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Chapter six hundred and fiftieth IX local accent

Going south from the capital, Yunjing returned to his hometown of Xinlin County in the afternoon. He stopped briefly when passing by the county seat.

The drought has lasted for so long, and the current situation in Xinlin County is not optimistic. Thousands of refugees have gathered around, all of them are desperate people. Due to the drought, there is a shortage of food and drinking water, and people have to move closer to the city.

The government has already taken action to rescue and resettle the refugees. Yunjing's original suggestion has been implemented long ago, and people are organized to repair rivers or roads, dig wells, or build city walls, and they can always find work for the refugees.

There are people who specialize in management. Although I can’t say it’s very organized, there hasn’t been much commotion.

The refugees have something to do and someone to manage it, so they don't have so much energy to make trouble. At the same time, they work hard and feel at ease in exchange for food or money.

As the current situation continues, no matter how much food there is, there is not enough to eat, so the food given to the refugees is mixed with things like bran grass roots and bark. What the refugees want is to survive, and this is enough.

There is no point in giving them good food to show off. It may get praises at first, but going without food for a long time will only harm them.

At present, this situation can still be maintained, but how long it can last is unknown.

The situation in Xinlin County is still like this, let alone other places. Just maintaining the current status quo is already very rare. Ordinary people may not know it, but Yunjing understands that the situation in Sanluo is much more serious than here. It is simply unbearable.

Please note that San Luo has just experienced a rape and organized chaos.

"The situation will get better soon," Yun Jing said silently in his mind after seeing the scene of refugees.

He knew very well that the dynasty would soon popularize the water-generating device. It might not solve the food problem, but it would solve the urgent drinking water problem.

The most critical thing for people during a drought is when they have no water to drink. But when there is water to drink, there is always a way to find food. In order to survive, people can always burst out with infinite wisdom.

Withdrawing his 'eyes', Yunjing subconsciously looked in the direction of the Lin family. He did not see Lin Xingyu in the Lin family compound, but he saw Lin Yexing and his wife.

They have been married for a while, and their relationship has always been very good. When Yunjing saw them, they were even more respectful to each other.

Shen Qingrou has been pregnant for several months. Lin Yexing was listening with his ear on her belly, laughing so hard that his mouth almost reached the base of his ears, while Shen Qingrou had a happy face.

The picture is very warm, even Yun Jing subconsciously showed a smile.

No matter how difficult the world is, there is always new life being nurtured. New life is hope and the future. If the human race is immortal, no matter what kind of curse it is burdened with, it can be solved!

"It's a son. How happy will my brother-in-law be if he finds out?" Yunjing said silently in his heart. He didn't bother to visit his home. He must have gone home when he came back. Let's talk about it later. There is no chance that he will go to his home next year.

Drinking wedding wine.

After several months of pregnancy, the sex of the fetus can already be seen. Yunjing's telepathy can see through it, so it is not difficult to tell.

After stopping for a while, Yunjing left Xinlin County and headed towards Niujiao Town, but he flew towards the Liuye Sword Sect on the way. Since he was back, he naturally wanted to say hello to Lin Xingyu.

It's a pity that Lin Xingyu is not in the sect. After the three Jianghu forces in Xinlin County merged, she had endless things to do as the young master. Especially now that it is the end of the year, she needs to worry about all aspects.

In some respects, Lin Xingyu is also a strong woman, and she wants to carry forward the sect in her hands.

With a little understanding, Yunjing learned that Lin Xingyu had become famous in several surrounding counties. Not only her cultivation was increasing day by day, but she also had a sophisticated way of leading people to do things. Many people in the world admired her, and many people were spreading the word about the Willow Leaf Sword Sect.

Its rise is unstoppable, we just have to wait and see how far it will go.

Now Lin Xingyu's cultivation has reached the late stage of acquired life, surpassing that of the former leader of the Liuye Sword Sect. Recently, it has been reported that she has defeated innate masters in several surrounding counties!

