it won't be good when you get home."

Accounting for it”

"Haha, who would fall in love with old men like us?" Xiong Fang said with a smile.

Yun Jingxin said that was not possible, because the charm of 'uncle' was very attractive to little girls...

The group of people were chatting, but they didn't take the liar's matter too seriously. After all, for them, it was a trivial matter and was just treated as an adjustment.

Before they could find the liar, a plainclothes policeman hurriedly found them and brought the latest news, saying that the liar was very alert. After all, he had done many disgraceful things and had realized that he was being targeted.

He was running away quickly, but he was being stared at the whole time, and it was impossible to escape.

Tubo didn't care about this and said: "It doesn't matter, let him run and see where he can go. We will follow him slowly. If he dares to deceive us, he will suffer a lot of physical and mental pain."

By this time, they were no longer entangled in the matter of being deceived. It was just such a big deal, and it was useless to dwell on it. Even if it was a dark history, it was just a joke after dinner.

Catching the liar and giving him a lesson would not be enough. Only by making him frightened and tortured would he vent his anger even more.

So Yunjing and the others were not in a hurry to chase the liar and continued to wander around. Anyway, people would come to report the liar's movements all the time.

Unknowingly, it was already sunset. Yunjing and the others simply found a restaurant and had a leisurely meal. As for the liar who had never met before, he was running away in a panic. The guy only knew that he would definitely be ruined.

It happened, but the fraud happened so many times that I don’t know what specific incident happened.

After having eaten and drank enough, the lights of Sanluo Capital City have already started to light up. Under the lights of thousands of houses, the happiest nightlife of the day for many people has just begun.

Putting down and walking quickly, Song Yue asked the swindler about his latest movements and learned that the guy had actually gone to a brothel, trying to escape because there were so many people there.

So everyone present looked at Yun Jing. After all, it was getting late. They wanted to go to the brothel to settle the matter with the liar.

In response to this, Yunjing muttered: "You go ahead, I won't get involved. After a day of shopping, it's time to go back."

It's not that Yunjing doesn't dare to go to that kind of place because of Wu Qingmei, it's just that he doesn't want to cause trouble to others. Moreover, the results of many things are not important, and the process is more interesting.

Take the liar, for example. He ran away in fear, and the physical and mental pressure was part of the lesson learned. Anyway, he couldn't escape being caught and dealt with in the end, so there was no need to continue to participate.

In fact, for Yunjing, what he saw and heard in this half day was even more rewarding, which cannot be understood in books. Just like the Green Mulberry Festival, if you don't understand it in person, how can you understand people's yearning for beauty?

and sustenance.

So sometimes it’s good to walk around and take a look, you can always gain something different.

Hearing Yunjing say that he would not go to that brothel, Qingmei Qingyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It's not that they women are inconvenient to go with them. They are maids, so it doesn't matter. It's just that once Yunjing goes to His Majesty and asks, they don't know how to explain.


Qingmei Qingyue had probably already guessed a little about the relationship between Yunjing and His Majesty, but she just didn't dare to think about it deeply.

After Yunjing said this, Xiong Fang and the others found it meaningless. At their level, it was a boring thing to argue with that little liar.

So Tubo said to the policeman who had been accompanying him: "Then the liar will be left to you. After catching it, you can recover the actions of us who were deceived. Then, if the young people don't learn well, they will engage in all kinds of robberies and thefts.

There must be no less lessons to be given. I will lock him in hard labor for a few years and see how he behaves. He is quite smart and I hope he can go on the right path in the future. He is still young now. A few years of hard labor is not a waste of time.

If you are stubborn, you will be locked up forever.”

"Okay, Mr. Tu, I'll go and do it now and keep it to everyone's satisfaction. I will report on this person's performance after a while," the policeman who had been following him for a long time immediately stood up and said.

Tubo nodded and asked him to leave first.

Yunjing looked at Tubo and said, "Mr. Tu is really serious. That liar might get a blessing in disguise."

Being cheated was certainly annoying, but it was nothing to them. They didn't take it to heart at all. Just listening to Tubo's tone, the liar seemed to have caught his eye. Wasn't this a blessing in disguise?

