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Chapter 761: Encounter by chance

Thousands of mountains and rivers passed by in an instant. From the morning until the afternoon, Yunjing himself didn't know how many thousands of miles he was away from Haoran Sect, but he still couldn't reach the easternmost part of this land.

This world is so big, the land area where Dali is located alone is more than a hundred times larger than the total area of ​​Blue Star, Yunjing's hometown in his previous life!

And how big this world is, to be honest, the cloud scenery is a bit unimaginable.

In fact, it's not that surprising when you think about it. If this world was too small, the method of destroying hundreds of miles of land at every turn in the Mythical Realm would be completely unimaginable.

Even if he cultivates to the Mythical Realm, Yunjing estimates that he may not be able to see the world through all the time he has in his lifespan.

The northern part of this land is sparsely populated, and often not a single home can be seen for hundreds of thousands of miles. The clouds fly across the void, and they encounter many traces of the monsters that have descended from foreign lands and wreaked havoc in the past. The places where they move are incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Unlike Jedi, Yun Jing solved it easily and didn't spend any time looking for the ones he didn't encounter.

In the afternoon, in a remote place, behind a big rock, Yunjing squatted there to 'lose weight'.

Eating, drinking and having diarrhea is just human nature.

Of course, he has the means to eliminate the filth from his body in other ways, such as the legendary pores of spraying feces, but he is used to natural excretion. Although this kind of thing sounds uncomfortable to people, the feeling of transparency is really good...

After taking care of personal hygiene, Yunjing feels relaxed all over.

After leaving the land of grain reincarnation, he habitually looked back. When he realized what was happening, he was speechless. What was wrong with him?

But having said that, I don’t know who has boringly summarized it. It seems that everyone has the habit of looking back after excreting. It is purely subconscious.

Shaking his head, he silently rose into the sky again and continued flying toward the east. It was best to reach the easternmost point of the land beneath his feet within today.

The sky is overcast, the cold wind is whistling, and snowflakes are flying. It is already winter. Winter in this world is difficult for most people. When Yunjing was a child, his family's house was crushed by heavy snow and the roof collapsed.

When it was getting dark, Yunjing finally saw the sea.

The vast ocean stretches as far as the eye can see, and the farther away you go, the higher the sea level becomes. The sea level at the end of your sight seems to be as high as the sky, and you feel a sense of oppression.

Seeing such a sea surface, even Yunjing felt that he was extremely insignificant. Compared with the heaven and earth, the mythical realm seemed to be nothing.

No matter what time, nature is worthy of awe.

There was no rush to cross the ocean to find the Dragon Kingdom. After all, Yunjing didn't know how far it was, so he had to rest for a night first.

It would be nice if we could find out the specific location of the Dragon Kingdom, but Yunjing didn't hold out much hope. After all, Yunjing had never heard of the Dragon Kingdom before meeting Mr. Tang and the others, let alone ordinary people?

But it’s not certain, what if there are people living by the sea who have come into contact with visitors from the Dragon Kingdom?

Deciding to rest for a night, Yunjing began to look for towns near the sea. Due to the sparse population, he searched for hundreds of miles along the coast before he found a small town with a population of more than a thousand people. Perhaps it is better to describe it as a village.

Yun Jing didn't understand the language spoken by the people in that town, but it was easy for him to master it. He paid attention to the clothes of the people there, then looked at himself, and found that it was not eye-catching, so he went to the town.

As the saying goes, people in this seaside town rely on the mountains and water to make a living. Most of the people in this seaside town make a living in the sea. The whole town is filled with the smell of fish, fishing nets are everywhere, and many people live directly on the boats.

Although the town is small, it has a government management system, and there are government officials to check the household registration and road signs of strangers. Yunjing has a household registration, but it is far away, but there is no road guide.

However, this little problem was not a problem, and he easily slipped into the town.

The town is too small, and there are only a few shops, which can barely meet the daily needs of the people here. There is only one inn, but there are two or three restaurants and teahouses. There are actually storytellers in the teahouses. I don’t know how dry saliva can be said in this town.

Earn a few copper coins.

