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Chapter 729 Deceiving too much!

When the first ray of sunshine rose in the sky, the strong bells rang through the examination room, indicating that the examination room was closed and those who could not enter the examination room in time would not be able to take the imperial examination.

Fortunately, the students all knew the importance of the imperial examination, so they lined up early to enter the examination room, and no one was absent.

All candidates entering the examination room are not allowed to set foot in the examination room from this moment on until the end of the examination. Even if they are casual, they can only take place in the examination room.

There is a cold-faced soldier guarding every ten meters outside the examination room. Anyone who dares to interfere with the imperial examination will be ruthlessly suppressed.

All the examiners have already thought that because there are more than 100,000 imperial examination students, there are also a lot of examiners, hundreds of them. They will be with the candidates during the next three days of examination, and will also patrol the examination room from time to time.

As for whether a hundred examiners can secure such a huge examination room, it is certainly possible. It should be noted that none of these examiners is lower than the late Xiantian cultivation level. It does not take much time to walk around the entire examination room using Qinggong.

There is a high platform at the front of the examination room, which is enough for the examiner to have a panoramic view of the examination room.

Because the examination rooms are all facing the high platform, the students can see the examiners. Many of them have expectations and longing in their eyes. Now they are candidates, but after this imperial examination, once they are on the list, they may also be examiners in the future.

one of them.

For most students, the imperial examination is an opportunity to change their destiny. If they advance, they will be in the court and be worshiped by others, but if they retreat, they will be in vain after many years of hard work and have to fight again next time.

Among all the examiners, the most eye-catching one is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Xia Tao. He is wearing a golden robe with a fiery red bird pattern embroidered on it. This kind of clothing is very elegant.

Dali takes Li as its country name and Li as fire, so Dali is a country of fire and virtue, and the prince cannot wear dragon robes, so he should wear red bird robes.

As the crown prince, Xia Tao is the center of attention, and every move attracts attention. After all, if nothing unexpected happens, he will be the next king of Dali, and everyone will be his subjects by then.

He was serious about his speech, and whether it was because of the royal etiquette or because of his change in status, the majesty of his self-possessed person became stronger and stronger day by day.

In front of the public, the candidates should be the last ones, because many candidates are participating in the Jinshi imperial examination for the first time, so the examiner stood up to announce the order of the examination room, which is nothing more than some rules not to disrupt the examination room and cheat. It is a cliché, and the punishment is extremely serious. Listen

Many candidates did not dare to take any chances.

However, the imperial court was not so unkind. If someone voluntarily gave up the imperial examination or suffered a serious illness, they could say hello and leave without disturbing the examination room, but then the imperial examination would have nothing to do with them.

After all the rules were explained clearly, His Royal Highness Prince Xia Tao looked at the examination room and said loudly: "Praise to the sages, civilized and youthful pen and ink are fragrant. I hope you will write beautiful articles and be on the list. After ten years of hard work, I will be rewarded. Exam papers will be distributed and the examination will begin."



After he finished speaking, three bells rang in succession, and the imperial examination officially began. Many oxcarts slowly drove in and began to distribute examination papers.

What I have to mention is that in the entire examination room, except for the candidates and examiners, the guards guarding and the people who ordered the examination papers were all illiterate, which eliminated the possibility of fraud to the greatest extent. These people were even banned from taking part in the imperial examination if they were sure to do so.

Contact anyone.

The Jinshi Examination is different from the previous exams. It no longer tests basic things. It tests the ability to govern the country. Rote memorization of things is of little use in the Jinshi Examination.

With the same question, more than 100,000 candidates have to write Huaer to stand out and compete for 300 Jinshi places. You can imagine how difficult it is.

After Yunjing entered the examination room, he first carefully checked the four treasures of the study that had been prepared in the examination room to prevent defective items from affecting the examination. If they were discovered early, they could be replaced in time. Fortunately, that did not happen.

The Four Treasures of Study provided by the imperial court are naturally not good things. The most common ones on the market can be considered inferior. Using such Four Treasures of Study to write for imperial examinations is in a sense a test of candidates' skills. After all, it is not something they are comfortable with. Some people

I'm afraid I'm not used to it and may even be unable to perform to my own level.

