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Chapter 468 Esoteric Buddhism—Sentient Buddha

Chapter 468: Esoteric Buddhism—Buddha of All Living Beings

The vast plain stretches as far as the eye can see, with tens of thousands of sheep heading northwest in an orderly manner, driven by shepherds.

From time to time, shepherds would take their sheep to lush pastures, watch the sheep gnaw on the grass, and constantly call out "Buddha of all living beings".

Occasionally, they would look at Ren Qing, their eyes full of indescribable confusion.

Ren Qing lay at the end of the team, and the shepherds placed him respectfully on the cart, which was pulled by the strongest horses.

He has not tried to contact the shepherd in the past few days, only observing in secret.

Ren Qing was learning the shepherd's language at the same time, noticing more and more strange things, and becoming increasingly wary of the Buddhist forces behind him.

Even if the shepherd found out that Ren Qing was awake, he did not go to inquire about it, but just watched with a horrifying look.

Even more evil than the monks who went to heaven in the past.

The monks in the sky are conceived by the compassionate Buddha energy, and they repeat it every day, but they themselves have independent consciousness and even have traces of practicing the Buddha energy.

But there was nothing strange about the shepherd's body and soul, and the same was true for the fine-wool sheep. It didn't seem to be influenced by Buddhist influence at all.

However, they seem to believe in the Buddha named "Buddha of All Living Beings". They pray morning and night, and even sacrifice the flesh and blood of fine-wool sheep to the Buddha.

Ren Qing's understanding of Buddhism was not superficial, but he had never heard of the Buddha of all living beings, and he had no idea what Song Zongwu meant by "the ten physical and spiritual aspects are all present in one moment."

But later, through the Buddhist monks in the mirror world, many Buddhist classics were obtained from their weak consciousness.

Among them, we find a description of the spiritual aspects of the ten bodies, which are all present in one moment.

It is said that the Buddha's body and soul have ten parts, namely the voice-hearer body, the pratyekabuddha body, the bodhisattva body, the Tathagata body, the dharma body, the wisdom body, the void body, the karma body, the sentient body and the land body.

The Buddha of All Living Beings is definitely not a Buddha in the traditional sense. I don’t know if it’s some weird thing drummed up by Buddhist forces.

Ren Qing used the information flow to check the shepherd, but couldn't find any clues.

He pretended to be recovering from his injuries, but in fact he was removing the excess life energy from his body, so that his body gradually recovered and the Buddhist energy he exuded became richer.

Ren Qing felt that it was involved in the layout of Buddhism, but he did not know the role Song Zongwu played in it.

He pretended to get up from the cart, and then coughed violently several times, inadvertently releasing the Buddha energy from the Laughing Lion Arhat.

The cry of the sheep was still there, but the shepherds who had been chatting with each other just now fell silent.

They stopped their horses and stared at Ren Qing. Regardless of men, women, old or young, they all chanted the name "Buddha of all living beings".

Ren Qing said tentatively: "I, Zong Qing of Shifo Temple, was trapped in the Land of the Dead for several years. He just got out of trouble recently. Thank you to this Buddhist brother for saving me."

He turned over and left the cart, but the shepherd's eyes were still locked on him.

No matter how many steps Ren Qing moved, the shepherd would move his head accordingly, and even control the horses to gradually surround him.

Ren Qing cursed a few times in his mind, thinking that even if he is a Buddha of all living beings, he will shrink his head and tail.

He turned around and left. If the other party refused to be exposed, he could only change the path and use dream magic to try to figure out Song Zongwu's location.

Ren Qing's pace was faster than that of the horse, and he had already opened up the distance in just a few breaths.

"Smiling Lion Buddha, please stay..."

The sharp sound sounded for no reason, and it could be heard that it was mixed with pain. The tens of thousands of fine-wool sheep present closed their mouths in fear.

Ren Qing narrowed his eyes, and under the influence of Menghua, the Buddha's energy imitated the old monk Zong Qing's method, turning into a golden lion all over his body.

The being who is talking to him should be the Buddha of all living beings that the shepherd believes in.

Ren Qing didn't realize at first why the Buddha of all living beings called himself the Laughing Lion Buddha, but then he suddenly realized something.

