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Chapter 851: Take the initiative

Hongshan City, a manor to the east, Yunjing was quickly brought here directly.

The atmosphere in the entire manor was a bit solemn, and the depressing atmosphere almost made people breathless. The servants were cautious, fearing that if they did something wrong, disaster would be imminent.

There are five people from the Myth Realm gathered here, three of them are seriously injured and already in a very bad mood. There are powerful enemies outside. The consequences if they are displeased are unimaginable, even though those people generally don't care about the servants.

"Master Yun, please"

That person took Yunjing to the remaining four mythical realms. The two of them had almost no communication along the way, and at their speed, they only walked a few steps, and there was no time to communicate.

In the elegantly decorated hall, when Yun Jing arrived, the other people all looked at him, looking at him with doubts and curiosity.

"Junior Yunjing, passing by this place, saw a foreign monster causing trouble. I wanted to do my best and took the liberty of visiting, but I haven't asked for advice yet." Yunjing was not afraid of the stage. He stepped forward and bowed his hands in a salute without being humble or overbearing.

At the same time, he was also looking at the people present, and he had a rough idea of ​​what was going on.

In addition to the five mythical realms that brought him here, if judged from the aura alone, they are only in the middle and lower reaches of the mythical realm, and his strength is probably not as good as that of Tang Mian at the beginning. After all, Tang Mian was the dragon guardian of the Dragon Kingdom, so he was naturally not an easy person.

People can compare.

Originally, there were seven mythical realms in Hongshan City, but two of them died, and their bodies were parked next door.

The five people at this time were three men and two women, among whom one woman and two men were in very bad condition.

Hearing Yunjing's words, they made eye contact. It was obvious that they had never heard of Yunjing. There was nothing they could do about it. The world was too big and Yunjing had never done anything that shocked the world. It was normal for them not to know him.

Moreover, the Dragon Kingdom is the center of the world. There are too many members from many small countries. Who knows him?

"I forgot to introduce myself before, Mr. Yun, please forgive me, my name is Liang Qiao." The middle-aged man who brought Yun Jing here was the first to speak, but he didn't say much as he didn't know the details.

Then the remaining four people spoke one after another.

A woman in red said: "Little girl Gao Min"

Gao Min also only mentioned her name. She looked to be in her early twenties, but in terms of age in the Mythical Realm, you can't just look at her appearance. She was estimated to be at least one or two hundred years old. If calculated based on the five hundred years in the Mythical Realm, she would also be

It’s not too big, it’s the time when it’s in its prime.

Naturally, their appearance and figure are not bad at their level of cultivation. Gao Min is well-dressed and has a baby face. Every move he makes looks playful and cute. He is born from the heart, and his personality should be a bit out of the ordinary.

Gao Min is also in good condition, probably because others protected her in the battle before she grew young.

When she looked at Yun Jing, her eyes clearly flashed with a strange look. After all, Yun Jing's appearance and temperament made it difficult for people to take a second look wherever she went, even if she was used to seeing so-called handsome men and beautiful women.

After Gao Min finished speaking, someone spoke again, saying: "Yan Zheng"

Two words simply and straightforwardly explained his name. The tone was not harsh, but it was not gentle either. It was not directed at Yun Jing, but because he was in a bad state and was suppressing his own discomfort when he spoke. Kang

The Yan Zheng who spoke had a resolute face, but he was already old, and even the mythical realm could not hide the traces of time. The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were clearly visible, and his hair was gray. He was wearing a set of silver and powerful armor, with an iron-blooded aura about him, and a strong military demeanor.


At this time, Yan Zheng's face was a little pale, and the armor on his body was incomplete, with traces of damage, and even the blood stains had not been cleaned up. Moreover, he had lost his right arm and right eye, and even the mythical realm's body could not be restored, all due to the injuries.

There is amethyst colored energy entrenched to prevent recovery.

The amethyst-colored energy was like maggots attached to the bones, tending to erode further. An inch of Yan Zheng's broken arm had already turned into purple crystals, and it was still spreading at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Before, several of them were together without a trace.

It can clear that energy.

