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Chapter 832

Chapter 832 Something unexpected happened

"...The red team comes from the country of Qunyu. Since the start of the game, this team has been invincible. They have only lost two games in dozens of games and averaged four goals per game. Especially their goalkeeper.

It can be said that one man is the master of the game, and the average number of goals scored by the opponent team in his hands per game is less than two. In addition, this team's positioning and letting go are so airtight that it is difficult for opponents to score in their hands every game.

Defensively gain the upper hand..."

"The blue team comes from Luoshan State. It is also an extremely strong team. The winning rate has been as high as 90% since the start of the game. It pursues steady and steady play, giving the opponent a fatal blow by surprise. It has made great progress until today. The main player of this team

He has exquisite ball skills and can often shoot from incredible angles, making it difficult for people to guard against.”

"Today, two of the strongest teams that stand out from thousands of teams are competing. It can be said that the dragon and the tiger meet. It will definitely bring a feast of blood boiling to the whole world. Who will win the championship in the end?

let us wait and see……"

The on-site commentators were very eloquent and tried their best to liven up the atmosphere, but the day after tomorrow group obviously failed to arouse much interest, and the on-site atmosphere was not that strong.

Yunjing is not very interested in the current competition. If he had not been invited by Longguo to make an appearance, he would not have come to the scene at all. Wouldn't it be nice to read more books in this world?

Although he wasn't very interested, he still said slightly after hearing the on-site commentary: "There is no team from Dragon Kingdom in the finals of the day after tomorrow?"

This is simply unreasonable. Although the Dragon Kingdom is the most powerful country in the world, the team may not be linked to the national strength, but it is not so inferior. It cannot even make it to the finals. It stands to reason that a large country can select 20 strong players.

Isn’t it easy for players to beat the world?

This can't help but remind Yunjing of some distant and bad memories...

The old man Ming Jing beside him said with a smile: "Master Yun, don't be surprised, Xiaoyao Ju is a competitive game that is popular all over the world. If our Dragon Kingdom is serious, how can we not even form a team that can enter the finals? But, sometimes, sometimes

, Good skills do not necessarily mean you will have a chance to play. Human beings are wise. The water here is very deep. Secondly, this is just the acquired group. Winning or losing is just like that. It doesn't matter. The key is to look at the innate combination and the true meaning group behind. Will the acquired group be the same?

So why not give up the group championship to another country?”

Hearing this, Yun Jing immediately understood and called out, "Good guy, it turned out to be here."

It’s not that the Dragon Kingdom doesn’t have strong players, but it’s that they don’t have the opportunity to play due to various reasons. Then the Dragon Kingdom also needs to show its style as a big country. What’s the point of including all the championships?

Then he asked almost subconsciously: "Senior, the food of your Dragon Country team must be very good, right?"

As the saying goes, only by being noticed can you have the opportunity to develop. If people don’t know you, who will ignore you?

Everyone just sees it and doesn't say it, just for fun, so why should we be serious about it?

Several people on both sides used Qinggong to soar into the sky, interfering with each other's defense, but two of them were particularly outstanding. Their Qinggong was superb and they jumped higher than the others. They jumped more than ten feet high in one go.

No matter what the situation was over there, it was not Yunjing's turn to do anything at this time. In fact, strong men from the Dragon Kingdom had already gone to suppress it, and the commotion was very loud.

Although they were not very interested, nothing happened. Yunjing also paid a little attention to the situation on the field.

There is fairness in the world, it is nothing more than an exchange of interests, and can those behind such a competition be ordinary people?

Ye Tian suddenly fell into deep thought and said nothing more, concentrating on watching the game.

'In the acquired realm, even in the later stage, the internal force cannot leave the body, and all methods are just like that. I think the innate combination, the true meaning group, should be quite interesting.' Yunjing thought in his mind, and he watched it with gusto without knowing it.

, I couldn’t help but be surprised when I reacted. Could it be that men are born to like football?

