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Chapter 801 Same Fate, Different Fate

There are several plates of delicacies and a jug of fine wine, and one person drinks alone. The dining room is empty, and no one urges you to drink another glass of wine.

Yunjing was not someone who liked melancholy, but his taste was "bland". He tasted and drank briefly, but it was quite boring, so he called the waiter to pay the bill.

"My guest, there are three silver and twenty-three coppers in total," the waiter glanced at and said with a smile.

There are not many food and drinks in Yun Ding Scenic Spot, and it is not even considered an average consumption level for this store. The price is really a bit expensive, but considering that this is the imperial capital of the Dragon Kingdom, high consumption is normal, so I didn’t hesitate, so I paid for it.

Money pays bills.

It is as much as it should be. If you don't give more, you won't give less. It can only be said that Yunjing has not developed the habit of giving rewards due to family reasons since he was a child. This is not the time to earn face and show his grace.

The waiter didn't show the slightest hint of "Why are you being so impatient" when he took the money? Instead, he pondered a little and asked, "I'd like to ask the guest, but the food and wine are not to your liking?"

"Why did you say this?" Yun Jing asked curiously.

The waiter said: "I saw that your guest has quite a lot left... Uh, sir, don't get me wrong, our shopkeeper has told us that we will inquire about such situations and make improvements next time so that your guest can eat comfortably when he comes again."

Yun Jing understood and thought that this shop was doing business with care, so he smiled and said: "It's not that the food and wine are not to my liking, it's just that I'm not interested in eating them alone, so I'll give it up."

"That's good, that's good. Well, sir, the remaining food and wine haven't been used much. Can we give it to those who have difficulty in living after we withdraw?" the waiter asked after hesitation.

Putting away his smile, Yunjing said seriously: "The store owner is very righteous and does everything he wants, so please do as you please."

"Thank you, sir. Please go slowly. Please come back next time..."

After leaving the hotel, Yunjing looked back and thought that if there were more shops like this in the world, there might be a lot more warmth.

In fact, most people in this world are kind-hearted.

If you have free time, slow down a little and look around you. You may inadvertently find a lot of things worth savoring, which may have nothing to do with your own life, but are part of the beauty of the world...

Wandering on the street, Yun Jing has no clear goal. It doesn't matter where he goes. Maybe there will be a surprise around the corner?

Where do so many surprises come from? As far as the eye can see, they are just countless ordinary lives that are normal and repeated. In fact, most people in this era are repeating the past day after day, with almost no changes, and some even have descendants.

They all live the same life.

Passing by a cloth shop, Yunjing stepped in and soon came out with a small package. The Consulate Office had determined that he had to put up the flag of Li Guo as soon as possible. Currently, he was the only one in Long Country, so he had to buy the materials and make it by himself.

Yes, it’s just a matter of effort.

After walking and walking, turning a few streets, Yun Jing slowed down slightly, and Gein saw a scene that made him fall into memories.

He is not a person who likes to live in the past, because some of his past experiences were too profound.

At this time, what he saw was a scene of selling paintings on the street. A young man in his twenties set up a stall on the street. There were hundreds of ink paintings hanging on the shelves behind them, swaying slightly in the wind and making a loud sound.

There is a rustling sound, and the fragrance of ink is hidden in the wind.

The young man was obviously a scholar, and he should have poured the ink on those paintings himself. No one was interested in his stall, but he didn't care at all. He splashed the ink leisurely with a brush, silent in his own world.

This scene reminded Yun Jing of the days when he and his master went to town to sell calligraphy for a living when he was a child. At that time, the master also set up such a stall, but the business was not good. When no one was around, the master was reading in front, and he was in the back.

Use a slate dipped in water to practice calligraphy.

I still remember what the master said at the beginning, as long as you concentrate on studying and achieve success, no matter what, at least you will have no problem making a living. Then the master used practical actions to take Yunjing to understand how scholars support their families...

This time, it was not that I was moved by the scene, but that I felt the passage of time. Unknowingly, more than ten years had passed.

When I was a child, my family was very miserable. Yunjing hoped that time would go faster. When he grew up early, he would be able to share some of the burden with the family. At that time, time seemed to be crawling at a snail, so slow. But looking back, it was already time.


Too many things have changed inadvertently. What was originally just a goal to help the family share the burden has now become a goal of hoping that the family will be healthy and live a long life.

In fact, it was not that he was moved by the scene, but Yunjing still walked over and stood at the edge to stop and watch. He didn't know who was painting, and he didn't care about the other person's cultivation level. He just wanted to slow down a little, that's all.

The young man who was painting didn't care that Yun Jing was watching, and maybe he didn't even notice his presence. He focused entirely on the painting in front of him.

What he paints is not freehand landscapes, but the simplest human fireworks in this city. Regardless of his painting skills, there always seems to be something familiar in his paintings.