When facing Xiantian in the future, not only will he not be defeated but he will win. This record is still amazing. This kind of thing usually only happens to some of the most favored people in heaven, but Lin Xingyu did it.

Yunjing thinks this is normal. After all, there are not many powerful forces in the surrounding counties. Even if he has innate cultivation, he is just like that. After all, he has insufficient foundation.

As for Lin Xingyu, not only did she have powerful martial arts and martial arts skills given to her by Yunjing, but she also had a magical weapon and a spirit gathering array specially built for her. With these prerequisites, it is no surprise that she has gained her current reputation.

It would be surprising if it couldn't.

"That's good, I have my own career, and I don't have to be bored all day long."

Yunjing doesn't object to Lin Xingyu's path to the world of martial arts. With him standing behind Lin Xingyu, it won't be a big problem.

Yunjing was not worried about not being able to see Lin Xingyu. If he really wanted to insist on finding her, it would be very simple. There was no need to disturb her for the time being, so Yunjing flew towards Niujiao Town.

Compared with the county town, the situation in Niujiao Town is much better. After all, it is the town closest to Xiaoxi Village, Yunjing's hometown. With Yunjing's secret help, the grain harvest in the surrounding area is not as reduced as in other places.

In addition, this is a grain source town that was given a special gift by Emperor Dali without having to pay grain taxes, so the people of Niujiao Town are still barely able to survive.

However, due to the impact of the general environment, all walks of life are extremely depressed, more than half of the shops have closed down, and there are more beggars on the streets, making everything look very bleak.

Although the situation in Niujiao Town is much better than that in other places, refugees are still inevitable outside the town.

The reason why refugees are refugees is because they are fleeing for a way to survive, and the situation in Niujiao Town is better. People naturally run here when they are desperate. Therefore, even though this is just a town, there are tens of thousands of refugees gathered around it!

The refugees who gathered under the organization of the government did not cause chaos. People were busy everywhere, repairing rivers and fields, widening roads, and some well-off families invited the refugees to build houses and buildings under the mobilization of the government.

As long as you use your brain, you can always find a job for the refugees.

As the sun sets, the refugees one after another begin to finish their work and gather in the direction of the shacks where they are placed. The refugees are not livestock, and even if they are livestock, they are reluctant to use them to death. Moreover, it is very cold in the winter after the afternoon, so they must be allowed to rest.

Yun Jing found a deserted and remote corner and walked to the ground towards the town. Originally, he was going to go home directly, but he saw his younger brother, sister and Bai Zhi in the crowd.

Under a row of shacks, the enthusiasm was rising, and pots of porridge with added ingredients were placed there. The porridge was definitely not good, but it was edible. Eating it could keep the refugees alive. Now for the refugees, survival is the most important thing.

Importantly, even if the porridge was hard to swallow, they cherished it very much. They carefully carried the porridge they had earned with a day's labor and ate nothing.

There was no looting, and there were dedicated people to maintain order. There was a long queue outside the porridge shed, and people looked eagerly at the pots of porridge.

Bai Zhi had her long hair tied up with a scarf and wore a very ordinary gray cloth. She stood beside a pot of porridge and held a long-handled spoon to help the people who received the porridge. Every time they served a piece of porridge, she would tell them to slow down.

If there is not enough, what I get in exchange is a heartfelt thank you.

She has obviously been doing this for a while, and many people are whispering about who is lucky enough to marry such a woman.

Bai Zhi was so beautiful that even the commoner and jingchai could not hide her charm. On the contrary, her simple dress made her closer to reality, and she did not appear out of place or out of place with her surroundings.

Gentle, virtuous, beautiful and kind, this is the dream partner of countless people.

It would be false to say that no one is close to Bai Zhi, but many people subconsciously feel unworthy when facing her clear eyes, and some people with evil intentions cannot get close at all, not to mention Bai Zhi's own innate realm of cultivation.

, is it just the police officers who maintain order around her who are vegetarians? The refugees who have been helped by Bai Zhi do not allow anyone to do anything bad to her.

