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Chapter 275: Naturally Rebellious

Chapter 275 Born to be rebellious

Ren Qing originally felt that the relationship between the demon cultivator and the weird was not mutually beneficial, but now he was even more convinced of this after seeing the corpse.

However, even though his mind was full of sexy operations, he still had to understand the situation first.

Ren Qing walked through the soil, and the lightless environment made him even more powerful.

He was now in a giant cave hundreds of meters wide, with a yellow-green viscous swamp at the bottom that exuded an unpleasant odor.

The corpse was suspended in mid-air, with countless chains passing through its body.

Most of His backbone has been exposed, and the surface of His body is like a mine being mined, with hundreds of people digging for flesh and blood.

There are more than a dozen earthbags next to the mine, and many powerful demonic auras can be felt inside. The source of the chain is also the demonic cultivator among them.

In the open space is a simple altar, made of piles of flesh and blood and carved with various moon patterns, which is obviously related to the rabbit and toad monks.

The scale of the mining area is not large, after all, the corpse elephant has just transformed not long ago.

Ren Qing relied on ghost shadow and Wugui to move towards the corpse without restraint.

He found that the people had turned into corpses, and many even lost their souls.

Under the influence of the magic weapon, the half-corpse waved the mine manuscript stiffly.

The newly transported corpses were randomly discarded in the mine. Because of the evil spirit exuded by the corpses, it didn't take long for them to get up.

Ren Qing suddenly understood why the zombie cultivator turned all the people into corpses.

As a labor force, half-corpses do not need rest or food. Apart from being unable to reproduce, they have almost no shortcomings.

The demon cultivator plays the role of a corpse exorcist, using a gong-like instrument to command the half-dead body and transport the flesh and blood to the altar.

Most of the flesh and blood was devoured by the demon cultivators in the soil bag, and only a small part was used as material for the altar, resulting in very slow progress.

Why do I feel that the situation of the corpse elephant is not optimistic? It is actually tied to the ground by the demon cultivator, which feels like fishing for nothing.

Ren Qing showed a gloating smile.

He relies on Wugui's ability, except for the corpse image of the pseudo-yang god realm, the other demon cultivators cannot detect him at all.

After all, the upper limit of the demon cultivator is the Nascent Soul stage, which is the level of the Yin difference realm, and he also relies on weirdness to take shortcuts.

It's just that he can't let Wugui swallow the sense of existence for a long time, otherwise it will lead to the permanent loss of the sense of existence.

Ren Qing does not want to be forgotten by the world.

He maintained the form of a dragon-snake ghost, but his body was shrunk to just over two or three meters, and he wandered in the shadows between the chains.

Corpse Elephant was vaguely aware of Ren Qing, and wondered why a similar person with such a weak cultivation could escape the control of the demon cultivator. At the same time, he felt angry at being ignored.

The ground shook slightly.

He tried to figure out who was coming, but he was locked up. It was obviously unrealistic to break free, and instead the wound bleeded like a river.

Blood flowed down the body into the swamp, where several seven- to eight-meter-long deformed crocodiles were swimming, their eyes ready to move.

Corpse Elephant had to give up after trying several times, simply closed his eyes and stopped moving.

The sudden movement attracted the attention of the demon cultivators, and many people walked out of the earthen bags and looked at the corpse in surprise.

Only the half-corpse showed no reaction and continued the repetitive excavation work.

Little did the demon cultivators know that a dark shadow that was invisible to the naked eye had already arrived on the back of the corpse, but it was hidden in the hidden shadows.

The half corpse is surrounded by the spine and flesh and blood is mined. The scene is silent and boring.

The zombie demon cultivators gathered lazily in the corner. They occasionally chatted and spent most of their time savoring the taste of flesh and blood.

Du Fang followed a specific route to check the condition of each half corpse.

He appears to be in his early thirties, but in fact, including the time he was buried in the soil, he is almost sixty or seventy years old. He looked extremely decayed after being dug out by the demon cultivator and transformed into a zombie.

Du Fang is mainly responsible for the meat mine in the northeast corner. He has hundreds of half-corpses under his command, making him a considerable force in the corpse area.

The corpse elephant suddenly moved, causing part of the meat mine to slide from the top, killing two half-corpses carrying the meat mine.

Seeing this, Du Fang hurriedly went to check and found that half of the corpse had been crushed to pieces, and his expression became ugly.

Almost all the living and dead people in the corpse area have completed their transformation into corpses. There are fewer and fewer half-corpses being reborn every day, and each half-corpse is extremely precious.

"what happened?"

Du Fang looked at the chain around him and saw that the chain could still restrain the corpse, so he didn't pay too much attention to it.

He tore off a half-corpse arm at will, put it in his mouth and chewed it.

Suddenly, Du Fang felt sleepy in his heart. This was something he had never experienced since becoming a zombie demon cultivator, and he couldn't help but feel doubtful.

But the sleepiness could not be suppressed at all, and instead became more and more intense as time went by.

He squinted his eyes drowsily for a few breaths, and then woke up with a start. His back was soaked with cold sweat, and he looked around with a fearful expression.

For some reason, Du Fang felt something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on what was wrong.

He took out the magical weapon used to control the half-corpse and shouted with a stern face: "The dead act and the living should not come near..."

Du Fang communicated with Tongluo. He thought that the half-corpses around him would act according to his ideas, but he didn't expect that they would ignore him.

