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Chapter 847: Dawn

Once the construction of the domain gate is completed, Dali will really take the world seriously and usher in rapid development. However, there are too few people available, so Huang Changyang has no choice but to fight for the country at his old age.

As a master, he is respected by all the people and worshiped by the whole country. It is his responsibility to serve the country and the people. Although no one can really force him to do anything, if he does not have this responsibility, he will not be able to stand at the height he is now, let alone the people.

An honorific title for the respected and beloved Master.

There is no other way for him to go into battle again and lead the mission to station in the Dragon Kingdom. If there is not even a mythical realm in the Dali mission, there is no right to speak there, and there is no way to stand on the "equality" side.

"Carry out all aspects of communication and contact at a high level.

Although the exchanges between countries are not based on personal achievements, there is not even a person to support the appearance. Is it just for fun?

Even if Yunjing has already determined the general direction with Long Guo before this, will Long Guo really take Dali seriously? So in fact, if Dali wants to develop next, it is actually more about the relationship with other countries.

, in the absence of prerequisites for contact, it is particularly important for a mythical person to come forward.

Although there are differences in strength and weakness among the mythical realms, and the same realm can be described as vastly different, no matter what, such a level will receive corresponding respect no matter where it is.

After talking about the arrangements that he would bring the envoy to the Dragon Kingdom, Huang Changyang told Yunjing about other important arrangements that had been discussed in the court during this period. When it comes to individuals,

After the domain gate is built and linked to the outside world, it is estimated that it will be the only one in this land. Countries such as Sanluo Dajiang will definitely not attract the attention of the Dragon Kingdom and send people there again if they do not have enough weight.

Building a domain gate, so the domain gate of Dali is particularly special in this area. It will be the key for other countries and regions to go global. Only with this point, mastering the domain gate, what kind of benefits can Dali get? It is unimaginable.

Even those countries with a dark heart can only be exploited, and they can only hold their noses and recognize that kind of thing!

Therefore, the Ministry of Rites of Dali will form a separate department to communicate with other countries. Those countries that want to pass through Dali’s territory can only do so according to Dali’s conditions. If this department wants to be important, the important task falls to He Zhengdian.

on the shoulders.

He Zhengdian was upright and upright. When he was studying in Yunjing a few years ago, he was still a state shepherd in Yizhou. He had made meritorious service in the case involving Zuowang Mountain and entered the core system of Dali power. He also served in the specially established Anbu because of the trouble caused by the foreign civilization. Now he is

The ANBU was transferred to take over the Dali Ministry of Rites and established an external department responsible for communicating with other countries.

Now that Dali is about to rise, he serves as the head of this department. Although he is not the head of the six departments, his position is quite important.

The second is the specific candidate to control the domain gate. This important task falls on the old general Qin Antai. He has been decisive in military killings throughout his life, which is enough to intimidate Xiao Xiao.

The right to use the domain gate is divided between Dali and Longguo. But in fact, strictly speaking, Longguo is still stronger. After all, if Dali wants to open the domain gate, it has to communicate with the other side in advance. If there is "

No time." Dali has to wait here, and there is nothing we can do about it. Dali only has one domain gate, but the domain gate of Long Kingdom is connected to other places. It is up to others to decide when they are free.

However, although Dali suffered a bit, Yunjing still fought for the right to lift the table as a last resort, which was to destroy the domain gate. The premise was that the existence of the domain gate threatened the safety of Dali. Although it was the last stubbornness of the weak, it was still

Better than nothing.

He Zhengdian took over the department that communicated with other countries in the region, and Qin Antai had the power to open and close the domain gates. The two divided their labors, one civilized and the other military. They were in opposition in the court, so the possibility of them colluding was minimized.


The person directly responsible for them is not one of the six ministries, but Xia Tao, the current crown prince of Dali. If there is something that Xia Tao cannot decide, it will be decided by the current emperor Xia Ziyang.