"Everyone has a time when they are young, and they make mistakes when they are young. It is rare to find a way back from the lost path. Although what that kid did was despicable, if he is led on the right path, he is also a promising talent," Tubo said with a smile.

Yunjing didn't say much about this, and actually said: "In that case, let's go back. Now that we are in Sanluo Capital, there is no need to be too nervous about safety, so if you want to do anything, you don't have to worry about me."

, feel free to do it yourself”

The liar's matter was settled here in Yunjing. There was no social interaction, just for fun. Anyway, I was very happy to hear that Tubo and the others were deceived.

"What can we do? At this age, every day is actually quite boring." Suotu said with a smile. He said it euphemistically, but the meaning was obvious. Their duty now is to protect Yunjing. Did they give orders from above?

They can't slack off before handing it over. If something goes wrong, it will be a dereliction of duty on their part.

Yunjing didn't care, so after the meal, some people walked back leisurely. Sanluo Capital City under the night had a different experience...

It was late at night after returning home. Yunjing took a rest after washing up, and the day passed like this.

Qingmei Qingyue, who lives in the wing of Yunjing's small courtyard, can't sleep. They are always ready to serve Yunjing. They communicate secretly in the dark at night, which can be said to be a silent communication.

"Since this period of time, Mr. Yun has been unpredictable," Qingmei said.

Qingyue nodded and said: "Yes, when he came to our Sanluo, he didn't seem to do anything, but the rape organization that made everyone in the court helpless was solved in a short time, which is simply too much for people to react."

"No, I still don't know how Mr. Yun did it," Qingmei said with deep understanding.

Qingyue said: "Also, the matter of us being deceived today, if it were someone else, might have triggered a series of consequences, but Mr. Yun just left it alone, he didn't seem to care about anything."

"Who knows, maybe it's not that he doesn't care, he's just not interested in many boring things, and what he really cares about is beyond our ability to guess."

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Sister Qingmei, have you noticed that it is extremely comfortable in this yard? The real energy is running several times or even ten times faster. I can't imagine what happened when I fell to the ground?"

"I don't know either, but this is a good thing. It must be related to Mr. Yun. He has too many methods that we can't imagine. This opportunity is rare. Let's take this opportunity to practice and improve ourselves."

The moon is high, the night is silent, a few lights are on, the city is singing, and the people outside the city are talking about the suffering...

The next morning, the genius was bright, and Yun Jing got up early as usual to wash up and stretch his muscles.

The sun has not yet risen, and the sky is already blue. Occasionally, there is frost in the corner of the wall, but when I exhale, it turns into white mist and dissipates.

Before I knew it, winter had already entered for a long time, and it was cold in the morning.

But there has been a severe drought for many years, there is no rain in the sky, and the sun is always shining brightly. In such a climate, people in the world can hardly feel the changes of the seasons. If in previous years, snow would have fallen on the world at this time.

While stretching his muscles, Yunjing found Qingmei and Qingyue chatting in the corner of the yard. He couldn't help but curiously asked: "What happened?"

What they were talking about was not something that could greatly improve their cultivation after setting up the spirit gathering array in Yunjing. Qingmei heard this and replied: "Mr. Yun, the liar yesterday was caught when we came back, and we were caught.

I only recovered a little of the money I defrauded.”

The total money they were defrauded yesterday was quite a lot. Yun Jing was surprised and said: "The liar squandered it all so quickly? It only took half a day from the time he defrauded you to get caught, right?"

"It's not that we were squandered by the liar. How can I put it? The liar's deception is destructive, but he immediately took the money he defrauded and distributed it to the victims outside the city. This resulted in the money we were defrauded from being lost.

"Recover it," Qingyue said quickly, her tone slightly complicated.

Yun Jing slightly raised his eyebrows and said: "He is a conscientious person, but having said that, although the money he defrauded was used to do good deeds, it is still the same, but his method is not advisable. Please don't mind me."

, he has all the means to deceive you all. What can a mind like this do that cannot make money? Therefore, there is a lot of arrogance in doing good deeds. What he does cannot erase the fact that he is a horrifying deceiver. It should be noted that no one’s money is worth it.

It wasn’t brought by the strong wind.”

"Yes, so when someone from the yamen told Mr. Tu and the others about the situation last night, instead of feeling relieved, they became even more angry. They said that they wanted to make the liar suffer more in Laoli and they would never let him relax." Qingmei

Such is the way.

