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Chapter six hundred and seventy sixth something

Ning Bing'er's methods are secretive and magical. Among them is the art of fortune-telling. If you practice this secret art, you can see the blessings and misfortunes of a person through his face. Those who practice it to a high level can even see the fate of marriage, longevity and even the fate of the country.


Ning Bing'er used Zhanzhan Qi Technique to look at Yun Jing before, but she was almost paralyzed with fear.

Under the vision of her Qi-gazing technique, Yun Jingna could no longer be described as having bad luck. It was as if the whole world was targeting him, and he would choke to death even if he took a sip of cold water.

In this case, let alone Yunjing himself, anyone who comes close to him will be in bad luck!

However, Yunjing is alive and well, and the people around him don't seem to be implicated. How is this possible? He only has a late-stage innate cultivation level. Logically speaking, he should have died eight hundred times earlier.

What's even more terrible is that Yunjing's movement has not only targeted the whole world, but has even become more and more serious as time goes by!

Ning Bing'er has been practicing with her master for more than ten years. In addition to her poor cultivation, Ning Bing'er has already received the master's true biography. The master has nothing more to teach her. She has never seen anyone more unlucky than Yun Jing in these years.

But the other party happened to be alive and well.

It stands to reason that the luck of such things can be changed within a certain range for their methods. Is there anyone who can help Yunjing change his luck? But at his level, let alone help him change his luck, who

Anyone who helps to die will not run away. Ning Bing'er believes that even her master can't.

Even if it reaches the level of Yunjing, it can be said that dogs shake their heads when they see it, and they will only tell them to eat whatever they want.

If it weren't for the current situation, and Yun Jing was so lucky, Ning Bing'er would run as far as she could without hesitation, and would even hide for a while to see if she had any bad luck.

Just because of that look, Ning Bing'er felt bad for a moment.

Taoqing next to her heard her answer and thought to herself, "You screamed in surprise and couldn't help yourself. How can you call it okay?" However, it was hard for her to say anything in such an occasion. She would ask later.

Mr. Tang glanced at Ning Bing'er, his expression slightly unnatural. Ning Bing'er's behavior was a bit rude after all, so he looked at Wu Qingmei who was sitting on the dragon chair and said: "Xiao Ning is young and has an unstable personality. Let Sang

Luo Guojun and everyone are laughing at each other, I hope you will forgive me for being disrespectful."

"It's okay. If you feel uncomfortable, do you need to rest and let the imperial doctor take a look?" Wu Qingmei said calmly, not paying any attention to Ning Bing'er's actions, at least on the surface.

But he was thinking in his mind that the woman looked like that because she glanced at her little man. Could there be some hidden secret that she didn't know about?

Her excessive reaction had attracted everyone's attention. Ning Bing'er couldn't get rid of the situation in the cloud scene and was extremely embarrassed. She lowered her head and didn't dare to look at anyone.

As the host here, Wu Qingmei denounced the situation and smoothed things over: "You have come from afar to be guests. If there is any inconvenience in the reception, please forgive me. There is no need to be formal. No need to be polite. Relax. Let's enjoy a dance together to cheer up."

Wine and delicacies had been served long before the meal. After Wu Qingmei finished speaking, the lights in the hall dimmed slightly, and the soft light became a little hazy. No one mentioned Ning Bing'er's actions again.

When the light in the hall became soft and hazy, beautiful music came from all directions, composed of the sounds of various musical instruments, ethereal and gentle.

At the same time, faint colorful clouds appeared out of thin air in the hall, and then colorful light and shadow butterflies were dancing gracefully. More and more, those light and shadow butterflies were flying regularly, and the picture was like a dream.

As a melody suddenly became louder and softer, a graceful figure appeared among the endlessly flying light and shadow butterflies. She was wearing a colorful dress and a gauze face. The hazy light, shadow and butterflies made it difficult to see her true appearance.

, this makes it more attractive to have a glimpse of the whole picture.

The hazy female figure was holding a brightly colored paper umbrella, and her whole figure was dancing gracefully in the air as if it were weightless. She didn't wear much, and four-fifths of her white and greasy skin was not covered by clothes, but that

Every move of the dance does not appear gaudy, but is somewhat holy under the support of light, shadow and music.

