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Chapter 704 Yes!

"Ms. sir, I'm going to go see how the porridge I've been simmering over low heat this morning is doing," Lin Xingyu said as if she just remembered it, and immediately hurried towards the kitchen.

Yun Jing smiled at this and said nothing, knowing that she was avoiding suspicion and that her status was not suitable for participating in the next occasion.

After tidying up his appearance, Yunjing went to the gate in person to greet Xia Ziyang and others who arrived.

After a while, Li Qiu and the three of them appeared outside the gate. They were not surprised at all that Yun Jing had been waiting here.

"Your Majesty, Master, I am well." Yunjing saluted respectfully. The younger generation should behave like a younger generation and not forget their duty as a human being just because of their own cultivation.

Xia Ziyang took a step forward, nodded and said with a forced smile: "Yun Qing is free of ceremony and stands free."

At this time, Xia Ziyang's mood was extremely complicated. When he saw Yun Jing, he even felt like he didn't know how to deal with it. If he had seen the old eunuch beside him, he probably wouldn't have come to the door so quickly.

Even if he is the king of a country, something like that happened. In a sense, it is related to the face of Yunjing, a mythical realm. It does take a certain amount of courage to come here. Other than that, if Yunjing is not satisfied with the result, what will happen? Is good?

Few people can bear the resentment from a mythical realm, especially if the entire country relies on this mythical realm.

The decrepit old eunuch looked at Yun Jing with turbid eyes, and couldn't help but sigh: "The younger generation is to be feared."

He is so old that he looks like he will fall down at any time. He is very thin and his face is covered with wrinkles. Although he looks like this, he is actually a real mythical person. If he takes action, he will definitely shake the world.

Yunjing guessed that he should only be about four hundred years old. This was a subconscious intuition. For Shouyuan, who was in the secret myth realm, he estimated that he could live for about a hundred years. The reason why he looked like he was about to die might be because of the skills he had practiced. for the sake of.

It seems that he is about to die, but in fact there is a kind of vitality that will reverse the extreme of things. He may be practicing something like "Ku Rong Gong".

It stands to reason that the mythical realm has the ability to regenerate severed limbs, but the other party is indeed a eunuch. This is not puzzling to Yunjing. After all, it is not appropriate for a normal man to stay in a place like a deep palace all year round. Moreover, the background cultivated by the royal family , the first thing that matters is loyalty, everything is based on the royal will.

"Senior, my dear, I still have a lot to learn," Yunjing said to the old eunuch again.

The other party lowered his head slightly and said: "Young Master Yun, there is no need to be like this. Your Majesty does not dare to overstep our status as servants in person, so just pretend that our family does not exist."

His attitude was already very obvious. He kept his posture low. He was just here to support Xia Ziyang. As long as he didn't fall out, he would not interfere in the subsequent exchanges.

This is a person who knows the rules very well. He only cares about the Xia family and does not care about anything else. It is rare for the Xia family to have such a background.

Vaguely, Yunjing remembered that for more than 800 years since he left the country, there has always been such an old eunuch from the mythical realm sitting in the deep palace, and he has never stopped. The reason for this, Yunjing probably knows, maybe Xia Xia My family has never cut off the foundation of the Myth Realm. This kind of cultivation can be passed on, but because of the destiny of the Myth Realm, I am afraid that it has not been passed down a few times...

The two parties met and exchanged greetings for a while. Li Qiu next to him was Master Yunjing after all. At this time, he said: "This is not the place to talk. Let's go inside first."

"Your Majesty, please, Master, please come with me," Yun Jing immediately stretched out his hand and said.

Yun Jing had already informed them beforehand. After several people entered the door, the servants in the yard stopped to salute. It wasn't until they passed by that they straightened up and continued to do what they were doing before.

On the way, Li Qiu secretly said to Yun Jing: "Jing'er, I think you know what we witnessed this time. My teacher just wants to say that this matter is too involved and involves all aspects. You have to control the degree and don't go too far."

This time is embarrassing in all aspects, but the prerequisite is to maintain the fairness of the law and the justice of the victims. I know this is a bit embarrassing, but I believe you can handle it well."

Hearing the master's words, Yunjing felt a little melancholy. This matter was indeed difficult, but he had already had an idea in his mind. The next step would depend on Xia Ziyang's attitude.