After watching for a moment, Yunjing looked away and looked at the scrolls on the shelf behind him. After looking at them, Yunjing understood that the young man who painted probably did not set up a stall in a certain place every day, because his paintings could almost be found.


It should be said that his paintings were recording the capital of the Dragon Kingdom. Yun Jing did not try to speculate whether he had ulterior motives. After all, those paintings had references. They were simply putting the details of the capital of the Dragon Kingdom on paper. However, the officials of the Dragon Kingdom did not care. He

Why bother with this?

After a moment, Yunjing withdrew his attention from the painting and looked across the street. The noise there slightly attracted his attention.

Across the street was a medical clinic, and it was quite large. At this time, many people subconsciously swarmed away, making noisy and unbelievable sounds.

"Actually alive? How is this possible? The hospital has already declared him dead."

"That's because the person is lucky and didn't listen to the people at the medical center. They were helpless. The patient recovered on his own as soon as he took a breath..."

From people's conversations, Yunjing quickly learned what happened. An old man in his 60s or 70s was afraid that his house would be crushed by the snow because of the snow. He was setting up a ladder to clear the snow and accidentally fell.

When he came down, he was dying on the spot. He was sent to the hospital by a kind neighbor, but it was too late and he died quickly. He was declared dead. He actually mentioned it in one breath, and he was not even seriously injured.

It attracted people around to watch.

A dead person comes back to life again, even if it doesn't last long, but this kind of thing is too unexpected for ordinary people, and it is inevitable to be curious.

With everyone watching, the old man who survived the catastrophe was confirmed to be fine under the doctor's examination. Then he confiscated his money, ordered him to be subjected to heavy physical labor for a period of observation, and sent him to the door.

Standing in the crowd, people were watching. The old man with many patches on his clothes looked around, feeling a little helpless. There was gratitude in his eyes, but he could not find anyone who was grateful.

The neighbors who sent him here have long since left. They are ordinary people. It was an act of kindness and righteousness to send him to the hospital. They could not afford his medical expenses, let alone take care of his future life, so they could only leave silently.

But for the old man, the neighbor's kindness may not be of much help, but it is equivalent to a life-saving grace.

Unable to find anyone to be grateful to, the microscopic old man wanted to leave, but because his 'resurrection from death' incident was too bizarre, people surrounded him and could not escape for a while.

"Did he really die before? But I think he is obviously fine. Except for a little blood stain, he looks like a fine person."

"That's still fake. The medical center declared him dead. Many people saw it with their own eyes."

"You are blessed with great fortune..."

While people were talking, someone asked him: "Old man, you are like this, where is your family?"

The old man was cautious and anxious, with a hint of bitterness on his face. Then he subconsciously said calmly: "My family is gone. My wife left early, and my two sons died in the army one after another. I am the only one left."

When he said this, there was not much pain on his face. He had obviously looked away from it. No matter how much pain he experienced, as long as he was still alive, life would always continue. As time went by, he would get used to it.

Hearing that he was alone, many people around him sympathized somewhat, but there were too many such people in the world, and people themselves had a hard time, so they could only sympathize.

Someone asked curiously: "Old man, I don't mean anything else. Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious. They say you will go to hell after death. Have you...have you seen it before?"

"I haven't seen it. In fact, it's just like falling asleep. What kind of hell is there? If there is a hell, isn't this the human world? Okay, everyone, please give me some permission. I have to go back and delay everyone.

I’m really sorry for the time.”

After hearing his plain words, for some reason, the people around him said nothing for a while, subconsciously getting out of the way and watching his old figure slowly leave.

He was alone and helpless, he almost died and there was no one watching over him. It said 'when he died' as if he was asleep. What kind of hell is there? If there is one, then this world is...

This scene was just an insignificant microcosm of the human world. Soon after, people gradually dispersed. At most, it was only mentioned on a small scale in a short period of time. As time passed, such things were naturally forgotten.

"Brother, after looking at him for so long, are you pitying the old man? From what I see, brother, he is not rich and powerful, but I think the insignificant help will not make him poor. Why don't you catch up? Don't get me wrong, I'm not using words to express my feelings.

To inspire you, people's good deeds originate from the heart, and if external interference causes the original intention to be lost, I am not talented. Although my family is not rich, I sell paintings for a living, but I still have some savings. I plan to do my best to express my feelings."

At this time, these words came from Yunjing's side.

The person who spoke was a young man selling paintings. I don’t know when he had put down his pen and ink. While talking, he had already taken out his wallet and counted the money. He counted two big silver coins and dozens of copper coins. After thinking about it, he felt uncomfortable taking them.

After a while, I kept looking at the leaving old man from the corner of my eye.

