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Chapter 655: Green Mulberry Festival

"Master Yun, it's late at night, go to bed early."

Yun Jing, who was filled with thoughts in his mind, was interrupted by Qingmei's voice. She and Qingyue brought toiletries.

Yun Jing, whose thoughts were interrupted, looked up and found that it was already the zenith of the moon before he knew it. Time always flew by as he was thinking about things in his mind.

Really unable to think of a result for the time being, Yun Jing simply stopped thinking about it. It wasn't that he was afraid of asking for trouble, but that he really had a lot of energy at the moment. Take your time. As long as you are still alive, you can always think of a way.


With his brows relaxed and Fang Ping's attitude, Yunjing looked at them and smiled and said, "Thank you very much. Just put your things down. I'll just do it by myself. You guys should go and have a rest early."

"It's what we should do, so we won't bother Mr. Yun." Qingmei and the others put down their toiletries and left. Logically speaking, they were supposed to wash Yunjing's face, feet, clothes, and even warm the bed, but Wu Qingmei said vaguely.

Warnings always remind them to try not to have any close contact with Yunjing.

Even if they were willing to do so, they would not dare to do so. To anger Wu Qingmei was not as simple as losing their heads.

After washing up a little, Yunjing also went to bed.

But he really couldn't sleep while lying in bed. The problem of the curse on the human race was weighing heavily on his heart. Now that the drought was getting worse, he couldn't calm down.

Looking at the bright moon outside the window, Yun Jing suddenly wondered, where is the source of the curse? What civilization used what method to curse it?

When he first communicated with Master Deng about this matter, Master Deng didn't know the details. He only learned about the curse on the human race through the insect traveling in reverse direction to the civilization behind it.

Master Deng paid a heavy price just for getting this news!

Now Yunjing is thinking, guessing that the curse of the human race is not caused by the civilization behind the bug. After all, they have tried every means to invade the territory of the human race and cause trouble. If the curse is caused by the civilization behind the bug, they probably don't have the energy to come.

Something happened.

After all, it is a curse, and it is a curse on the entire human race, no, it should be said on this world. Then the civilization that created the curse will also pay a heavy price. The curse can reach this level, and it definitely does not come out of thin air!

So since the human race is burdened with a curse and is suffering disasters all the time, the other party will definitely not feel comfortable with it. In this case, will it be a tug of war to see who can't stand it first?

If the human race survives, the other side's lack of persistence will inevitably lead to backlash. On the other hand, if the other side survives, the final fate of the human race can be imagined. The race may not be exterminated, but the whole group will definitely collapse. I don't know how many years it will take for this to happen.

After recovering, that time is definitely counted in hundreds and thousands of years.

If so, how long will the curse last?

In fact, there is no point in thinking about this, because we don't know how long the curse will last, and we can't pin the fate of the human race on the vague idea of ​​who can survive it better. Every day that passes is an immeasurable disaster.

When these thoughts flashed through his mind, what Yun Jing really cared about was, is there a way to understand the root of the curse and solve this problem from the source?

The reason for thinking this way is that Yun Jing still has a certain idea, that is, the consciousness of the Holy Lord of the foreign civilization can come through special means. On the contrary, if it is done well, the human race can also go over and 'ask' about the situation.

The rape organization builds a blood pool. The blood pool can breed bugs, and at the same time, consuming blood can communicate with foreign beings. Yunjing not only understands these situations, but also knows the details!

During this period of time, he has come into contact with too many members of the rape organization. Under the silent observation of his mind, there is almost nothing the other party can hide from Yunjing. Therefore, although no one has told him, Yunjing knows how to build a blood system.

The pool even communicates with alien beings.

If there was no need for this matter, Yunjing decided to keep it to himself. Firstly, he was afraid that people would misunderstand that he was a spy planted by a foreign civilization. Secondly, it was too dangerous. If someone knew the details, it might lead to a new disaster.


