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Chapter 720 Live out the second world?

"Zongzi is a fake corpse, and the corpse turns into a man-eating monster. This is the saying in my hometown," Yun Jing explained casually.

Su Xiaoye blinked immediately, seeming to understand and said: "That's right, I've heard of corpse fraud. Even many martial arts masters who practice secret techniques can control corpses, but Brother Jing, I don't have enough education for you.

Don’t lie to me, you said this is the saying in your hometown, my home is also in Xinlin County, not far apart, why haven’t I heard of any saying about Zongzi?”

"...I made it up," Yun Jing said speechlessly, thinking to himself, why is it so serious?

While they were talking, the two of them came to the blue jade gate.

This jade gate is extremely exquisite, with ingenious reliefs on it, which is truly beautiful.

Su Xiaoye looked at it and stepped forward and said: "Brother Jing, this door doesn't look as strong as the previous one. I can easily break it. It's a pity if this door is obviously made of precious jade."

Yunjing caught Su Xiaoye who was about to reach out and touch the door. She shook her head in confusion and said, "Don't touch it, Xiaoye. Although this door is made of relatively fragile jade, there is a vague remnant of the will of the mythical realm on it.

, very weak, almost nothing, it’s nothing to me, but it’s still very dangerous if you come into contact with it.”

Hearing this, Su Xiaoye felt relieved and said: "Fortunately, Brother Jing stopped him in time. I was careless. Brother Youjing had not experienced any danger before and forgot about the danger of the tomb itself."

Although Su Xiaoye was only innately cultivated in the late stage, he had spent a lot of time with Yunjing, and had learned about some situations in the mythical realm. That level was beyond ordinary people's imagination. Even if there was only a trace of will left, as long as it was not at that level, it would be impossible.

Confrontation, at least the will of that level will interfere with the consciousness and fall into a terrifying illusion, at worst, the consciousness will be wiped out!

"It's okay as long as I'm here," Yunjing smiled and comforted him. He was so close, even if Su Xiaoye really caught Dao Yunjing, who had the will of the Mythical Realm left on the door, he could save her immediately.

Looking at the jade gate again, Yunjing said: "On the previous road, there was no record of the owner of the tomb, no pictures or text, but here there is a quite detailed description."

"Brother Jing, are you referring to the dense patterns on the door? By the way, you said those are the writings of Gu Yue Kingdom. What does it say?" Su Xiaoye asked curiously.

Without opening the door immediately and going in, Yunjing looked at the door and analyzed the text information on it. After all, it was the civilization of the Ancient Moon Kingdom that had disappeared in history. It was a bit difficult for Yunjing Xuefu Wuche to decipher it, but the general meaning was still there.


After some analysis, he tried his best to describe it in a language that Su Xiaoye could understand: "This describes the general life of the owner of the tomb, but you are right about one thing, Xiaoye. The owner of the tomb is actually an emperor."

After a pause at this point, Yun Jing continued: "The owner of this tomb is named Hu Tu. The slaughtered Tu is not a picture of Hu Tu, but the king of the Gu Yue Kingdom. Well, he is also the last king!"

"He was frail and sick since he was a child. He was born in a cunning and deceitful place like the emperor's family. He could be targeted or even killed at any time. When he was young, he pretended to be a fool and was able to grow up. When others thought he was not dangerous, he secretly practiced martial arts when he grew up to a young man.

, even though he is frail and sick, he is extremely talented in martial arts."

"When his brothers were fighting openly and secretly for the throne, he was practicing martial arts silently. When others were forming cliques, he was also practicing martial arts. When one of his brothers stood out and ascended to the throne, he was still practicing martial arts until he was sixty-eight years old.

, martial arts has almost come to an end, and entered the late stage of the True Mirror. At that time, his emperor brother was also old, and people like to remember the past when they grow old, so the old emperor organized a family banquet, and it turned out that at that time, Hu Tu

A sudden outbreak of violence and the massacre of all the royal family members, including the old emperor and his brother, was something no one expected."

"After he slaughtered all the direct members of the royal family, when that time comes, he will be the only bloodline member qualified to inherit the throne. No matter how the civil and military officials of the court plan his bloody methods, they can only hold their noses and admit it."

"After Hu Tu ascended the throne, he became even more violent, bloody and cruel. He seemed to want to inflict the bullying he suffered when he was young a thousand times on others. Ministers in the court and even the court had to arrange their funeral arrangements before they dared to go.


