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Chapter 746

The morning in Fumian City is noisy. Street shops open their doors early to welcome customers, and the sound of small merchants and hawkers walking through the streets and hawking is endless.

But this quiet and noisy life is filled with a depressing atmosphere, which seems to make people breathless. People are always in a hurry, and many people have nervous looks on their brows.

The world is not good. There are rumors that a catastrophe is coming to the world. People in many distant areas have died. Countless people have fled after hearing the news. No one knows when the catastrophe will come here.

There are already many people fleeing in the city, the public security is chaotic and people are panicked, and countless people are gathering in this direction from all directions outside the city.

But life must go on...

Walking along the street, Yun Jing steps into the crowd and does not stand out. Now he has a return to nature, and he is not as eye-catching as he used to be.

Not long after, he smelled a different kind of fragrance, which was obviously a mixture of various foods and had a rich aroma.

It was a breakfast shop on the street, selling large pots of vegetables, meat, spices and condiments mixed together in a large pot. That big pot alone could hold at least hundreds of kilograms of food.

There were already more than a dozen people dining there. Yunjing walked over and sat down at an empty table and asked the old man who was busy beside the pot: "Shopkeeper, how do you sell this food?"

The other party took the time to say: "The shopkeeper can't afford this guest. We are just a roadside stall. Well, a bowl of food and steamed buns are enough for ten companions. Do you want one?"

"Okay, let's have one, and we'll pay after we finish eating." Yunjing nodded immediately. The people around him enjoyed the food so much.

As we all know, big pot dishes are the most difficult to make. The store can make them so fragrant. Although they don’t look very good, I think the taste shouldn’t be too bad.

"Okay, guest, please wait a moment..."

It was obvious that most of the people who came here to eat were old customers. While Yun Jing was waiting, he might have seen a strange face, and someone took the initiative to introduce him to this restaurant.

"This guy is from out of town. His big pot dishes have been here for more than ten years. The business is very good. They have meat and vegetables. Although it is a bit expensive, it is enough. Many people like to come here.

"Tooth Beating Festival"

"Yeah, they only sell one pot every day, and they close the stall when it's sold out. Many people come late and don't get to eat."

It can be heard that the diners have fully affirmed this restaurant. They are all at the bottom, and affordability is the most important. Being able to eat well and have food and water is better than anything else. If you have a sip of wine,

, those were simply magical days.

Yunjing smiled expectantly and said, "Then I have to give it a try."

He arrived earlier, and at this moment, there was already a queue around him. Many people in the queue were looking around, as if they were looking for a place to squat down and start devouring the food.

There are only three people in the store, a couple and a son, and they are so busy that they don’t even touch the floor.

A bowl of large pot of food was served on the table. After a word of caution, the store owner went to work. There was a kuaizi and a big box on the table. The box contained steamed buns. You can take it by yourself. You are satisfied, but you cannot take it away.

The model is somewhat similar to a semi-self-service restaurant. You won't lose money if you come to a few pot-bellied restaurants. Just go with the quantity.

With one hand of steamed buns and the other of kuaizi, Yunjing started to eat. After one bite, the taste was quite good. This reminded Yunjing of when he was a child. If a family in the village held a banquet, after all the relatives and friends left, there would be no leftover dishes.

You can throw it away, mix it together and cook it in a big pot, and then invite the whole village to eat it, which is called a fragrant meal.

Don't think that eating the leftovers is a waste. At that time, it would be good to eat some.

Life in the city is always accompanied by small talk. They always talk about hearsay and their own experiences. No matter what, they just have fun.

What people talk about most is the current situation, which concerns themselves. Everyone has more or less sadness on their face.

While eating and listening, Yunjing felt sad in his heart. What made him sigh was that when people talked about the topic that many people were fleeing, they asked if they wanted to go further away. As a result, someone replied that they didn’t even want their home anymore.

Where can one go? Besides, when disaster strikes, can one escape hundreds of miles or thousands of miles?

In fact, people all know that if a disaster really strikes, there is no point in escaping. However, the reason why there are so many people fleeing is because they don’t want to die. Every step they take is a hope of living...

After finishing a bowl of food, Yunjing only ate one steamed bun. It wasn't that it didn't taste good, but he didn't need to eat that much. Eating was just a habit he had developed since childhood.

He left ten copper coins to check out and left. He didn't have any coins in this place, but there were many in the spider monster's manor, so it wasn't too much for him to take a little.

After that, he still did not leave the city. He seemed to be wandering aimlessly, but in fact he was preventing another clone of the spider monster from coming and killing the people here to vent his anger. This kind of thing is very likely to happen, but Yunjing cannot stay there forever.

Here to protect people.

The spider monster told him the location of the enemy before, and he was considering the course of action. No matter what the opponent's purpose was, whether it was a conspiracy or a conspiracy, those enemies must be found ways to get rid of them. This trip is imperative.