Yun Jing nodded thoughtfully and said: "It seems that the liar really caught Mr. Tu's eyes and made him suffer because he was angry and refused to fight. I can't say it was his fault, but it depends on the situation.

How he behaved afterwards"

Although Tubo and the others are now Yunjing's bodyguards, their status is also very important in Sanluo. The liar must be valued by them. If he performs well, he will be very successful in the future. But if he does not perform well, the future life will definitely be difficult. After all, Tubo

They old men are watching.

Yunjing will not ask any more questions about the follow-up of this matter. It is none of his business and there will be no further interactions with him.

Just as Yunjing was eating breakfast and wondering how to spend the day, someone from the palace came to where he was and sent a message to Wu Qingmei, asking Yunjing to enter the palace.

Yunjing was not surprised at all by this, it was just expected, and he knew in his heart that Wu Qingmei asked him to go to the palace early in the morning, and it was definitely not because of the affair. If she had the time, she would probably have found him herself.

‘This is probably the final finishing touch’

Yun Jing looked up at the sky and said silently in his heart. At this time, only half of the sun's face was visible in the sky.

He was thinking that if something happened here, his return date would also have to be put on the schedule. As for Wu Qingmei, it would be a big deal if they were tens of thousands of miles apart after he went back. As long as Yun Jing thought about it, several trips back and forth a day would be a big deal.

Simple things are not much different from not being separated.

He understood why Wu Qingmei asked him to enter the palace early, so Yunjing agreed without hesitation. After a while, he packed up and headed towards the palace with the visitors, so that no one else could follow.

When going to the palace, Yunjing did not act as an envoy from Dali, but only as an individual. Therefore, he did not follow the formal procedures. However, with Wu Qingmei's arrangements, the journey was naturally smooth.

This is the first time Yunjing has set foot in a place like the palace. The most intuitive feeling is that it is magnificent and majestic. The word "rules" is everywhere. There is no life at all. It makes people feel depressed and not as beautiful as imagined.

But people in the world just flock to such cold places.

Soon after, Yunjing met Wu Qingmei in a palace in the Sanluo Palace. This place was not Wu Qingmei's palace, but its geographical location in the entire palace had extraordinary significance.

To put it bluntly, this palace should normally be the residence of the queen, but Wu Qingmei asked Yunjing to be brought here...

Of course, Yunjing is not allowed to live in Wu Qingmei's harem, but letting Yunjing come here is enough to express her attitude.

After the screen retreated, Wu Qingmei, who was dressed in a majestic dragon robe, put away her indifferent expression, looked at Yun Jing and joked: "What do you think of this place, Shouxin?"

"No, is it possible that Qingmei really intends to 'marry' me?" Yunjing curled his lips and said speechlessly.

Raising his eyebrows, Wu Qingmei said: "Why, with such a guard's heart, is it wrong for you to be the head of the harem and grant you the position of father of the country?"

"Stop it, I'm not interested in giving you the 'mother's love for the world'. No matter what, you have to enter my Yun family," Yun Jing said, rolling his eyes.

Covering his mouth and smiling, he obviously found Yun Jing's depressed look interesting. Wu Qingmei stopped teasing her and said, "It seems Shouxin is very concerned about letting me enter your Yun family. That's right."

It doesn’t matter, it’s up to you how you dare to convince the public. I hope you won’t make me wait too long.”

Wu Qingmei is the king of a country, and entering the Yun family is not a matter of mutual consent between them. It is a matter of great importance. How to make the world speechless depends on Yun Jing's ability. For now,

It was still far away from that point, especially since Yunjing had already settled on his first wife.

None of this makes sense at the moment, but it does not hinder the relationship between the two parties.

Yun Jing changed the topic and said: "Okay, let's stop talking about these useless things and talk about the real thing. I think Qingmei didn't just ask me to visit the palace or just make a joke."

"I asked Shouxin to make a special trip, but I need your help." Wu Qingmei immediately said seriously, and then looked at Yunjing and added: "Shouxin can make an excessive request afterwards, so that your help will not be in vain."

Excessive demands? If you say this, I won’t feel sleepy...

This chapter has been completed!
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