The colorful light and shadow, the flying butterflies, the beautiful music, the graceful dancing posture, the paper umbrella in the air, half-hiding the face while holding the pipa, are pleasing to the eye...

Everyone was eating, drinking, and enjoying the dance and music, and everyone seemed to fall silent.

However, such an occasion cannot be left alone, so the role of the person who comes to accompany you comes into play at this time.

I only heard someone say: "This dance is called Butterfly. It is adapted from a sad love story among our Sanluo folk. Many people know this dance, but only the girl in colorful clothes deserves to be the first. Countless people say that if

Being able to see her dance will have no regrets in this life, but she once said that she only danced this dance three times a year, and every time it attracted countless people who traveled thousands of miles to enjoy it..."

The speaker was Jiang Jifang, one of the three former heroes of San Luo. His words were introduced as a narration and told to everyone. However, this person seemed not to be very eloquent. His introduction was a bit dry and could not arouse people's emotional fluctuations. This

It made him feel a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, people were also very considerate. They all smiled and nodded slightly, showing that the dance was really enjoyable.

On the opposite side, Lu Wu also said: "The graceful dance of the girl in colorful clothes is intoxicating to watch. Although she has not said anything, her posture and language clearly reveal the word "sadness", which makes people resonate with her heart."

"Haha, as long as you are satisfied, come and have a drink together," the Minister of Rites raised his glass and said with a smile.

Everyone drank together, and the dance music was just for fun. In fact, no one paid much attention to it. Soon after, as the sound of the music gradually weakened, the figure of the girl in colorful clothes who was dancing stretched out in the light and shadow of the colorful butterflies flashed, holding a paper umbrella in her hand.

The flying out turned into hundreds of lingering shadows and dispersed, and she herself disappeared without a trace.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't say a word. She simply danced and left, and the bright light returned to the hall. It seemed that everything before was an illusion.

Bai Wenhao glanced at Tao Qing with a playful look on his face. It seems that someone is "playing tricks on everyone's door" in front of you, which means this. In fact, there is no allusion to "playing tricks on everyone's door" in this world.

Taoqing was unmoved and secretly said: "It's just a simple illusion. It's nothing, but it's quite beautiful. In such a small place, the woman named Caiyi can integrate the illusion into the dance to such an extent."

It’s a rare thing, entertaining people with sex will always put you in the lower class.”

"That's right, Miss Tao Qing's illusion is a masterpiece." Bai Wenhao responded secretly, not as a compliment, but from the bottom of his heart. Based on his understanding of Tao Qing, if the other party used the illusion, he would have to fight ten times.

You have to deal with it with all your energy, otherwise you won't know how you will die if you don't pay attention.

After a dance, the meeting between the two parties got down to business.

This is just a banquet, not a negotiation, so the atmosphere is not that serious. As a guest, Mr. Tang, the leader of the Long Kingdom people, looked at Wu Qingmei and said with a smile: "We are only here to represent the Long Kingdom as an envoy to the Sanluo Dynasty. This time

It is a document of national origin, and I would like to invite Emperor Sanluo to read it."

While talking, Mr. Tang placed a golden dragon-patterned booklet on the floor. The eunuch who was waiting next to him immediately took it carefully and presented it to Wu Qingmei for review.

This is one of the procedures of the meeting, which is to verify one's identity. In fact, it is just a process. Everything has been exchanged before this, otherwise there would not be such a banquet, but the procedures that need to be followed still need to be followed.

After receiving the so-called credentials, Wu Qingmei only glanced at them symbolically, then asked someone to hand them back, looked at them with a polite yet majestic smile and said: "You have come all the way to make me, Sanluo Pengpi, happy.

Hui, I, Sanluo, am also an outstanding person. If you have time later, you can visit these mountains and rivers. There will definitely be a place where you can linger."

This was not just a polite greeting, but a message to tell them that they could move freely in Sanluo and enjoy the diplomatic privileges of envoys from other countries after verifying their identity. Otherwise, as unidentified foreigners, it would be difficult to move on the land of Sanluo.

Of course, this is only under normal circumstances. In fact, with the strength of the Dragon Kingdom's few people, they can move freely in the Sanluo realm and few people can hinder them.