Yun Jing doesn't care, no matter how bad the thing is, it won't affect his performance. Take the brush as an example, as long as it has hair, it won't be a big problem even if it has no hair...

While waiting quietly, he soon got his exam papers and a stack of a hundred pieces of writing paper.

When he got the test paper, even if he was in the mythical realm, he couldn't help but twitch his mouth. He read it carefully several times. Are you sure it's not targeting me?

If the test papers were not the same for all candidates, he would probably find an opportunity to ask the person who asked the question what he meant afterwards.

Because the Jinshi Exam does not test those fancy and basic things, there are very few questions, as few as two questions.

The first test question actually asked the candidates to write a poem!

There are no hard requirements for what kind of poems, candidates can write whatever they want, as long as it is original, and there are no rules for five or seven characters.

However, as we all know, the poetic talent of Yun Jing, who is in the mythical realm, is really unflattering. Even his master Li Qiu said more than once that it would be great if Yun Jing's other talents could be used in poetry.

Yun Jing is really not good at writing poetry. If he doesn't have the talent, he won't have it. It doesn't matter how good his cultivation is.

"So this isn't directed at me?" Yun Jing groaned in his heart. Yun Jing couldn't laugh or cry, and almost felt bad all over.

It’s not that poetry cannot be tested during the Jinshi examination, but there are too few. In the entire Dali Dynasty’s more than 800 years of history, there have been only a handful of times when the Jinshi test for poetry ability was conducted. The most recent one was for the previous emperors.

I only did this because I like poetry and articles. I haven’t taken a poetry exam in more than a hundred years.

When I was taking the imperial examination, I took the poetry test. How could such a coincidence happen? Yun Jing was speechless.

The examination room was quiet, but for many candidates who were interested in poetry, they almost burst into joy. This was to give themselves points, but fortunately they were still restrained.

Of course, every candidate knows that the poetry test in this imperial examination is actually just a supplement. It has little impact on the overall imperial examination results. It can even be said to be dispensable. Even if you write a poem that will be famous throughout the ages, another question will be asked.

If it doesn't work, it will still be off the list.

"There is no limit to the subject matter, you can express yourself freely. Gee, I seriously suspect that it is Mr. Huang's bad taste." Yun Jing grumbled in his heart. Yun Jing did not worry about it so much. He put this question aside for now. He is not good at this, so why waste it?

Time? Let’s solve another question and think about it again. It’s really not feasible for me to teach you a blank question about poetry. It won’t have much impact anyway.

From the beginning to the end, Yunjing has never copied a famous poem from his past life in his memory. He cannot deceive himself if it is not his own. This is one of his bottom lines.

The most important thing in being a human being is sincerity. What does it mean if you even lie to yourself?

Then comes the highlight, the second question that determines success or failure in this imperial examination.

There is only one sentence in the title: "In a house with bare walls, people are safe and warm enough; in a wealthy house, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, but not enough, and troubles are always there."

This sentence is the title of this Jinshi Examination. The meaning it expresses can be understood by anyone who is not an idiot. The general meaning is that even if the family is poor, as long as the person is safe and healthy and has food and clothing, then he will be content, and wealth

The family is already rich and full of children and grandchildren, but they are not satisfied and are often troubled.

The question is just one sentence without any other stipulations. Candidates need to use their talents to write an article based on this sentence. As for whether they can write well and stand out among more than 100,000 candidates, it depends on their own talents.

The topic is simple and easy to understand. It is not difficult to extend it and write an article. What is difficult is to write it brilliantly.

When he saw this question, Yun Jing thought to himself. Sure enough, at the beginning of the year, he guessed that the imperial examination questions would definitely avoid the late Deng Changchun, and now his prediction is correct.

The source of this sentence is a book called "Little Caoju", which was written by Deng Changchun more than a hundred years ago. At that time, he had already entered the mythical realm and was one of the Dali Confucius. The main reason for writing this book is

It is very in-depth in explaining all aspects of the gap between people's wealth.