"Under such a bloody and cruel rule, it was true that no one rose up to resist, but they were all suppressed by his iron blood. Almost every time he resisted, he went into battle personally. He killed so many people with his own hands that the world was terrified."

"As he grew older, not only did he not restrain himself at all, but he intensified..."

When Yunjing said this and kept silent, Su Xiaoye, who listened with interest, said: "Then, brother Jing, please tell me."

After all, it happened thousands of years ago, so she just listened to the story.

Yun Jing said: "Then there are the records of the second half of his life. Under his bloody rule, the entire Gu Yue people were in dire straits. It can even be said that the appearance of King Hu Tu was God's punishment for the entire Gu Yue Kingdom. It made Gu Yue even more miserable.

What makes the people of this country despair is that in his later years, Emperor Hu Tudao actually improved his martial arts cultivation and entered the mythical realm in one fell swoop, breaking the common sense that kings cannot 'become gods'!"

"His lifespan was increased to five hundred when he set foot in the mythical realm, which meant that the people of the Ancient Moon Kingdom had to endure at least hundreds of years of his bloody rule. At that time, Hu Tu was even more swollen and did not allow any voice to refute him in the country.

Many methods were used to kill several mythical realms in Gu Yue's country at that time. Not only that, he also used his cultivation in the mythical realm to lead troops to expand the territory, killing everyone in fear, and expanding the territory of Guyue Kingdom to an unprecedented extent.


"Youdao flourished but then declined. Due to the brutal notification and the neglect of management of the huge territory, after an accidental defeat in the war, the situation of the Gu Yue Kingdom took a turn for the worse. It fell apart in just a few months, and the national strength regressed to the point where it was not enough for Hu Tu to ascend the throne.

Half of his age, and he was really old at that time, and the life span of the mythical realm cannot escape the passage of time."

"When Hu Tu got old, he could almost be said to have gone crazy. He was unwilling to accept the end of his life, let alone his position as emperor. In the end, he made a move that seems a bit crazy to me now."

"He actually wanted to drag the entire Gu Yue Kingdom to be buried with him, and he really did that!"

After listening to what Yun Jing said, Su Xiaoye was a little horrified and said: "No wonder Brother Jing said that he was the last emperor of the Ancient Moon Kingdom, and actually brought the entire Ancient Moon Kingdom to be buried with him, so that the Ancient Moon Kingdom disappeared thousands of years ago.

It's in history, but the question is how did he do it? Even in the mythical realm, it would be difficult. After all, it is a country, and recognition should be at least in units of hundreds of millions, even though the Gu Yue Kingdom's national power was declining at that time."

Yun Jing nodded and said: "Yes, even in the mythical realm, it is impossible to massacre a country's population of hundreds of millions and bury them together, but he did it, so I called him a madman."

"How did you do it? Is it recorded on it?" Su Xiaoye looked at the door and asked.

Yun Jing's eyes flickered and said: "It was mentioned above, but it was not very clear. He seemed to have found something terrible when he was crazy, and then it caused a terrible disaster to happen to the entire Ancient Moon Kingdom, causing the entire Ancient Moon Kingdom to disappear.

Yes, it was also because of his crazy behavior that the tens of thousands of miles of yellow sand desert outside the tomb came to be!"

"How come the key points are not recorded clearly?" Su Xiaoye took a breath to cool down and said in great confusion.

Was it Hu Tu's crazy behavior that caused the disappearance of the Gu Yue Kingdom, or the origin of the tens of thousands of miles of yellow sand desert? It was not explained clearly, which makes people want to punch people.

Looking at the gate, Yunjing said: "What exactly did he do and how he did it? Eighty percent of the answer lies behind this gate."

At this time, Su Xiaoye became quiet and did not speak. Opening the door in front of her might reveal the historical truth, although the truth meant nothing to them. At the same time, she also realized that once the door was opened, she might have to face the unknown.

Danger, please note that this is a tomb in a mythical realm, and its owner is a human emperor!

Standing in front of the gate, at a level that ordinary people cannot understand, Yun Jing saw in his eyes that there was a trace of crazy will entrenched in the jade gate. It was bloody and violent, and seemed to want to kill the people and destroy everything. Even Yun Jing was afraid of it when he faced it.

Frowning, feeling depressed and repelled.