I'm not sure whether we can get rid of him completely. It would be best if we can solve them all.

"Then let's clean it up from west to east...!" After thinking about it, he made a decision.

How courageous is it to eliminate more than 30 mythical realm enemies? I would not dare to think about it in any other mythical realm. Even Yunjing himself thinks it is a bit whimsical, but no matter how dangerous it is, someone will always have to go there.

Do it, otherwise if you don't look for it, it will come to you one day!

At the end of the day, Yun Jing's footprints were left in many places in the city, and the expected appearance of another clone of the spider monster did not happen.

Is it because the other party doesn't dare to come? Or maybe it's pointless to just kill some people to vent your anger. After all, killing them all won't be able to gather another clone...

Yunjing doesn't know, but it's not a good sign that the other party doesn't come. People here are temporarily safe, but how many people died tragically in other places? Besides, will the other clones of the spider monster really not come again?

As night fell, Yunjing no longer wasted time. He finished the bunch of fried meatballs in his hand, threw the bamboo sticks on the street, and disappeared into the western horizon in a flash.

After he left, in an inconspicuous corner outside the city, a figure shrouded in black robe stared at the direction Yun Jing left for a long time without moving.

The bright moon rises and gets higher and higher. Most people in this city sleep peacefully and end their day's life.

After confirming that Yun Jing had completely left, there was a terrifying aura emanating from the black-robed figure. Under that aura, the creatures on the land within a radius of one or two hundred miles in the dark night suddenly felt a sense of fear, and countless people who were sleeping peacefully trembled subconsciously.

"Kill my three clones. Do you think I don't hold a grudge? Go ahead and wait until you are tired of running for your life and they consume your strength again and again. When you are at the end of your rope, I will not give you a happy ending..., don't you want to

Protect the people here? Then I will kill them all. Your so-called protection of the weak is just a joke. Can you protect the weak for a while? Although it is not much, it is better than nothing, and you can barely recover some losses."

I don't know when another spider monster clone has arrived near this city, and it said to itself ferociously in a language that did not belong to this world.

Its main body is Xiaoyao Jing's combat power. When its clones came to this world, they could only exert their mythical realm combat power. Yun Jing killed three clones in a row. You can imagine the anger in his heart.

To its body, Yunjing is nothing more than an ant, but it is such an ant that makes it suffer again and again. To say that it is not angry would be a lie. It is equivalent to a person being bitten by ants several times in succession. How can it be done?

No reaction?

A terrifying aura emanates from its body, and its black robe turns into mist, which is about to sweep out and cover a hundred miles in radius, swallowing up endless creatures.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly echoed between heaven and earth.

Just listen to Yun Jing's voice saying: "I knew that the anger in your heart would be vented on the people here, and I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"You didn't leave?" The spider monster was very surprised. His tone was ferocious and angry, but his movements were not slow. He no longer planned to attack the people here, but quickly left in the distance.

Three clones died in Yunjing's hands. The loss to it is not unbearable. There is no need to lose another one here. If the clones continue to be lost, now that there is no mass extermination of the carrier of human cohesion, if

After Yunjing wiped out all his clones, there would be nothing left for him to do on this land.

It saw that the situation was wrong and ran quickly, but Yunjing took action even faster.

In the evening in the city, the bamboo sticks that seemed to have been discarded carelessly before Yun Jing left rose into the sky, vaguely seeming to transform into Yun Jing's figure, and instantly appeared in front of the spider monster's departure.

"Now that you're here, don't leave," the Yunjing figure who stopped the spider monster said coldly.

The spider monster said in a ferocious tone: "It turns out this is just a ray of your consciousness..."

"But destroying you is enough!" Yunjing interrupted directly and said coldly.

After the words fell, the outline of his figure disappeared without a trace. The wisp of consciousness he left behind merged into the nature of the world. Electricity surged in the void and swept through the boundless world. The endless electric current gathered and turned into a thunder spear. The electric current wound across the night sky, reflecting the night like


The thunder spear locks the spider monster's clone, and the electric current combines with the heaven and earth to bind the world where it is. The thunder spear attacks and penetrates it, and the electric current explodes to tear it into pieces and annihilate it!

When this clone was destroyed, the angry voice of the spider monster echoed between heaven and earth. It roared filial piety: "Can you protect them once and continue to protect them? How many times can you continue to protect them like this? You are only in the mythical realm.

, every separation of consciousness is an irreparable trauma to oneself, how many times can you continue like this?"

"You can give it a try..." Yun Jing said in a dull voice.

Since then, neither party has had any further interest.

Soon the place calmed down. Things happened so fast that people didn't even know what happened. They just thought it was a terrifying thunder that happened by chance at night.