At this time, Bai Wenhao, who came from the Dragon Kingdom, didn't take Wu Qingmei's words seriously. To them, Sanluo was just a small border country, and Wu Qingmei's tone seemed a bit too serious to them.

However, in such an occasion, he did not express his thoughts. Otherwise, it would be unworthy of a great country. On the surface, he had to be reserved.

Ning Bing'er didn't say anything at this time, still thinking about what happened before. Lu Wu didn't say anything either. He lowered his head to drink from time to time, and occasionally glanced at Wu Qingmei on the dragon chair with a slightly rude look. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Again, this is just a normal banquet. Everyone can eat and have fun. No one will pick a fight or compete on such an occasion. The two sides represent countries. There is no possibility of such childish play.

It's such a farce, otherwise if word spread, I don't know how many people would laugh to death.

After they were formally recognized as envoys of the Dragon Kingdom, the song and dance performance should have ended happily.

Perhaps it was due to the itinerary of the few people in the Dragon Kingdom, or maybe they were dissatisfied with Sanluo's specifications, so without waiting for Wu Qingmei's further arrangements, Bai Wenhao stood up and saluted during the Dragon Kingdom's group: "Sang Luo Emperor, Rong Zhen

, after I set foot in your territory, I heard a lot of rumors, many of which surprised us. I wonder if you can explain it? I apologize if I am rude."

He was directly asking about the purpose of coming here, as if he had lost his patience and wasted his time on eating, drinking and having fun.

As soon as these words came out, the people present moved slightly slower, and everyone became slightly serious.

Regarding Bai Wenhao's blunt statement, Mr. Tang did not say anything above, Tao Qing and the others were meaningless. Instead, Lu Wu glanced at Bai Wenhao, as if blaming him for being too impatient?

Wu Qingmei was unmoved when he heard the words, and nodded calmly: "This is Bai Wenhao, right? If you have any doubts, just say it."

In front of everyone, Bai Wenhao stood tall and said: "There are two surprises. One is that the illegal forces are causing trouble. I think your country already knows that it is a foreign civilization that is causing trouble. What surprises us is that your country has quelled the chaos of the foreign civilization.

It is a disaster, and we will clean them up completely. Is this possible?"

Wu Qingmei nodded slightly and said, "It is indeed true. I wonder what Bai Zhi is surprised about?"

Bai Wenhao raised his eyebrows. Compared with the question he asked, Wu Qingmei's calmness surprised him more, but he still continued: "Sang Luo King Rong Chen, what surprises me is that we have experienced many countries during this trip.

They are helpless in the face of foreign civilizations that have brought disaster to the city, how did your country do it?"

Hearing the words, Wu Qingmei said calmly: "Since everyone has been united in their efforts to quell the trouble, now the trouble has been eliminated, what's the surprise? But the righteous deeds of the people of your country who traveled around to assess the trouble are admirable."

This was a normal thing to say, but for some reason, hearing it in the ears of the Sanluo officials present made them feel particularly comfortable, and even their backs straightened subconsciously.

However, after listening to Wu Qingmei's words, several people in the Long Kingdom felt their faces become inexplicably hot.

What Bai Wenhao expressed was that they helped many countries, and those countries survived the disaster. He simply said that if they were not used, those countries would be doomed. However, Wu Qingmei was more direct, asking what caused the disasters of foreign civilizations.

Now that the facts are established, what else surprises you? Just ask me directly what you can do. What can we, San Luo, not be able to do that the countries you have helped cannot do?

Yun Jing on the seat remained calm, but his mind was thinking of Wu Qingmei, who had recently held the entire Sanluo in his hands. After feeling confident, his words turned out to be so sharp.

Bai Wenhao was unmoved on the surface, but he was a little inexplicably irritable inside.

He was a reckless and impulsive person from time to time, especially on occasions like this. He had a sense of what he should say and what should not be said. However, the standards with which the Sanluo Dynasty received them, and Wu Qingmei's calm demeanor at the moment, made everyone feel uncomfortable.

He felt a little unhappy.

