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Chapter 707 Follow

At the beginning of the lanterns, the sad atmosphere in Dali Capital City continues, but it is much lighter than before. The white flags all over the city are also slowly withdrawing. The impact of the Master's death will gradually subside as time goes by.

The rain that had lasted for a day had stopped unconsciously, the bright moon was hanging high, and the clear light fell on the world.

"Master and Madam are back"

When Yun Jing and Lin Xingyu returned to the entrance of the mansion, Qingmei and the others who were waiting here immediately stepped forward to greet them.

Qingyue held a copper basin in her hand, filled with clean water. Qingmei held a willow branch and swept the clean water over Yunjing and Lin Xingyu respectively. There was also a brazier at the door.

Let them do whatever they want, Yun Jing said: "Let's take down the white lanterns and white flags tomorrow and restore them to before."

After more than a month of keeping filial piety to Mrs. Deng, it is now over. Qingmei and the others are clearing away the past for Yunjing and the others. To put it more deeply, they are driving away bad luck and sweeping away bad things. This is a custom that has been carried out in Dali for many years.

Qingmei nodded and said, "Okay, young master, the bathing water is ready. Do you think...?"

"Okay, you should go and rest early."

Master Deng has been buried, so naturally he has to take a bath and change his clothes back to his previous attire, instead of wearing sackcloth and mourning.

Soon after, the bathroom was filled with steam and mist. Yunjing leaned against the water, with a towel on his head and his eyes closed slightly. His whole body was soaked in the warm water and he felt relaxed from the inside out.

Time will not stop for anyone. The past has passed. Keep the past in your heart and welcome the future.

After being out for such a long time, Yunjing just said hello to his family in a hurry, and Yunjing was thinking about going back.

It's only early spring now, and he has several things to be busy with in the next year. The first is to summarize what he has learned in his life. He has been doing this for a while, and there is still a long way to go before he is perfect. The second is the Jinshi examination in the autumn. This

He had been preparing, but it would take some time, and most importantly, he had to start arranging his marriage to Su Xiaoye. The two parties had agreed to marry Yun Jing when she was twenty years old.

This year is mainly about the preliminary preparations for the wedding. There are some procedures to go through, which are very tedious. It is not as simple as taking the person home when the time comes. However, with the elders helping to take care of it, Yunjing does not need to expend much energy.

The actual marriage will definitely take place next year, and it cannot be during the beginning of the new year, at least it must be after the summer.

Although there are no explicit regulations, usually marriages during the first period of the new year are ghost marriages, so normal living people will avoid that period when getting married, which is not appropriate.

After marrying Su Xiaoye the next year, Yunjing deliberately controlled the birth of a new life. His parents hoped to have a grandson. According to the world, Yunjing was already quite old.

With all things going on step by step, Yunjing will also pay attention to the big news from all sides. The arrival of the second phase of the curse carried by the human race is always a thorn in his heart. Then Yunjing, the largest country here, wants to see the Dragon Kingdom, but

This trip is not in a hurry...

Just as many follow-up plans were flashing through Yunjing's mind, the bathroom door was gently pushed open, and Lin Xingyu, dressed in white and an ink-dyed waist skirt, appeared at the door. She had a long body, bright eyes, and white teeth.

Hearing the movement, Yun Jing opened his eyes, his eyes flickered towards Lin Xingyu, his cheeks were slightly red and he lowered his head slightly and said, "I'm here to see if my husband needs some warm water."

They are already an old married couple and are still shy. Yun Jing said: "Xingyu brought this to your door yourself."

Immediately, Lin Xingyu let out a small cry, and her body fell into the bathtub uncontrollably, splashing with water, and her undulating figure with soaked clothes was looming.

"Oh, sir, my clothes are soaked through." Lin Xingyu subconsciously covered her key parts, dumbfounded.

Pulling her into his arms, Yunjing said, "What's the matter? Isn't it simple to just dry it?"

"Well, let me rub my husband's back..."

An hour later, the two of them hugged each other on the bedside. They were both a little embarrassed. For a moment, Yun Jing lowered his head and his hair was still stuck to his forehead. Lin Xingyu, who was lazy and didn't want to move, said: "Xingyu, I plan to go back in the next two days.