"Sure enough, Old Snake Skin is everywhere, and there is actually a brothel in such a big town." Yunjing's mouth twitched in shock.

He was sure that it was a brothel. It was the best building in the town, with a large courtyard with two floors of attics, but the quality of the girls inside was only average.

It's not that Yunjing's concern is the same as that of all men, it's just curiosity that there is a brothel in this town.

In fact, if you think about it, you can understand that almost all the residents here make a living in the sea. They may disappear once they go to sea. The emergence of all places like brothels is also reasonable. People need to consume and relieve stress. No one knows what accident will happen tomorrow.

first come.

"What a handsome man, come and play, I don't need your money."

Yun Jing paused for a moment to attract the attention of the brothel woman, and immediately extended a warm invitation to him. He immediately smiled, shook his head and left. Later, he even regretfully asked to stay and said that he could give him money...

He came to the only inn in town and planned to stay here for one night, but he needed to register his household registration and directions. There was no cloud view, and he couldn't even add money. Even when he asked for more money, the innkeeper looked at him with suspicion and scrutiny.

Yunjing was speechless, said goodbye and left, we couldn't stay any longer.

He is not so bored that he relies on his skills to torment ordinary people. It is not easy for anyone, so why bother.

As a result, as soon as he left, the store owner reported to the authorities that a stranger had come to town. Who knew if he was a bad person? It would be better to let the authorities investigate. Soon there were government officials looking for Yun Jing everywhere.

The entire Yunjing was speechless. Are the people here too closed-minded? Is there anyone who knows how to practice martial arts? Who is responsible if he draws his sword in anger?

No matter what, as long as Yunjing doesn't want to, no one here can find him. He came to the beach to prepare for a night. Maybe it would be good to fall asleep listening to the sound of the waves, but I don't know if it will be too noisy.

On an empty beach, Yunjing casually arranged a small magic array, and then smelted the sand to make a hut. Looking towards the sea, a lobster as long as an arm flew quickly, followed by a crab as big as a basin, and then again.

A big abalone, I can just eat these at night and deal with it casually.

Wood-fired cooking utensils and seasonings are not a problem for him and he can handle them easily. He even takes chili seeds with him when he goes out to ripen them on the spot.

It didn't take long for the fragrant seafood dinner to be ready, and a pot of fine wine to start.

While enjoying life, Yunjing was not idle. He spread his mind to collect the information he wanted, saying sorry in his heart and looking through official documents.

However, after collecting information, Yunjing did not find any records or discussions about the Dragon Kingdom, including other towns within the scope of his telepathy. In other words, no one in this area has heard of the Dragon Kingdom at all.

Having expected it in advance, Yun Jing could not be said to be disappointed.

But what surprised him a little was that there were actually three innate warriors in this rather big town.

Isn’t this ridiculous? Three innate warriors in a small town with more than a thousand people? There are more than a dozen in a radius of thousands of miles. There is not even one true artistic conception, but there are three here in cooperation?

Of the three innate warriors, one is from the government, one is from the richest family in the town, and the remaining one is an old fisherman who looks honest and good-natured.

The fisherman, in particular, looked like he was easy to bully, and he was hiding his secrets.

People all hide their innate warriors, so it makes sense that he has a very beautiful granddaughter.

What surprised Yunjing the most was that he actually saw an acquaintance in this town!

"The last time I let him go was at the beginning of the year. It's been less than a year, and Bai Wenhao's cultivation level was sealed by me. How did he come here from Sanluo territory across millions of miles? Especially his eyes are still there

"I'm blind." Yunjing couldn't help but blinked and muttered after seeing an acquaintance.

This was too unexpected. He had never thought that he would meet Bai Wenhao here before. He thought he was still hanging around in the corner of San Luo.

After thinking about it, Yunjing felt that he was not very surprised. Although Bai Wenhao was sealed by himself and his eyes were still blind, after all, he was the proud son of heaven from the Dragon Kingdom in the late stage of True Illusion. His physique and martial arts experience were there.

, Don’t even think about doing anything to him. With his condition, it is estimated that some true artistic conception can be manipulated.