"When I'm really desperate, this is a way to reverse invade the past to get the information I want. But doing that myself is tantamount to seeking death. I need to find a few people with enough ability to help, preferably Xiaoyaojing.

It’s not necessarily safe,” Yun Jing said with a flash of thought.

After all, Master Deng learned about the curse from the civilization behind the insects, so they probably knew more.

But this method is too dangerous, so it’s best not to do it unless absolutely necessary.

There is more than one foreign civilization. Sometimes Yunjing wonders whether the curse that humans are burdened with now was caused by the civilization behind the Great Master Fu'an who smuggled over.

I have been in contact with Master Fu'an Yunjing, and the other party's methods are more mysterious and mysterious, not as barbaric as the civilization behind the bugs.

It would be great if one or more people could discuss the existence of Xiaoyaojing at this time. They stand high enough and know more. They may have a way to solve the current predicament. Unfortunately, Yunjing doesn't know where to find them. Even Liu Neng

We have lost contact with each other. Liu Neng’s letter was not at that level and it was almost impossible to contact him again.

In addition to growing to a certain level and ruling the world to gather the power of all living beings to break the curse, Yunjing now has another idea, which is to understand the situation from a third-party civilization as a breakthrough.

However, these three paths are too difficult and almost impossible to achieve. Even if there is a slight possibility, it cannot be achieved in a short time and must be considered in the long term.

But the problem is that the current situation is that humans don’t have that much time to spend. Under the drought, the situation is getting worse every day. This is an endless cycle.

It’s not like Yunjing has never thought about announcing the curse on the human race, and everyone is working together to find a solution, but what’s the point of announcing it except causing greater panic? It’s not that he is conceited that if he can’t think of a solution, others can’t do it. Even those in the mythical realm can’t.

Deng Changchun even admitted that he was currently powerless, and people below that level should not even think about it.

It’s already a difficult time now, and announcing it and causing panic will only make it worse!

"My growth rate is already fast enough. I can reach the middle stage of Xiantian in one or two months. I will have the confidence to enter the late stage in another year and a half. I will have no problem in entering the early stage of True Intention Mirror in another two or three years. If I don't consider the issue of a solid foundation, I

I am even confident that I will be able to grow to the level of the Mythical Realm in the late stage of the True Intention Mirror in one or two years, but even so, the time span is a bit long, and it does not make much sense to reach the Mythical Realm, unless my spiritual will is once again sublimated to the realm of martial arts in the process.

External abilities have been greatly improved..."

After thinking about it, it's still too difficult.

In terms of martial arts cultivation, Yun Jing is very confident below the Mythical Realm, but he can't guarantee that at the Mythical Realm. After all, that level cannot be reached by just practicing hard. How to take that step is very important to him now.

These are meaningless.

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and Yun Jing also fell asleep before he knew it. When he opened his eyes, it was almost dawn.

A new day has begun, but there are things pressing in my heart, and Yunjing is not in a good mood for a new day at all.

For now, Yunjing cannot help the world, but if he only takes care of the people he cares about, he is still certain and optimistic. Even if the human race is burdened with a curse, Yunjing himself and the people he cares about will actually have an impact on the world.

It's not very big.

However, after being alone, if there is no living person around, what's the point?

I got up and washed, stretched my muscles and bones, couldn't calm down and read a book, and stared at the rising sun in Yunjing in a daze.

Originally, this season had already been covered with ice and snow, but now the sun is still shining brightly. Even on a cold morning, you can't see much ice and frost. Soon after, when the sun shines, it becomes dry, desolate and dead.

"Even if there is a way to solve the curse problem that humans are facing today, what happens in the future? What if there is a second time? So even if the current problem is solved, we must prevent a similar situation from happening again."

Looking at the scorching sun, thinking of this, a few words that he often saw through various channels in his previous life popped up in Yunjing's head: Suppress luck!

What should be used to suppress the fate of the human race to prevent a similar situation from happening again?

But although he thought of this, he didn't know how to do it specifically. After all, he had no experience. Items that suppress luck can't be found just randomly. And even if there is such a thing, how to do it? Who can do it?