Now, are you going back with your husband or not?"

"I want to go back with my husband, but I have to take the disciples I brought back with me, and those who came to the capital together, we can't leave them behind," Lin Xingyu thought for a while and said tangledly.

Yunjing said: "It doesn't matter, you can make the decision yourself"

"Yes." Lin Xingyu leaned against his chest and nodded gently, and then said: "Ms. sir, I plan to gradually delegate the power of the sect after returning this time, and try to retreat behind the scenes in the future."

Yun Jing said to this: "You can just make up your own mind and do whatever you like."

Lin Xingyu made this decision after careful consideration. She was very touched that Yunjing did not interfere with her freedom of life. However, after all, Yunjing's identity is not what it used to be. She must also pay attention to herself and try to minimize her exposure, otherwise it will affect Yunjing's reputation.

not good.

As someone who lives in the mythical realm of Yunjing, what's the point of walking around the world all day long?

Retreating behind the scenes does not mean that I no longer care about the sect, it just reduces my direct participation in fighting and killing.

After pondering for a while, Yunjing added: "Since you won't go back with your husband, let Tubo and the others see you off when you go back. They have nothing to do anyway."

The road back to the mountain is high and the road is long, so it would be reassuring to let Tubo, the top masters in the late stage of True Mirror, and the others accompany Yunjing. Although there will be no problem, she can't just use the means of protection given to her by Yunjing in case of danger.

, isn’t that just killing a chicken with a bull’s knife?

"Well, thank you sir." Lin Xingyu did not reject Yun Jing's kindness, and then she whispered with watery eyes: "Mr. sir, let me serve you again."

"Hmph, then let my husband learn from Lin Nvxia's clever tricks...!"

The next day, Yunjing washed up and had breakfast, then went to the Penal Department Yamen to see his master Li Qiu. Before going back, he must have said hello to his master, but Li Qiu was busy with the case and couldn't even touch the ground.

No matter how much time was spent with him, Yun Jing was defeated in just a few words.

To use Li Qiu's words, you can do whatever you want. Don't you think you are busy as a teacher? Is there anything that wouldn't be easy for you to find a teacher based on your ability?

After leaving Li Qiu, Yunjing went to say goodbye to Huang Changyang, and then Yunjing also said hello to Xia Ziyang, just in case the other party had any important matters related to his family and country, but he had no idea where to find him.

Especially when greeting Huang Changyang, the other party hesitated and told Yunjing that in the past, the late Deng Changchun was usually in charge of the Dali border. Nowadays, there is no one to worry about in the neighboring countries, but Huang Changyang still asked.

Ask Yunjing which of them will pay more attention to the border.

Yunjing's answer was that he would pay attention. Mr. Huang just stayed in the capital. He was young and should move around more.

This kind of thing is not a responsibility imposed by anyone. After all, you enjoy the treatment of your family and country, and you should still contribute. But to put it bluntly, it is just a matter of form. It will hardly happen, and I am afraid that it will not really take action in a few years or decades.


For Yunjing, this matter is too simple. If a trace of meaning is attached to an item and thrown out of the border, if something goes wrong, some mythical realm methods can be used. But if it really happens, Yunjing has

I can get rid of the infection as soon as possible, so it’s not a big problem.

Then Yunjing went to find Ye Tian's little brother, who was very reluctant to leave him. Yunjing comforted him and said that he should study hard and he would have more time to succeed in his studies in the future.

Ye Tian repeatedly promised that he would not disappoint Yun Jing. He planned to take part in the scholar examination in a few months. Once he was selected as a scholar, he would apply for graduation and go to Yun Jing in the name of study tour.

Yunjing didn't say anything about this, leaving him to figure it out by himself. He also said that his younger brother Yundong would also participate in this talent test, hoping that they would all be on the list.

Ye Tian Yunjing is not worried. He may know all the test questions when he takes part in the imperial examination, but as for his own younger brother Yundong, it is hard to say...

Mr. Deng's funeral had ended, and when Yunjing went to say goodbye to his relatives and friends, Lin Xingyu also went to find those who came to the capital from Jiangzhou.