Yunjing's plan is that the victims must get justice and the criminals must receive the punishment they deserve. These two points cannot be rejected. Regarding these two aspects, the first point is okay. I think Xia Ziyang is not that cold-blooded, but the second point is

At two o'clock, if he stubbornly wants to keep some people, Yunjing will directly turn against him and fight, but his attitude towards the Xia family will be different in the future. He is disappointed. Although he will not just ignore the country, he will definitely not be like him.

He was so active before, maybe if he helps the country then, it may be in the form of transactions.

Secondly, if these two points are solved satisfactorily, Yunjing does not want anyone to do evil things through human tissue replacement surgery in the future. In this regard, Yunjing needs the court to take an attitude and set up a special regulatory agency to prevent it.

In the future.

"Master, don't worry, I know what's going on," Yun Jing secretly responded.

Li Qiu said with some melancholy: "It's embarrassing for Jing'er. Your Majesty originally gave me the full responsibility for this matter, but the matter is so important that I can't handle it with all my heart. It's not just a ruthless, fair and strict issue, but it has to be dealt with in all aspects."

Considering that I have no way to continue as a teacher."

"Disciple understands Master's difficulties. Master must not get entangled in this. Disciple will try his best to achieve satisfactory results for both parties," Yun Jing comforted.

Nodding secretly, Li Qiu changed the subject and said, "Does Jing'er know who is specifically involved in this matter?"

"Of course my disciple knows about it, but this is a large-scale crime after all. It is inconvenient for my disciple to intervene directly. The court will handle it appropriately. Now that His Majesty is here, I think he already has a plan to deal with it. It depends on what he says next."

"That's good……"

After a few words of practice, they arrived in the living room in a short while.

Although this is Yunjing's residence, everyone has different status, so the seating arrangement is particular. There is no doubt that Xia Ziyang sat at the head, followed by Li Qiu, and then Yunjing and the old eunuch sat opposite each other.

After everyone was seated, Yunjing said: "Come here, serve tea."

There is a big difference between serving tea, rather than serving tea to people who have a good relationship with you. Serving tea is to people with whom you have a normal relationship, and drinking tea is to relatives and friends who have come to ask for help. However, serving tea is to elders, relatives, bosses, etc.


Qingmei and the others quickly brought tea. The tea was good tea. Yunjing picked it from the tea tree in Burial Sword Mountain. The fragrance of the tea overflowed for a while, and it made people feel refreshed just by asking.

Although everyone present has enjoyed the best things in the world, they still have to admit that this is the best tea they have ever drunk, but no one is in the mood to pay attention to the tea issue at this time.

Xia Ziyang put down the tea cup and looked at Yun Jing, and said in a responsible tone: "Yun Qing originally wanted to do good things and bring benefits to all people, but due to my negligence, evil things happened. I am ashamed of Yun Qing's original intention, and I am ashamed.


This is to get straight to the point.

Yun Jing shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, please don't do this. There are always places in the world that the sun does not shine. It is not the fault of any one person. If you find a problem, just solve it. If you know it and still ignore it, that is the biggest mistake."

Wanting to show an angry expression, fearing that Yunjing would think that he was the first to express his attitude, and wanting to force a smile but it was inappropriate, Xia Ziyang simply said: "My family is unlucky, I am ashamed of the people."

He was really confused. His son, brother, beloved concubine, and minister who had been entrusted with important responsibilities actually did such an evil thing. When Li Qiu reported him, he was so angry that he vomited blood. Logically speaking, he would do such a thing.

It was natural to behead the nine clans directly, but he really couldn't do it.

No matter who you are, no matter who your loved ones are, no matter how big a mistake they make, knowing that it is wrong, how many people can really kill their relatives with justice? I guess most of them want to settle the matter first and save the person.

Let’s talk about other things.

But the problem is that this matter is no longer a big mistake on his part. It involves the tragic death of millions of people. No matter how much he wants to save his loved ones, he still feels guilty.

Yun Jing said nothing and waited for the next sentence.

However, he could see that Xia Ziyang must be very angry about this incident, which would cause physical and mental damage. If he didn't take care of it afterwards, he would definitely get the root cause of the disease and be traumatized. This is a heart disease that cannot be cured.