Although Huang Changyang did not explain the reason for this arrangement, Yun Jing also knew that the current emperor Xia Ziyang was building momentum for the prince Xia Tao. At this moment when Dali was about to take off, he allowed Xia Tao to control these two departments.

It can be said that no one can shake his position. After all, he controls the lifeblood of Dali's subsequent take-off. Many things have to give way at this juncture.

After the domain gate was built and Dali really went out,

Various matters can only be dealt with in detail at that time, such as trade and cultural exchanges between countries, etc. It is useless to rush, but Dali is already discussing various details and actively preparing.

Trade is for the purpose of communicating with developing countries, while cultural exchange is for improving the overall cultural heritage. They are both very important. The complexity and importance cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

Finally, there is the security issue of Dali itself after the domain gate is built. After all, there are too few people in Dali. Once you look at the world, just a few mythical realms can threaten the entire country!

As a last resort, after discussion, the imperial court decided to invite the royal family's old eunuch from the Myth Realm who had no interest in worldly affairs to come to the front desk to take charge of the capital and deal with possible situations. The old eunuch had no objection to this, as it was related to the future of the country.

, he did not choose to live in the deep palace with almost no sense of existence.

But what has to be said is that the pond in this area was too small in the past. Even the strength of the mythical realm was at the bottom of this level. If a strong foreigner came, the old eunuch would not be able to deal with it. The most he could do was delay it for a while.


After learning what Yunjing did after going to the Dragon Kingdom, it was actually Yunjing who could really give Dali a sense of security. When the old eunuch came to the front desk, there was no one available. If anything really happened, he would have to deal with it and delay it.

Just wait until Yunjing arrives. If Yunjing can't solve it, then you have to fight. When that happens, it's not impossible to seek asylum from the Dragon Kingdom, but whether they will pay attention to you or not is another matter.


All in all, you have to be tough yourself when making iron.

After hearing what Huang Changyang said about the decisions made in the court, Yunjing couldn't help but sigh: "Now we have too few people who can take on important responsibilities. It will get better in the future. With the stimulation of the world, ideological culture and all aspects,

Many people who are stagnant will surely experience a surge. When the latecomers advance to some mythical realms, there will be no need to be stretched in terms of manpower."

"That said, it's easier said than done. One step is like a cloud of mud. Not to mention that we are far apart, but if you look at the world, how many people in the world can set foot in the mythical realm? Even if there is a bigger stage to expand our horizons and knowledge, every ten years in the future

It’s pretty good to be able to give birth to a person from the mythical realm.” Huang Changyang shook his head and said, as someone who has experienced this, he knows how difficult that step is to cross.

Yun Jing was not so pessimistic, and said with a smile: "It's better than before, isn't it? In the past hundred years, no one might have taken this step. In the future, the chance will at least increase tenfold."

"It's not wrong to think so," Huang Changyang agreed with his point of view.

No one can tell what will happen in the future. Let’s take it one step at a time. Yunjing changed the subject and asked, “I wonder what this junior can do?”

"You don't have to do anything, just improve yourself. We old bones can handle some trivial matters. The higher your achievements, the safer this country will be. You are our greatest support in Dali. I can't say that.

I hope you don't have too much pressure, Xiaojing." Huang Changyang looked at Yunjing and said seriously, but felt a little emotional in his heart. After all, Yunjing is only twenty years old. The heavy responsibility of a country is placed on him. He should be in his prime.

At an age where he is proud of his youth, he has to bear things that do not belong to his age.

As an elder, he should have protected him from wind and rain, but now it was the other way around in Yunjing.

"Senior's words are serious. Although my junior's abilities are limited, as a citizen of the great nation, I will never be vague when it's time to stand up." Yun Jing's expression became serious.

Huang Changyang smiled and said, "Your words are enough."

Next, the two of them no longer talked about these heavy topics, but talked about other things from all over the world. The Golden Wolf Dynasty now has no mythical realm to suppress civil strife. The Sanluo Dynasty is resting and recuperating. The Dajiang Dynasty is also not peaceful, especially the cultivation of the Dajiang Dynasty.

