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Chapter 499 Chen Changsheng, the Container for Immortal Positions

Chapter 499 The container for storing the immortal throne "Chen Changsheng"

The Zhuo Immortals Ren Qing met had all been promoted to Earth Immortals, and he had never encountered Chen Changsheng in such a state of heavenly transformation.

It gave him a very strange feeling, like a lump in his throat.

Ren Qing looked around and saw that although the number of Immortal Immortals was increasing all the time, the various branches cooperated with each other and were not at a disadvantage.

Zhongyang God Realm sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, standing on the top of the city wall without taking any action.

This battle was more like a rehearsal, with the Jailer Hall preparing from behind the scenes to the front of the stage after kicking off the big picture in the future.

"Help me become an immortal!!!"

"I can protect the Jailer Hall forever..."

"They are still alive, still alive, in my belly..."

Chen Changsheng kept roaring, and the roots were gradually pulled up, bringing out shocking corpses, with heads that could pile up into mountains.

The ghostly figure on the soles of Ren Qing's feet began to squirm, and in the blink of an eye it transformed into a giant-horned black dragon, carrying him towards Chen Changsheng.

Along the road, there were constantly new Immortals trying to intercept them, but before they could get close to Ren Qing, they suddenly covered their chests and abdomen and began to cry in pain.

Immortal Immortal's ribs penetrated the skin and flesh, and the internal organs grew uncontrollably. Various complications instantly turned them into withered bones.

After Ren Qing came within a thousand meters, Chen Changsheng regained some sense.

He held a ferocious bird's head, and pale yellow saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth, which quickly evaporated and disappeared. It contained terrifying germs.

Ren Qing is almost immune to the germs and can just take the Niwan Palace and give it to the diseased tree.

Against the background of the huge battle between the Jailer Hall and the Immortal Immortal, the two of them seemed extremely calm and remained silent for a long time.

In the end, it was Ren Qing who spoke first: "Chen Changsheng, where did your immortal position come from?"

Chen Changsheng couldn't help but retched a few more times, but this time he held back the lump in his throat and looked at Ren Qing with extremely complicated eyes.

Just when he was about to explain something, his body began to fall apart, and the signs of flesh and blood becoming more and more intense.

"kill me……"

"Either help me become an immortal..."

Chen Changsheng bit Ren Qing, a smell of fishy wind came out of his mouth, and he could see that his body was completely decayed.

Ren Qing turned sideways to avoid it, and then the Yin Qi accumulated in the world in his stomach poured into his body.

Every part of his body transformed into a corpse at a speed visible to the naked eye. He looked like a living person just a moment ago, but in an instant he turned into a zombie.

Ren Qing gathered some strength and punched Chen Changsheng in the face with his right arm.

Chen Changsheng's head was dented and fell heavily uncontrollably. Countless bones and skeletons crawled out of the wound, gnawing at his flesh and blood.

The blessing of Shifendu on the strength of the body can be seen.

Seeing that he was unable to communicate, Ren Qing stopped beeping any more and punched Chen Changsheng while using his mushroom soul to try to sense his soul.

The two were earth-shattering, and the ground that was already full of cracks now had deep craters.

Chen Changsheng occasionally made counterattacks, but they were all resisted by Ren Qing.

Master Taihan was a little confused. Chen Changsheng's strength was not as strong as the Heavenly Conspiracy Realm. Why didn't Ren Qing, as a blessed earth immortal, turn into his true body?

He looked at the ghostly figure on the soles of Ren Qing's feet and felt an inexplicable palpitation in his heart.


Chen Changsheng's head was shattered again. After the new head came out, his aura increased significantly, and his appearance became closer to that of Zhuoxian.

Ren Qing narrowed his eyes, summoned a ghost shadow to attach to his body, and transformed into a half-dragon.

The sound of bones colliding was heard, and in the blink of an eye, he grew from a height of just over two meters to a monster over a hundred meters tall, with the head of a dragon and the body of a human body.

Ren Qing was wearing a brocade robe, and his gray-black skin was like the King of Hell in the underworld. He indeed showed a trace of the remaining power of the Fengdu Corpse Emperor.