Maybe it will affect his lifespan...

After a pause, Xia Ziyang took out a stack of documents from his sleeve, handed it to Yun Jing and said, "Yun Qing, after you told me about this matter, I immediately ordered Li Aiqing to investigate thoroughly. This is

The preliminary investigation results are the information on some of the biggest leaders behind the incident here and their criminal evidence descriptions. I have asked Yun Qing to review it. Others are still under investigation. I have ordered the ant tower to be conducted nationwide, and no one involved will be allowed to do so.

They get away with it”

Yunjing listened quietly and got up to finish off the heavy criminal information in Xia Ziyang's hands.

Reading through it slowly, the criminal members recorded above were consistent with what Yun Jing knew. However, the information handed over by Xia Ziyang was much more detailed, including how the participants commanded their subordinates, how much benefit they obtained, and the use of human bodies.

The organization has clearly recorded how many people it has won over to give people a new lease of life.

Generally speaking, the whole incident is divided into four levels. The four people at the top are Prince Xia Zimu, Concubine Xigong De, Fourth Prince Xia Chang and Chen Ruomo, the third master of the Chen family.

These people have a transcendent status and great influence. Xia Zimu is the prince, who in the country would not give him some respect? Even though Concubine Xigong is in the palace, her natal family outside the palace is a family that has been around for hundreds of years.

The aristocratic family has been in the mythical realm in history. The fourth prince has the hope of sitting on the throne. How many people are attached to him? As for Chen Ruomo, as a direct descendant of Master Chen, although Master Chen died, how many years ago? His family

The influence is also resounding.

Below that is the second floor, with the master of Yingtang Hall, Shi Guangtao, the minister of Dali Temple, and the generals of the Beijing Gongwei camp. There are more than a dozen people involved, and each of them has a high status.

The third level consists of various local officials and local powerful people. There are many people. The bottom level is those who do it themselves. There are so many people that the list alone would probably be a long list.

Of the benefits from the whole incident, the fourth prince Xia Chang only got 30%, which shows his methods. Then Concubine De, Xia Zimu and Chen Ruomo each got 10%, which was reduced to 60%.

Of the remainder, 20% fell into the hands of the second-tier personnel of the organization, 10% fell into the third echelon, and the remaining 10% was divided up by the most underground people.

Generally speaking, the people at the top get the most, but they do the least and get the most benefits by ignoring almost everything.

This is how the world is. It is too easy for people with superior status to make money. With just an attitude, gold and silver will flow by themselves.

After reading the preliminary investigation results handed over by Xia Ziyang, Yun Jing put them aside and was not shocked by the terrifying transaction figures above. He muttered a little: "Millions of people have been harmed, many families have been destroyed, and

In the eyes of some people, it is nothing more than enjoying the wealth represented by life. Sadly, this matter has not been investigated until now."

As soon as Yun Jing said these words, Li Qiu remained silent, even though the anger in his heart rushed straight to the sky, and he wanted to pull those people out and cut them into pieces, but now, how to deal with it, Xia Ziyang, the emperor, had to express his position


In fact, how to deal with it should be an issue for the court, but after all, Yun Jing was the first to bring up the matter of surgery. Now that someone is using it to do evil things, His Majesty must give Yun Jing an explanation, and at the same time give the victims an explanation.

All explanations need to be confirmed by Yun Jing.

Otherwise, once Yunjing is dissatisfied and disappointed with this country, it will be a terrible consequence that no one dares to imagine, and nothing can measure it.

Xia Ziyang's heart sank when he heard this. Knowing that Yun Jing was making a statement, he almost said that what he cared about was the incident itself, not who was involved. Everyone involved should be punished accordingly, otherwise there would be no justice.


Yunjing's attitude has been made clear, but how can Xia Ziyang be so determined as to kill his relatives? Xia Ziyang had naturally thought about this issue before coming. The key is how to 'take into account the overall situation'.

The person who deserves to die certainly deserves to die, but how to die is a 'knowledge'. Sometimes death is not that simple, and many aspects must be taken into consideration.

The old eunuch remained silent, with no sign of sadness or joy. No one knew what he was thinking at this time. He was not here to force Yunjing to compromise, but just to make Xia Ziyang less passive. Of course, on the Xia family's side, it was necessary

After the incident, he naturally wanted to stand up for the Xia family.