It can be said that every candidate who took the Jinshi Examination has read this book. After all, this book was a classic left by the living Master a year ago. If you meet the Master one day, you can't know everything about the Master's works.


After carefully reading the test questions, Yun Jing did not write rashly, but closed his eyes slightly and began to draft. He did not speculate whether the person who asked the question was remembering Master Deng. Although the question was an excerpt from Master Deng's works,

If you deliberately welcome him, you will fall into the inferior position. If you use this to write an article praising Master Deng, the people who will take the exam will probably not even bother to take a second look.

It should be noted that if you stand at the height of the master, you have a broad view of all the people in the world, and what you care about is the inheritance of civilization. If you deliberately praise the virtues of the master, you are afraid that you will come alive and give you a slap. What kind of thing have you learned, and you have just learned to flatter you?

As Yun Jing's thoughts flickered, he had many ideas. It would be a bit petty to write an article about the various states of sentient beings based on the title, and an article about human nature would be a little less interesting.

Various ideas kept appearing, but he eliminated them one by one. Gradually, he came up with an idea. He still didn't rush to write, but perfected the draft according to his own ideas.

Many students in the examination room have already started writing furiously, but Yunjing is not in a hurry.

He spent the whole morning thinking about the draft, and even though the first meal was being handed out in the exam hall, he didn't even start writing.

Naturally, the meal distributed by the imperial court was not a delicacy. It consisted of two steamed buns, a piece of pancake, a plate of side dishes and a bowl of soup. It cannot be said to be unpalatable, but it can only be said to be a bit hard to swallow.

The person distributing the food moved slowly and almost silently. This was to avoid disturbing the candidates' thoughts. He put down the food and went to the next place. As for the tableware, he put it aside after eating. He will do it next time when the food is distributed.

Someone took it away.

Yunjing did not waste the food, and ate it all in a leisurely manner. No matter how difficult it was to swallow, he ate it with gusto. He had lived a hard life, and it was difficult for his family to even eat enough at first. He didn't think that this was already delicious.


After eating, he put the tableware aside and then began to polish the ink. After finishing, he spread out a piece of paper and started writing the article. It was just a first draft. He was not in a hurry and stopped to think from time to time during the writing process.

Regarding this article, Yunjing starts by saying that people at the bottom are content with what they have, explaining how difficult life is. In many cases, just having enough food and clothing is a luxury.

Yun Jing still has a lot of say in the life of the lower class. He was born in a poor family. Once there was a heavy snowfall in winter, and a hole was dug into his thatched hut. The family had to huddle together for warmth. I can only understand the sadness of it.

Only those who have experienced it will know.

After finding out that it was not easy for the people at the bottom to have enough food and clothing, he further elaborated on the dissatisfaction of wealthy people, and how human nature's greed never ends, wishing to take advantage of all the benefits in the world.

Poverty and wealth, two attitudes towards life, are immediately highlighted when compared with each other.

Of course, this is just the beginning. It can even be said that it is just an extension of the topic. It has not even started the main topic. It just uses this contradiction as a starting point to extend the next main topic.

The cloud scene at the beginning is described in less than a hundred words.

Then the content took a turn for the worse. He used a questioning tone in the article, asking whether it was the poor who wanted food and clothing, or the rich who were dissatisfied and pursued further, under what circumstances would they pursue these things?

The answer is that only when the environment is stable will we pursue these things!

This kind of self-questioning and answering is the core point of Yunjing's article.

Whether poor or rich, everyone has pursuits, and there is nothing wrong with that. But if the environment is unstable and life is on the line, how can you still have the mood to think about those things?

People only have pursuits when they are alive.

The most basic condition for survival is the stability of the family and the country.

Only when you have a country can you have a family. The country is in turmoil, wars continue, and the people are in dire straits. Even the most basic conditions for survival are gone. How can there be any pursuit?

After the core points of the article were pointed out, Yunjing began to elaborate on various aspects surrounding the stability of his family and country.

The country wants stability, the country is rich and the people are strong. When the country is strong, it will naturally not be bullied. Otherwise, everything is empty talk. Being weak is the original sin, and the weak will be beaten. If you try to stabilize others, they will not let you get what you want.