Have an effect?

Is that Emperor's Sword good?

However, the sword is a murderous weapon, and it is inappropriate to suppress luck. Even if it can be done, the wielder of the sword must at least be an emperor who rules the world and dominates the world. So, the problem has come full circle and returned to the original point. It seems that there is no way around the pursuit of world hegemony.


When Yun Jing was in a daze, a cold and soft little hand was placed on his forehead, trying to smooth his wrinkled brows. Wu Qingmei's voice sounded in his ears, and he said with rare tenderness: "Shou Xin is here.

What are you worried about? You might as well tell me. Even if I can't share your worries, it will make you feel better if you tell me."

She came here when Yunjing was in a daze. Because she was thinking about something and didn't feel any danger, she signaled to Yunjing and didn't notice until she opened her mouth.

When Wu Qingmei came here, she was not wearing a majestic and endless dragon robe, and it was not the gold and red dress she usually loved, but a simple and elegant blue and white dress.

Dressed like this, she lost the majesty and aloofness of the past, and lost the nobility that made people afraid to look directly at her. Instead, she looked more friendly, like a well-educated lady.

Hearing her voice, Yun Jing's frown relaxed, and he leaned his head gently on her lower abdomen. He couldn't help but smile, and said in a complicated tone: "I can't talk about worries, I'm just worried about some things that I clearly can't do.

That’s all, to put it bluntly, I’m probably making myself uncomfortable.”

"Is there anything in the world that even Shouxin can't do?" Wu Qingmei gently put Yunjing's head in her arms and said. She could feel the worries in Yunjing's heart, but she didn't know how to solve them. She could only use this method

way to give him some comfort.

Yun Jing said: "What Qingmei said is true. There are many things in the world that I can't do."

While talking, Yunjing thought to himself that he really couldn't do it at the moment.

"...Can you tell me? How about we find a solution together?" Wu Qingmei hesitated. At this time, Yunjing actually seemed a little helpless. This was the first time she had encountered Yunjing like this.

What exactly caused it?

Wu Qingmei is not a person who inquires deeply. If Yunjing doesn't want to say it, she won't force it, but Yunjing seems a little helpless. She really wants to help him share the burden, even if it's something Yunjing can't do.

Can't do it either.

But she didn't want Yunjing to face it alone. He was not alone.

After a moment of silence, Yun Jing said: "It should not be suitable for growth, but you should know about this matter, Qingmei. After all, you have a special status. Once you know it, you can make corresponding deployment preparations."

Wu Qingmei didn't interrupt him, but listened quietly. Yun Jing was so entangled and helpless before, and I'm afraid what he was going to say was not a trivial matter.

Yunjing continued: "Qingmei, do you know that the drought the world is facing now is not a natural disaster?"

After a pause, he guessed that what Yun Jing was going to say was not a trivial matter, but after hearing Yun Jing's opening remarks, Wu Qingmei's mentality still caused huge waves.

Is the drought not a natural disaster? You must know that it is a severe drought that affects the whole world. If it is not a natural disaster, what is it?

She still didn't speak, but she already understood the seriousness of the matter.

"It's not a natural disaster, but a curse. All human beings around the world have been cursed. The drought is only part of the curse. What else will happen is unknown. The curse was caused by an alien civilization. The specific method of the curse and its source are unknown.

, I have no clue or method on how to break the curse..." Yunjing told Wu Qingmei almost everything he knew about the situation.

As for the three directions he considered to break the curse, he did not say anything. First of all, it is almost impossible to achieve, and it is meaningless to talk about it. Secondly, Wu Qingmei’s identity must be considered. She is the king of Sanluo, so she wants to dominate the world...

Huh? Fighting for world hegemony? And Wu Qingmei is the king of a country. What if she takes this path? She has enough abilities and means, and she can rest assured that she is close to her.

At this moment, Yun Jing suddenly had such an idea, but it was fleeting.