Things must be dealt with eventually. Xia Ziyang was silent for a moment, took a deep breath and said: "Yun Qing, no one wants to see such a thing happen, but since it is natural that it must be resolved, otherwise the national law will be a piece of paper..."

After a pause, he continued: "As for how to deal with it, I have a preliminary idea after careful consideration. This time I come to Yunqing to listen. If there is anything wrong, please ask Yunqing for advice and we will discuss it again.

, after all, evildoers need corresponding sanctions, and victims also need justice."

"Your Majesty, please speak," Yun Dingding nodded.

He knew in his heart that Xia Ziyang must handle this matter with iron and blood in order to take the overall situation into consideration, but he must have other plans for some people.

Xia Ziyang continued: "First of all, the lowest level of this organization, investigate and arrest, judge according to the law, never condone, confiscate family property for future use, because there are too many people involved, I will order local governments to supervise the investigation

"Yilou will keep an eye on the supervisory personnel, and all those who commit crimes will be punished with the same crime. We strive not to let any evil person go. This matter may last for a long time, but no matter how long it takes, we must deal with it to the end."

After saying that, Xia Ziyang looked at Yun Jing to see how he would react.

Yunjing nodded directly and said: "That's how it should be."

Those who rob and harm others have their own laws and punishments, and they can do whatever they want. There are also people who are more or less guilty, so we can't all be beheaded. Although it is indeed abominable, for example, if someone lets someone off the hook, they won't be beheaded.

Come on, sin does not lead to death.

Seeing that Yun Jing had no objection, Xia Ziyang felt a little relieved, but this was just the beginning, and the next step was the most important beginning.

So he continued: "Then there is the third level, which is those local officials and participants such as Haoqing. These people are more hateful than those at the bottom who do it themselves. Without them, the bottom would never dare to be so lawless.

My idea is that these local officials and powerful people should be arrested and imprisoned together with their families, and their property should be confiscated for future use. The crime will not be tolerated if the family members are guilty!"

After saying that, he looked at Yun Jing's next reaction.

After hearing this, Yun Jing said: "Your Majesty is a wise man."

Regarding Xia Ziyang's decision at this level, Yunjing fully affirmed it. He was serious about confiscation of homes and extermination of clans. There were so many powerful officials, and it took a certain amount of courage to make such a decision.

Don't say that harm is not harmful to your family. You must know that those officials are powerful. They are engaged in human tissue trading, which has led to the destruction of many families. Is other people's homes not homes? When they participated in the asylum, such an outcome was already doomed. If they encounter it again

For a more ruthless king, it would not be an exaggeration to kill the Nine Clan, but there are too many people involved. If he kills the Nine Clan, he will be killed in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood...

Yunjing did not object to the two decisions in a row. Not only was Xia Ziyang not happy, but he became more and more embarrassed, because compared to those before, those people were nothing. The more Yunjing agreed, it seemed that he was conceding, but in fact he was

Set the tone for the results of those who follow.

Yunjing has already 'conceded' twice. Your Majesty, you can't let the really key people behind you lift them up and put them down gently, right?

Feeling a little melancholy, Xia Ziyang knew how to deal with the key members later. If Yun Jing could not be satisfied, he might be disappointed with the royal family and the country.

There is no doubt how important a mythical realm is to the country, not to mention the existence of Yunjing, who is still so young. He alone can protect this country for hundreds of years. The key is that Yunjing is so young, he still has

Can grow!

No matter how entangled in my heart, what should come will still come, Xia Ziyang said: "The second echelon of this organization will come next..."

At this point, Xia Ziyang hesitated and said in deep thought: "Yunqing, the second echelon is almost all Dali Temple Qing Shi Guangtao and his like. It is precisely because of them that the criminal members below are rampant. If it weren't for them, they would not have appeared.

With so many lawless things happening, millions of people would not have suffered. It is outrageous and deserves death, but..."

But what comes after is the key!

Yun Jing didn't say anything, so Xia Ziyang had to continue: "However, it would be okay if there are only one or two such people. There are dozens of people involved. Each of them is either an important minister in the court, or holds military power and involves the Tai

Of course, this is not a reason to let them go. The key point is, if all of their crimes are announced and tried according to law, what will the whole country think? The imperial court is unclear about its personnel, and so many of them are responsible for annihilating evil people. Isn’t it right?

