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Chapter 395 Negative Environment

Chapter 395: Yin difference realm [bacterial disaster is monstrous]

The situation of the Tai Sui Jing is similar to that of the Six Diseases Technique. Because of the dream technique, a more alternative branch of weirdness has emerged.

For example.

[Dream Disease]: You can use dreams to affect the souls of others, causing the body to develop stubborn diseases.

[Dream Healing]: You can use dreams to remove other people's illnesses and heal them.

[Brain disease]: Any body-related disease will only affect the brain.

Ren Qing did not hesitate to regard Mengyu's change as a change caused by the blood disease, so that he did not have to personally extract the disease.

Just after the Meng Healing incident was completed, many people in the world in the stomach who had stubborn illnesses were inexplicably cured after just sleeping.

No matter how large the area of ​​the world in the stomach is, Meng Yue's strange changes can cover it all.

However, Ren Qing does not intend to affect the life, old age, illness and death in the world in the stomach. If everyone does not get sick, their physical constitution will inevitably decline from generation to generation.

Mengyu's strange changes are aimed at diseases that are not contained in diseased trees.

Ren Qing continued to choose the type of treachery, and soon had the target of a second treachery.

[Hibernating]: It can control the time when the disease occurs and control the disease to enter the dormant period.

He mainly considered that if he used the disease to transform the giant corpse Buddha, he should not let the disease get out of control, so as not to cause a riot in the Buddha's energy.

As for the three strange changes, Ren Qing chose "disease".

[Disease]: It can actively stimulate the intelligence of the disease, causing it to absorb nutrients from the host, thereby deriving new lesions.

Illness can give birth to more difficult diseases, but it is just a double-edged sword that must be used with caution to avoid getting out of hand.

After the strange branch was completed, Ren Qing prepared to promote the Tai Sui Jing to the Yin Cha Realm.

It's a pity that after the separated soul turned into a diseased tree, it was fixed in Niwan Palace, which was equivalent to missing a channel to extend life.

[Whether you choose mycobacteria to bring disaster to the world, it will cost you two hundred years of life]

The Taisui Sutra in the Ghost Envoy Realm alone is definitely not enough to influence the giant corpse Buddha. Only by reaching the Yin Chao Realm can it be used to transform it into a magical weapon.

The process of Tai Sui Meridian breakthrough is mainly reflected in diseased trees, where the volume directly expands several times and holes of different sizes are formed on the surface of the bark.

It's like a pair of resentful eyes.

Ren Qing could feel the horror of Tai Sui Meng. If there was not a soul-partitioning disease tree to contain the disease seeds, a drop of blood he shed might lead to the death of thousands of living beings.

After achieving "monstrous germs", I am afraid that a large number of diseases can be spread with the wave of a hand.

He suddenly discovered that he could control the longevity trees in the restricted area in disguise, and devour the seeds of longevity with the roots spread all over the town.

Although the longevity gained from practicing physical martial arts through split souls will be lost, as long as the Immortal Seed attacks the town again, it may be possible to extend one's life by hundreds or even thousands of years.

Ren Qing summoned his own information flow.

【Ren Qing】

[Shouyuan: nine hundred and thirteen years]


[Shadowless Ghost, Human Skin Book, Armor Wearing Technique, Netherworld Technique, Dragon and Snake Spine]

[This side has the Yin God, the original fetal membrane, the spirit marrow bone fairy, the underworld immortal, and the horned dragon sheds the pan]

[Supernatural Power: Dragon's Roar in the Box]


Taotie Technique (Eating Immortal Technique, Dionysian Technique, Tao Dao Tao, Rebirth Technique)

Abi Hell (the flames of the beginning, the sea of ​​wine in the belly, the inaction ashram, the reincarnation)

[Supernatural Power: Dharma, Heaven and Earth]


Eyeless Method (Dream Butterfly Method, Nightmare Technique, Six Disease Method, Tai Sui Sutra)