As expected, the spider monster was able to fight back, but fortunately Yunjing was prepared and used a ray of consciousness to kill a clone of the spider monster again.

It seems that Yunjing has made a profit, but in fact he has suffered a big loss. That ray of consciousness was split from his will. In order to kill the spider monster clone, they clearly died together, and the annihilation of this ray of consciousness is a complete loss.

, as the spider monster said, it will cause irreparable damage to the cloudscape itself!

But he still did it without hesitation. In comparison, a ray of consciousness could save millions of people, so there was no reason to hesitate.

There is hope only when people are alive. Yunjing just lost a ray of consciousness and was traumatized again. But who dares to deny that among the people saved, will there be a mythical person in the future?

All in all it's worth it.

After such an experience, Yunjing believes that if the other clones of the spider monster want to come here to kill people and vent their anger, they will have to think carefully. What if Yunjing has a back-up plan? He dares to deny that Yunjing will wait here.

Waiting for its clones to come and die one by one?

At this time, Yunjing's true form had already left unknown distance. He was flying through the night sky towards the west. He tried to keep a low profile while concentrating his aura. He was going to eliminate the enemies one by one, so there was no need to make a big fanfare.

The real body of Yunjing knew that another clone of the spider monster in Fumian City appeared and was destroyed. After all, that ray of consciousness was separated from his will. Although it was divided, it was one. Of course he knew what he did.

That ray of consciousness died together with the spider monster. Even Yunjing couldn't help but frown. There was a tearing pain in his mind. To use an inappropriate metaphor to describe it, it was like having a part of the body cut open alive.

This is a mental trauma. What is injured is the mental will. In other words, what is injured is the soul. It is not impossible to recover, but it is very difficult and slow. If the mental trauma accumulates to a certain extent, it will greatly reduce life span.

"In the mythical realm that I know, there are not many people who would wantonly split their consciousness like this. Every time, they have to pay with no return. They still have to recover for a period of time. They don't usually do this. Most of them will do it when the end is approaching.

It's time to leave some legacy to future generations in this way..." Yunjing murmured in his heart.

The reason why he dares to do this can even be said to be squandering. After all, he is different from other mythical realms. His mental strength has been different from ordinary people since he was a child. Moreover, he set foot in the mythical realm not through martial arts, but to comprehend the world.

Those who clearly understand their own spiritual sublimation and enter this field.

Now Yunjing's martial arts cultivation level is only in the late stage of Zhenyi Jing.

It is also a mythical realm, but Yunjing's mental intensity is higher than others. His mental intensity allows him to use the power of heaven and earth more delicately. Most other mythical realms have made achievements in a single field. Who can combine the body and the world like him?

The one who controls everything?

Then, the territory of most mythical realms is only one or two hundred miles, but Yunjing's current spiritual will can cover a radius of about 1,500 kilometers, which is dozens of times that of others!

The gap between quantity and quality is the reason why he dares to squander his spiritual will in such a way. Until now, Yunjing has given people around him a means of protection. When has there been no need to divide consciousness? As for what he did before, I'm afraid it's

It is equivalent to the number of times in other mythical realms in a lifetime.

The most intuitive manifestation is that after his previous ray of consciousness died together with the spider monster, a white hair appeared on his head.

If that kind of consumption can be calculated with a white hair every time, how many times Yunjing can do it, you can probably know it by looking at his black hair...

However, in the final analysis, no matter how much his mental strength and 'quantity' surpass others, they are still only the strength of the mythical realm. No matter what, it is meaningless compared with those beyond this level.

When the white fish belly appeared on the horizon, Yunjing had already arrived at this land, almost to the extreme west. At his speed, he had traveled all night.

This area is more desolate, with mountains, rivers, hills and deserts, and the population is sparsely populated. The people living in these places have completely different language and customs, but it is still not difficult to master the cloud scenery.

If he goes further west, he will see the boundless ocean after crossing tens of thousands of miles of desert. There is no need to continue going west.

Even if there is no distribution map given by the spider monster, the beings from other lands in his capital will not go to those desolate areas. They are after the human race, and naturally they will cause trouble in places with many people.

At the dawn of the morning sun, Yun Jing stood in the void and looked at the earth below. According to the distribution map given to him by the spider monster, from a proportional analysis, within a radius of ten thousand miles, there was a mythical warrior from a foreign land, ready to cause boundless killings at any time.

In the Ten Thousand Miles Area, it can be traversed several times at the speed of Yunjing in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, but this does not mean that the area is small. Where can the strong aliens find in this area? Hiding the opponent is like looking for a needle in a haystack.


"The other party didn't show his own aura, otherwise I would have felt it. It seems that he is another one who is good at hiding."