Thoughts flashed and he quickly weighed, he finally thought for a while and said: "Since your country is working together to eliminate the chaos, how come we heard that your country was able to get through the difficulties by inviting foreign aid after being helpless?"

As soon as he said these words, most of the people present changed slightly. This was clearly questioning Wu Qingmei in public. He was trying to put money on his face. More seriously, he was denying that the entire Sanluo Dynasty was trying to eliminate the scourge of foreign civilizations.


Even Mr. Tang couldn't help but frown and look at Bai Wenhao and said in a deep voice: "Wenhao be careful and apologize to Lord Sanluo!"

"I made a mistake, please forgive me, Lord Sanluo," Bai Wenhao said immediately. Although he thought twice before saying that, he also understood that it was still a bit too much.

Wu Qingmei was extremely happy and angry, but her tone was three points lighter, and she said calmly: "It doesn't matter, what Bai Shi said is true, but I want to ask, the Dragon Kingdom envoys traveled to many countries to solve the disasters of foreign civilizations,

I guess it just depends on how many people you wait for, right?"

She frankly admitted that she had invited foreign aid, but asked, didn't you integrate the power of those countries to eliminate the scourge of foreign civilizations in their countries?

Bai Wenhao's eyes flashed, and he took a deep breath secretly. He remained calm on the outside, but his face felt hot. His doubts were questioned by the other party, just like a fig leaf was pulled away, and his heart was filled with panic.

Seeing him like this, Mr. Tang secretly thought that they had been too successful before and had been promoted too high. Now they can't get off the stage. After all, they are young and need to be tempered. However, this kind of experience is not a bad thing for them now.

Nodding, Bai Wenhao said: "Indeed, although we have helped many countries solve the disasters of foreign civilizations, it is more their cooperation, otherwise we alone will not be able to exhaust our capabilities."

He admitted this quite frankly.

"So, is it any wonder that we, Sanluo, can invite foreign aid and eventually solve the problem? Moreover, how do you know that it is foreign aid and not our Sanluo allies or even our own people?" Wu Qingmei looked at him lightly and said.

Raising his eyebrows, Bai Wenhao thought, "Isn't it a foreign aid? Are allies easy to understand? Are we one of our own?"

'This person has some ability, but because of his status in the Dragon Kingdom, he has a high self-esteem. To put it bluntly, he looks down on people in remote areas. He has always been complimented by others. Once he is used to such treatment, he can't stand the doubts of others. Mentally

There are still some shortcomings. It doesn't matter that he faced people of similar status in the past, but now it is highlighted." Yun Jing on the seat commented to Bai Wenhao in his heart.

His original intention was probably not to stir up trouble, but he was out of balance and rushed to such an extent after being questioned.

When Wu Qingmei said the word "self", the quiet Lu Wu raised his eyebrows subconsciously, feeling a little uncomfortable for no reason.

Hong Ya watched with a smile, and from time to time he signaled to Mr. Tang opposite him to exchange cups and cups. It was obvious that he was just a bystander as a junior.

"It is gratifying to be relieved of the disaster of foreign civilizations and save lives from destruction. Don't blame me, Mr. Sanluo. It's my narrow vision and prejudice. The results of such things are the most important," Bai Wenhao said calmly, holding his hands.

His words were a bit surprising to many people, who originally thought he would say something sharp.

Wu Qingmei couldn't help but secretly thought that this person had something, he could take it and let it go, and he dared to admit that his attitude was wrong.

There was no need to make things too tense. He had suppressed the opponent's arrogance without leaving any trace. Wu Qingmei stopped when she saw the situation and said instead: "It doesn't matter. Bai Shi just said that there were two accidents. What is the second one?"

"The second thing is that we have been traveling all the way to see that the post-disaster reconstruction in Sanluo is in an orderly manner. This is true whether it is the mess left by foreign civilizations or the drought. This kind of post-disaster order is something we have never seen in so many countries.

"It's not so much an accident as it is a surprise. I wonder which master created such a post-disaster recovery strategy? I wonder if I would be lucky enough to discuss it face to face and learn a thing or two?" Bai Wenhao walked down the slope to the donkey path.

In fact, this is the real reason why they visited the Sanluo Dynasty as envoys of the Dragon Kingdom. After all, the disaster of foreign civilization in this country has been eliminated, and they can't help. There is no need to make such a big show, but Sanluo has too many post-disaster recovery strategies.