After she separated from Yunjing, she wore an ice-blue waist-length dress, a veil on her face, a cold look in her eyes, and a long sword hanging from her waist, giving people a feeling that no strangers should be allowed in. How could she be in Yunjing?

So shy and cute in front of me?

This huge contrast, not to mention there is a different kind of stimulation unknown to everyone...

After finishing some trivial matters, Yunjing stayed in the capital for another two days. On a sunny morning, Yunjing walked out of the mansion, separated from the reluctant Lin Xingyu and embarked on his way home alone.

When Lin Xingyu helped Yunjing tidy up her clothes, she said that when she returns, she will delegate the things at hand so that she can have more time with Yunjing.

After separating from Lin Xingyu, Yunjing did not fly back immediately. Instead, he walked alone on the street, not because he was nostalgic for anything, but because he did so deliberately.

After walking a few streets, they came to an ancient bridge. Yunjing stopped and looked at the river flowing below: "I've been following you for a few days, and you keep following me like this without saying anything. It's really puzzling to me.

If you don’t come forward, I will really leave.”

In the past few days, Yunjing has always known that he was being followed. However, the other person was neither hostile nor said anything. He just blatantly followed him from a distance whenever he had the chance. Yunjing didn't care about him.

He had to go back now, so Yunjing simply called him out and asked him for clarification.

To be precise, after meeting You Xiao that day, this person tried his best to appear around Yunjing from time to time, and even took the initiative to help Yunjing solve a few minor troubles that were not important.

Not everyone recognizes Yun Jing. When he was walking around with Lin Xingyu during this period, it was inevitable that there would be some unseemly people, but they were all stopped by those who tried.

At this time, after Yun Jing finished speaking, on the ancient bridge where people were coming and going, a man in black with a sword hesitated and walked over.

He came two meters away from the edge of Yunjing. Instead of walking side by side, he took a step behind and said, "See Mr. Yun."

"It doesn't have to be like this, you are older than me." Yunjing shook his head and then added: "Speaking of which, this is not the first time we have met."

The man in black who appeared next to Yunjing was Song Mingdao, the swordsman who was determined to restore the glory of Sword Burial Mountain. He had become quite famous when Yunjing created a "Sword Book".

At this time, he pondered: "Master Yun doesn't dare to make mistakes in person. Indeed, we have met quite a few times over the years. The first time I remember was when Master Yun was on his way to Fengyang County. At that time, Master Yun just

Eleven or twelve years old, right? In the blink of an eye, these years have passed, and Mr. Yun has already stood at a height that countless people look up to."

"You've tried every means to follow me these days just to talk about this?" Yunjing looked at him and asked with a smile.

Shaking his head, Song Mingdao looked to himself and asked: "Although it is somewhat impossible, but now that I think about it, it was Mr. Yun who gave me the Sword Scripture at Crouching Tiger Mountain, right?"

At that time, Yun Jing flew directly to him, shrouded in a black robe without meeting him. He threw the Sword Sutra to Song Ming and left. In the past, Song Ming Dao would never have associated the black robe and Yun Jing at that time.

Together, after all, the cloud scene was only so big back then, how could it be possible?

But it is different now. What is impossible for the nineteen-year-old Yunjing to set foot in the mythical realm? The reason why I think of Yunjing is because Yunjing was in Fengyang County at that time, and among the people who had appeared there,

Apart from Yunjing Song Mingdao, I can't think of anyone else who has such unfathomable cultivation.

Nineteen-year-old Yun Jing has already entered the realm of mythology. Is it not surprising that he was so extraordinary at the age of eleven or twelve?

Although he was asking at this time, he was not absolutely sure.

Yun Jing said calmly: "Yes, it's me. What next?"

It was him at that time, and he had nothing to admit, and now Yunjing has nothing to worry about.

After Yun Jing personally admitted it, Song Mingdao felt very complicated. He never thought that the doubts he had been having for so many years would be solved like this. It can be said that if Yun Jing had not given him the sword scripture, he would not be where he is today.

If you use some means, you may have disappeared silently in any corner of the world.