Yunjing could tell that he was not being generous to others, but that he was curious about how he had been watching for so long but was indifferent. He was just curious, and there was no other emotion like you being so indifferent, and his own actions

, obviously intending to do some good deeds within his ability.

Looking back, Yunjing slightly cupped his hands and said, "This brother is so polite." After a pause, Yunjing continued while he raised his head and nodded: "It's not that I don't have sympathy, life is not easy for everyone, but

I don’t think the old man is pitiful.”

"Oh? The old man's words compared the world to hell. Although I don't know what he has gone through, he felt sad when he heard it. But my brother didn't feel pitiful?" The young man asked in surprise after hearing this.

He really didn't mean any harm, Yun Jing could still feel this, but he was more surprised.

Nodding, Yunjing said: "Where does the word pitiful come from? Is this man planning to give the old man some financial help?"

"Yes, does this have anything to do with the old man's suffering?" the young man said calmly.

After thinking for a while, Yun Jing said: "If I say that my brother has given him financial help, the old man is really pitiful. Will you beat me?"

"What do you mean by this?" The young man suddenly frowned.

Looking at the back of the old man who had gone away, Yun Jing said calmly: "People are living well in suffering. Your financial help is only temporary, but what about in the future? It is very difficult to give people hope and then have no follow-up.

Isn't it a cruel approach? In this way, does Xiongtai feel that the old man is more pitiful?"

"This...", the young man was at a loss for a moment.

It was a kind act to give the old man some financial help as much as he could, but Yun Jing's words left him at a loss. Yes, people have received good things in suffering, but the temporary help has no follow-up, how cruel, that is

It's truly pitiful.

Looking away, Yun Jing looked at him and said in deep thought: "Brother, you may have misunderstood me. There is nothing wrong with good deeds. In my humble opinion, unwarranted good deeds may be inappropriate. What do you think?"

Recalling the old man before, the young man thought thoughtfully. The old man has become accustomed to his own life. In fact, he does not need unwarranted charity. The greatest sympathy is not to disturb his life. If you cannot give follow-up, don't impose temporary happiness.

For him, those days that would make the other person peaceful bring back painful memories.

Does the elderly need help? They definitely do, but do they ask for it? No!

Thinking of this, the young man stood up, saluted Yunjing and said, "I have learned a lesson."

"My dear friend, I'm serious, I apologize if I've disturbed you. I'll take my leave." Yun Jing returned the greeting, then nodded and left.

He also sympathized with the old man. Not disturbing his normal life was the greatest help. Of course, Yunjing didn't do anything. He helped him take care of his health secretly, so there was no need to say it out loud...

Looking at Yun Jing's leaving figure, the young man murmured: "I learned a lot after listening to your words, and I almost did something bad."

Immediately, he looked in the direction where the old man left and silently put away his money bag. Being kind is certainly a good thing, but it depends on the situation.

By the way, I actually forgot that there is mutual communication.

Thinking of this, the young man raised his head and looked around. Is there still Yun Jing there?

So the young man thought in his mind that such a person should not be unknown, and there should be a chance to see him again...

Yunjing left without worrying too much about the previous events. In fact, if one pays attention, similar experiences can be found everywhere around everyone.

Next, Yunjing walked through the streets and alleys. If he met someone he was interested in, he would stop for a while, but most of them would just take a look around.

However, he was not wandering completely aimlessly. He tried his best to collect the information he wanted along the way, and his main focus was on the situation of foreign monsters.

Regarding the monsters coming from foreign lands, it is no longer a secret among the dragon people. It can be said that everyone knows it. There are many people discussing this matter, but how can I put it? Generally speaking, most of them have a feeling that it is not their own business.

A high-spirited attitude, after all, no matter how rampant the foreign monsters are, the capital of the Dragon Kingdom has not been affected at all.

Without personal experience, who can personally understand the disasters caused by exotic monsters.

The people in the capital of the Dragon Kingdom are lucky. There is a powerful country behind them, and foreign monsters cannot even come here to cause trouble.

Of course, the Dragon Kingdom does not lack people with lofty ideals. There are many people who hate foreign monsters to the core, and there are also many people who are taking the lead. They are using their own methods to resist the disasters caused by foreign monsters.

Generally speaking, the impact of foreign monsters on this country is just that, it is only insignificant local turmoil at best. This country is too powerful, with countless strange people and strangers, and so far it has not been able to affect the overall stability of the Dragon Kingdom.

Compared to a country like Dali, the existence of foreign monsters is dangerous to the point of annihilation of the country, but in the capital of the Dragon Kingdom, they can't even affect people's normal lives. The people here are too happy.

"Perhaps for the Dragon Kingdom, the harm of foreign civilizations is not enough to shake the foundation, but it gives this invincible country something to do. In this case, is it correct for me to come to the Dragon Kingdom to seek a complete solution to the curse on the human race?