The Lord of the Darkest Nightmare (Three Inches of the World, Real Nightmare, King of Spreading Diseases and Plague, Fungus and Trouble)

[Changes: dream seeds, soul clothes, dream vessels, butterfly sheds, butterfly love, messengers, dark light, memories, overlapping dreams, repeated dreams, long dreams, nightmares, dream recovery, hibernation, illness]


Methods to eliminate disasters (storyteller, fairy in the mirror)

The hidden door in the treacherous belly (talking about ancient masters, the treacherous mirror walker)

[Changes: resistance to hunger, resistance to thirst, resistance to killing, no thoughts, foster care, seeding demons, glass, illusory body, virtual reality]


Now that the five magic arts related to the dream have completed the transformation, Ren Qing can start the transformation and fusion to prepare for the Yangshen Realm.

However, there are too many things going on at this stage, so we can only talk about it slowly for now.

Ren Qing immediately checked the disease tree, and found that in a short period of time, more than a dozen common diseases had appeared in it.

His eyes focused on one of the disease types, and he took it out after thinking for a moment.

[Disease type—flatulence]

There is no type of disease that increases the toughness of the stomach, but the type of flatulence disease should be a good choice, after all, it can expand the stomach area.

The stomach of the giant corpse Buddha is even smaller than the original Wuwei Dojo.

Although the stomach is more than enough to accommodate thousands of monks, it is undoubtedly far from enough for Ren Qing to arrange any magical weapons.

Moreover, Fulin occupies a full third, and the magic weapon may affect the immortal golden body.

Ren Qing was a little worried about bringing the flatulence disease to the outside world.

There was a speck of dust invisible to the naked eye in his open palm, but little did he know that it contained unimaginable power.

Ren Qing quietly blew air into his palm.

The flatulence disease immediately fell to the ground and was immediately absorbed by the flesh and blood of the giant corpse Buddha.

Ren Qing closed his eyes and controlled the flatulence disease to continue to multiply. In a short time, the number had increased by three to four hundred.

This is still without applying the six disease methods, otherwise the flatulence disease would cover most of the stomach in the blink of an eye. It can be seen that the two methods complement each other.

Li Tiangang and others were vaguely aware.

The stomach is obviously a semi-closed environment, so why is there a sudden breeze blowing?

The Buddha's Qi had no reaction at all to the flatulence disease seeds, which emboldened Ren Qing, and he took out another flatulence disease seeds from the diseased tree.

This time Ren Qing used the dragon's chant in the box, causing the disease to turn into a tiny pseudo-dragon.

His connection with the flatulence disease becomes even closer. If he performs the Disease Disaster Transformation again, the pseudo-dragon disease will become spiritually intelligent.

I'm afraid new lesions will develop soon.

Ren Qing also allowed the pseudo-dragon disease to thrive in his stomach. As for the rest of the giant corpse Buddha, he had to refine the weapon first.


A strong wind blew in my stomach, mixed with a faint rancid smell.

The moon patterns all over the flesh wall gradually changed from golden to gray and black, indicating that the invisible influence of the disease was more thorough than the Buddhist energy.

From the perspective of Buddha Qi, the disease is caused by the giant corpse Buddha. As long as it does not threaten itself, it will not be ignored at all.

The stomach felt like an inflated balloon, and its area more than doubled.

Seeing this, Ren Qing quickly put the flatulence disease into the dormant stage to avoid accidentally exploding his stomach, which would be more than worth the loss.

The monks of the Buddha in the Buddha had reverence on their faces. In their eyes, the method of the Great Merciful Maitreya Bodhisattva is the supernatural power to recreate the heaven and earth.

Li Tiangang and others all came over to Ren Qing.

Not long ago, the stomach of the giant corpse Buddha was crudely made into a refined weapon, but inadvertently, the moon pattern transformed.