That trace of crazy consciousness is extremely weak, like a candle in the wind, but if a person under the mythical realm is contaminated, his consciousness will be wiped out easily and reduced to a corpse.

However, it was nothing in front of Yun Jing, and he erased it with a thought. In this way, the door in front of him was just an ordinary jade door, and there was no danger.

Yunjing said: "Little Ye Zi, do you remember that I told you before that this tomb might bring us surprises? It seems that it is indeed the case. Just behind this gate, I even have a premonition. Fortunately, I

Come, otherwise an unimaginable disaster is likely to happen. After all, if I don't come, the news of the ruins has spread, and sooner or later someone will come in, and come here to open this door. Once opened, the consequences are unpredictable. Not only will they enter the ruins,

People will encounter unimaginable dangers, and the dangers may even spread to the outside world!"

When Su Xiaoye heard this, he stopped talking and said, "Brother Jing, is there a possibility that if you hadn't come, nothing would have happened?"

Yun Jing: "...I can't rule out the situation you mentioned, Xiao Zizi."

This matter, to use Yun Jing's previous life term, is like Schrödinger's cat. Because he is here, some things may happen. If he does not come, I am afraid nothing will happen.

"I'm joking. Brother Jing, don't take it seriously. What are you going to do next?" Su Xiaoye quickly changed her words.

Shrugging, Yunjing stepped forward and said, "What else can I do? After all, I'm already here, right?"

Su Xiaoye pursed her lips and said nothing. Even though she knew there was an unknown danger behind the gate, she believed that her brother Jing was sensible and not a reckless person.

Putting his hand on the door, his wrist shook, and immediately there was a slight clicking sound inside the jade door.

He did not destroy the door like before, but cracked the key point inside it to allow the door to open normally.

Under Su Xiaoye's gaze, Yun Jing did not put down his hand, but pushed the door open. There was no heavy and suppressed sound, and the door was pushed open by Yun Jing silently.

As the jade door slowly opened, light shone out from inside, and Su Xiaoye couldn't help but narrowed her eyes slightly.

When the jade door was completely opened, a huge underground space appeared in their sight. Su Xiaoye stared slightly when seeing the situation inside.

The space in front is extremely huge, no less than ten football fields combined, with a height of several hundred meters and a dome.

On the dome, there are luminous gems embellished with patterns of the sun, moon and stars, no less than tens of thousands of them. The stars are so beautiful, especially the sun and moon, which are as big as a table and are the brightest, illuminating the entire space.

The day is brighter!

At the edge of this huge underground space, there is a statue that is 100 meters high every 100 meters. Some are humanoid statues, and some are huge animal statues. They are too tall and look extremely small.

Looking around, in this space that is brighter than during the day, there are still tens of thousands of buried people on the ground. However, there are still no "civilians" buried here, but armies wearing armor, arranged in neat formations.

, all kneeling on one knee towards the center of the space.

There were at least hundreds of thousands of these troops buried with them. Their movements were still frozen and they were reduced to mummies. Even though these troops had become mummies, they still had an iron-blooded aura rushing towards them. They were definitely extremely terrifying elite troops during their lifetime.

Hundreds of thousands of elite troops were buried with him. Su Xiaoye thought in his heart that he was indeed a crazy king who had made the entire country buried with him.

In the center of the space under the dome, there is a high platform with a diameter of several hundred meters, in the shape of a pyramid, divided into three floors. The entire high platform is made of pure white jade.

On the first floor of the high platform, there were thousands of frozen mummies standing in a circle. They were wearing various costumes. Some were wearing robes and some were wearing armor. They were all extremely luxurious. They were obviously official uniforms.

Any piece of jewelry can be called a treasure. After thousands of years, the weapons in the hands of people wearing armor are still shining with cold light.

"The civil servants and generals of the Ancient Moon Kingdom were really brought to be buried with them," Su Xiaoye murmured, unable to imagine how crazy Hu Tu, the emperor of the Ancient Moon Kingdom, could have done such a thing.

Yunjing said calmly: "According to the previous records on the door, this situation is not unexpected."

"Brother Jing, look at the second level of the steps." Su Xiaoye nodded and pointed forward in surprise.

Yun Jing had already seen that on the second floor of the high platform, there were also people buried there, but not many, only four of them, belonging to four directions on the second floor of the high platform, and they were all placed in coffins.

Judging from previous observations, there are at least millions of burial members in this tomb. However, only four people on the second floor of the high platform enjoy the coffin treatment. You can imagine how special their status is.