Almost at the moment when Yun Jing looked in that direction, Old Man Ming Jing also turned his head slightly, but said calmly: "It seems that today's accident has begun. I expected it to be true."

Once something happens to the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, the entire Dragon Kingdom will be in turmoil, leading to instability in the entire world. This will be very beneficial to foreign monsters who intend to destroy human civilization.

At this time, the venue was readjusted to an area as large as ten football fields, and the height of the goal was also adjusted to a height of ten feet from the ground!

As the name suggests, in the competition of the innate group, those who participate in the competition are those with innate cultivation. Among them, those with late-stage innate cultivation account for the vast majority, and those who even reach the true artistic conception at the last step. Such cultivation is as fast as lightning for ordinary people, and the venue is not large enough.

How to keep them busy?

After all, players are at an acquired level. No matter how strong the team is, they are just like that. They don't start to take action until the ball starts to fall.

By this time, Yunjing had understood why a mere competitive competition attracted hundreds of mythical realms to watch. The competition itself was not worthy of attention, but the meaning behind it was what attracted attention.

But with such a commotion, could it be that the foreign monsters want to attack the capital of the Dragon Kingdom?

"There's no need to worry too much, you can't afford to make any waves," said the old man Ming Jing indifferently.

But it was too far away, and he could just feel the fluctuations of aura coming from a distance, which was beyond the observation range of his telekinesis.

Yunjing had always been on the lookout for unexpected events that might happen at any time, but he knew that the day after tomorrow's competition was over and he hadn't come yet. However, he knew that the longer the time went by, the bigger the problem would be.

"Oh, why didn't I score? I kicked the ball into nine blue dragons. I thought I could score in one fell swoop," Ye Tian said with some pity.

Half an hour later, Tian Kang, the Minister of Rites of the Dragon Kingdom, announced that the competition would continue, and the innate group would compete for the championship next.

The Dragon Kingdom players who "received the ball" rushed toward the Jintu Kingdom goal from all directions. It was very confusing, but there was only one real ball.

Different from the excitement of Qunyu Kingdom, the talent of Luoshan Kingdom is a pain. They were clearly in the lead at the beginning. Not only were they tied but also defeated, and just missed the championship. Most of the time, the world only knows the first place and ignores the second place.

Under such a blow, some Luoshan players were so angry that they vomited blood and fell into coma. It was unclear whether they were tired or really angry.

‘The one who made such a movement was not a human race, but a monster descending from a foreign land. With such a powerful aura, a single one is just a collection of ten or twenty descending wills!’ Yunjing affirmed in his heart.

What's the difference between that and committing suicide?

When Yun Jing looked over, the void in the far distance in that direction was distorting, and even a part of the sky became dark.

This scene was presented to the audience just at the beginning, and people cheered and shouted with excitement.

The blue team is a team from the Dragon Kingdom, and the players are all late-stage talents!

Yun Jing's eyes were as bright as fire, he shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "I should have been able to get in, but the Dragon Kingdom side let it slip, otherwise the Jintu Kingdom goalkeeper wouldn't be able to catch it."

'It's strange, after paying attention for so long, there is no sign that anything is going to happen.' Yun Jing muttered in his heart. If it weren't for Bai Wenhao's reminder, old man Ming Jing would not joke about this kind of thing. He even suspected that he was overthinking it.

I have to say that such a competitive match is really easy to arouse the emotions of the audience. They like a certain side and are excited when they see it gaining the upper hand. When they see their mistakes, they look regretful and try their best to analyze and yell. They wish they could become a coach.

"Ahem, brother Ye Tian, ​​please be careful. It's a fair game. Why are you here to manipulate the situation? You can't say that again," Yun Jing said quickly.

The game continued. After a fierce attack and defense, about a stick of incense time later, one side finally took the lead and scored.

Moreover, the competition in the innate realm is accompanied by huge risks. Even if it is stipulated that direct attacks on the opponent's players themselves are prohibited, so as the two groups of teams came on the field, the referees all changed to the true realm.