"Martial arts cultivation is only one aspect. His foundation is still there, and the experience and wisdom in his head is still there. With proper operation, it is not impossible to get here. If there is a ferocious bird flying with him, he can cross millions of people in half a year.

It's normal for him to come here. After all, he is from the Dragon Kingdom and he probably wants to go back to the Dragon Kingdom."

With thoughts flickering in his mind, Yunjing was thinking, should he go say hello to him? He was going back to the Dragon Kingdom, and he wanted to go as well. It seemed like a good idea to go with him?

However, because of Lu Wu's troubles, he had a falling out with Mr. Tang and the others, and the relationship was a bit awkward.

"It seems that it would be good to go with him. It saves me from searching aimlessly. But Mr. Tang died in my hands after all, and there are Lu Wu and the others. Going to Long Country may be a bit troublesome."

Yunjing couldn't help but pondered. He was not arrogant enough to challenge the Dragon Kingdom alone, but he was not afraid. After all, the storms and waves were coming, and the Dragon Kingdom could not turn the whole country against him because of Mr. Tang. Besides, Mr. Tang

Don't he have any enemies? His enemies may even entertain him warmly if they know that he died in their own hands.

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and Yunjing decided to contact Bai Wenhao. It would be best if he could go with him. As for the rest, he would talk about it later.

But don't contact me immediately, let's do it the next day, when everyone is resting.

"Tsk, if you don't say that the gold can be spent anywhere, Bai Wenhao is handsome, and his conversation and knowledge are not bad. He is both civil and military. It is difficult for such a man to keep a low profile, so he attracts women.

It’s normal. There is no shortage of girls to like excellent people. As long as they are good enough, it is terrifying for girls to take the initiative.”

After discovering Bai Wenhao, Yun Jing quickly got a rough idea of ​​his current situation.

He was actually at the home of that low-key fisherman with innate cultivation. It was said to be a home, but in fact it was just a small fishing boat.

The fisherman's family consists of two parents: a grandfather and a grandson. The granddaughter is seventeen or eighteen years old. She is at the age where she is ready to have sex. She has a sweet appearance and a wheat-colored skin. She is probably from being in the water often. She has a graceful figure. Even a blind man can tell what Bai Wenhao is thinking.


The girl not only made Bai Wenhao's bed and quilt, but also washed his face and feet herself, which made her grandfather look at the kitchen knife many times, as if he couldn't help but reveal his cultivation and kill someone.

However, my granddaughter is older and has reached the age of getting married. When she meets a man she likes, she will naturally be like a moth to a flame. But this is a blind man. Can she live a good life with him? It’s sad...

Yunjing judged from a brief understanding that the old fisherman must have had a past. The fact that he did not have a son or daughter-in-law is enough to explain the problem. He did not know why he came here to live in seclusion. His granddaughter obviously did not know that he was an innate warrior. The old man even

His granddaughter lied to him, so it’s normal that other people in the town don’t know his situation.

Why are you hiding the true situation of your granddaughter? I guess you don’t want your granddaughter to be beaten and killed. She is frustrated and wants to live a stable life when she gets old.

Bai Wenhao knew the old man's cultivation. After all, although he was blind, he was not stupid. He still had experience and could analyze the old man's background from a few details. However, Bai Wenhao was pretending not to know and did not reveal anything.

"Bai Wenhao didn't refuse the girl's kindness. Judging from the brief contact, he is not the kind of person who plays with girls and refuses to admit it. So is he in love with the girl? I don't know what he has been through during this time.

, I can ask if we get along well with each other tomorrow."

As for the proud man from the Dragon Kingdom, he even has the protection of the mythical realm like Mr. Tang. If nothing else, he has a high chance of setting foot in the mythical realm in the future. It is really surprising that Bai Wenhao is willing to accept an ordinary woman.

He must have experienced a lot during this period, otherwise the fates of him and that woman would be two parallel lines, and the identity gap would be too big.

That is to say, after discovering Bai Wenhao, Yunjing paid a little attention and didn't pay too much attention. He didn't like the headache of prying into other people's privacy.

After retracting his thoughts, Bai Wenhao was already here, so there was no need to continue searching for information about the Dragon Kingdom. Then Yunjing had a good time eating abalone, lobster and crab.