It makes people feel that there is no good person in the whole court? It will lead to turmoil in the whole country."

What Xia Ziyang said is true. If there are only one or two officials at this level, we can do whatever we need to do. The key is that there are too many people. If they are arrested and tried according to real charges, the whole country will be in turmoil. The whole country will be in turmoil.

Everyone sees that the court is full of evil people. I am afraid there are many people who want to raise the flag to overthrow this dim dynasty!

It must be dealt with, but how to deal with it is the key.

Yunjing naturally understood the issues involved and what Xia Ziyang was struggling with, but he did not express his opinion first, but asked: "How will your Majesty decide to deal with it?"

Xia Ziyang hesitated for a moment and said: "That's what I think, Yun Qing, first of all, I will not let any of these people go. It is certain that they will all be executed, but it is not appropriate to treat them all as guilty of participating in this matter.

Pulling out one or two people to convict them will let the people see that the court will not condone any criminal officials, thereby increasing people's recognition of the court. At the same time, it will also let the victims' relatives see justice and let their emotions vent. After all, relatives

After being tortured and buried with the family of such officials, they can also feel the fairness of the law..."

After a pause, he continued: "In addition, after a typical one or two are dealt with, the rest need to be carefully considered and tried and sanctioned with other charges, which will not be lower than the original charges. They are either collaborating with the enemy and treason, or intending to rebel.

Either they try to assassinate me, but I will make arrangements properly, and they will all get the fate they deserve within a month, what do Yun Qing think?"

Yunjing did not answer immediately, but fell silent for a while, which made Xia Ziyang feel uneasy. After all, this way of handling it was the most appropriate way he could think of. Can Yunjing be satisfied?

As Xia Ziyang said, there are so many high-ranking officials, and every stomping of their feet can cause a major earthquake. Each one of them is the face of the court. If they are all punished with the same crime, the entire country will inevitably be in turmoil.

If eleven high-ranking officials in a row were so evil-minded, wouldn't it make people think that the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty were like this?

Yun Jing also doesn't want to see this country in chaos. Once chaos breaks out, it won't be as simple as those who were killed in the human tissue trade.

After pondering for a while, Yun Jing said: "Your Majesty has thought it through, and I have no objection. However, I do have a suggestion. Your Majesty, please consider it."

With a thought in his heart, Xia Ziyang was not afraid that Yun Jing would not make suggestions, but was afraid that he would agree to it, so he said: "Yun Qing, please tell me, I will definitely consider it seriously."

"This is what I think. These officials are harboring connivance and being one of the leaders. It is natural for them to be punished with other crimes, but it allows them to escape the fate of being infamous for a long time. So I propose that when they are convicted, they should be punished together."

How does Your Majesty feel about being nailed to the shameful pillar of history?" Yun Jing thought for a while and asked.

Xia Ziyang was silent for a moment when he heard this, then nodded after a moment and said: "As it should be, I will arrange it, and they will be criticized by thousands of people in the future history!"

"Then I have no objection," Yunjing nodded. As for how Xia Ziyang arranged it, Yunjing believed that there were people who could help him make suggestions, so he didn't have to worry about that.

No matter what charges those people were punished for in the end, they could not escape the fate of being executed. Since everyone was executed, there was no need to say anything about prohibiting their descendants from studying for the imperial examination and becoming officials. Those people had no descendants.


They harm others and themselves, and when they lead to the tragic deaths of millions of people, this end is already doomed.

At this point, although Yunjing made some suggestions, they all developed in the direction Xia Ziyang expected. Fortunately, Yunjing did not veto his handling method, otherwise it would be difficult to handle.

But how to deal with the next few people was the most difficult thing for Xia Ziyang. He didn't know how to speak for a moment. In order to ease the atmosphere, he also paved the way and said: "Those people before, after their property is inspected, will all

Distributed to the families of those victims. People who have died cannot be resurrected. I hope this kind of compensation can soothe their pain a little and make the lives of the living easier in the future."

By saying this, he was also expressing that the assets of the next few people would also be handled in this way.

Don't underestimate the confiscated wealth, it will be a huge amount of wealth if distributed to the people at the bottom.

