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Chapter 298 Cyber ??Inaction City

Chapter 298 Cyber ​​Wuwei City

After more than half a year of development, Wuwei City has become somewhat like a large town, especially those tall buildings.

The heavenly magic weapon enveloped the sky on the city wall, and the true essence was tightly locked inside.

Even if the monks want to enter or leave the city, they must pass through three or four city gates to ensure that no external evil spirits will flow into the city.

According to Li Tiangang, blindly expanding the area can indeed accommodate more buildings, but it will reduce the content of true energy.

The fungus tree growing out of the ground exudes true energy. It is currently five or six meters tall and looks like jet black jade.

The true essence permeates the air, causing Taoist disciples to advance rapidly in cultivation, but so far no one has broken through to the Nascent Soul stage.

But it is enough for the Jailer Hall. The Golden Core Stage is already equivalent to the Ghost Envoy Realm. Although its combat power is far inferior to that of the Jailer Method, it can very well fill the vacancies in personnel.

However, the Nether Celestial Insect Method has many flaws. The most critical one is that the outside of the city is filled with evil spirits and there is no real energy at all.

As a result, Taoist disciples must carry magic weapons or spiritual crystals to replenish them at any time.

Ren Qing received a commission from Li Tiangang not long ago, mainly asking him to solve the problem of the magic weapon containing low real energy.

It just so happened that he also wanted to use the fungus tree as a material to refine a magic weapon to see if it could be brought into the immortality restricted area.

Ren Qing walked out of the house.

The city wall, which is comparable to a dam, blocks most of the sunlight, and there are shining orbs attached to the surface, like suns.

He looked around with an expression of surprise.

The changes in Wuwei City are really changing with each passing day, and I don't have much energy to pay attention to it, so I even feel a little out of touch.


The elephant-like beast, which was forty to fifty meters long, crashed into the city wall, causing ripples in the spell, and a large number of monks came to support it.

The people are not surprised by this. The city wall is impregnable and no monsters have been able to break through it so far, so they are not worried at all.

Ren Qing raised his eyebrows, taking advantage of the leisure time in the Changsheng Forbidden Zone to find out the situation in Jingzhou, so as not to be unaware of what was happening.

He immediately discovered that the house he lived in was rather out of place in the city, and if it wasn't for the fact that it lowered his sense of presence, he would have been noticed by others long ago.

Ren Qing simply took the house into Yongjian Prison.

He plans to change his residence again and pay attention to the market in Wuwei City to continue to improve the Dreamland Market.

Ren Qing canceled the influence of the Disaster Elimination Law and walked slowly towards the center of the city.

A large number of people walked through the streets, more or less showing some cultivation, and there was a feeling that all the people were cultivating immortals.

Everyone is extremely busy, as if Wuwei City is a giant machine, and Ren Qing's leisurely style seems a bit out of place.

Ren Qing also noticed that there were differences in the people's clothing. Most of them wore Taoist robes made from animal skins.

These animal skins should be relatively cheap, and they probably wouldn't fetch much, so they might as well be refined into simple magical weapons.

In Xiangxiang a few years ago, how would it be possible to see such a large number of magical artifacts.

Just when Ren Qing was hesitating where to go first, someone took a photo of her right leg.

He turned around and saw a girl about half a meter tall, dressed like a tomboy, looking at him with sly eyes.

Ren Qing couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong with the girl?"

The girl pointed to the jailer's token on Ren Qing's waist and said in a dissatisfied tone: "Although you are the immortal chief of the jailer hall, you can't call me that."

"Ahem, cough, cough, my little girl's Taoist name is Qingzhu. The Immortal Chief is new to Wuwei City. I'll give you some spiritual crystals and I'll lead the way for you."

"That's okay, Master Qingzhu Trail, please help me find an inn."

Ren Qing threw Qingzhu a bag containing spiritual crystals, and then motioned to Qingzhu to lead the way.

Qingzhu picked up the money bag, took a look at it and beamed with joy, but was afraid that Ren Qing would take back the money, so he said: "I took the spiritual crystal, don't regret it, there is no regret in the transaction."

"how could be."

Ren Qing shook his head helplessly.

As the largest middleman of Wuwei Taoist Temple, the amount of his spiritual crystals can be said to be piled up like a mountain, and I am afraid that he may not be able to spend them all.

Qingzhu put the money bag close to her body and skipped around the corner of the street.

Ren Qing looked at the various giant beasts passing by, most of which were lizards and horses, but their alien auras were relatively weak.

He couldn't help but ask: "Is this a strange beast? Why has it changed so much?"

Qingzhu explained seriously: "I don't know either. They are all cultivated by escort agencies. They are very expensive and I have never been exposed to them..."

"Escort agency?"

Qingzhu slowed down and talked about the emerging forces developed in Wuwei City.

Monks usually go out of the city in groups to slay monsters, because the space in the stomach world is limited and they can only hold some useful materials.

The remaining monster corpses will be transported by an escort composed of ordinary monks.

The bodyguards are composed of monks who are not qualified enough to advance to the Golden Core Stage.

They did not join the Jailer Hall and could not go to the Dream Market. Their resources were far inferior to those of Taoist disciples and jailers, so they naturally focused their energy on cultivating strange beasts.

After Yuan Si's efforts, there are now more than ten types of monsters, but the most popular ones are still the strong lizards.