The four coffins are all translucent, like crystals, they are as long as they are, and they are exquisitely made. They are also decorated with precious stones, making them sparkle under the light.

The four people lying in the coffin were all women. They were all dressed in gorgeous clothes. They were all beauties that could be said to be the most beautiful in the country. After thousands of years, their appearance remained the same, as if they were quietly sleeping there.

"If the beauties in the four coffins were buried voluntarily, they would be very happy to be able to stay with their loved ones after death, but if they were forced to be buried with them, it would be too pitiful," Su Xiaoye couldn't help but sigh.

Yun Jing shook his head and said: "Think of it, they couldn't have volunteered to be buried with them."

As he spoke, Yunjing looked at the top of the high platform and said thoughtfully: "I probably understand why I can't see through the entire tomb directly. I also probably understand what the king of the Ancient Moon Kingdom did back then. I even underestimated him a little."

What’s the purpose!”

"Brother Jing is talking about that...'tree'?" Su Xiaoye also looked there thoughtfully.

At the top of the pyramid-shaped high platform, there was no coffin as imagined, only a tall and majestic imperial throne. Sitting on the throne was an old man with gray hair, wearing a golden dragon scale armor, with one hand on his knee and the other holding a hand.

Holding a jet-black sword with his eyes closed, he seemed to be in a false nap, but also seemed to open his eyes at any time and draw the sword to kill someone.

Just sitting there, he gave off an extremely strong, crazy, bloodthirsty and ferocious aura.

Hundreds of thousands of troops and more than a thousand civil servants and generals were worshiping him around him. He seemed to be sitting there looking down at the people and dominating the world.

I guess that was Hu Tu, the last emperor of the Ancient Moon Kingdom.

He was not sitting on an imperial throne at the top of a bare high platform, but his entire body and the imperial throne were embedded in a tree!

The tree was five or six meters in diameter, but it was not high, only about ten or twenty meters. It had no branches and leaves, and its branches were bare.

It was a very magical tree. It was translucent as a whole and still glowing with white light. You could even clearly see the texture inside the tree, and its veins seemed to be flowing with light.

The tree is rooted at the top of the high platform, and the translucent root system blooming with white light is rooted inside the high platform. Some roots are exposed on the surface of the jade high platform, and white light can be seen flowing inside, as if the plants absorb nutrients from the earth and are clearly displayed.

The magical tree has Hu Tu, the last emperor of the Ancient Moon Kingdom, embedded in it. Hu Tu, who is in a translucent tree species, is the center of the whole tree. The veins of flowing white light from the tree species seep into his body, like the nutrients of the entire tree.

All were delivered to him.

Witnessing everything, Yun Jing narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "The body of Hu Tu, the emperor of the Ancient Moon Kingdom, is still alive. It's not that the body in the mythical realm is incorruptible, but that body is alive. He is close to that tree.

Integrating into one, the big tree takes root and absorbs the nutrients of the earth to nourish him!"

"In other words, he is likely to pretend to be the Zongzi that Brother Jing mentioned at any time?" Su Xiaoye took a deep breath and subconsciously took out the heavy sword in his hand.

Nodding and shaking his head, Yunjing said: "I can feel that he still has some time left before he can truly come to life, but once there is any movement that alarms him, he will immediately turn into a corpse and become a monster who only knows how to kill. It's terrifying.

The level is definitely at the level of the Mythical Realm!”

"Come alive? Pretend to be a corpse? What's the difference?" Su Xiaoye seemed to understand.

Yun Jing said: "This is about Hu Tu Wannian's crazy idea. He once got that magical tree from nowhere. Maybe the tree was just a seed. He actually tried to use that tree to

Ingesting nutrients from the earth to nourish himself, he was resurrected and came to the world again. He actually wants to live a second life!"

"How is this possible? How can a person be resurrected after death!" Su Xiaoye was completely confused.

Yun Dingding nodded and said: "Yes, people die like a light goes out, even in the mythical realm. How can it be possible to truly resurrect? Even if you come back to life, you are no longer the same person you once were. You can't even be called a human being. Using a monster

It is more appropriate to describe it as he only has instinct but no consciousness, and Gu Yue was brutal and cruel during his lifetime. Once he succeeds, he will become a monster who only knows how to kill and will bring endless disasters to the world!"