The guy with evil skills can no longer stop his momentum. Maybe he will set foot in the mythical realm in a crooked way in recent years. Even with that guy's bloody rise, the Dajiang Dynasty obviously intends to accept him. After all,

Compared to what he did, a country really needs a mythical realm to sit in, and everything else is secondary.

The two of them chatted until the evening before they separated. Cui Mu also stopped working when it was getting dark, so he probably didn't have the habit of working overtime.

Yun Jingxin said that the guy from the Dajiang Dynasty had really become something. In addition to the Sword Scripture, he had developed the Beiming Heaven-Swallowing Technique and achieved another success.

But on the other hand, isn't it because of people themselves that the skills developed by Yunjing are achieved? They complement each other. The right person encounters the right skills, and then he is out of control.

But standing at Yunjing's current height, these things don't matter.

In the following period, after Yunjing figured out Cui Mu's work track, he showed up on time every day and watched him from a distance as he set up the formation to build the domain gate. Although he had done a good job of keeping secrets in advance, Yunjing was invisible and invisible.

Even under careful observation, there is still nothing to hide.

Yunjing has always maintained a "safe" distance from Cui Mu. The other party has no idea that Yunjing is stealing lessons from him. Occasionally, the two of them go to Goulan to listen to music and appreciate the spiritual culture of Dali.

Yunjing spends most of his time in Niujiao Town, sorting out what he has learned in his mind, spending time with his family, and occasionally walking around with Bai Zhi, Su Xiaoye, Lin Xingyu and the others. Sometimes Yunjing will also visit his elders.

Yunjing also often went to Sanluo. After a few months, Wu Qingmei's belly had obvious signs of pregnancy. A new life was slowly gestating in her belly. However, her pregnancy only included Yunjing.

Only a limited number of people know it.

Because she was pregnant with a child, Wu Qingmei didn't get close to Yunjing when they were together. In order to avoid hurting the child in her belly, her attitude was summed up as don't touch me. Anyway, you still have a few confidantes and you don't need to.

Do it yourself.

Both of them have relatively special identities. When they are together, they hardly talk about family and national affairs. Public and private affairs are still clearly separated. There are some things that the two of them understand tacitly. The general plan has this kind of relationship. Once the Great Departure Gate is repaired,

When San Luo gets on this train, Dali's general manager still has to take care of him, which is better than Golden Wolf Dajiang who just depends on Dali's face.

As long as there is no one around, the Void Rat appears more and more frequently around Yunjing. If no one appears, it can stay next to the Yunjing for a day, giving it more opportunities to observe at close range. Yunjing is concerned about the Void Rat freely traveling through the void.

Its ability is becoming more and more clear, but it is still too early to learn its ability. It would be great if we could really get in touch with it and explore it. Unfortunately, Xushu is too timid and never dares to take the final step with Yunjing.

Tie Tie, don’t force the cloud scenery, just let nature take its course.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner, time passes day by day, and the day of the annual festival arrives silently. Cui Mu also stopped the construction of the domain gate in those days, not to feel the festive atmosphere of Dali, after all, the Dragon Kingdom is also

Since there is a tradition of annual festivals, he is away from home and can only celebrate the festival here in Dali.

The New Year Festival in this world is equivalent to the Spring Festival in Yunjing's previous life. The difference is that the atmosphere at this time is very strong, and there is no flavor at all like other festivals in his previous life.

On the day of the annual festival, Yunjing and his family paid homage to their ancestors, had a meal, and then went to visit the graves. When it got dark, he came to the capital to hold a celebration. He had to attend it. In fact, it was mainly to entertain Cui Mu, so as not to let this person

The important guests from the Dragon Kingdom felt left out.

The celebration lasted until late at night. The bells in the capital rang nine times, signaling the arrival of the new year. Fish and dragons danced all night, and the whole country rejoiced.

With the arrival of the new year, Yunjing turns twenty, ushering in the twenty-first year of entering this world.