"My father is from the Changyuan Escort Agency. If you want to do some odd jobs, you can go to the Yuanyuan Escort Agency in the south of the city..."

Qingzhu introduced the long-term escort agency tirelessly, and his voice became louder and louder.

In her opinion, since Ren Qing is not short of spiritual crystals, it means that his cultivation is good, and he may even have completed his foundation building.

However, Ren Qing vaguely realized that the entire operation of Wuwei City was based on monsters, which led to the situation where all the people were monks.

The Jailor Hall also holds a tacit attitude towards this. After all, the future is full of uncertainty, and it is the truth to obtain resources and strengthen itself.

While Qingzhu was talking, he came to a four-story inn, but the surrounding environment was relatively ordinary, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

She lowered her voice proudly and said: "This place was opened by your Jailer's Hall. A short walk to the north is the area where monsters are slaughtered. It does have a bit of a smell."

“The accommodation in the inn is not expensive, and you can eat the freshest monster meat.”

Qingzhu swallowed and hinted that Ren Qing would treat him to something to eat.

"That's it, thank you very much."

Ren Qing ignored this overly precocious girl and walked straight into the inn. Qingzhu touched his head and ran away.

The innkeeper looks to be in his thirties or forties. He is a reserve soldier who has been in Jingzhou for a long time. Because he did not have the confidence to break through the ghost envoy realm, he simply did business in Wuwei City.

He saw Ren Qing hurriedly stepped forward and used a rag to wipe the dust off the latter's body.

Ren Qing randomly asked for a guest room, planning to buy a separate house in the city when he had time, but the innkeeper kept looking at him.

The innkeeper belatedly realized that Ren Qing looked familiar, but after thinking about it he couldn't remember his appearance, so he quickly became worried.

Ren Qing checked the guest room and then walked towards the place where the monster beasts were slaughtered.

The closer he got, the stronger the smell of blood became, mixed with an unpleasant rancid odor. Many people covered their mouths and noses.

The slaughtering of monsters is specially set up on an open stone platform.

What caught Ren Qing's eyes were countless monster beast corpses, most of them were over four meters tall, and very few were under two meters tall.

But they were all ordinary monster beast corpses. He didn't see any monster beasts transformed from demon cultivators, let alone anything weird.

Dozens of monks wielded flying swords to cut monsters into various pieces of meat, and the useful materials were given to birds and monsters to be sent to the ghost market.

Ren Qing deliberately lowered his presence, but did not come to stop him.

He examined the structure of the monster's body and noticed that its internal organs were complete, as if it had undergone tens of thousands of years of evolution in a short period of time.

Ren Qing immediately saw something a little strange about several monster beasts. There was actually a corpse with light golden blood flowing out of it.

He hurriedly stepped forward, and after touching it with his palm, the information flow surged.

【Beast Corpse】

[The body of a beast corroded by demonic energy is formed after death, containing weak Buddhist energy, causing the alienation of the three souls and seven souls. 】

Ren Qing pulled out a long and narrow dragon-snake spine, turned it into a ghost, and stabbed it into the mud ball palace of the corpse, pulling out the soul of the monster.

The monster has been dead for several days, so its soul should be scattered, but its soul is still solid.

The content displayed in the information stream is not unusual. The Buddha's energy should be used to protect the soul, so it exists for a long time.

When the Buddha energy is exhausted, the soul will naturally dissipate.

Ren Qing guessed that it might be related to Song Zongwu's Buddhism, but after the latter left Wuwei, he seemed to evaporate without a trace.

He informed Li Tiangang about the corpse of the monster through the bird monster, and then walked towards the location where Chong Tui was buried.

Since the fungus tree is used to refine the magic weapon, it is better to use the best materials. The fungus tree near the spiritual vein must be relatively strong.

Little did he know that as soon as Ren Qing stepped forward, something strange appeared on the corpse of the monster.

It was obvious that his abdomen had been cut open, but suddenly his whole body began to tremble.

The corpse of the monster beast resembled a hyena when it was alive, but it imitated humans to walk on two legs, but it fell to its knees and died after taking only a few steps.

The already weak Buddhist spirit was gone, as if the traces had been deliberately wiped away.

The middle-aged Taoist priest Yu Jian fell to the ground and carefully examined the body of the monster through his spells, but found no clues in the end.

He could only attribute the reason to the corpse being too fresh.

But as time went by, there were more and more corpses of similar monsters, and some even came back to life on the way back to Wuwei City.

What made the monk's hair stand on end was that the corpse did not move at all after being resurrected.

He just imitated the posture of kneeling and worshiping, and in a trance he was like a senior monk who had been serving the Buddha for a long time. Finally, he died with a pious expression.

The Jailer Hall quickly intervened and transported the corpse containing the Buddha's energy to Abi Hell.

After investigation, they found that the corpses of such monsters came from a place a hundred miles southwest of Wuwei City, called Liuli Mountain.

Because the rocks present a crystal clear luster and turn into glazed color when reflected by sunlight, the mountain is named after it.

The area near Liuli Mountain is relatively barren, with only exposed rocks and few vegetation, making the field of vision wide and very suitable for hunting monsters.

The Imperial Guard Hall listed Liuli Mountain as a forbidden area, along with the Su Nian River and the Bottomless Cave.

It has only been more than half a year, and Jingzhou will only become more and more dangerous in the future, until the day comes when the monk Rabbit Toad arrives.

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(End of chapter)

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