His right arm was coiled with a long snake-like Heavenly Dao Worm, and he once again fought with Chen Changsheng. The mountain peaks fell and the sea of ​​clouds tore apart.

But there is no sign of collapse in the Immortality Restricted Area of ​​the Yangshen Realm.

This is somewhat beyond Ren Qing's expectation. The immortal forbidden area is indeed different from the ordinary forbidden area.

Taihan's pupils dilated, and the pressure brought by Ren Qing made him unable to breathe, just like the instinct of prey when encountering a natural enemy.

The hurricane roars and sweeps across the entire restricted area, and the wind naturally contains germs.

Even the ruins of Sanxiang City outside showed signs of earthquakes.

The Jailor's Hall could not help but be affected by the aftermath. Before the battle could be decided, many monks were already suffering from coughs and fevers.

Immortals are not much better. Even if their umbilical cord is connected to Chen Changsheng, it does not mean that they are immune to the horror of the plague.

After receiving the information from Ren Qing, the Yangshen Realm asked the monks to evacuate back to Wuwei City as soon as possible.

Master Taihan took out a human skin flag and was just about to show off his strength and establish his position when he noticed that Li Tiangang pulled out a page of paper.

The magical power "Hold the Hundred Cities of Books" was deployed, and with a flick of his right arm, the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers flashed by, causing the Immortal Immortal to disappear for nearly a hundred people.

The Immortal Immortal appeared on the surface of the paper and was frozen inside, unable to move.

Li Yaoyang opened his mouth and spat out, and a dense swarm of insects emerged from his body, mixed with traces of several native Gu insects.

Even though most of the insect swarm was killed or injured due to disease, the native Gu insect in the middle began to produce eggs rapidly, and the larvae hatched in a few breaths, and swelled in the wind.

The larvae's resistance to disease has been greatly improved, and after several generations they have completely adapted to the diseases contained in hurricanes.

Li Yaoyang's magical power is called "Mayfly Morning and Evening", which can stimulate insect eggs to turn into adults in a short time by consuming life span.

The two jailer monks easily eliminated the Immortal Immortal, leaving Master Taihan and the corpse ghosts with no time to take action.

In fact, Li Tiangang did mean to establish his prestige.

The difficulty of practicing the Jailer Technique is far higher than that of ordinary magic, but the strength it brings cannot be underestimated, especially the magical power that is perfectly bred in the Yin difference realm.

Li Yaoyang was purely experimenting with Gu insects. Even though his temples turned gray as a result, he still seemed to have some unfinished ideas.

The other monks supported each other and returned to Wuwei City. The disease was growing in the body, and it was only by being near the forbidden realm that the injuries were stabilized.

Wuweicheng then chose to be a tortoise, dig a hole with his arms to bury himself, and then activated the magic weapon to protect the city wall.

The city was dark, with only the candlelight of lanterns illuminating the streets.

Dong dong dong dong...

The movement outside the city was as loud as heaven and earth, but only Chen Changsheng's unilateral roar could be heard, but Ren Qing's voice was not heard.

If they could see the outside world, they would find that Ren Qing was nowhere to be found.

Chen Changsheng was left alone on the spot, hitting the ground crazily. Most of his body had turned into a corpse, and even a weak yin energy was growing.

After Chen Changsheng's corpse transformation, as long as he is in the same realm, he cannot be Ren Qing's opponent.

Shi Fengdu controls the Yin Qi in the world and has natural restraint on zombies. Chen Changsheng was corroded by Yin Qi and turned into a corpse, leaving Ren Qing invincible.

"I am Boqiang, revered by billions of living beings, and will never die..."

Chen Changsheng's head exploded one after another and he became extremely paranoid. When he couldn't swallow the body and soul of any living thing, he even started to eat himself.

He stuffed his branch into his mouth and kept making swallowing movements.

On the one hand, Chen Changsheng was suppressing his body from being driven crazy, but on the other hand, he found that he could not stop this process at all.

It can be seen from his desperate eyes that death may be a kind of relief.