He frowned and walked towards the half-corpse, only to find that the distance between him and him became further and further away.

Du Fang thought something had happened to the half-corpse, so he waved to the demon cultivator not far away and kept shouting.

As a result, the demon cultivator didn't seem to hear it.

Du Fang fell into inexplicable fear and ran towards the dirt bag as if grasping for a life-saving straw, where there were zombie demon cultivators with a more advanced level.

But before he walked a few steps, he felt the light around him gradually dimming.

The underground is originally relatively closed, so there are only a few candlelights for illumination, but with the eyesight of the demon cultivator, I can still see clearly.

Du Fang's situation was completely different, as if the light was forcibly stripped away.

A faint mist floated up for no reason, a biting chill seeped out of it, and the half-dead bodies in the field of vision were disappearing one by one.

Du Fang stared at the corpse in disbelief. He suspected that it was caused by something strange.

"They say that the Rabbit and Toad Fairy is coming, but the elder is trying to do something wrong."

"Fuck, fuck..."

He was a little broken and cursed secretly, and the frequency of his steps continued to increase, trying to break through the darkness and return to a safe place.

But Du Fang seemed to be pulled into the boundless hell. Although he could see half a corpse not far away, when he got closer, there was only a shadow.

He turned his head in panic.

Hiss, hiss...

The sound of the breathing of some kind of giant beast came, which was extremely abrupt in the silent darkness, making his heartbeat reach the limit.

Immediately afterwards, Du Fang discovered that the darkness that was originally a pool of stagnant water boiled, and the darkness enveloped his body.

"The villain didn't mean to cause trouble. In fact, it was arranged by the four corpse immortals. They intended to use the corpse elephant as nourishment."

Du Fang quickly knelt on the ground and banged his head hard, causing blood to flow out uncontrollably.

He knelt and suddenly noticed something. He subconsciously looked up and was frightened by the scene in front of him and froze in place.

I saw a huge dragon-like snake with blood-red eyes open, and three strange and inexplicable pupils on its forehead, which made people shudder.

The dragon-snake ghost opened its mouth and swallowed Du Fang into its belly. The latter roared desperately, but was soon shrouded in darkness.

After Ren Qing defeated Du Fang's intelligence, it only took him half an hour to use his dream to completely digest his memory.

It also caused Du Fang to completely become a walking zombie with no soul.

Ren Qing looked strange.

He looked through the memory inside and out, but he didn't expect that the demon cultivator was born with a traitorous nature.

The zombie demon cultivator learned from the corpse elephant that when the demonic energy in Jingzhou is sufficient, the so-called rabbit and toad fairy will descend to the waning moon layer.

With their backing to Weiwei Cultivation, they should be in the same camp.

But the problem is that the zombie demon cultivator has always used weirdness as a training resource and has no understanding of the Rabbit and Toad Immortal.

Ren Qing would also feel guilty.

As a result, the zombie demon cultivators ostensibly built altars to gather demon energy and cleanse the Wuwei Taoist temple, but in reality they had no trust in the Rabbit and Toad Immortal.

They used the corpse elephant to try to break through the limitations of the demon infant stage, but they did not dare to do it completely, which led to the current situation.

The Qi Gathering Altar is indeed under construction, but the progress seems to be fooling people.

What Ren Qing has to do is to make the demon cultivator and the Rabbit Toad Immortal turn against each other completely, at least not to make the demon cultivator think that helping the Rabbit Toad Immortal is more in their interests.

It's just a pity that it's not the time to fall out with the demon cultivator yet...

How could Ren Qing forget about the zombie demon cultivator's sneak attack on Wuwei Taoist Temple? Let's ask for some interest first. As for the principal, we will wait for the future.

Under his control, the ghost shadow clung to the spine of the dragon and snake, like a sharp bone needle piercing the flesh of the corpse elephant.

Then stir it up.

Corpse Elephant only felt an insignificant slight pain at first, but soon it was no longer calm, and the pain became more and more intense deep inside the body.

His long and narrow trunk waved, and the sound was deafening, even making the residents of Qingyan Town aware of it.

The dragon-snake spine penetrated directly into the exposed spine, and then absorbed the bone marrow like crazy.

Ren Qing was a little regretful. Although the corpse elephant was huge in size, there was not much bone marrow in the spine, and the dragon and snake spines would be devoured quickly.

Immediately, the corpse elephant went crazy, trying desperately to remove the foreign body from his spine despite the chains scratching wounds of varying sizes.

He realized that it was Ren Qing who was causing trouble, and his mouth was full of unexplained roars.

The sudden change caused heavy casualties to the half-corpse on the back caused by the chain. Several demon cultivators even fell into the swamp and were eventually torn into pieces by crocodiles.

Four demon infant stage auras burst out at the same time.

The elder emerged from the black coffin in the earthbag, with a large number of chains tied all over his body, but only part of them were connected to the corpse.

They looked at each other and then used chains to suppress the corpse.

Despite the fact that there are four elders, they actually share the same soul. No wonder they were able to advance to the demon infant stage because of some special physical relationship.

"Zhen Xiang Zhenren, we are helping you achieve enlightenment, don't resist anymore!!!"

Ren Qing's mouth twitched, he could say such sanctimonious words.

The corpse elephant trembled even more violently, and the elder did not intend to rip off his face and inject his own demonic energy into his body along the chain.

The injury gradually stabilized, but Ren Qing had no intention of stopping.

There is one more chapter, wait a moment

(End of chapter)

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