I have experienced a lot in the past year. Looking back, it was such a busy year that it passed so unknowingly.

On the first day of the new year, Emperor Dali's imperial edict came to Yunjing's house in Niujiao Town. It was not to give him an order, but to pay him New Year greetings. He sent more than ten carts of gifts, including

Some of them were gifts from the Dragon Kingdom brought back by Yunjing. In addition, some princes and princesses from the Dali royal family, as well as wealthy families, all sent people to express their gratitude by sending gifts.

In short, Yunjing is too special in Dali. He may not remember it if you give him a gift. What if he will be remembered if you don't give it?

Yunjing was also very busy in the first few days at the beginning of the year. It was inevitable to visit relatives and friends. He did not think too highly of himself and alienated his former relatives and friends just because of his current achievements. Among them, Yunjing was with Li Qiu and Su Xiaoye's family.

I took a day alone to visit, and then spent a day with my mother to visit the graves of my grandparents...

After ten days of busy work, he finally felt at ease and his life was back on track.

On the twenty-third day after the beginning of the new year, Cui Mu finally completed the layout of the domain gate, and Yun Jing, who had been observing almost the entire process, also completely mastered it.

Mastered the construction technology of Domain Gate!

Having mastered this technology, Yunjing also roughly understood the principles. In general, domain gates can be roughly divided into three parts. The first is to stabilize the surrounding environment, the second is to link to other domain gates, and the third is to open and close

To carry out teleportation across spatial distances.

To be more specific, the first point of stabilizing the surrounding environment is actually the most important. In the form of formation nodes, a stable area similar to the realm formed by the combination of the spirit and will of the mythical realm with the heaven and earth is achieved. If this is not done first,

Once the domain gate is opened, the huge energy burst is enough to easily destroy a thousand-mile area. Only by stabilizing the surrounding environment can the domain gate be opened and closed smoothly without any danger.

Then the second point links the location of other domain gates. In fact, a single domain gate can be regarded as a node, and the domain gates arranged by the Dragon Kingdom all over the world form a huge network with each other. Each domain gate node has

A control hub can link to the control cores of other domain gates for long-distance communication. Only after communication and confirmation by both parties can the domain gate be opened for crossing. Each domain gate can have a special frequency, and the frequency is correct.

Otherwise, it is impossible to open the domain gate unilaterally, unless Yunjing uses the special authority of Jiangshan Tu. Of course, Yunjing believes that Longguo itself must have the means to remotely open and close each domain gate at any time.

, as for which one has higher authority, He Jiangshan Tu, he would risk his own life to prove this point.

Only when the first two conditions are met, can the domain gate be truly opened and closed to achieve the crossing of spatial distances. The operation is also very simple. Use the crystal source as the energy source to open the domain gate. As long as the energy is sufficient, the true artistic conception mastery core array can be operated.

After all, it's just for operation and use, and it's not like building a domain gate from scratch. Just like Yunjing's previous life, ordinary people couldn't make a mobile phone and couldn't use it?

Yunjing, who has mastered the method of building the domain gate, is equivalent to being able to build a mobile phone. This method is not difficult for him. He learned the whole process from Cui Mu, which is no different from a step-by-step tutorial, and he himself also has it.

The experience of setting up spirit gathering arrays and phantom arrays is still self-taught.

When the method of building a domain gate is no longer a secret to Yunjing, he only needs to do some tricks on the "frequency" of the domain gate to secretly build his own domain gate network.

However, he has the skills, but some materials for arranging the domain gate are difficult to obtain. After all, the construction of the domain gate is not as simple as adjusting the natural environment like a magic array. This method alone is kept secret by the Dragon Kingdom.

, the key materials must be seen to death, especially some materials that can stabilize the space and withstand huge energy. There is no way to get it, and the channel has long been strangled by the Dragon Kingdom.

However, it is just a little troublesome for Yunjing. His telekinesis can go deep into the ground, and he can still find it if he spends time searching for it. Moreover, some of the materials are not irreplaceable. Once he is deeply familiar with the layout of the domain gate, with his

With the ability to transform the energy of wind, thunder, water, and fire at will, it will not be difficult to arrange domain gates in the future.