Ren Qing had unknowingly entered Chen Changsheng's body and was walking through flesh and blood, trying to find the whereabouts of his soul.

He really wanted to find out how Chen Changsheng absorbed the immortal position.

Although Chen Changsheng's body is thousands of meters long, most of it is his spine, and his flesh and blood are crisscrossed like the roots of a plant.

Ren Qing walked straight towards his head, and Chen Changsheng became even more crazy.

When he stood in front of Chen Changsheng's brain, he couldn't help but break out in thin cold sweat, and he even felt like he was terrified by thinking about it.

Chen Changsheng's brain is located in the throat, but it is not a brain in the normal sense, but an indescribable mass.

The viscous, irregular liquid has bubbles constantly popping up on the surface, and when it is about to take shape, it turns into bird heads.

Ren Qing couldn't help but call out the information flow.

【Boqiang Fengshen】

[Immortal position: Earth Immortal (turbid)]

[How to ascend to immortality: Wind-walking Art]

[Wind-walking Jue]

[Inscribed on the right leg bone of Yuanshi Tianzun, cultivation requires hanging in the wind for three years, and cutting off 300 pieces of flesh and blood every seven days. Only if you don't die can you complete the cultivation. 】

Ren Qing was shocked by the amount of information brought by the immortal throne, and was stunned for a moment.

Could it be that the most primitive immortal position comes from the corpse of the Three Dao Ancestors?

Then why did the Three Dao Ancestors die? But since they have died and their Taoism has disappeared, what is the existence hiding in the statue of the Three Dao Ancestors?

Ren Qing looked at the immortal throne of Boqiang, the God of Wind, and could be sure that it was related to Yuanshi Tianzun, because the painting styles were similar.

Ren Qing suddenly noticed that in the process of Chen Changsheng's transformation into heaven, Boqiang's position as a god of wind seemed to be becoming more and more weird.

To be precise, he is maintaining the heavenly state of the immortal position.

"help me……"

Chen Changsheng's soul emerged on the surface of the immortal throne, and his appearance had become distorted.

No matter how you look at it, the Changsheng restricted area is a layout, and Chen Changsheng has obviously fallen into the trap.

Ren Qing tried to collect the soul, but he didn't expect it to be easily separated from the immortal throne, but there was a burning sensation in the palm of his hand.

The cracks in the sky seem to have expanded slightly.

Ren Qing quickly threw his soul into the world in his stomach and threw it into the furnace of flesh and blood for burning. Whether he could regain consciousness would depend on fate.

Without a soul, Tiandao's body completely lost its mind.

However, Boqiang Wind God is recovering at a slow speed. According to the current transformation of heaven, it may take at least a thousand years.

Facts have proved that the transformation of a true immortal to heaven is almost irreversible, but the immortal position is not, which shows that the immortal position lasts forever, but the immortal does not.

Ren Qing guessed that once the Zhuo Immortal position was changed back to the Wei Immortal position, it would probably attract the attention of other Zhuo Immortals, making it a hot potato.

His arm stretched towards the immortal throne stopped in mid-air.

Boqiang's position as the God of Wind has both disadvantages and disadvantages for Ren Qing. The forbidden area of ​​​​immortality is also a trouble, and it will also be involved in other people's arrangements.

Why not use it for layout...

Ren Qing narrowed his eyes and disappeared in front of the immortal throne.

He immediately appeared on top of Chen Changsheng's head, and before the latter could react, he summoned all his Yin Qi and pressed hard.

Waves of air rolled up, causing the people in Wuwei City to overturn their horses.

Chen Changsheng's body was buried in the ground, and then a giant tomb rose up, decorated with white bones and corpses, sealing the immortal throne of Boqiang Wind God.

Ren Qing's eyes flickered, looking in the direction of Jingzhou from time to time.

Thanks to Heath Ice Tea, The Sadness of the Wind, RASZX, Desire and Fish, Banzi***, 19840307, ​​I don’t like to give names, book friends 20220517011641027, book friends 20210301105356403576, a reward that forgets both love and love.

(End of chapter)

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