Blockade to prevent players from accidentally kicking the ball into the stands and injuring spectators.

The competition in the nature group is different from that in the acquired group. As the game begins, the audience is not as distracted as before. Almost everyone is emotionally mobilized to watch the game carefully.

Xiaoyaoju is not football. In addition to not being able to directly attack the opponent's players, you can use various methods to do whatever you want. Overall, it is quite exciting. The intensity and enjoyment far exceed Yunjing's previous football games.

They can all feel the movement over there. How can hundreds of mythical realms on the scene not feel it? When millions of spectators are still concentrated in the competitive competition of the Xiantian Group Xiaoyao Realm, the attention of each mythical realm is

Concentrated in that direction.

The kung fu football that Yun Jing had seen in his previous life was just a child's play here. Although it was just an acquired group, the tricks created by the circulation of blood and internal energy were really exciting.

The competition in the innate group did not start immediately. Tian Kang said that everyone should take a break to calm down and be in better condition to face the more exciting competition next.

But at this moment, Yun Jing suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance. What he was looking at was not the arena where they were, but the distant horizon outside the arena.

When Yunjing heard what he said, he just kept smiling. He thought to himself, why are they so similar...

Yun Jing couldn't help but think this way. Usually the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom lived in the palace, but now that he came to this mixed place, it was the best opportunity.

However, the development of the situation was a bit unexpected. As soon as something happened in that direction, strong men from the Dragon Kingdom went to suppress it, but they were unable to calm it down immediately!

For example, in order to defend, some people have acquired advanced cultivation skills and used their internal energy to perform Qing Kung Fu, which directly creates a series of afterimages, leaving the opponent in a hurry without knowing where to break through.

After all, you have to be famous first before anyone will pay attention to you. The more attention you get, the more people will naturally come to seek cooperation in various aspects. Where can you get development opportunities from being unknown?

Next to her, Ye Tianfang Yueyue was so excited that she was immediately immersed in the competition. She climbed on the loft railing and shouted with countless spectators, looking like she wished she could finish the game in person.

Yun Jing doesn't know what will happen specifically, but after a little analysis, in the current situation, there are only a few situations. Either the game itself will cause large-scale chaos, or someone will take this opportunity to attack some special people.

, or Liu Guqing, the most beautiful woman in the world, caused the trouble. Other than that, the possibility of other reasons is relatively small.

The old man Ming Jing said with insight: "It's just an appetizer over there to attract attention. The arena we are in is the key here."

Just after the game started, the enjoyment of the game in the innate group was ten times and a hundred times higher than that in the acquired group.

It may not matter if you are the Dragon Kingdom in the acquired group, but if you are serious about the innate group, if you don’t hold the championship in your hands, where will the most powerful country in the world be?

In short, facing the Dragon Kingdom team, it was an honor for Jintu Kingdom to lose. Even if they only scored one goal, it was a reflection of honor and strength.

After being kicked out by him, the ball that looked like a small sun seemed to split and turned into ten identical fireballs flying in different directions of the players, making it difficult to tell the difference between reality and reality.

The Jin Tuguo players guarded tightly, but they still couldn't stop the Long Guo player who was really dribbling the ball. He hit the ball with his palm, and the blue light surging, the ball turned into a nine-foot-long vivid blue dragon swimming towards the goal.

It flies away into the void, making it difficult to tell where the ball is.

As a result, although the game has just begun, there is almost no suspense about the outcome. The possibility of the Xiantian Dragon Team winning the championship is at least 90%, depending on how much face they save for their opponents.

Hearing this, Yunjing's heart condensed and he pondered: "Someone colludes with foreign monsters for evil intentions? What is the goal? Could it be that they want to assassinate the king?"

This is the competitive game of Xiaoyaoju played by martial arts players. The ball itself can carry all kinds of internal energy. Skilled players can give the ball various characteristics. It can spin around in hot and cold temperatures, and can always create various tricks.