After pondering for a moment, he asked again: "Young Master Yun went to see You Xiao that day. I guess it was Young Master Yun who took that thing away from the Burial Sword Mountain, right?"

This is no longer a secret. After all, Tianzi Sword has been causing a lot of noise for so long and countless people paid attention to it. After Yunjing and You Xiao met, people could figure it out with a little thought.

But when the Emperor's Sword falls into Yunjing's hands, who dares to pay attention? Even if such a meaningful thing is in Yunjing's hands, the royal family doesn't dare to covet it and just pretends that they don't know about it.

It's not that the royal family is not afraid of Yun Jing, who is holding the Emperor's Sword, taking his place. It's really that a person like Yun Jing still needs the Emperor's Sword if he wants to sit in that position?

"Not bad," Yun Jing nodded directly without denying it.

Although the matter was already clear, Yun Jing admitted that it was another matter. Song Mingdao opened his mouth and hesitated before asking: "Master Yun, I'm afraid, can you take a look?"

She probably understood why he tried every means to appear around him during this period. Yun Jing pondered for a moment, and the ordinary Emperor Sword appeared in his hand. After Song Mingdao saw clearly with a complicated expression, he put it away and disappeared.

No trace.

Nowadays, Yun Jingzang's swordsmanship is so superb that there is no trace of a sword on his body.

He finished and said: "That's the sword. I've looked at it. Now can you tell me your purpose? I guess you're not that bored. You followed me for so long just to take a look."

"This object comes from the Burial Sword Mountain of my sect. It is the brainchild of countless people in my sect over hundreds of years. Because of him, the entire sect has disappeared into history. Mr. Yun, you should understand the significance of this object to me, right? Of course.

, Mr. Yun, don’t get me wrong, this thing chooses its own owner, I don’t have any other ideas,” Song Mingdao said in deep thought.

Nodding, Yunjing said: "So...?"

"Master Yun should know your wish, right?" Song Mingdao asked back.

Yunjing said: "I heard a little bit about it"

"So I am willing to follow Mr. Yun, hoping that one day I can restore the former glory of Burial Sword Mountain and even further. I am of low ability, so I cannot get into the eyes of Mr. Yun. However, Mr. Yun cannot do everything myself. I am confident that I can still help Yun.

If the young master solves some trivial matters, please ask Mr. Yun to take him in." Song Mingdao said frankly, bending down and bowing his hands to maintain this gesture while speaking.

Seeing this Yunjing, I was a little surprised. This kind of thing that someone took the initiative to follow actually happened to me? Although they came with a purpose, but then again, if they don't see any benefit in you,

Who would be willing to follow if they have a hole in their head?

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Yun Jing said: "Brother Song has extraordinary swordsmanship. Even though he is in the later stage of Xiantian, the way forward to the True Intent Mirror is already clear, right? With his current cultivation level, he can surpass the level of swordsmanship and slay the True Intention Mirror. His future achievements will be extraordinary.

You have the chance to restore the glory of Sword Burial Mountain in the past, so why should you wrong yourself?"

"Young Master Yun also said that there is only a chance. How easy is it? Young Master Yun knows how glorious our master's Sword Burial Mountain was in the past, right? My personal opportunity is too small. Instead of pursuing that unrealistic wish, why not choose

The right path? How can I say it's wrong? Please don't dislike it, Mr. Yun, and give me a chance. Besides, the sword is in Mr. Yun's hands. As a living disciple of Buried Sword Mountain, I have the duty to assist you. Please give me a chance.

Mr. Yun will take you in." Song Mingdao said without changing his movements.

Yun Jing looked at him seriously and said: "I'm afraid you will be disappointed. I have no ambitions. Placing your hopes on me is simply a far-fetched thing."

"Master Yun and I both know the meaning of that sword, so I have my own sense of propriety," Song Mingdao said seriously.

There is no need to say something so straightforward. It means holding the Emperor's Sword. If you don't become a human emperor, you can't rule the world. With such a person, isn't it easy to restore the glory of the Sword Burial Mountain in the past?

Indeed, you Yunjing don’t have any ambitions now, but what does your growth have to do with ambition? Following people like you, restoring the glory of Burial Sword Mountain in the future will only happen naturally!