Then another man's voice spoke, looking very weak, and said: "My name is Zhu Fu. I am injured and cannot greet you. I hope Mr. Yun will forgive me."

He couldn't hide the pain as he spoke.

This man looked to be in his forties or fifties, and he was actually a little obese, which was rare at this level in the Mythical Realm. His expression at this time was a little distorted because of the pain.

There was a foot-long wound between his chest and abdomen. The skin and flesh were shockingly rolled, and broken ribs and internal organs could be seen inside. Just like Yan Zheng, the amethyst-colored energy entrenched in the wound was further eroding his body.

Then another weak voice said: "I am a man of great beauty and a woman, but I am injured and cannot show my courtesy. Mr. Yun, please don't blame me."

She was wearing common clothes, with sagging skin and deep wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. She was definitely a beauty when she was young, but she still couldn't stop the traces of time.

He Hua's injuries were the most serious among the others. His body was not mutilated, but half of his face turned into amethyst color, and his skin and hair turned into purple crystals, which spread further at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. He could not even speak when he spoke.

Trying your best to resist.

Everyone introduced themselves, and looking at their status, Yunjing had dealt with foreign monsters, and his body was eroded by the methods of those monsters. If the difference in strength is not big, it is difficult to get rid of it. It is not as simple as cutting off the injured area and growing it again.

, it basically acts on the origin of life!

Hearing this, Yun Dingding nodded and said, "I've met you all." He paused for a moment and then said, "I see that the three seniors, Yan Zheng, Zhu Fu, Hehua, are seriously injured, and there are even monsters and evil auras entrenched and corroded on their bodies. I dare to be bold, and I feel a little guilty."

According to their abilities, if the seniors can trust me, how about you let me help you recover from your injuries first?"

Several people's eyes flashed immediately when they heard his words, some were excited but most were hesitant.

The three of them had been tortured in agony before. It would be great if they could deal with the energy and recover from their injuries. However, Yunjing's origin was unknown and he was kind enough to help as soon as he came. They couldn't believe it. If something happened during the process, they would probably die without knowing it.

How did you die! Kang

It's just human nature to be cautious when facing strangers.

Their eyes exchanged quickly, and Liang Qiao said in a deep voice: "Is what Mr. Yun said true?"

"I have dealt with foreign monsters a lot, and I still have some confidence. I dare not say 100% of them, but 80% of them are still there." Yun Dingding nodded, leaving room for words without saying anything.

Still, they were hesitant.

Yunjing also understood, thought for a while and said: "I am from Liguo. A few months ago, I went to Longguo on behalf of Liguo's envoys. I have some friendship with the Bai family. These things will be known once I check them, so I will return my invitation."

You don’t need to be too alert.”

When they heard this, they were suddenly shocked. What surprised them was not that Yunjing was an envoy who had left the country, but that Yunjing and the Bai family actually had friendship!

To them, how big a behemoth the Bai family was? They didn't even have a chance to curry favor with them. At this time, Yunjing actually used the Bai family to win their trust.

It should be noted that such words should not be said randomly. If such words are said without friendship, once word spreads and the Bai family knows, the consequences will not be bearable by ordinary people. How can the family allow people they don't know to use their own name to deceive?

When Yun Jing revealed that he had a relationship with the Bai family, their inner guard had been mostly lowered. However, they had not known each other before, and there was not much trust.

People are kind enough to help, but if they are defensive and distrustful, it will inevitably make people feel chilly. Everyone here is a good person, so they naturally understand this.

So He Hua took the lead and said: "Young Master Yun is interested, so I would like to ask you to do me a favor. No matter what the result is, I will remember this kindness."

Her condition is the most serious. If it continues to deteriorate without treatment, she may lose her life. Yunjing is kind-hearted and refuses to help. It would be a bit disrespectful. He still takes his own life and ignores it. Moreover, everyone present is helpless. Outside, the earth is going again.

Where can I find help?

Of course, when she made this decision, she did not seek medical treatment in a hurry. First of all, her own situation could not be delayed. Furthermore, she also wanted to see if Yunjing could really solve the problem. If the situation went wrong, other people would not be around.