His Buddhist aura was stripped from the Laughing Lion Arhat. Although the fruition position is not in the real body, the Buddhist aura does come from the Arhat in the Heavenly Conspiracy Realm.

If Ren Qing and Song Zongwu stand together, there is no doubt that he is more like a Buddhist.

"Buddha of all living beings?"

Ren Qing turned his head warily. Many shepherds came on horseback. The source of the sound came from the shepherds' chests and abdomen.

"It is this deity. It seems that the Buddha of all living beings is known to everyone in Buddhism. Jiejiejiejiejie..."

Ren Qing is not clear about the relationship between Buddhism and the Buddha of All Living Beings, but the methods of the Buddha of All Living Beings are indeed very hidden, at least he is not aware of it.

"Smiling Lion Buddha, don't be frightened by me. I will reveal my magical powers... uh."

The Buddha of All Living Beings groaned, and the shepherd took off his upper body clothes, revealing the skin and flesh on his chest and abdomen that squirmed.

Ren Qing's Buddhist aura became more turbulent. In fact, in order to attract attention, he quietly approached the shepherd with a ghostly shadow that eliminated the sense of existence.

I saw that the flesh of many shepherds turned into twisted faces, as if a head was about to burst out of the chest and abdomen.

A faint Buddhist aura emanates from the shepherd, but the feeling is different from the orthodox Buddhist aura.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie, the Laughing Lion Buddha should know the vastness of the esoteric Buddhism, right?"

The voice of the Buddha of All Living Beings was full of pain. Obviously, using similar methods requires bearing some kind of different price.

In his excitement, the shepherd made a sound of bones colliding all over his body, and blood oozed from his facial features, indicating that his body was about to collapse.

Ren Qing originally thought that it was a power similar to that of a storyteller, and that the Buddha of all living beings was parasitic in the bodies of mortals, but he soon realized that it was not the real body in front of him.

The ghost shadow merges into the shadow of the herdsman, and the flow of information surges.

【Buddha of all living beings】

[Year: one thousand three hundred and fifty-seven]

[Shouyuan: seven thousand six hundred and thirteen years]

【Skill: Body of All Living Beings】

【Body of all living beings】

[The body of living beings was created by an unknown ascetic. He refined the body with the wombs of thousands of women who were extremely devout to the Buddha of all living beings, and integrated the souls of reincarnated Buddhas into it. Only when the body and soul are united can it be completed. 】

Ren Qing's expression changed slightly. The Buddha of All Living Beings is definitely a heretic, so what are the other nine spiritual forms?

What concerned him most was that the sentient body was actually created by an unknown ascetic.

The unknown ascetic was Song Zongwu's master, and he also created the Shura Technique and the Listening Technique. He was an unknown person.

However, since he was able to create the method of imprisoning soldiers, he must have looked directly at the way of heaven many times, so how could his mental condition be okay?

Ren Qing guessed that the technique of the body of living beings should be able to use the followers of the living beings Buddha to force oneself into their bodies.

Or is it possible that as long as you know that all living beings are Buddhas, they will be descended?

He couldn't help but have murderous intent in his heart. This kind of weird technique shouldn't exist. He always felt that it would expose himself.

The Buddha of all living beings smiled and said: "Sir, the Laughing Lion Buddha, are you willing to explore the secret teachings of Buddhism together? We can transcend the fruition status, and we don't need to worry about being deprived of body and soul after achieving the true fruition..."

He talked endlessly, and at the same time the Buddha's energy surged, and his words became even more threatening.

Ren Qing did not agree in a hurry. He did not speak until he noticed that the aura of the Buddha of All Living Beings reached the level of Yang Shen.

"I have indeed experienced nine lives. It is very likely that I will achieve Arhat status in this life, and then I will become the nourishment of Buddha's image."

The breath of the Buddha of All Living Beings dissipated, and the sour water from the shepherd's stomach spurted out of his mouth, and he couldn't help but burst out laughing wildly.

"No wonder Tathagata Buddha would point here. It turns out to be because of the Laughing Lion Buddha. With you joining us, the ten physical and spiritual aspects will be more complete. He is about to become enlightened. He is about to become enlightened!!!"