And because pseudodranic disease species are constantly multiplying, the transformation of the stomach is obviously not over yet.

Li Tiangang asked in disbelief: "Ren Qing, have you taken control of your stomach?"

"That's not true..."

Li Tiangang breathed a sigh of relief and allowed Ren Qing to continue: "Probably only six or seven out of ten."

Several people looked at each other, but they didn't expect that Ren Qing's idea of ​​refining the body of an earth immortal would actually take shape within a few days.

Ren Qing closed his eyes and felt that the disease had been integrated into the flesh and blood everywhere, and even the moon patterns contained a large amount of flatulence disease.

In particular, diseases that merge with the moon pattern have the characteristics of becoming a magical weapon.

His thoughts moved slightly.

Since it is not possible to meticulously refine all the flesh and blood in the stomach into a magic weapon, then the disease must be transformed into a magic weapon to completely complete the sacrifice.

In this way, Ren Qing has actually taken over his stomach.

It's just that the disease type is not part of the giant corpse Buddha, but at the same time it is closely related, which allowed him to take advantage of the loophole in the Buddha's knowledge.

Seeing that Ren Qing had come to his senses, Li Tiangang quickly discussed the future matters.

First of all, Li Yaoyang's Gu insect has achieved initial results. It is a beetle with a pure white appearance and exudes a relatively weak Buddhist aura.

Although the raw material is a Tiandao insect, after swallowing miscellaneous materials, this weird Buddhist Gu insect is formed.

Generally speaking, Tiandao Insects are extremely malleable and are worthy of being transformed into spiritual veins.

The only drawback is that it is difficult to control. Currently, Li Yaoyang is still trying to figure it out, and it will not take long before he can control the Gu worms to explore the intestines.

Miss Bai asked curiously: "Where should we target the giant corpse Buddha?"

Ren Qing hesitated for a moment. Theoretically, the internal organs were the core of the giant corpse Buddha, but he wanted to go to the spine.

As long as the spine is controlled and the hard bone diseases and gigantism diseases are integrated into it, the giant corpse Buddha's combat power can be increased by at least 70 to 80%.

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly there was an earth-shattering movement outside, accompanied by shaking in the stomach.

Even though it only lasted a few minutes, it still made Ren Qing firm up his idea, and then said: "Using the intestines as a stepping stone, we will go to the spine of the giant corpse Buddha."

Ren Qing had just finished speaking when he suddenly realized that something was trying to get into his stomach, but he scratched the outer wall with his claws and then left.

"Trouble is coming."

"We don't know where the giant corpse Buddha is. There may be other creatures mixed into its body. We must be more careful."

Ren Qing's words attracted great attention from Li Tiangang and others.

Indeed, even they can come to the hinterland where the giant corpse Buddha stores his immortal golden body. There must be other beings who can do the same.

Buddha Qi doesn't care about the situation of the giant corpse Buddha at all, unless it damages the container.

As more and more places are passed through, it is foreseeable that there will definitely be a large number of strange things parasitic on the giant corpse Buddha.

It is not easy for Ren Qing to control the giant corpse Buddha, not to mention defending against attacks from the outside world.

He was now glad that he started from the stomach, at least there was enough area to arrange, and it was not too far from the spine.

"Miss Bai, please take Han Li and the others to refine the magic weapon to protect Fulin. In a few days, people from the Jailer's Hall will arrive."

Miss Bai agreed immediately.

The three of them left immediately, and Li Tiangang asked impatiently: "Have you found a way to send a large number of monks to the stomach?"


After Ren Qing refined his stomach, he became more and more aware of the likes and dislikes of Buddha's energy, and knew how to avoid the possibility of Buddha's energy rioting.

He was even thinking about how to harvest the longevity of the Buddhist monks in the Buddha.

We still have to seize the point of mutual benefit.

I just found out that the monthly tickets will be doubled tomorrow. Dear readers, please remember to vote when the event comes!!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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