Watching Bai Zhi tenderly serving people porridge from a distance, every move she made was so natural, without any drama. With her clear eyes, she didn't dislike anyone, and she even reminded people countless times to wash their hands before eating.

Seeing this scene, Yunjing felt an indescribable warmth in her heart, and he didn't even have the heart to come forward and disturb her.

On the other side, Yundong and Yunxi are also helping people give porridge. Perhaps it is due to the family environment in which they grew up. They do not show any condescension when giving porridge to people. Instead, they kindly remind people how to do things, and there are even flashes in their eyes many times.

Unbearable and sad.

In fact, Yundong and Yunxi did not suffer too much when they were young. As soon as they could remember, the situation of Yunjing's family had gradually improved. Most of the suffering at the bottom they usually knew about was heard from the older generation, but now it is not

I saw it with my own eyes and felt it with my own eyes.

They were not there alone to help with porridge. There were many peers around them, as well as some teachers from the school in the town whom Yunjing knew. As soon as Yunjing thought about it, he understood that what they were doing now should be organized by the school.

In school, a person will never be taught how to do bad things and be a bad person. It will only guide people on the path of kindness. And today's courses are undoubtedly the most vivid and direct. Anyone with a good heart will directly touch the heart and have a great impact on the future.


When a child came to Yun Xi, he was smaller than Yun Xi, a thin and frail little boy. The little boy was wearing tattered clothes, and his hands were bleeding from moving stones earlier. He was holding a

Wan worked hard towards Yunxi.

Looking at the little boy who was younger than herself, Yun Xi's nose felt sore and she filled the other boy's bowl with porridge with a spoon until it almost overflowed.

The little boy who got the porridge grinned and said thank you to his sister, and then consciously moved out of the way of the people behind him.

After he left, Yun Xi secretly turned around and wiped her eyes, then pursed her lips and continued to serve people porridge.

Even though she had seen a lot of these scenes recently, Yun Xi still felt sad.

Everyone's life is different. Now Yun Xi has deeply realized how difficult it is for her to grow up so carefree. Without the care of her family and brother, I am afraid that she will be the same as the people around her.

Well, even worse.

On the contrary, Yun Dong was very calm, and often said some words of encouragement. After all, he was older than Yun Xi, and Yun Jing had taken him through some things, and his mind had been transformed. He was not as volatile as Yun Xi.

But this does not mean that Yundong is cold-hearted, because he understands that what people need is not pity, but real help.

After seeing, experiencing, and feeling, Yun Dong realized how great his brother was, because Mr. Xuetang once said that refugees throughout the country can be resettled to survive the drought. Yun Jing put forward many valuable suggestions,

Otherwise, the situation will only be countless times worse than now.

The gentlemen in the school are also scholars, and scholars naturally have connections, so what Yun Jing does is not a secret. However, the gentlemen did not mention Yun Jing by name, as that would praise Yun Jing, but Yun Dong

I knew that was his brother.

Yundong is not envious of his great brother, but he takes his brother as an example in his heart. When he has the ability in the future, he will do more things that benefit the country and the people. Only then will he live up to the meaning of life. The source of ability needs to be down-to-earth.

Many times, just dreaming about dreams is not enough. You need to walk step by step. As long as you don't stop, you will realize it one day.

The gentlemen who followed noticed the performance of many students, sometimes shaking their heads and sometimes nodding.

People are different after all. Those who can still afford to study under current circumstances are not ordinary people. Some children reject or even hate refugees, some are hypocritically engaged in their current schoolwork, and some treat them as

It’s just a fun thing to do, but some people really feel sorry for the refugees.

Gentlemen's eyes are sharp. How can a child's thoughts be hidden from them?

But no matter whether it is a student with excellent performance or a student with bad performance, they will not say it out at this time, they will only keep it in their hearts, and will not specifically praise or punish them in the future. Those who perform well will be encouraged to keep up their efforts, and those who perform poorly will also

Continue to guide them towards good deeds.