Just watch.

"Senior's words are serious. You have protected one party through life and death. Such high righteousness is admirable. Junior is just giving and receiving treatment. An dares to say that he is kind. Senior, please be patient for a moment. Junior will start now." Yun Jing said seriously. Kang

While he was speaking, he had already reached He Hua's side. The others looked at him and said something offended, and then put their hands on He Hua's shoulders.

Even though half of her face was covered in amethyst aura, he didn't reach out and start from the other person's head. That would be very rude, and starting from the shoulders would make no difference.

He Hua's face immediately hardened, and he was ready for the painful collision of external help with the evil energy entrenched in his body.

However, the next moment, where Yunjing's palm touched, a gentle but torrential breath poured into her body, and the evil energy entrenched in her body was retreating steadily under this breath!

As the gentle breath in Yunjing's hand wandered over his body, Amethyst's evil energy was unable to resist at all, but was expelled to the fingertips of Hehua's right hand in just one or two breaths.

Immediately, Yun Jing stretched out his other hand, and with a flash of sharpness on her fingertips, he tore a small gash at her fingertips, and the evil amethyst energy was completely expelled from Hehua's body.

When the thing left He Hua's body, it instantly showed its evil side, surging as if alive, trying to spread and infect the surrounding environment.

Once this thing really spreads, this is Hongshan City. I don’t know how many people will die. People below the mythical realm cannot resist it!

Fortunately, Yun Jing had already anticipated it. He stretched out his hand to guide it, and the energy that had not had time to spread fell into his palm. It wanted to resist ferociously, but it couldn't even move after it fell into Yun Jing's palm.

Immediately, a flash of fire flashed across Yunjing's palm, and the evil amethyst aura disappeared.

The whole process was too fast, taking only three or four breaths. In other people's eyes, it was just Yunjing putting his hand on Hehua's shoulder, and then starting from the place of contact, a gentle white light spread across the white space.

Under the light, the areas on Hehua's body that were infected by the amethyst-colored energy quickly faded away, and Yunjing solved it so easily!

And He Hua only had a small wound on his fingertip, not even a drop of blood was left. After the aura was expelled, the wound healed in the blink of an eye. It was also the aura that was expelled. He Hua's condition improved rapidly, and his pale face was visible to the naked eye.

became rosy.

It's just that the pain she expected didn't come at all. Although it will take some time to fully recover, at least there is no fear of life. A complete recovery will not overcome the problem of time.

"How do you feel, senior?" Yunjing took back his hand and asked.

The gentle but turbulent breath in the body went back along Yunjing's arm like a tide. Hehua felt that his condition was improving rapidly. He looked at Yunjing and opened his mouth and said: "I feel good, I don't have to bear the pain of that breath anymore."

Threatened, this... Mr. Yun has such a good trick, how did he do it?"

It was so unbelievable, not only her, but also Gao Min and others around her were shocked.

No wonder they were like this. Before this, they knew very well how difficult and terrifying the evil energy was. They were completely helpless. They could only resist and slow down the invasion. The pain and discomfort were difficult for outsiders to understand. Not only did external help fail to work, but it also hurt them.

If you don't know how to feed it to become more ferocious, you can only stare at it and not be able to help.

But in front of Yun Jing, he was able to solve the problem with just a few moves. To say it was easy would be an understatement.

"That's good. The junior said that I have had experience dealing with foreign monsters before, and I still have some experience in their methods and characteristics. Now that the threat has been eliminated, senior, let's recover quickly," Yun Jing said with a smile.

, and didn’t show anything.

He didn't need to lie. He had really experienced this before. Last time, Nangong Ming was helped by Yun Jing to solve the problem. The difference was that the monster's aura that they suffered from didn't come from the same monster.

You effortlessly solved the problem that everyone was helpless about, and you still have some experience?

No one else knew what to say at this moment.

At this time, Yunjing looked at Yan Zheng and Zhu Fu and said, "Two seniors, which one of you will come first?"

"Young Master Yun is very clever. This is nothing in front of you. Let Lao Zhu do it first. He is much more serious than me. Don't worry about it for a while." Yan Zheng took a deep breath and said.

