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Chapter 78 husband and wife

Withdrawing his gaze, Yunjing placed a branch in the stove and watched it being ignited. Wisps of smoke rose up, and the burning place slowly turned into ashes. The branch in his hand also became shorter...

He watched the branches burning in his hands without saying a word, while Jiang Susu over there was busy cooking without saying a word.

Just at this moment, Yunshan walked in with a packed chicken, and immediately shouted to Yunjing: "Xiaojing, go take care of your brother, he has taken all the hair off the horse's neck."

He lost a lot, but the horse was docile, and Brother Liu was watching, otherwise he might have been bitten."

"Dad, you are still Xiaodong's father, why don't you care?" Yunjing looked at his father and said speechlessly.

Yunshan glared and said, "Just go if I tell you to. Where did all this nonsense come from!"

Can he tell Yunjing that because he is not familiar with Liu Dazhuang and the others, he is too embarrassed to go over and blame Yundong? And my son, you are what they call Master Yun. If you don't come forward at this time, who will?

"Okay." Yunjing suddenly stood up and patted his butt without temper and went out.

Who told him to be the father? At this time, even if he talks back and gets beaten, he can't find any reason to reason. There is no need for a reason for a father to beat his son, it is completely justified.

Being interrupted by Yun Shan slightly diluted the mother and son's subtle bad mood.

Watching Yun Jing leave, Yun Shan grinned a little proudly. It doesn't matter whether you will be a scholar in the future, or whether you will be the young master that others call you, your father and I will still be your father, and you still have to listen to me!

Then Yunshan was a little depressed again, hey, when his son becomes a scholar in the future, it won’t be easy to beat him...

Yunshan turned around and walked towards Jiang Susu. He wanted to say that you would stew the chicken later, but when he saw his wife's eyes were red and she was still crying, he suddenly became anxious and asked: "Daughter-in-law, what's wrong with you? Yes."

Isn't that brat angry with you? I'll beat him up when I turn around, and he'll do it again if he goes against the grain!"

"No, his dad, Xiaojing is not angry with me. He will be a scholar in the future, so don't beat him up at every turn." Jiang Susu wiped her eyes and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Yunshan said: "I'm just talking about scaring. Except for the time when he played with fire when he was more than two years old, when did I beat him?" After a pause, Yunshan said again: "Xiao Jing is really not angry with you.


Recalling the scene when Yunjing was beaten in the yard, Jiang Susu still felt a little distressed even though it had been many years. Yunjing had been beaten only once since she was born. She said: "Xiaojing is really not angry with me."

"Then why are you crying?" Yunshan looked at her worriedly and asked.

Shaking her head, Jiang Susu's eyes were a little dazed, and she tried hard to organize her words to express her feelings, saying: "I just...just, um, yes, I'm just a little sad."

"Ah?" Yunshan didn't understand.

Immediately, he thought secretly in his heart, the word "sadness" used by his wife is so good. From now on, if I am in a bad mood, I will say that I am sad. Hey, this word is really good.

Not knowing what her husband was thinking, Jiang Susu breathed out softly and recalled with her eyes: "When Xiaojing was born, he was so big and small. We had to take care of him even when he was urinating, peeing, and eating. But in the blink of an eye, he

He is so old, I don’t remember when he started to gradually no longer need us to take care of these little things, and he will go to the town to study in the future, so I can’t see him wandering around in front of me all day long, and I feel empty...


Having said this, she looked at Yunshan and said with a sore nose: "The child's father, do you think he will gradually no longer need our care in the future?"

Hearing these words, Yunshan originally had a carefree personality, but now he opened his mouth but couldn't speak. His throat seemed to be blocked by something.

He was a little irritated, shook his head and muttered: "Why don't we take care of him? We won't be able to help him get a wife in the future, and we won't be able to help take care of his children in the future? There are still many places where he needs us."

"That's right." Jiang Susu smiled, and then said: "Now he gradually doesn't need our care anymore, but he can take care of us. I don't know much about it, but I can tell that he worships Mr. Li as his disciple."

, our family will undergo many unimaginable changes in the future. In the blink of an eye, he will grow up and will be the backbone of this family in the future."

"Children will always grow up," said Yunshan, who was irritated. He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. This feeling came out of nowhere, and he couldn't figure out why he felt this way.

Nodding, Jiang Susu said: "Yes, children always have to grow up, but we are getting older..."

"Daughter-in-law, you are not old. You are still so young and can give birth to children. How can you be old?" Yunshan looked at her swollen belly and grinned.

Her cheeks were slightly red, and Jiang Susu rolled her eyes at him angrily and said, "That's not a good idea."

"I will always be with you," Yunshan touched Jiang Susu with his shoulder and said seriously while looking at the corner of her eyes.

Looking at her husband, Jiang Susu suddenly realized that at some point, her husband's eyes had wrinkles. The young man who had grinned and handed her two pieces of coarse grain cakes had unknowingly become...

This family has worked hard in silence, and now it looks old...

"Brother Shan, I have no regrets about marrying you in this life. Really, I am so proud that I gave birth to two sons for you. Didn't I let you down?" Jiang Susu touched her belly and said, thinking that I would still give birth to you.

A child.

Yunshan grinned brightly and said: "How can you be disappointed? It's not too late to be happy. You have fed the two children so well..." After saying this, he looked at Jiang Susu's belly and said with some guilt and distress: "

I have worked hard for you all these years, but I am incompetent and let you suffer with me."

"What did Brother Shan say? Isn't it hard? Isn't this how everyone lives? Although our family is not rich, you have not let us go hungry over the years. This is already good." Jiang Susu recalled these years.

Marrying Yunshan's life, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There is a house to live in, even if it is shabby, there is food to eat, even if it is not very good and sometimes there is not enough to eat, there is a husband to accompany him, even though he is not good at talking and has no great skills, there are children around him, and they are growing up healthily...

This kind of life is not unsatisfactory for Jiang Susu. She is really contented. She has experienced hardship and suffering, and she really doesn't dare to expect too much.

She had dreamed countless times about the disaster in her home. The bloody scene frightened her, but after she woke up from the fright, she felt so safe when she saw her husband next to her.

Yunshan scratched his head and didn't know what to say. He was not good at words and couldn't say anything nice. He also knew that he had no ability. For this family, his wife and children, he could only silently work hard...

Looking at Yunshan who was scratching his head, Jiang Susu smiled and said: "Brother Shan, go and light the fire, the fire is almost out."


With a reply, Yunshan came to the stove and took the place of Yunjing...

This chapter has been completed!
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