Yun Jing nodded and said: "Your Majesty is kind and righteous, but I have a little opinion, that is, having too much money is not a good thing for the people at the bottom. I should pay attention to the methods to avoid harming them, and then try to keep the money from falling into their hands. Secondly,

The money will always be spent, why not take care of it in other ways, such as giving the descendants of the families of the victims a chance to study, etc. I just say this, your Majesty does not need to take it seriously, everything will be subject to your Majesty's will."

"What Yun Qing said is absolutely true. I will supervise the matter seriously," Xia Ziyang nodded.

Then the atmosphere became a little subtle. After all, it was related to Xia Ziyang's family, and he was the real big tiger behind this incident. He couldn't avoid talking about it no matter what. If these people didn't deal with it, the people who had discussed it before would not be able to avoid it.

None of them make much sense.

After struggling for a moment, Xia Ziyang had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Yun Qing, regarding Concubine De, Xia Chang, Chen Ruomo and King Xin, I... I know that they deserve death, but the royal family's face still needs to be taken into consideration.

, If they carry such a bad reputation, how can the royal family have the face to face the common people? Moreover, Mr. Chen has devoted hundreds of years to this country, how can he let his descendants slander his reputation, so..., so this matter

They have to be removed. I am not saying that I will not punish them, but I cannot bear such a bad reputation..."

At this time, Xia Ziyang felt extremely uncomfortable. Those people couldn't help but deal with it, but they couldn't 'handle it directly'. It would be too troublesome to involve them.

As the king of a country, he shouldn't be so cautious, but those people are too special. The face of the royal family is related to the stability of the family and the country, and the reputation of the late Master Chen cannot be slandered. If one person does not take care of the whole country, the whole country will be in chaos, but they did

Not to mention Yunjing, even Xia Ziyang would not let them go easily, but only in a safe way.

Li Qiu subconsciously sat up straight, knowing that the most critical part was coming. The ending was related to the fate of those few people, and more importantly, Yunjing's attitude towards the royal family and this country.

It's not that Yunjing is forcing something by relying on his own ability, but that this matter needs a solution.

The old eunuch who had been silent all this time became serious and looked at Yunjing. It was obvious that he would provide support to Xia Ziyang at any time. After all, Xia Ziyang was under too much pressure to face a mythical realm like Yunjing.

Yun Jing muttered: "The culprit cannot get the punishment he deserves. Your Majesty has your concerns. I understand this. For the sake of the stability of the family and the country, members of the royal family cannot bear such a bad name. Master Chen will not allow future generations to slander him. But

How can the souls of those who died tragically rest in peace?"

Xia Ziyang opened his mouth and was speechless for a moment. On the one hand, it was the law of the country, on the other hand, the stability of his family and country, and more importantly, his own family. It was too difficult for Xia Ziyang to be caught in the middle. Even if the king of a country faced Yun Jing's attitude,

Nor can he act arbitrarily.

The old eunuch who had been silent at this time spoke for the first time: "Mr. Yun, our family shouldn't say much, but this matter involves too much, so we should focus on the overall situation. The turmoil of our country and the turmoil of our lives is not what any of us want.

What I see, of course, is that Young Master Yun has a broader view for the country and the people than a person in our family who lives in a deep place can compare to. Please don’t worry about our family’s talk. For the sake of the overall situation, I naturally consider Young Master Yun as my first priority.


Yunjing didn't feel that the other party was trying to suppress him with righteousness. Indeed, when it came to these people, sanctioning them had to take into account the royal family's reputation and the stability of the country, otherwise big trouble would happen.

Nodding, Yun Jing pondered for a moment and said: "It is inappropriate to cause greater chaos and turmoil for a few of them. In this case, if the truth is made public and they are responsible for the crime of killing millions of people,

It’s not necessary, but they have done evil things and must receive the punishment they deserve. There is no doubt about this. I cannot judge them on behalf of the law. Why don’t you tell your Majesty your decision?”

In the end, it was Xia Ziyang who was the first to express his position. This was his business, not Yunjing's. From the beginning, Yunjing let Xia Ziyang know about this matter and explicitly asked him to handle it. This was a step down.

Well, if Yunjing had handled this matter personally from the beginning, he would have killed all the criminals long ago!