If the country is rich and the people are strong and will not be bullied, they will have more energy and resources to improve people's livelihood, which fits the topic. Only in a peaceful and stable environment can the poor or the rich pursue what they want.

In the article, Yun Jing was not just talking about rhetoric, he still put forward his own point of view on how to make the country rich and the people strong.

The first is wealth. He elaborated on his views from three aspects. Food is the basic guarantee. It is necessary to vigorously support farming. Only when you are full can you think about other things. How to increase food production from farming? You cannot always rely on the past.

Based on our experience, it is necessary for the country to specially train some talents in this field and let them specialize in farming. Even if no results are obtained in a short period of time, as long as someone develops research to increase grain production, it will be a huge contribution that benefits the entire country and even the people. Secondly, trade

, whether goods or money, their value can only be reflected when they are circulated, otherwise those things will just look good. Here Yunjing also gave an example. Zhang San had three hundred kilograms of grain that he could not finish, but he lacked

He wanted to get money from a woman who couldn't give the money as a betrothal gift. Li Si had ten taels of silver, but his family's food was at the bottom, so Li Si took the money to buy Zhang San's food. Li Si had food to eat, and Zhang San

Sanye has money to take a wife. In this process, both parties benefit, and the country also gets tax revenue, the circulation of money and goods, and the importance of trade is reflected. Generally speaking, the progress of trade is

The entire country's economy has come to life, instead of being a puddle of stagnant water. Then there is the third aspect, that is, food security and trade flows are not enough to reflect the country's prosperity. We need to go further and go abroad to compete with other countries.

Exchange, find ways to trade back things that your own country does not have and can enhance national strength. This will not only generate wealth, but also enhance national strength...

Regarding abundance, Yunjing put a lot of effort into describing it, striving to be concrete and reasonable, rather than just talking about it on paper.

Then there is the strength of the country.

It is certainly a good thing for a country to be rich, but being rich alone is very dangerous. Without strong strength to protect it, wealth is just a fat pig at best. Only strong strength can guarantee the stability and wealth of the country.

How to make the country strong? Yunjing also used several points of view to describe this aspect. The first is the army. The army is one of the basic conditions for protecting the country from being bullied. Yunjing made suggestions from the aspects of discipline, armaments, and tactics.

Good discipline allows the army to enforce orders and prohibitions, and armaments can improve the combat effectiveness of the army, while tactics play a vital role. Regarding tactics, Yunjing also uses the "sending east and attacking west" tactics in the Four Kingdoms War a few years ago as an example. At that time, Qin

The old general used this tactic to 'eat' the hundreds of thousands of reinforcements sent by the Sanluo Dynasty and the Golden Wolf Dynasty to support the Dajiang Dynasty. Therefore, Yunjing suggested in the article that the country should cultivate more talents in the field of tactical research, and then there is the following about

The cultivation of talents in all aspects, he compared the country to a person. The strength of the army only makes people's fists more advantageous, and the cultivation of talents is the brain of this person. Most of the time, fists are useless, and brains are useless.

Being fooled around by others, the cultivation of talents in all aspects is also a top priority. When a country has a strong fist and a smart brain, then it will be strong from the inside out.

When the country is rich and the people are strong, they are not bullied, and the general environment is stable, then no matter whether they are poor or rich, they will be in the mood to pursue what they want.

Yunjing's article has always been centered around the title, and I didn't go as far as to let myself go as far as I could write.

But this is not over yet, but when writing this, Yun Jing's writing paused, and he hesitated to write down what he was thinking.

He only hesitated for a moment, thinking why not be bolder? So he continued writing.

In the following content, Yun Jing still focuses on the core of the article, which is a stable environment that is in line with the pursuit of the poor and the rich.

After all, this is a world with great power. A mythical realm can support a country. Therefore, Yunjing takes the current Dajiang Dynasty as an example. After their country does not have an expert in the mythical realm to take charge, the entire country seems to have been stripped of its crest.