He appeared extremely crazy, and the possessed shepherd was gradually dying.

The Buddha of All Living Beings smiled and invited: "I will guide you to the Three Bodhisattvas. With your background as the Laughing Lion Buddha, you will definitely be able to ascend to the throne of Buddha."

"Congratulations in advance. It just so happened that I used human sheep to refine a secret Buddhist magical weapon. In addition, these tens of thousands of sheep were given to Zong Qingqin. Jiejiejiejiejiejie..."

As soon as the Buddha of All Living Beings finished speaking, a woman among the shepherds suddenly started wailing, and then vomited out a strange lotus flower the size of a fist.

The lotus flower grew rapidly as soon as it fell to the ground, and in a moment it formed a flesh and blood lotus throne, but it was made up of a woman's palace.

【Meat Lotus Throne】

[It is refined from the Buddha of all living beings and requires thousands of women’s palaces as materials. You can feel the suffering of all living beings’ karma by sitting cross-legged on the throne. 】

Ren Qing had seen too many evil Buddhas' tricks, but the esoteric Buddhism still gave him a shuddering feeling and goosebumps all over his body.

The Tathagata Buddha mentioned by the Buddha of all living beings is 80% Song Zongwu, and the one who cultivates should be the "Tathagata body" among the ten bodies.

It is impossible that Song Zong wanted to remind the Jailer Hall of something, but instead attracted all living beings and Buddhas.

He thought of the lack of internal organs in the fine-wool sheep and the palaces the size of peanuts. It could be seen that the shepherds were doing strange transactions with each other, and it should be that the Buddhas of all living beings were refining magical instruments.

However, the Buddha's ability to control the shepherds is very limited, so he uses Buddha corpses to drive them away.

The skin and flesh on the shepherd's chest and abdomen began to squirm again, the faces of the Buddhas of all living beings disappeared, and the sheep once again made noisy bleating sounds.

What on earth is the nameless ascetic doing? Even if he wants to escape from the shackles of Buddhist magic, there is no need to use such extreme methods, right?


Ren Qing realized that it was not that simple. From the age of the Buddha of All Living Beings, it can be seen that although the esoteric Buddhism was founded by unknown ascetics, it has a history of at least hundreds of years.

An old man walked out from among the shepherds. He wiped the blood from his mouth and nose with his sleeve, and said respectfully: "Buddha, we will take you to the Three Bodhisattvas right now. We are so neglectful."

"What is the Three Bodhisattvas?"

There was reverence in the old man's eyes, and he breathed quickly and said: "Go back to the Buddha, that is the place where thousands of Buddhas practice, they are not mortals like us..."

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Ren Qing saw that they were still seriously injured and waved out Buddha energy to nourish the shepherds.

He uses the Buddhist Dream Flower, and it is not difficult to simply use the technique of Buddha Qi, but if there is a fight, the true level will be easily exposed.

"Thank you Buddha."

The shepherd burst into tears of gratitude, but soon became calm again. Apparently the Buddha of all living beings did not want to see believers paying homage to Ren Qing.

Ren Qing was too lazy to pay attention to the Buddha of all living beings. He opened his mouth and sucked in the world of tens of thousands of fine-wool sheep into his stomach.

He currently had no way to return the fine-wool sheep to human form, so he simply left it to the jailer's hall and assigned an urgent task.

Ren Qing asked the Prisoner's Hall to complete the transformation of the entire body of the corpse into specific magical weapons as soon as possible, moving closer to the distortion direction of the Dead Man's Sutra.

The true form of the Buddha of All Living Beings is estimated to be at the peak level of the Yangshen Realm, but one has to guard against the existence of the Wutian Weird Realm in the Secret Buddhism.

Ren Qing felt a hint of cruelty in her heart.

If you encounter a strong enemy, you can use the Dead Man's Sutra to temporarily integrate the strange objects into the forbidden corpse. When the Corpse Immortal is summoned, you can peel off the strange objects and escape in the chaos.

Anyway, the forbidden corpse is a corpse, and as long as it is not completely destroyed, it can be restored with vitality.

So the nameless ascetic, right?!!

The update should resume at 8:30 tomorrow. I have something to do today, so I updated it in advance.

(End of chapter)

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