Fighting for world hegemony, let alone how difficult it is, once Wu Qingmei embarks on that path, he will be the enemy of everyone in the world. If he is not careful, he will be doomed. What's more, the Sanluo Dynasty itself has a lot of messes that have not been sorted out.

Such thoughts flashed through Yun Jing's mind and he ignored it for the time being. After all, apart from anything else, it was already extremely difficult for Wu Qingmei to sit on the throne of San Luo. Only now could she fully control the situation, and if she could

As a woman, she strives to dominate the world. Even if she succeeds, how can she convince the public? She only holds the throne of San Luo, or she has the prerequisite of royal status. Looking at other things, who is willing to be ruled by a female?

So this aspect can almost be ignored.

Today's drought is actually not a natural disaster but a curse. I don't know how long it will last, and I don't know what disasters will happen besides the drought...

After hearing what Yun Jing said, Wu Qing's eyebrows were filled with thoughts and he understood the seriousness of the matter.

It can be said that after these situations are explained clearly, all previous arrangements will be disrupted and readjusted to fight a protracted war!

As Emperor Sanluo, Wu Qingmei was extremely anxious at this time. She should have dropped everything and convened the ministers to discuss the matter, but she restrained herself.

First of all, as Yun Jing said, this matter should not be made public, otherwise it will only cause panic. With the current situation of San Luo, he can no longer withstand the trouble and needs to recuperate. Besides, it is useless to be anxious. He does not even understand the details of the curse.

, there is no solution at all.

She understood why Yunjing was so helpless and entangled before, and she felt deeply powerless and confused about this matter.

Although her heart was filled with ups and downs, Wu Qingmei said calmly: "Don't worry too much, Xiao Jing, everything will be fine, just take your time. Besides, as you guessed, foreign civilizations are willing to pay a huge price to curse our human race."

, they must have been forced to do this because they were afraid, and they are probably already on the verge of getting off the tiger, so the one who is struggling should not be us but the other party, right?"

Hearing this, Yunjing's heart moved, but he smiled and said: "That's right, they should be the ones who are anxious, not us. The reason why they do this and pay a heavy price to curse our human race must be because of fear!"

Maybe it's because girls have delicate minds, or because Wu Qingmei, who has been on the throne for a long time, has a better view of the overall situation than Yun Jing, and he immediately got to the crux of the problem.

But who will come? She said this. Yun Jing also realized this. He was thinking about both sides last night to see who could persist to the end. It was just that the two expressed themselves in different ways.

However, although Yunjing smiled, he was not optimistic at all. It should be noted that there is more than one foreign civilization. A certain civilization may pay a heavy price to curse because of fear of human beings, but there are other civilizations. Once the human race and the curse-casting civilization

If both sides suffer, what can we do to face the other?

If you think about it this way, the problem becomes even more serious!

Wu Qingmei saw Yun Jing 'relaxed', and immediately smiled and said: "Okay, don't think so much, think of some happy things. Today is the Qingsang Festival, don't think about those annoying things, let's go for a walk, for this reason I

But I specifically put down many things to come and find you.”

"Well, the Green Mulberry Festival is a grand event for your Sanluo people. Naturally, you have to experience it. If the people know that their majesty will enjoy it with the people, I don't know how excited they will be." Yun Dingding nodded and said with a smile.

That being said, in fact, neither he nor Wu Qingmei was in the mood to go to this festival, but there was no point in being anxious about many things, so it was better to take this opportunity to relax.

So the two of them tacitly didn't mention anything that would affect their mood, and went out talking and laughing. They didn't take anyone with them, so they were alone.

There is no need to worry about safety. As long as the mythical realm is not targeting them, they can protect themselves with their own methods. Even if there is any danger, this is Sanluo Capital. Wu Qingmei only needs to reveal his identity and everything will be no problem.

After going out, Wu Qingmei put on a veil to cover herself up a little to avoid being recognized and ruining her solitude with Yun Jing.