Su Xiaoye pondered for a moment after hearing the words, but stopped talking: "Brother Jing, I think he just wants to live a second life. There is nothing wrong with it. What if he survives and still has his own consciousness instead of being reduced to a mere human being?"

Where are the monsters who know how to kill?”

"... Based on my own experience, little Yezi, your statement is not unreasonable. Although the possibility is very small, it is not ruled out. However, after all, the life that has ended is resurrected, which is against the cycle of nature, and we cannot place our hope there.

It's a little bit possible." Yun Dingding nodded and did not refute Su Xiaoye's idea.

Su Xiaoye was a little surprised that Yunjing actually admitted her statement. She thought that Yunjing would explain the facts and reason to make her give up her unrealistic thoughts.

Then she said: "Brother Jing, you just said that you probably understand why you can't see through this ruins and what Hu Tu did in the first place. What do you mean?"

Pointing to the tree on the high platform, Yun Jing said: "I can't see through this ruins, but it's because of that tree. It has taken root, and the root system has been integrated with the entire ruins. The tree itself is very special, and it can stop me."

The power of his mind gave the entire ruins the same characteristics. Then, what did Hu Tu do? Of course, he planted the tree in an attempt to resurrect."

"That tree was so magical that its roots spread out and absorbed nutrients from the earth to nourish itself. As a result, the earth was barren and turned into a desert of yellow sand, which indirectly led to the demise of the entire Ancient Moon Kingdom. To a certain extent, Hu Tu

The purpose of having the whole country bury him with him has been achieved.”

"A tree can be so terrifying, turning the tens of thousands of miles of land into a desert of yellow sand," Su Xiaoye murmured, her teeth aching.

"The tree itself is not scary, but it is different if it is combined with Hu Tu's corpse in the mythical realm. All the nutrients from the earth are absorbed by it and used to nourish itself in an attempt to resurrect." Yun Jing said in a positive tone.

Su Xiaoye said thoughtfully: "In other words, if you want the yellow sand desert to regain its vitality, you need to destroy that tree?"

"Not only that, but also has to be destroyed together with Hu Tu's body. They have been integrated into one. Even Hu Tu's body is the leader, and the tree is secondary. Once the Hu Tu's body is destroyed, the tree will no longer exist."

, Yunjing shook his head and said.

Su Xiaoye asked: "What does Brother Jing decide to do?"

"Honestly, as you thought before, little Ye Zi, he just wanted to live a second life, which is not wrong in itself, and he never provoked us. On the contrary, we trespassed on his resting place, no matter how cruel he was.

This happened thousands of years ago, so what happens next is not up to me, but depends on how things develop," Yun Jing said thoughtfully.

"What's going to happen next?" Su Xiaoye blinked.

Nodding, Yun Jing said: "Yes, it depends on what happens next. Little Ye Zi, didn't you notice that when we were talking, the... vitality, let me call it vitality, was flowing inside the tree, and it was flowing more and more.

It's fast, that is to say, Hu Tu will come back to life at any time. If he still has his own mind and can communicate, he is a normal but special and powerful 'person'. If we trespass on his resting place, we will give him

He apologizes, but this situation is very slim, but he 'lived' as a monster with instinct to kill, so that's another matter."

"Brother Jing is still as reasonable as ever. He doesn't regard someone as an enemy just because he is resurrected. But you said that he is accelerating his 'resurrection' now. Is it because we opened the door and alarmed him? Is it because we didn't

This kind of thing won't happen again?" Su Xiaoye said thoughtfully.

Shaking his head, Yunjing said in a positive tone: "It's none of our business, as I said before, even if we didn't come, the news of the ruins had already spread, and sooner or later someone would come here, so after the news of the ruins spread, this kind of

The situation is irreversible, we can only say that it just happened."

"That's right. Brother Jing, if he is resurrected, he will be a monster that only knows the instinct to kill. Are you sure you can deal with it?" Su Xiaoye said with some worry, thinking that if it doesn't work, it would be more serious for us to run away quickly.

Giving her a reassuring look, Yun Jing said: "I'm not afraid of living mythical realms. It's not like I haven't killed anyone before, let alone a monster that has been resurrected from the dead and only knows how to kill by instinct?"

That's what he said, but Yunjing didn't really take it seriously. You can't go wrong by being cautious in everything. There are too many bloody examples of blind arrogance leading to capsizing.

This chapter has been completed!
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