After all, he has memories of past lives. Although many of the laws of physical force in this world have been broken, there are still traces of everything in the world. With his ability to convert various energy modes at will, some materials can be artificially synthesized!

In short, the mastery of this method is of great significance to Yunjing. In the future, thousands of mountains and rivers and the ends of the earth will no longer limit his distance. As a result, just in terms of traveling, the map of rivers and mountains seems a bit useless to Yunjing.

Of course, Yunjing also knows that the special feature of Jiangshan Map is not as simple as high-privilege control domain doors.

The map of mountains and rivers is in his hands, and he needs to beware of the Dragon Kingdom. Without other parts, it is of little significance. For the time being, it is basically a dispensable thing.

Anyway, after mastering the domain gate method, the potential threat to Yunjing from the Jiangshan Map in his hands is no longer great, and he can abandon it at any time without feeling distressed.

In fact, for Yunjing, the most important meaning of arranging domain gates is not to make it easier to travel in the future, nor to eliminate the potential threats in the hands of the Jiangshan Map. His vision is not limited to this.

After thoroughly mastering this method, he looked further, that is, the domain gates can establish contact with each other through the air with a special "frequency", and can even reach the span of spatial distance. Looking at it from another angle, then other

Is it possible to reach a spatial leap in terms of


For example, if you throw a punch, can you use some medium to send the punch across space and hit other places like the frequency between domain gates?

This point is definitely feasible for Yun Jing. After all, not to mention his height, even in the acquired realm of martial arts, there is a saying of beating cattle across mountains. However, this method previously involved a problem of power loss. The farther the distance, the more natural the power will be transmitted.

It has dropped off a cliff, and there is almost no power at all farther away. Even at his level, the so-called power transmission distance limit must be calculated in at least hundreds of miles.

But now, inspired by the special "frequency" between domain gates, Yunjing already has a clear direction.

As long as some kind of medium is needed, the power of one's punch can be transmitted to other places through the air, even without losing the power of a punch!

And what is the required medium? Air? Water? These media simply cannot achieve the purpose he wants.

The medium we really need is spiritual will!

Spiritual will can also be said to be the soul, and it can also be described as life fluctuations. In short, every single living body is unique in this aspect. Through this medium, Yunjing believes that the transmission of power through the air will no longer be a problem.


Take the monsters that come to this world from foreign civilizations. Their bodies cannot come, they come in the form of consciousness clones. Although each of their consciousness clones is separate, there is no difference in spiritual level.

In other words, once Yunjing's verification comes true, then one of the clones of those monsters can be used to transmit their own power through the spiritual connection between them, so as to achieve the purpose of killing from a distance!

In this way, as long as Yunjing himself is strong enough, it will no longer be a dream to clean up the foreign monsters that have descended on the world. No matter how many clones they have, they can't hide from each other no matter where they are, but they can't escape Yunjing's air-to-air killing!

This is the real reward of Yunjing's mastery of the means of constructing the domain gate. After he went to Long Kingdom to learn about the domain gate, Yunjing had thoughts about this. This is also the reason why he, even though he is a villain, wanted to steal from Cui Mu.

"It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on the Dragon Kingdom to clean up the universe and restore peace to the world. Foreign civilizations are a disaster, and the common people have suffered for a long time. With the enlightenment of the domain gate, we finally see the light. It only takes a little bit to confirm perfection. Now

There are no monsters coming from other lands on this land, and the domain gate has been built. It seems it is time to set off for another trip to the Dragon Kingdom!"

With thoughts flickering in his mind, Yunjing was thinking that when one day he was strong enough, through the clones that came from foreign monsters, using their spirits as a medium, he could even send a punch through the air to blow up the heads of those monsters themselves.

But that is unrealistic for him now. Those monsters are at least in the realm of freedom.

The road must be walked step by step, take your time, don't rush...

This chapter has been completed!
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