As teachers, teaching good students is their essence. Teaching good students is not something to be proud of. What is really proud of is teaching bad students well, that is called ability.

Even as people who have experienced it, gentlemen understand that it is not enough to just be a bad person...

Yun Jing watched everything in his eyes silently, without interrupting, and the time passed by little by little.

The long queue gradually shortened, the porridge in the big pot was bottoming out little by little, the sky was getting dark, and the night wind was blowing, which for ordinary people was bone-chilling. Only in the small shack, a family

You can feel the warmth by hugging each other.

Tomorrow... there is still hope for tomorrow, the government has not given up on us.

After the porridge donation was almost completed, Yunjing walked over.

An old man who was carrying porridge and walking carefully with his head down almost caught him. He supported him and said with a smile: "Slow down, old man, be careful."

Yunjing's dress, words, and deeds were obviously something that the old man could not afford to offend. He was originally very worried, but Yunjing seemed to have a magical power that made him feel at ease. He said, "I almost bumped into the nobleman. I can't apologize to the nobleman."

"Old man, please don't say that. It's cold. Go back and rest early." Yunjing stepped out of the way and said with a smile.

The old man was obviously not good at words, so he opened his mouth, nodded and left without forgetting to look back at Yun Jing, thinking that this noble man had a kind heart and would have many children and good fortune in the future.

Yunjing was a celebrity in this area of ​​Niujiao Town. He was recognized as soon as he appeared, and the government officers and detectives around him all greeted him with a smile.

"Master Yun is back? I haven't seen you for a while."

"What are you busy with, Mr. Yun? I recently hunted a big wild boar in the mountains. I have packed it up. Do you want to go to my house for a toothpaste and a drink?"

The enthusiasm of the villagers made Yunjing feel comfortable and greeted them one by one.

"Well, some time ago I had something to do and I went on a far trip. I have already taken care of it. I am not busy with anything. It's just a small matter. Big wild boar, you have to leave some for me. Don't bother sending it. I will look for an opportunity to come and bother you. I hope you won't bother me.

It’s better if you don’t think I’m disturbing you…”

Along the way, people were enthusiastic, but they didn't rush in shamelessly. Each of them was very measured, and they didn't regard Yunjing's approachability as a bargaining chip for their own advancement.

"Whose young master is that? Everyone greets him politely. He must be a very important person, right?" Refugees from afar saw this scene and couldn't help but curiously asked the people around them.

Then the local residents started chatting and said: "That's Master Yun, but he's a great figure. Don't you know about the imperial examination? Do you know about the imperial examination? Jiangzhou ranks first in the imperial examination. Although I don't understand it very well, I know it."

It's amazing, and..., by the way, I have lived in the town for decades, and I have watched him grow up. He was so naughty when he was a child, and he was the king of children. He led a bunch of kids to mess around, but he didn't do anything bad.

Son, you even stole my plums. Balabala..."

Bai Zhi, who was almost busy, felt a different atmosphere. He subconsciously looked up and saw the cloud scenery at the first sight. His eyes suddenly lit up and his heart was filled with joy.

After many days of longing for her, her heart was always empty, but when she saw her man back, she suddenly felt at ease.

Seeing Yunjing surrounded by people, she felt proud because he was her man.

She wanted to go there immediately, but she was afraid of disturbing Yun Jing and people chatting, and she suddenly realized that her current dress would embarrass her husband.

Just when she was hesitating, Yun Jing looked over and nodded to her, indicating that he was sorry for neglecting everyone. The two people's eyes met, and everything was unspoken. Bai Zhi smiled sweetly and waited quietly.


When walking past a temporary stove, Yunjing saw an old man wearing an apron. He was greeting people and said, "Uncle Zhang is busy."

"It's Mr. Yun. Hey, I'm not busy with anything. I can't spread the moon noodles these days, so I took the initiative to help make porridge. Mr. Yun, have you eaten? How about I help you make a bowl of noodles?"