People are hard to defend against.

After the first goal was scored in the game, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly increased. Countless people roared and shouted, and the sound almost reached the sky.

In that direction, he keenly felt the extremely strong aura fluctuations. The ones that caught his attention were naturally no lower than the Mythical Realm. Even at the level of the Mythical Realm, they were extremely powerful, compared to the Black Dragon King who died in Yunjing's hands.

The others are even more powerful, and there are more than one breath like this!

Looking in that direction and feeling the fluctuation of the aura there, Yunjing instinctively felt repelled and disgusted.

After all, Yunjing and the others were invited by the Dragon Kingdom, so their treatment was naturally different. When they were waiting for the innate group competition to begin, someone from the Dragon Kingdom sent them exquisite snacks, melons, fruits, drinks and the like. The quality was not low. Spending money in other places

Even if you pay a big price, you may not be able to get it.

Another example is the person who grabs the ball. You think he is going to pass the ball to the left with his foot, but he lifts the ball with one kick, uses his hands, and shines with cyan light. The ball that has been kicked out directly changes direction and heads to the other side.

Fly away...

The two teams in the Xiantian group are still divided into red and blue. The red team is a dynasty from Jintu. Yunjing vaguely understands that this country in this world, leaving aside the Dragon Kingdom, has an overall national strength.

There are dozens of them in the middle and upper levels of the Mythical Realm, and they are completely incomparable to Dali.

No wonder Bai Wenhao came here to remind Yun Jing that this matter was really not trivial.

This is the 'World Champion'. The sense of honor and mission that ordinary people can't understand. Not to mention how exciting the players are and how excited the audience is. With their victory, even the country of Qunyu is known to the whole world. You can imagine that,

With this victory, Qunyu Country will surely usher in rapid development!

Xiaoyaoju competition is not just a competition on the court. The benefits brought by the victory in all aspects are unimaginable. Perhaps for the dragon country, such a victory is dispensable, but for a small country, it is a dream.

Unexpected development opportunities.

Yunjing nodded and said nothing, waiting for the situation to develop.

"Yes, court competitions also need to pay attention to human nature. It would be boring if Jin Tuguo loses too ugly, but having said that, they still have real ability. If our Longguo players are too careless, they may be disgraced." Der Spiegel

The old man also said with a smile.

"At that time, almost all the famous teams hired retired royal chefs, and they had all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas. The food changed every day and was not the same year after year. I remember when I was young and in the team, there was a quota of one dragon every year.

, Not to mention the taste, although now I can eat it anytime I want, but I can no longer taste the same taste as before," Ming Jing, the old man, recalled with regret.

From the beginning of the game, it can be said that it gave the audience a kick. A player from the Dragon Kingdom soared into the sky like lightning, and afterimages appeared in the void like solid ones. He was the first to get the ball and kicked it, specially made.

Under the blessing of his innate Qi, the ball bloomed with fiery red light, scorching hot, like a small sun.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Tian couldn't help but said: "In this way, wouldn't it be possible to easily manipulate the game?"

In any case, the competition in the day after tomorrow group was finally over. Tian Kang spoke again, announcing that Qun Yuguo had won. He would go down to rest first and wait until the other two games to present awards together.

But no matter what, Yunjing will not get involved. It is the best policy to stay away from right and wrong. Of course, if it is unavoidable, that is another matter.

"Look, Luo Han on the blue side is so fast. He is charging with the ball. He really moves like the wind, but the internal energy is consumed too much. I don't know if he can persist until the end. Five afterimages will directly confuse the opponent.

After breaking through, he shot, and the ball moved irregularly in the air. Alas, it was a pity that it was caught by the goalkeeper of the red team." Ye Tian said incoherently on the side, banging the railing.

The goalkeeper was not a vegetarian either. The innate energy was surging, the whole sky was buzzing, and distortions were visible to the naked eye in a radius of ten meters. He rose into the sky and reached the goal ten feet above the ground. With a move of his hands, a three-foot-long cyan vortex appeared.