Liang Gu, there was no decent resistance against the Third Prince's Northern Expeditionary Army, and they were retreating steadily. Is the Dajiang Dynasty really that unbearable? No, it's just because that country has lost the most basic confidence, and the source of confidence is

A strong man from the mythical realm.

One can imagine how significant the existence of the mythical realm is.

But the problem is that the mythical realm does not appear out of thin air. A country with billions of people may not have one in a hundred years. So is there a way to increase the probability of the mythical realm appearing?

Then Yunjing brought up the popularization of education. Regarding the popularization of education, he elaborated in a targeted manner. At present, whether it is a country or a sect, they are all 'implicit'. Well, to put it bluntly, they are hiding it, for fear of teaching good things to others.

Others have surpassed themselves, so everyone hides good things. How can others grow?

Yun Jing gave an example. Taking scholars as an example, it is as difficult as going to the sky for people at the bottom to study. Yun Jing once experienced this deeply. If he had not met his master Li Qiu, he would not even be sure whether he could become a scholar.


So, if everyone has the opportunity to study, more talents will definitely be born from the huge base. If the precious secret books are passed down, there will definitely be more strong people.

When the base number is sufficient, the probability of a strong person being born will be greater. As a result, the birth of strong people in the mythical realm will definitely exceed those in the past.

The mythical realm is not immortal. When the old man dies, there is a successor, and the continuity is the foundation for a country to be permanently guaranteed. This is called inheritance.

Yunjing used this to explain the importance of popularizing 'education'. Going back to the beginning of this topic, he used the current situation after the Dajiang Dynasty's mythical realm to illustrate the importance of this aspect.

When writing this part, Yun Jing hesitated for a moment because the scholars of this era are at a special level. When education is popularized, although it is a good thing for the country, it will shake the cake of the 'scholar' level. Nowadays, mud people

How could they be happy if they could study on equal terms with them?

Therefore, this view can be described as subversive, which is why Yunjing hesitates.

But he still wrote it. Now at his height, he can speak freely without worrying about other things. If before, he would not have dared to write such content, and he would be targeted by scholars all over the world.

Finally, he ended the article by saying, "Now the country has something to rely on, it is rich and powerful, the family and the country are stable, the people have hope, the people have aspirations, and civilization can be inherited."

The topic is just about the common people being satisfied with food and clothing and the rich being dissatisfied, but Yunjing's article has risen to the level of stability of the country, prosperity of the country and the strength of the people, and it is meaningful and does not deviate from the topic.

Even though there are subversive contents, the overall content is of guiding benefit to the future of the entire country.

It took Yunjing a full day to finish writing this article. He lost track of time while writing. He didn't even bother to eat lunch or lunch. It was already dark and the lights were on in the examination room.

Having just finished the first draft, Yunjing put down his brush, ate the cold food and began to rest.

Early the next morning, he began to revise and polish his article, taking the trouble to do it over and over again until he could no longer change it.

During the revision process, he also made appropriate adjustments to some inappropriate words and sentences, especially in terms of education popularization. He made the revisions relatively tactfully and not as extreme as at the beginning. He even added suggestions for trial implementation and achieved results.

Then slowly spread it out, like boiling a frog in warm water, so that people in the world can have a process of accepting it, so that they won't start to fight against each other from the very beginning.

It took him a whole day just to revise the article "Cloud Scenery", and it wasn't until he got up early on the third day that he finally finished copying the manuscript.

Yun Jing didn't think too much about whether the article was good or not. It had already been finalized and he had tried his best. It would be up to the graders to judge whether the essay was good or not.

Putting aside the completed article, Yunjing looked at the first question of the imperial examination while there was still half a day left.

However, when he saw that the title was to compose a poem, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth again. This was too much!

Composing poems is my shortcoming, but to come up with such a topic, isn't this bullying an honest person?

But the problem is that if the questions are placed somewhere, you won’t hand in a blank paper.

"It's just poetry. Although I'm not adventurous, it's not that I can't do it. It's just mediocre. It's just a joke. Well, what kind of poem should I write to end this exam?"

Yunjing began to look at the exam paper and rubbed his brows, thinking about it.

Tsk, writing poetry, how can it be more difficult than facing enemies in the mythical realm...

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