From the reactions of the people in the Dragon Kingdom, Yunjing analyzed the indifferent attitude of most people, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Thinking about the monsters that came to the Dragon Kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom itself was capable of completely wiping them out. After all, a year ago, the Dragon Kingdom could send a large number of people to all parties to help small and weak countries, but why didn't they do that? Is it really what I thought?

In that case, it would be too lonely to be invincible in the Dragon Kingdom. Taking advantage of this opportunity to stretch your muscles should be used as military training?

"Excuse me, please. There are many of us so we don't get separated. I apologize if I have offended you in any way."

A word from behind brought Yunjing back to his thoughts. It wasn't that he had lost his vigilance when he was thinking about things. It was just that the road was so wide that he never thought that he would block other people's way.

Yunjing didn't feel offended by this. He wasn't that angry yet. People were polite and it was convenient for others, so he didn't block others when he stepped forward.

At first glance, I saw a large group of people, ten or twenty people, most of whom were guard maids, and many of them were people of true artistic conception. They were surrounded by a young man who was looking around curiously.

After they passed by, there were people talking a lot.

“I don’t know which young master is traveling, but he is surrounded by people, but his attitude is quite good, not so aggressive, and does not make people feel bored.”

"Aren't you talking nonsense? The richer the family, the better."

"That's wrong. The same rice feeds all kinds of people, and not all people from wealthy families are well-educated. But don't forget where this place is, under the emperor's feet. Who knows who may seem ordinary but have a useful background?

It’s better to keep everything low-key, right?”

"It makes sense. By the way, has anyone figured out who they are?"

"What status... Look at their clothes, hey, they are actually princes. No wonder they are surrounded by a large number of people when they go out."

"How did you see that?"

"I have an old cousin who works in a government office. He explained this to me and I could see it at a glance."

"It turns out he is the prince."

"Stop your envious expression. He's just a prince. What's the fuss about? Do you deserve to be so envious?"

"Isn't it worthy of envy?"

"Forget it, in the capital of our Dragon Kingdom, it might be an exaggeration to say that the status of a prince is not valuable at all, but you really don't take it too seriously!"

"Brother, please elaborate."

"It's very simple. In the capital city of our Dragon Kingdom, there are not only 10,000 but also 8,000 princes. Oh yes, the same goes for the so-called princesses. There are so many that you are no longer surprised. Believe it or not, you can at least walk around for a day.

Met dozens of princes and princesses!”

"Ah this..."

"That's right, they are just princes and princesses from small countries who come here to gain experience. Don't take it too seriously. If they have the same status as princes and princesses, it's because our Dragon Kingdom has a high gold content. Those from small countries don't care about it at all.


"I understand. The princes and princesses of those small countries are probably planning to come to our Dragon Kingdom to form a marriage relationship if they have the opportunity. If they can marry the royal family, tsk tsk, those small countries will not be able to soar into the sky."

"What are you thinking about? Those small countries are worthy of intermarriage with the royal family. If they can intermarry with a certain aristocratic family, it will be a big deal."

"Well, that makes sense."

"Also, I might as well let you understand that in fact, the princes and princesses of small countries will not stay in the consul's residence unless there are special circumstances. Think about it, if they don't come out and walk around, who will know them? And when they walk around,

If you become famous and attract attention, there is no chance for you to climb Gaozhi."


"Speaking of which, the princes and princesses of our Dragon Kingdom don't have enough points for themselves, so where will it be their turn?"

"Then they didn't come in vain?"

"If you don't come here in vain, if you can't climb high, then there are other options. Let me tell you, forget about those princes of small countries, especially those princesses of small countries, who try every means to dress themselves up to make their presence felt, and just look forward to it.

There is a chance that someone from a wealthy family will take notice of him.”

"If you say that, aren't those princesses from small countries getting paid for nothing?"

"Hehe, you know, it's a pity that we don't have the ability, otherwise we would also like to taste what it's like to be a princess."

"Hiss, you actually eat people!"

"Bah, you're the one who eats people..."

Listening to the discussions around him, Yun Jing couldn't help but laugh and cry. Good guy, the status of a prince and princess is so noble. However, although it cannot be said to be worthless in the imperial capital of the Dragon Kingdom, it has become an object of ridicule among the common people.

There is no way around it. There are so many so-called princes and princesses gathered together that you might be able to hit one by throwing a brick into the crowd.

Look at people's indifferent attitude. The identity of the prince and princess is too shameless. Of course, the prince and princess of the Dragon Kingdom itself are another matter.

Having said that, let alone the princes and princesses of small countries, even if their emperor is here, they are just a spectacle for people to watch.

In front of Long Guo, the so-called identity really has nothing to show off.

So if you don’t go out for a walk, you will never know how short-sighted you are!

This chapter has been completed!
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