The streets were lively with singing and dancing, and both men and women put on their best clothes.

Qingsang Festival can be said to be the Valentine's Day of the Sanluo Dynasty. This day has special meaning. Those who are in love and those who are married go out together to experience the festival atmosphere. They also talk to each other and look forward to the future. Singles, on this day,

Hope to find the person you like.

The atmosphere of the San Luo Dynasty is relatively open. Men and women on the street will not be shy and reserved when they see the person they like, but will boldly look directly at them and even take the initiative to talk to them.

I don’t know how many people will make a lifelong promise on this day.

Yun Jing and Wu Qingmei were undoubtedly eye-catching when they walked on the street, but they were tender and affectionate. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that they were a couple at a glance. They did not ask for trouble, but only envied and regretted it, secretly wondering why they were not the ones around them.


It’s a grand festival where everyone is reveling in carnival, but this is the time when things are most likely to go wrong, and police officers and soldiers are patrolling everywhere.

"Green Mulberry Festival, green mulberry leaves, if you find your beloved, why be timid? Don't wait for life to be empty and miserable..."

There were groups of children walking through the streets, their young voices singing nursery rhymes about the Green Mulberry Festival, which was very cheerful.

People everywhere are discussing that a certain young master of a certain family has reached the marriageable age and is now looking for a lover. Who can have the honor to be paired with him?

Some people are also spreading rumors that many brothels are taking advantage of this festival to release girls out of the brothel. Everyone, go and see it. This is a rare opportunity. What if you are the lucky one?

Walking on the street, Yunjing and the two of them put aside their worries for the time being and felt the festive atmosphere. Their moods were also affected by the environment and they felt a lot happier.

Wu Qingmei asked: "Xiao Jing, how about the Green Mulberry Festival in our Sanluo Dynasty?"

"It's great. It's very warm and happy to see people getting married, and countless people finding their loved ones on this day. We are living apart from each other, but we don't have such a holiday, so it's a rare experience." Yun Jingmu

Look around and say sincerely.

Compared with Sanluo, Dali's culture is more subtle after all, and there is no need for such a blatant "Valentine's Day".

"In fact, sometimes I think about it, there are still many beautiful things in the world. Even if they are short-lived, they are worth recalling for a lifetime. Just like today's Green Mulberry Festival, at least people let go of their troubles and sadness." Wu Qingmei

He glanced at Yun Jing and smiled.

She has a lot to do every day. If it weren't for Yunjing, how could she put down so many things and go out to play. Now that the two of them are together, she also wants to experience this festival. This is the first time in her life that she has truly experienced it.

This is the first time I’ve seen such a festival.

Holding her hand, Yun Jing said: "Yes, life will be more meaningful if you occasionally let go of your worries and experience some happy things."

"Now I am very happy. After being with Xiaojing, both physically and mentally, I have experienced happiness that I have never experienced in the past 20 years or so," Wu Qingmei wrote sincerely about Yunjing.

"We still have a long road ahead, and more happiness is yet to come."

"Yeah", nodded, Wu Qingmei looked around and said: "May all lovers in the world finally get married."

"The rich in the world will end up in trouble, and the poor will see it with their own eyes in tears." Yun Jing almost blurted out this sentence.

When Wu Qingmei heard this, she was speechless. She glanced at him and said, "Xiao Jing, where did these proverbs come from? The emotions in the world are so beautiful, how come they are so tacky in your mouth? Although what you said is also true,

But how can emotional matters be measured in terms of money?”

"Well, these are words from my 'hometown'. I'm just kidding, don't take it too seriously." Yunjing laughed and said. As he spoke, Yunjing thought in his heart that in his 'hometown', emotional matters are no longer the same.

The old man is in charge, but it is under the control of the God of Wealth. If it is not enough, there is no such thing as the Yue Lao God of Wealth in this world.

Without worrying too much, Wu Qingmei looked into the distance and said: "The terrain over there is higher and the view is wider, let's go up there?"


This chapter has been completed!
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