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Chapter 383 Yang God Realm【Abi Hell】

Chapter 383 Yang Shen Realm [Abi Hell]

The moment the Dionysian Technique was promoted, the water vapor in the cave began to rise, but it only lasted for a few breaths, and then returned to calm.

Ren Qing couldn't help but blush, as if he had been hungover for a long time.

He looked at the world in his stomach and found that the wine lake had no tendency to expand at all. Instead, the edges of it were shaking.

Tens of thousands of Cishi people stood in the valley with frightened and bewildered faces.

Backed by a river and with flat land for farming, they thought the danger was gone, but as soon as they settled down, unexpected changes struck again.

Seeing this, the young monk couldn't help but look a little confused.

His name was "Tang Sheng", and he was promoted to the position of the old mage by everyone, and then he led the Ci people to move to the valley.

Tang Sheng looked around in confusion.

Tens of thousands of people screamed in terror, and the scene became extremely chaotic.

He couldn't help but tremble all over, his heavy breathing revealed the fear in his heart, and he recalled the horror of the coming of monsters and monsters.

The town, which was peaceful at that time, was suddenly shaken by the earthquake.

Then densely packed and terrifying monsters emerged from the soil, as if they were born out of thin air, spliced ​​together from deformed and horrific flesh and blood.

Tang Sheng forced himself to calm down, then slapped himself hard several times, and quickly called his companions to stay away from the rocks.

Just after the chaos gradually subsided, the movement disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, they inexplicably heard the sound of rough water and the spectacular scene of a large number of water birds flying into the distance above their heads.

"The Great Merciful Maitreya Bodhisattva bless you!!"

"It must be the Great Compassionate Maitreya Bodhisattva!!"

"The Bodhisattva has appeared."

"What happened?"

Tang Sheng's expression was at a loss, and he signaled everyone to rest on the spot and not panic, while he led dozens of people to climb towards the top of the mountain.

They were silent among each other, and just kept chanting to the Great Compassionate Maitreya Bodhisattva.

As Tang Sheng gradually approached the top of the mountain, he could smell the smell of salt mixed with alcohol in his nose. It was a little strange, but it was refreshing.

The middle-aged Orion beside him couldn't help but asked softly: "Master Tang, is this the Paradise?"

"Donor, it must be..."

Tang Sheng's tone was very firm, but his heart was filled with confusion.

The young Orion breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said: "Little Master, you are the disciple of the old Master, of course I believe you."

"And the true scriptures learned out of thin air must have been taught by Bodhisattva."

When the Ci people first came to this world, they had a mysterious memory in their minds, but the recorded content was extremely complicated.

It doesn't look like Cishi's writing at all, and I can only barely recognize "Celestial Insect Law".

Although the words have some similarities, they are difficult to understand when put together, and even give Tang Sheng a feeling of confusion.


Tang Sheng stopped walking and looked outside the mountain with a look of disbelief on his face.

I saw an endless ocean outside the mountain. The water waves crackled on the stone walls, and water birds could be seen circling in the air.

Before Tang Sheng took the Ci people to the valley not long ago, it was still a barren Gobi desert. But now, in a short period of time, it has turned from a barren land into a vast ocean.

The area of ​​​​the ocean is still expanding, as if it is turning the land into an island.

"The Great Merciful Maitreya Bodhisattva is on top!!"

Tang Sheng murmured to himself passionately, and the others had already knelt on the ground, banging their heads on the hard rock.

Even if blood dripped from his forehead, there was no stopping at all.

After a while, everyone built a simple incense stand with grass and trees, respectfully worshiped the ocean, and prayed for a good harvest.

They didn't return to the valley until it got dark.

Under Tang Sheng's comfort, the tens of thousands of Ci people in the settlement breathed a sigh of relief. Moreover, there was indeed no trace of the demon.

They immediately began to plan how to clear fields and build houses.

The food given by the Bodhisattva is enough for them for a year or two, plus food can be found in the mountains and countryside, so resources are not scarce for the time being.

Tang Sheng looked at the village that was on track and packed his luggage secretly.

The middle-aged Orion happened to want to invite Tang Sheng to have dinner. Seeing this, he couldn't help but asked: "Little Master, what do you mean?"

Tang Sheng smiled and shook his head slightly, and replied vaguely: "It's okay, I was just prepared."

"That's good, the dry food is hot, go and eat it."

Tang Sheng followed the middle-aged hunter towards the campfire, but his mind was no longer here.

Although he didn't know whether the "Celestial Chong Law" in his memory was a scripture, it was probably involved in the rise and fall of the Ci people.

Tang Sheng glanced at the vast west.

Since the north is the ocean, there may be people in the west who can read the text and can use this to clarify its meaning.

Tang Sheng firmly decided to go west, but he still did not tell the others. After all, he would definitely encounter countless dangers along the way.

It would be fine if he died on the road alone, and it would save them from worrying about him.

Tang Sheng hung his luggage on a branch and immediately helped his companions pack up their accommodation, planning to wait until the refugees' lives were completely stable before leaving.


Inside the cave.

As the instigator, Ren Qing did not pay too much attention to the Prison of Eternity. He only briefly glanced at the ability of the Dionysian Dharma to reach the Yin difference realm, and then prepared to continue to advance to the Food Immortal Dharma.

The area of ​​​​Eternal Prison has more than doubled due to the ocean of wine, turning it into a sea of ​​wine.