It is worth learning. Even if these strategies are brought to the Dragon Kingdom, they will have great implementation significance.

"I never thought that people in your country would be interested in these. The specific aspects are a long story, so I won't go into details right now. If you are interested, how about I arrange for someone to compile a copy of the information and give it to you later?" Wu Qingmei said calmly.


If we don’t talk about the details now and arrange them separately, it will be more feasible at that time. After all, all strategies are summarized by countless people, so we can’t just give them to them in vain, right? Although it is not a secret, there are some key points that cannot be passed through.

If you adopt it rashly in practice, you may not only take detours, but may even become a dog instead of a tiger.

Without waiting for the other party to speak, the confident Wu Qingmei always took the initiative and continued: "As for where these experience strategies come from, some are summarized from the practice of the country, and some are learned from elsewhere. They are not simply from one person.


While talking to Bai Wenhao, Wu Qingmei was distracted and secretly communicating with Yunjing. Even though there were two mythical realms present, under Yunjing's actions, they only knew the two of them.

Communicating without knowing exactly what was being communicated.

This surprised both Hong Ya and Mr. Tang. How did they shield themselves?

"Xiao Jing, most of those strategies came from your suggestions. When he asked about this, he must have roughly understood that these strategies are related to you, so do I need to help you hide it?" Wu Qingmei asked.

Yun Jing responded: "It's not something shameful. There's no need to hide it. Just do whatever you want."

"I see……"

From beginning to end, Yunjing was just a companion, equivalent to a backdrop. After all, this was Wu Qingmei's home court, and there was no need for him to overshadow the guest.

However, looking at the current trend, it is obvious that he will be involved later. Yunjing does not care, it is just communication. He also wants to know what is so special about these visitors from the Dragon Kingdom.

In fact, it can be seen that among the people from the Dragon Kingdom, Mr. Tang is purely leading the younger generation to experience, so he doesn't talk much and hardly interferes. As for the four young people, Bai Wenhao pays more attention to knowledge than the others, so he

He talks the most.

After Wu Qingmei finished speaking, he said: "Emperor Sanluo, I said before that there are two things that surprised me about coming to your country. One is your country's efforts to quell the disasters of foreign civilizations, and the other is the post-disaster recovery strategy. But

Judging from our previous uncertain understanding, these two aspects are related to a person named Yun Jing. It is rumored that this person was originally from Dali. I would like to express my courage. Can this person be present?"

Yun Jingxin said that it was true...

Both things are related to Yunjing. This is what several people from the Dragon Kingdom heard about. Whether it is Yunjing helping Sanluo to quell the disaster of the foreign civilization or making plans for post-disaster recovery, it shows that Yunjing is amazing, so Yunjing actually evokes

I caught their interest and wanted to see what was so special about it.

While speaking, Bai Wenhao looked around, obviously looking for Yun Jing's figure, but he didn't recognize Yun Jing and was analyzing who might be it.

Not only him, but also the others were looking around. Originally, the person they were most interested in during this trip was Yun Jing.

Soon everyone's eyes were fixed on Yunjing himself. After all, many people in Sanluo knew him. The officials of Sanluo focused their eyes on him, and several people from the Long Kingdom followed their gazes and made sure.

"Is it him?" Ning Bing'er was secretly surprised. In fact, she had been paying attention to Yun Jing, a man with bad luck.

Bai Wenhao was also a little surprised. Although he had made some guesses before, it was still a surprise. After all, Yunjing looked too young, and it was difficult for people to connect those incidents to a young man like Yunjing.

Among everyone present, Yun Jing was too young.

There had been communication before. Wu Qingmei looked at Yun Jing and said: "Master Yun happens to be here."

"I've met you all, I'm just here. This Brother Bai just now was so in love with me, I'm not an expert." In full view of everyone, Yun Jing stood up at the right time and smiled without being humble or arrogant.

When Yun Jing stood up, Lu Wu, who had not spoken much since the meeting, glanced at Wu Qingmei. At this moment, looking at Yun Jing, he felt a trace of hostility in his heart. It was simply inexplicable.


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