With thoughts flickering in his mind, Yunjing judged from the powerful foreigners he had seen that those who were good at hiding were either spider monsters, eyeball monsters, or bugs claiming to be ghosts.

The distribution map was given by the spider monster. It is absolutely impossible for it to mark itself. The ghost only had a ray of consciousness and was destroyed by Yun Jing. It also cut off the connection with the world. In this way, the greatest possibility is,

It's that eyeball monster that's entrenched in this area!

"The spider monster said that it can see through any illusion, and it also has a powerful method called the Wheel of Destruction, which can confine space. These are not only its full abilities, its eyeballs..., if it can be blinded directly like a normal eyeball,


After determining with a high probability what the enemy is, what Yunjing needs next is to find it and then get rid of it!

Where can I find the other party if he is hiding?

The simplest way is to scan the land several times with Yunjing Evaluation's mental power covering a wide area. No matter how hidden the other party is, it is still very different from humans and can be easily distinguished.

However, it is not an easy task for Yunjing to find it in the vast sea of ​​people and compare it with countless information.

In addition to this, there is another way, that is, they need to kill the human race condensed clone carrier. It must be most likely to be where there are many people, so just go to places with many people.

Combining the two makes it easier to find it.

Human beings are social creatures. Where there are many people and where there are few people are recorded and traced.

Based on this, Yunjing found a small city nearby with a population of tens of thousands. He spent some time learning the language and characters of this area, and then searched for the city with the largest population from the official records.


As a result, Yunjing quickly identified several target locations.

After all, it is a desolate area. In this land with a radius of thousands of miles, according to Yunjing's understanding, the city with the largest population in this area only has more than two million people. It is still the capital of a small country. In addition, there are only two cities with a population of more than one million.

You must know that in a country like Dali, many county towns have a population of more than one million. Not only are there many cities with a population of tens of millions, but there are still some with double digits. There is no comparison at all.

Akiye Kingdom has a border of six to seven thousand miles and a population of only 40 to 50 million. There are many small forces living as tribes in the surrounding areas.

After understanding the general situation of this area, Yunjing went directly to the national capital called Qiuye.

After setting foot in the capital of Akiye Kingdom, Yun Jing couldn't help but sigh. It can be said that it takes a country to support a city.

In this country, other cities don’t even have decent walls, and the houses are low and dilapidated. But the capital city can be described as mirror-like splendor, with tall and solid city walls, streets paved with bluestone slabs, and landscape trees on the roadside.

, as well as buildings such as huge spectacle statues.

In this way, the country can be directly divided into the capital and other places, which are simply two worlds.

Arriving here, Yun Jing glanced with his mind and frowned slightly. The enemy was not here? Could it be in two other cities with a population of over one million?


Suddenly realizing something, Yunjing looked directly in the direction of the palace.

There are splendid buildings with mirrored walls, extremely luxurious wine and food, many fat and thin beauties, and loyal guards.

In a square deep in the palace, hundreds of fat and thin young girls were dancing. They were dressed coolly and their dance movements were more explicit than those of the brothel girls.

There were not many spectators. Apart from the surrounding guards, the only one left was a man wearing a crown on the throne. He was hugged from left to right, and others were squeezing his shoulders and beating his legs. Enjoy it as much as you want.

I looked at the sky and realized that it had just dawned. No matter how extravagant the king of this country was, how could he watch a group of young ladies dancing so early in the morning? Not talking about dealing with national affairs, how could you sleep more normally than this?

Especially the dancing women were obviously very tired, their graceful figures were being crippled, and most of the dancing women's feet were dripping with blood. It seemed like they had been dancing all night, and their delicate feet were worn out!

In a normal country, if the king was so lewd and cruel, he would have been overthrown long ago, but if the king was abnormal, then it would be explained.

Thinking of this, Yunjing quickly discovered something was wrong with the monarch. He was clearly not a human being, but had been replaced by a foreign monster.

The method of replacement was not to kill him directly, but to parasitize the other person's head and control his body. After all, the other person was still a normal person on the outside, so Yunjing didn't notice anything was wrong at the first time.

As for the person who controls the opponent's body, as Yun Jing expected, it is the eyeball monster.

"Shouldn't these monsters coming from foreign lands be killing people everywhere and using human flesh and blood as carriers? Are they actually starting to enjoy themselves while not doing serious business?"

For a moment, Yunjing couldn't figure out what these foreign beings were thinking. Maybe they were enjoying themselves before killing?

No one seemed to think that the monarch's behavior was wrong, which reminded Yun Jing of the first time he was raped.

At that time, a so-called saint had an eyeball pattern behind him, and that traitor at that time could control animals within dozens of miles.

If the eyeball monster is the so-called Holy Lord spoken by traitors at that time, it can give traitors the means to control animals, so it is not surprising that it can control people's hearts!
This chapter has been completed!
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