Looking at the sea, Yunjing pursed his lips. There were a lot of good ingredients in it, including lobsters that were more than ten meters long. They were simply exquisite.


Yun Jing's eyes were dazzled, and the rifle on his arm rushed out like lightning and rushed into the sea. After going deep into the seabed, it turned into a huge mouth of a thousand meters and swallowed sea creatures. It also wanted to eat, and ordinary prey was not enough for it to fit between its teeth.

"Come back when you're full, don't scare people," Yunjing told him. After eating and drinking, he fell asleep listening to the sound of the waves. He thought to himself that Laifu had injuries on his body. Why don't he go into the sea water and scratch it?

No matter what, Yunjing didn't care that much. Laifu's adaptability was still very strong. It was probably the first time he was exposed to sea water, but he got used to it quickly.

After a good night's sleep, Laifu didn't know when he came back in the middle of the night. He didn't disturb Yunjing and continued to rest in his sleeve to recover from his injuries.

The next day Yunjing woke up refreshed. Except for the ocean, the land was covered in silver, and the cold wind howled and almost turned to ice.

The people in the town started a new day of life, and it didn't look like a beautiful picture.

The life of the people at the bottom is too difficult. Even in this snowy day, there are actually many fishermen setting up boats to go to sea. If they fall into the sea, the consequences will be disastrous. Even if they catch cold and get sick, the poor people will be destroyed directly.

The beauty of the world has never been related to the poor. In order to survive, they had to risk their lives to go to the sea to make a living in such weather.

Yunjing noticed that the boat Bai Wenhao was on also sailed away from the shore and entered the sea. What made Yunjing slightly stunned was that after his boat went a certain distance into the sea, the girl wearing some kind of fish skin-specific clothes took a deep breath.

A man jumped into the sea.

"It turns out she is a pearl diver," Yun Jing suddenly realized. But in such a cold weather, she went into the sea to look for pearls. Would she die?

When the girl entered the sea, Yun Jing clearly saw a distressed look on Bai Wenhao's face, but he actually didn't stop him. It's just that you experience life as an ordinary person or a blind person. You won't get too involved in the drama, right?


With your ability, isn’t it easy for people to live a good life?

Yunjing didn't know what Bai Wenhao was thinking, and he didn't bother to worry about it so much.

They were all out to sea, and it would be rude to just jump into someone else's boat. Yunjing waited for them to come back before visiting, made breakfast, and got a bluefin tuna from the sea to eat raw. Not to mention, it was pretty good.

Yun Jing was not idle while waiting after the meal, so he got some paper and pen to continue to improve and summarize what he had learned.

At noon, Bai Wenhao and the others came back. Yunjing erased the traces he had made and walked towards the fishing boat holding an oil-paper umbrella.

Walking with an umbrella under the clouds in the wind and snow, it looks like a scroll of ink flowers. The premise is that you ignore the scenes of poor life around you.

People subconsciously ignored him. This was Yunjing's deliberate decision, but Bai Wenhao and the others were not among them.

As Yun Jing approached, Bai Wenhao was the first to notice it. Although his cultivation was blocked by Yun Jing, his experience in identifying locations by hearing sounds was still there. Of course, he could not hide the presence of a person approaching in a small area, but after all, he had already

He is blind, and Yunjing's approach is no different from that of ordinary people. Of course, it is impossible to recognize Yunjing, and he can only think that someone is passing by.

Secondly, the person who discovered Yunjing was the low-key fisherman. Yunjing's demeanor was so outstanding that he couldn't help but look at it one more time, then at Bai Wenhao, and then at his granddaughter. He couldn't help but think that if he wanted to find his daughter,

Looking for someone like this, there is no future if you follow a blind man.

Her granddaughter accidentally saw Yun Jing, looked at it curiously, and finally stopped paying attention and continued to greet Bai Wenhao. She probably thought that Bai Wenhao was the best in the world, and no one could compare with him.

Well, many people have the best person in the world in their lives, but some people lose it while walking...

They didn't care about Yunjing at first, but when they found out that Yunjing's target was clearly them, besides the girl, Bai Wenhao and the fisherman couldn't ignore it.