He can now use Dionysian magic to directly control the ocean to fight against the enemy.

However, this technique is too powerful and cannot be used most of the time. Fortunately, it can be used in conjunction with the incarnation of a dragon, which can fully utilize the water-bending ability.

In addition, the output of the wine mine has increased dozens of times.

After all, no matter how big the wine lake is, it is just a lake with a fixed area, but the wine sea can expand without limit.

Even if Ren Qing's Tao Dao Dao were promoted to Yang Shen realm, he could recreate islands in the sea of ​​wine to form a different ecological environment.

With a slight thought in his mind, he simply photographed Nanshan to the sea and became the first isolated island.

Ren Qing continued to call out the information flow.

[Whether you choose to branch to the Flame of Taichu, it will consume two hundred years of life]

"The Flame of the Beginning..."

Ren Qing muttered these four words, and at the same time glanced at the sky. The sun was already rising high, and it was almost noon.

When he secretly confirmed it, an unknown fire arose in his dantian, and then his whole body began to feel hot and sweat continued to flow out.

Ren Qing subconsciously wanted to replenish water, but then she covered her chest.

The heart beats faster, and the nectar-like blood reaches seventy or eighty degrees, eventually flowing along the blood vessels to the stomach.

After Ren Qing learned the information about the Immortal Food Technique, he immediately understood its importance.

Many mythological systems in previous lives regard fire as the origin of life.

Flame is indeed very crucial to the formation of the world in the stomach, even as much as the "water source" of Dionysian law. The two can be said to complement each other.

Ren Qing couldn't help but feel happy.

The art of the Taoist Taoist should not be limited to the Taotie method, the Dionysian method and the Immortal Food method, but these three are definitely the most core and can be said to be irreplaceable.

The peace of the world in the stomach was broken, cracks opened on the ground and under the water, and hot air flowed out from them.

The Flesh Furnace was only limited to a lava cave somewhere underground, but now it has turned into a river that runs through the entire world in the stomach.

King Xin was swimming among them.

The inflammation of Taichu is very much like a "tectonic movement" to the world in the stomach.

The Flame of Taichu caused a temperature difference between the north and the south of the Eternal Prison, and it could even reach four or five degrees from the extreme south to the extreme north.

At the same time, it will cause the evolution of continents, promote the formation of trenches and mountains, and also lead to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other disasters.

Although disasters arise, this is the real world.

And the changes don't stop there.

The Ember Change of the Immortal Food Technique can turn the residue left by burning materials into various types of mineral veins, but the accumulation efficiency is too low.

After reaching the Taichu Flame of Yincha Realm, even if there are only a few pieces of ore in the ground, continuous veins of minerals can be derived over time.

The world in the stomach is equivalent to a continuous output of resources.

Ren Qing looked at the world in his stomach. The inside and outside were no different from the real world, but he always felt that something was missing.

The answer should be Abi Hell in the Yangshen Realm.

[Whether to be promoted to the Abi Hell branch will consume one thousand years of life]

When a thousand years of life passed by in a blink of an eye, the world in the stomach began to squirm like a living thing, as if some kind of boundary had been broken by the Yang Shen realm.

Ren Qing hurriedly looked at it, and suddenly the voices of countless creatures flooded into his ears.

In the Kunpeng tribe, two demonic monks hugged a baby who was waiting to be fed. They looked at each other, their eyes filled with the joy of rebirth.

The bamboo forest represented by the rebirth technique began to sway, and a green bamboo root grew taller, as if to indicate the beginning of life.

Not far from the baby was a dying old man. When he saw his grandson coming into the world, he couldn't help but smile and close his eyes.

There is a gray-black dead bamboo in the bamboo forest that has been raised for a while, representing the end of life.

After death, the body will gradually decay, and the soul will disperse, and eventually only a little aura the size of a grain of rice will remain flying into the air.

【Remaining Soul of Reincarnation】

[After the souls died in Abi Hell, they were condensed under the influence of the Rebirth Technique. It has the effect of granting life and death to all things. 】

"life and death?"

Ren Qing couldn't help but use his consciousness to lead the remaining soul of reincarnation to the endless sea of ​​wine.

After the ocean was promoted to the Yangshen realm in the stomach world, its area expanded more than ten times, but it was lifeless inside, without any life.

Ren Qing couldn't help but fetch the seeds of aquatic plants, and the remaining souls of reincarnation actively integrated into them, making the grass seeds full of vitality.

He sprinkled it hard, and the grass seeds fell into the sand at the bottom of the water.

Water plants grow and wither at a speed visible to the naked eye. After growing up within a few breaths, another grass seed is conceived and falls on the sand.

This was repeated several times before the remaining souls of reincarnation were completely lost, and the new aquatic plants became more adapted to the environment in salt water.

Ren Qing took another remnant soul of reincarnation, this time using it with wine fish eggs from the wine lake.

Sure enough, the fish eggs hatched quickly and began to multiply, and before they knew it, there were thousands of them.

The fish scattered towards the sea of ​​wine.

The function of the remaining souls of reincarnation is to allow creatures to quickly complete reincarnation, allowing them to adapt to various environments in a short period of time.

In the Abi Hell of the Prison Hall, there is a place called the Land of Mingyu, which is the same realm of reincarnation.

Similarly, the jailers had vague changes and each fell into a dormant state.

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(End of chapter)

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