Seeing his serious persistence, Yun Jing pondered for a moment and said: "If you want to follow, just follow. I have no objection, but I have made it very clear. I have no ambition or purpose. I hope you won't regret it, and neither will I."

There is nothing to restrict you. If you feel that you have made the wrong choice, you can leave at any time."

"Thank you, Lord, for taking me in. My subordinate Song Mingdao will follow you to the death, and I am willing to serve you as a dog and horse," Song Mingdao said immediately and loudly, and even made an oath directly.

Yun Jing was a little dumbfounded and said: "Don't be like this, it's too embarrassing to be the master or not. You should still call me Mr. Yun."

"How can this be so? Rules cannot be wasted. Since the Lord does not like this title, then from now on the subordinates will call the Lord Young Master." Song Mingdao shook his head and said.

"It's up to you," Yun Jing said nonchalantly. The young master is also qualified. Anyway, he is used to it and there is no embarrassment when the master comes up.

Song Mingdao quickly adjusted his position and said: "I wonder what the young master has given? Or maybe my subordinate will follow the young master as a guard?"

"Why are you doing this?" Yunjing was a little speechless, and then thought for a moment and said: "You are willing to be a guard by my side. This has nothing to do with your original intention of restoring the glory of Burial Sword Mountain.

", Yun Jing shook his head and said.

Song Mingdao immediately raised his hand and said, "Please let me show you the way."

"You have to rely on yourself in everything. If you want to restore the glory of Burial Sword Mountain, you can't just re-establish the Burial Sword Mountain sect and then I will give you a platform, right? It just so happens that I have always had one thing in mind, and that is the death of San Luo last year.

Do you know about the traitorous organization in the dynasty? Although the problem of the Sanluo Dynasty has been solved, such things still exist further away. Go to those places and deal with the traitorous people, so that you can be buried in Sword Mountain.

You can slowly make Burial Sword Mountain rise again by yourself. Of course, I can't ignore you. You also know that there may be alien beings coming behind those traitors. That is a battle comparable to the mythical realm.

You can't deal with it. If that happens, I will step in. Keep this thing away," Yun Jing said, handing him an ordinary copper plate.

"Thank you, Master, for showing me. I know what to do," Song Mingdao said seriously as he took the copper plate.

Regarding the matter of the rape organization, the huge disaster caused by the Sanluo Dynasty last year has been widely spread all over the world. How could he not know about it?

At the same time, he also knew how difficult it was to identify the members of the gang, but when he received the mission, he did not ask Yunjing about his method. He only regarded it as a test given to him by Yunjing. If he didn't even have this ability, what qualifications did he have to follow him?


Nodding, Yunjing said: "Since you know what to do, then go ahead. Although people are enslaved by foreign civilizations, they can't be eradicated. Every time you destroy some, you represent the Burial Sword."

The mountain is making a name for itself, but you have to be careful yourself, those guys are not easy to deal with, their methods are weird and unpredictable, don’t show off, your own safety is the most important thing.”

"Thank you for your concern, young master. I will go now. I won't let you down." Song Mingdao cupped his hands and said, then turned and left.

He is getting rid of evil here to make Buried Sword Mountain famous, and he is also using his actions to prove that he is qualified to follow Yunjing. As for how to contact Yunjing if he encounters the kind of alien being who comes from the mythical realm and has combat power and cannot deal with it. He

It's not that much of a struggle. The copper plate given by You Yunjing was not it.

Yunjing in the mythical realm naturally has ways to help him.

It's not that Yunjing deliberately sent him away, but Song Mingdao's move was after Yunjing's careful consideration. The curse of the human race has entered the second stage. This world is too big, and I don't know how many monsters like the spider have descended.

You can’t search for cloud scenery all over the sky, right?

If Song Mingdao encounters someone here, he will go directly to deal with it, which saves him a lot of effort.

Moreover, those foreign beings have come to unknown extent. Although Yunjing has some means of self-control, there are always times when it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. If Song Mingdao can grow up, he can also become a helper.

He was able to master Yunjing's original Sword Art to become famous. This reflects his talent and potential. I wonder if he will really be of great help in the future!

This chapter has been completed!
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