Yunjing has proven his methods with practical actions and won their trust. The next thing will be simple.

Under his action, the evil aura on Zhu Fu and Yan Zheng was completely eliminated by him. Without the erosion of the evil aura, their injured areas were visibly recovering. It would take some time for complete recovery, and their own strength returned to

I don’t know how long it will take to reach the peak.

Even without external interference, it was not easy to fully recover from injuries like theirs before.

With Yunjing's intervention, the relationship between the few people suddenly became a big step closer, and their communication was not as harsh as before.

"Young Master Yun is very clever, and the little girl admires him. Everyone is in the Myth Realm, so the gap is too big." Gao Min looked at Yun Jing and said with emotion, his eyes full of curiosity.

Liang Qiao shook his head and said: "Although we are both in the mythical realm, the gap between people is often like clouds and mud. What we can take this step is the upper limit, but for those who are willing to take this step, it is just the beginning."

When he said this, Liang Qiao looked at Yun Jing, obviously using Yun Jing as an example to explain this fact, and he couldn't accept it.

"You two praise me so much, but I feel ashamed. I have many strengths, but I still have many shortcomings." Yun Jing smiled and said. He did not belittle himself, nor was he blindly conceited. He would not be flattered by others' compliments.


Everyone admires his calmness and his temperament. Although they have cultivation in the mythical realm, they are all human beings. If they are so praised by people of the same level, they know that they cannot be as calm as Yun Jing.

During the next exchange, Yunjing also got a rough idea of ​​their situation.

Yan Zheng is the Lieutenant General of the Dragon Kingdom Army. A foreign monster appears in Hongshan City. He was ordered to lead troops to quell the chaos. However, the enemy is too strong. He cannot take the initiative to suppress and kill the monster, even if he relies on formations to resist the monster.

Every attack is in danger and may be breached at any time and die here. Kang

He was ordered to come to Hongshan City and the surrounding tens of millions of civilians. He could not leave unless the disaster was put to rest. Otherwise, it would be a serious crime. He could only resist with all his strength. It was his duty to eat the emperor's salary.

Nowadays, foreign monsters are causing trouble everywhere. Apart from the army he strictly leads, there is really no support available in Hongshan City. Manpower is needed everywhere. There are considerations from above. No one wants to see the consequences of neglecting one thing and losing another.

When Yan Zheng came with his troops, he was fighting alone. The amethyst monster in the east was so fierce and increasingly powerful that Hongshan City was in danger of being breached at any time. Fortunately, the news that the monster was causing trouble here spread, so some righteous men came.

Please help each other, otherwise we won’t be able to see the day when Yun Jing comes here.

The righteous people refer to people like Liang Qiao, Gao Min and others.

Liang Qiao is a casual cultivator with no family or sect. He is an upright man and walks the world as a chivalrous man. Hearing that there was a monster causing trouble here, he took the initiative to come to help. He did not plan to leave until it was completely calmed down. He even prepared a plan.

Prepare to die here!

There are still many people in the world who have a chivalrous heart like him. Where justice lies, life and death are not a concern.

Gao Min has a sect, but the sect's power is not very famous in the world of Longguo. It cannot be compared with the big sects that dominate one side. There is also a mythical realm in her sect, and the two of them go out alternately.

She is a chivalrous and righteous person, with a mentality of hoeing the strong and supporting the weak. Of course, the more important thing is to build the reputation of her own sect and come here to help. She does not have the idea of ​​​​fighting to the death. After all, she still has her sect to protect, but

She won't abandon this place until the moment of life and death, she can only do her best.

He Hua's situation is similar to that of Gao Min. Like Liang Qiao, he is a martyr. Zhu Fu is different from them. He came to the Zhu family. The Zhu family is thousands of miles away from here. It can also be called a thousand-year-old family. Lianyundao

It is considered the Zhu family's headquarters. If something like this happens here, it is natural to do its part. If we really can't hold on, we have no choice. If we can't do anything, we can only retreat. It's not that time yet.