The invited royal servants have helped him withstand Yunjing's greatest pressure. It means that if Xia Ziyang does not consider Yunjing's attitude, Xia Ziyang can make his own decision. In any case, he will not fall out and fight. Yunjing will alienate the royal family and the country afterwards.

That's fine, but that's an unbearable price.

After hesitating again and again, Xia Ziyang said in a consultative tone: "Yun Qing, can you spare their lives?"

He was asking rather than directly setting the tone. If he could save their lives, Xia Ziyang would naturally give a result that satisfied Yun Jing. It was just to save their lives. Apart from their lives, those few people would have nothing. Treating them like that

For people, having nothing is the biggest punishment for them.

But is that possible?

When Yun Jing heard this, his face was neither sad nor happy, but his tone was a little disappointed and he said: "Your Majesty, why do you need to ask me? Just make your own decision."

His heart sank. Although Yun Jing's soft words seemed to mean nothing, they were the last thing Xia Ziyang wanted to face. Yun Jing's tone was enough to show how disappointed he was.

Although he had known for a long time that it was a luxury to save the lives of those people, he still wanted to try hard. The result was obvious. Compared with those few people, this country could not afford to lose Yunjing.

Especially since Yunjing had already made a major concession by promising not to let them get a bad name!

Without saying anything to make Yun Jing even more disappointed, Xia Ziyang simply said the words he had thought up early in the morning and said: "Yun Qing, please listen to me. What they did will not be spared, and the crime is unpardonable. For Yun Qing's sake,

The overall situation has tried its best to give them dignity, so I will also give them some dignity..."

Speaking of this, Xia Ziyang took a deep breath and said: "King Xin intended to rebel. He secretly mobilized troops to Beijing while Confucius Deng's funeral was under way. Five days later, he failed to attack the palace. The rebellion failed and he died under the sword of the rebel army. Everyone in the palace is equally guilty!"

"Ten days later, Chen Ruomo's family went out and were assassinated by their enemies. All of them were killed. All the property in their name was taken away by others. We will order an investigation into the cause of death of Chen Ruomo's family. We 'learned' that it was he and others who

If you are jealous of people who are jealous of elegant places, you will order the Chen family to straighten out their family style!"

"Concubine De... Concubine De died of a serious illness half a month later. Her parents were martyred in a landslide while away from home!"

"The fourth prince Xia Chang... Xia Chang had a beast. Twenty days later, he suddenly went crazy and ate its arms and legs. He spent countless money to 'treat its injuries' and barely managed to survive. From then on, he lived in a secluded palace and could no longer go out..."

After speaking in one breath, Xia Ziyang seemed to have exhausted all his strength and closed his eyes slightly without looking at Yun Jing's face.

As the saying goes, the tiger's poison cannot eat its son. After all, he failed to kill his own son, making him a useless person and permanently losing the qualification to compete for the throne. This was his last struggle.

There was another thing he didn't say, that is, the eldest prince was being used by Xia Chang without knowing it. How could someone with such ability qualify him to covet the throne? How dare he leave the country in the hands of such a 'waste' in the future? So he would be at ease in the future.

A prince.

Xia Ziyang had finished expressing his treatment of those people, and everyone in the room was silent, waiting for Yun Jing to speak.

If you are still not satisfied with this, then he can only make the decision. After all, if those people are added together and multiplied ten times, they are not as important as Yunjing to this country!

Yunjing understood that this was already the lowest concession that Xia Ziyang had made. He could only hold his nose and admit it if he proposed a more serious punishment. But in that case, there would always be a rift between himself, the country and the royal family.

The gap has gaped.

Yun Jing was not one to push beyond his limits. After a moment of pondering, he softened his tone and said, "Yes, it all depends on His Majesty's judgment."

He just said one word, and everyone present let out a big sigh of relief.

The problem is finally solved!

Both parties have obtained relatively satisfactory results, which are within the acceptable range, and there will be no gaps.

Now that a clear decision has been made, the next step is just to make arrangements. Some people will do it, and there is no need for Yunjing and everyone here to personally do it.

Although there is still a lot of room for manipulation, who dares to risk being under the gaze of Yunjing Dong and mess around?

In short, the result of their discussion will soon become an established fact. There will be no accidents and no accidents are allowed to happen!

This chapter has been completed!
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