Uncle Zhang had set up a noodle stall in the town when Yunjing was very young. Yunjing had eaten it many times and it tasted good. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Thank you, Uncle Zhang. I've already eaten it. Uncle Zhang made it."

I’m a great noodle maker, but I didn’t expect that I’m also good at making porridge. I could smell the aroma from afar.”

"Haha, right? Many people said they liked it after eating it..."

After greeting the people around him, Yunjing soon came to the school to offer porridge. Regardless of whether it was a girls' school or a men's school in the town, a group of students and gentlemen who were about to go back stopped.

A group of half-year-old children looked at Yunjing curiously, their eyes full of admiration and excitement. They must know that Yunjing is a legend in Niujiao Town. They have grown up listening to Yunjing's deeds. Both their husbands and their parents admire Yunjing.

To serve as an example for educating them.

The children murmured, but they didn't rush around to watch the clouds with their husband nearby. It must be said that even the half-year-old children learned the etiquette well.

Yun Dong and Yun Xi were also in the crowd, and looked happy when they saw Yun Jing. However, there was a husband there, so they did not jump out to say hello, so as not to leave a rash impression on him. Children naturally have to behave themselves when elders are around, right?

, my brother won’t run away anyway.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Liu, Mr. Wang... Hello, gentlemen, student Yunjing is very polite." After approaching, Yunjing greeted the gentlemen in a polite manner. Many of them were taught by him in the past, no matter how bad he is now.

Yun Jing still respected him from the bottom of his heart, and did not dare to show any slightness. Not to mention that Yun Jing could not say such disrespectful words to his teacher, but if he dared to do so, the master would not pluck him out.

These gentlemen originally intended to wait for Yunjing here, so they all said hello.

"It's Xiao Jing, you're welcome. I haven't seen you for a while. He's so big in the blink of an eye. He was so little when he first entered the school. He was dark and thin. Now he is the pride of our Niujiao Town. It's a pity.

But we are old.”

"What are you busy with, Xiaojing? You have to pay attention to your safety when you come back so late."

"Xiao Yun must have forgotten that he is still the honorary headmaster of the town's school. Don't forget to take the time to go to the school to teach those monkeys. They are all watching eagerly..."

Even though Yunjing had already graduated from the school in the town, the gentlemen were still very kind to him. Firstly, Yunjing was really good at that time and knew how to be a good person. Secondly, this was the best student they had ever taught. Not one of them.

At one point, these gentlemen would be satisfied their entire lives.

"Gentlemen, you are not old, and you have been able to teach students for many years. You are not busy with anything. It took you a while to get things done. Thank you sir for your relationship. Students have a sense of safety when it comes to safety. I have not forgotten it. I will definitely go to the school when I have time."

, Yunjing greeted them one by one.

At the same time, the gentlemen were also whispering to the students around them, "Did you see this? This is Yun Jingyun Shouxin. He was studying in the town back then. What happens now..." You must follow his example.

After greetings, Yun Jing said: "Gentlemen, are you bringing students to class?"

Classes do not necessarily take place in the school. There are also many practical classes. Yunjing also experienced this when he was studying. The school even organized students to suppress bandits. Can you believe it? But that was after the students practiced martial arts.

"Yes, bring them to practice and see the suffering of the people. Don't make them stupid by reading," a gentleman replied.

After chatting for a while, it was getting late and the gentlemen had to take the students back. It would be bad if something happened.

Yunjing watched them leave and said to pay attention to safety.

As for Yun Dong and Yun Xi, the two younger brothers and sisters, Yun Jing did not treat them specially on such occasions. He waved his hand as a greeting. Of course, his family members should be more casual. And if they behave too much, they will become the focus. Then

It is not conducive for them to get along with their classmates. After all, it is not a good thing for them to stand out from the crowd for their own reasons, and it is not conducive to their growth.

After the crowd had almost dispersed, Yunjing walked towards Bai Zhi, who had been waiting quietly.

Bai Zhi immediately jumped for joy and said, "My husband is back."


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