As they got acquainted, Yunjing also talked a little bit about himself during the exchange. After all, you always have to let people know who you are.

Even though Yun Jing just said it casually, he couldn't help but make several people present look at him.

"What? The Black Jiao King, a group of pirates traveling across the ocean, were carried in Master Yun's hands?" Liang Qiao immediately stared in shock when Yun Jing said this.

He Hua, who was already much better, exclaimed: "King Black Dragon, these three brothers and sisters are crossing the sea and giving the imperial court a headache. Especially when the three of them join forces, their strength is one of the best in the entire Dragon Kingdom. The people behind me are

All the teachers together are absolutely not enough in front of them."

That said, when they learned that the Black Dragon King and the others were all in Yunjing's hands, at this moment, several people present had an intuitive understanding of Yunjing's strength, and understood that even if they were put together, they might not be as powerful as Yunjing.

Scenery rival!

Then they felt a little excited and expected. With the arrival of a master like Yun Jing, would there be any chance to completely eliminate the foreign monsters to the east and restore peace to Hongshan City?

After He Hua finished speaking, Yun Jing shook his head and said with a smile: "You guys don't know, but Black Dragon King and his group of pirates are more than just the three brothers and sisters. There is actually a fourth one, but it's just not known to everyone. That fourth person

I won’t go into details, but in short, he was looking for revenge on me some time ago and I got rid of him as well.”

The reason why I don't say much about the fourth child is because he has an official status in the Dragon Kingdom. Talking about such things would damage the face of the Dragon Kingdom's court, so Yunjing naturally has to be wary of it.

As the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Kingdom, Yan Zheng thought in his mind: "It turns out there is a fourth person. No wonder the imperial court has allowed them to get away with it during many sieges and suppressions."

He obviously wanted to understand something, but he didn't say it directly.

Yun Jing did not say much about this, but changed the subject and said: "Everyone, there are foreign monsters entrenched in the east of Hongshan City, and they will attack at any time. I want to do my part, but what are your plans?"

Yunjing didn't take care of everything as soon as he arrived, and besides, the Amethyst monster was quite peaceful for the time being, so naturally he had to listen to their arrangements and not do anything random and do bad things with good intentions.

Hearing this, Yan Zheng immediately said seriously: "Although we haven't been attacked by monsters now, we can only passively resist. Taking the initiative to attack in one fell swoop is really powerless, and the situation is not optimistic. The activation of the formation consumes too much crystal source, and at most it can still

If you insist on it for a month, if there is no Jingyuan supplement, you will have to fight monsters after one month. I have reported the situation, but there has been no reply from the boss. The current situation is probably like this." Here he paused and said: "

If possible, I would naturally hope to put it down in one fell swoop. After all, every day that group of monsters exist, they are killing people and getting stronger and stronger."

When Yan Zheng said this, he was obviously hesitant to speak, and he spoke relatively reservedly. Even though he knew that Yun Jing was powerful, he couldn't take the initiative to ask for anything.

It was a righteous act for someone to come to help, but it would be his own fault if he fell into crisis instead.

The so-called "seeing the whole leopard at a glance", they have all seen Yun Jing's methods before, and his strength is unfathomable. At this time, Yan Zheng's words fell, and everyone looked at Yun Jing.

Facing the gazes of several people, Yun Jing pondered for a moment and said: "Everyone, I have said before that I have dealt with foreign monsters a lot, and I am more or less familiar with their strength and characteristics. Instead of passively welcoming their attacks,

What do you think if we don't take the initiative to wipe it out?"

"This..., Mr. Yun, are you sure?" Yan Zheng hesitated. Taking the initiative is not just talk. If you accidentally go there, you won't be able to come back. It's not because of fear, but if you can't come back, there will be hundreds of millions of people behind you.

What should the ordinary people do?

Yun Jing said seriously: "We are absolutely sure about everything. The general plan is not the solution if it continues as it is. Why don't we work together to solve it thoroughly? If we can't solve it, we can just go back. The suggestions are made below. If the truth comes out then,

You can't do this, I will cut off your descendants."

No matter when, no matter how confident he is, Yunjing will never say too much. Kang


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