The fishermen, who had hidden their cultivation and kept a low profile, became alert. From the corner of their eyes, they glanced at the weapons in the hidden compartments on the shipboard, wondering if an enemy might be coming. After hiding for so many years, has this day come yet? He should teach his granddaughter how to practice martial arts.

Yes, what would she do if something happened to her? Then the blind man has no hope.

Bai Wenhao pretended not to take it seriously. Blindfolded with a white cloth, he turned his head slightly to pay attention to the direction of the cloud scene. If an evil guest really came to the door, even though his cultivation level was blocked, not just any cat or dog would be able to act recklessly in front of him.

When he came closer, Yunjing stopped and saluted and said: "I took the liberty of visiting you without any prior notice. I hope you can forgive me. Please don't misunderstand me. I don't mean any harm."

The old fisherman felt a little relieved. It wasn't just his enemies who came to visit him. If they were really enemies, they wouldn't be so polite. He knew what his enemies were like, and meeting them would definitely not be so comforting. However, he did not relax his vigilance.

As the head of the family, he looked at Yun Jing with an honest look, nervous and reserved, his acting skills were deeply rooted in his bones, and he said cautiously: "Well, are you here to see us? I don't know you either, but what's wrong with you?

Do you need us? Besides fishing, you don’t know how to do anything else..."

"This voice... you...?" Bai Wenhao heard Yun Jing speak and faced him in surprise.

How could he forget Yunjing's voice? It just didn't make sense. How could Yunjing appear in this remote place? He was a little unsure. It was inconvenient to be blind.

The old fisherman subconsciously looked at Bai Wenhao. His granddaughter helped him say what he wanted to say. She pulled Bai Wenhao's clothes and asked curiously: "Brother Bai, is this someone you know?"

"I can't see it, I can't be sure for the moment," Bai Wenhao shook his head.

The old fisherman felt melancholy, granddaughter, what good is a blind person? If you can't see anything, you are blind.

Yun Jing looked at Bai Wenhao and said calmly: "Brother Bai, you guessed it right, it's me. Long time no see."

You really know someone. Although this blind man is blind, his conversation is different from ordinary people, and his appearance is dignified. It is normal to meet such an eye-catching young man, and the tone of his voice is not bad. His thoughts are flashing, and the old fisherman puts away his vigilance.

Most of it.

His granddaughter stopped talking. After all, she was a guest and she had the right to speak.

The old fisherman's newly relaxed vigilance was raised again with Bai Wenhao's words, and Bai Wenhao said in a melancholy tone: "Brother Yun, are you worried about coming to eradicate the weeds because I want to return home? If so, just do it.

, but I hope you don’t hurt them. They have not offended you, and I have not revealed any information about myself to them. I will not threaten you.”

'What are their identities? They sound like old friends, but they are still enemies? Wait, what is Bai Wenhao's identity? In his tone, he doesn't even mean to resist and just waits for death. What kind of enemies are they? Hey, right?

Well, if he died in the hands of his enemies, wouldn't my granddaughter not have to follow a blind man? But then my granddaughter would be sad. How can this be done? Do you want me to help him take down his enemies? He survived.

My granddaughter is devoted to him, will she jump into a pit of fire in the future? It’s too difficult.’ The old fisherman thought a lot at once, and his inner drama was quite rich.

The girl behind Bai Wenhao suddenly became anxious when she heard what he said. She actually stood up to protect him behind her. She glared at Yun Jing and said, "If anything happens, come to me. Don't hurt Brother Bai." She said

He did not forget to say to Bai Wenhao: "Brother Bai, leave quickly. I will help you stop him even if I die."

Yun Jing was a little embarrassed by this matter, and said to Bai Wenhao: "Brother Bai misunderstood, do you still remember what I said back then? Do you think I am the kind of person who goes back on my words?"

"...Since Brother Yun is not here to eradicate the root cause, why are you here?" Bai Wenhao said calmly, whether it was a previous misunderstanding or the misunderstanding was resolved, he remained calm.

Smiling, Yun Jing said: "Won't you invite me to sit down?"

This chapter has been completed!
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