Appeared, swept the nine blue dragons in, and finally caught the ball firmly in his hands.

Various matters were briefly announced and the competition officially began.

At this moment, both sides on the court are ready. The rules of Xiaoyaoju are different from those of Yunjing's previous football. After both teams are ready, one of the referees will kick off the ball. As the bell rings, he will

Qiu was thrown directly to a height of tens of feet, and the game officially began. The two sides began to compete fiercely to be the first to attack Qiu.

At present, most of the people at the scene are focused on the game like Ye Tian. Although Yunjing is also paying attention to the game, he pays more attention to the entire field. He has not forgotten that Ming Jing, the old man, had predicted that something would happen today.

, the more people are highly focused, the more likely accidents will happen.

"That's Luo Han, the main player of Luoshan Kingdom. His late-stage cultivation and Qinggong are outstanding at this level. He grabbed the ball first and reversed the volley from the air, hitting the red side's penalty area. It was beautiful. The red side defended very quickly.

, but the blue side is not a vegetarian. It has already received the ball. Alas, it is a pity that the red side did not interfere with the dazzling light skills and snatched the ball away. The blue side seized the opportunity at the beginning. Now the red side has begun to counterattack. The court is really changing rapidly.

Ah," the on-site commentator spoke very quickly to describe the emotions of the scene, trying to arouse the emotions of all those who followed the game.

Take Dali as an example. Just imagine, if Dali wins the championship in the competition, how much national attention will it attract? It is not impossible for a champion to return and increase Dali's national strength tenfold in just one year!

Not only that, but after the tea time, there seemed to be a layer of water ripples on the sky that disappeared for an instant, and even the earth seemed to tremble.

After the goalkeeper receives the ball, he cannot snatch it directly from his hands. After he lands, the game continues and he throws the ball to the players. Jin Tuguo's side begins to counterattack...

The venue needs to be adjusted and the innate team needs to be prepared, all of which takes time.

It was clearly that the city defense formation of Dragon Kingdom's capital city was under attack!

As a result, no matter how dull the person was, they realized that something was wrong. The originally boiling arena suddenly became ten times quieter. Affected by this, the two teams that were originally going back and forth on the field subconsciously stopped.

The goal was scored by the blue team Luoshan National Team. A player violently shot a ball more than 200 meters away from the goal. With the blessing of his internal strength, the ball bloomed with cyan light and flew straight towards the goal. The goalkeeper of the red team had already caught the ball.

, but the ball was light and weak in his hands, and flew out after a slight touch. The goalkeeper immediately tried hard to catch up, but the ball suddenly turned and bounced to the ground, avoiding his pursuit and entering the goal.

"The foreign monsters seem to be attacking the capital of your Dragon Kingdom, but they are not that stupid, right? Isn't this simply seeking death?" Yun Jing said thoughtfully.

Yunjing has almost always dealt with the existences of foreign civilizations that have come to the world, so they are no strangers to them. Among those who have made noise are two-headed monsters, spider monsters, and eyeball monsters. He does not rule out that the purple-gold monster has not yet appeared.


The next game is more intense, because the game is not limited to time, whichever team scores five goals first is the winner. After the blue team scores one goal, the red team is at a disadvantage and needs to score two more goals to gain the upper hand.

The difference is three goals in one go!

Time passed little by little, and nearly an hour into the game, the game ended with the fifth goal scored by the team from Qunyu Country. They won the annual Xiaoyaoju Sports Acquired Group Championship.

In the delicate atmosphere, countless people's eyes subconsciously looked in the direction of the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom.

But soon the voice of the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom came from there. He still spoke in an extremely calm tone, with sacred majesty: "No need to worry, the game continues, don't let small things disturb everyone's interest."

The Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom has spoken, so what else can be done, we can only pretend that nothing happened and the game continues, but the atmosphere is different from before.

(End of chapter)

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