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Chapter 507

Chapter 507 Obtaining Arhat Status

Inspiration Temple soars into the sky, flying from the clouds towards Xiangxiang.

Huang Ming pretended to clean the open space in front of the temple, but in fact he was observing the situation and calming down his extremely nervous mood.

When he saw the farmers cultivating fertile fields in the mountains and the children playing in the mountains, he felt that the Inspiration Temple really had the goodness of Buddhism.

But the skeletons buried in the mountains and forests prove that they were stained with blood along the way.

Huang Ming simply could not let go of the despair of the death of his kindred. The guilt tortured his body and soul over and over again, making it difficult for him to sleep day and night.

The temple shook, which was caused by the sharp fall at high speed.

Huang Ming came to his senses, let go of the broom and went to the temple to avoid being affected, but the people on the mountainside could only resign themselves to their fate.

He felt that the Inspiration Temple was deliberately avoiding danger, but the outside world was clearly filled with peace and quiet, and there were not even a few wild animals.

Under the gaze of all the monks, Huang Ming kneeled down in front of the statue.

They were also praying, and the voices of the other monks were full of enthusiasm, while Huang Ming barely maintained an expression of displeasure.

Time passed, and after traveling thousands of miles, it took nearly two years to get there.

Huang Ming felt somewhat guilty. He tried to minimize his presence in the Inspiration Temple and played more of a listener role.

The heart-rending roar of Immortal Ford echoed outside.

Liao Shan's expression changed drastically, and the speed of Inspiration Temple's flight was reduced again and again, keeping the altitude close to the ground for fear of being affected.

He couldn't help but wonder, how could the destination of Sitting Deer Arhat be here?

Thinking of this, Liao Shan looked at Huang Ming with a vague look, guessing whether the other party had used some means to deceive the Buddha's aura.


The novice monk rushed into the temple in panic, and Liao Shan stood up involuntarily.

He noticed that there were a large number of monks surrounding the door. The monks looked into the distance silently, and Liao Shan immediately came to the open space.

Huang Ming followed Shan, but when they saw the unimaginable golden light, they couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

All the trees within a hundred miles radius were turned into glass, and a faint Buddhist aura filled the air.

In the center of Xiangxiang, you can also notice that there are dozens of statues surrounding something, and the scenery here is incredible.

The monks were almost crazy. Since there was such pure Buddha energy, it meant that there was a Buddha nearby.

Little did they know that most of the Buddhist aura that enveloped Ren Qing for hundreds of miles was an illusion simulated through the art of separation, and a small part was previously collected from the bodies of monks in the mirror world.

The Inspiration Temple hangs in mid-air, with monks chanting scriptures neatly.

Ren Qing cooperated very well and continued to perform the Toe Lifting Technique. The Buddha's energy caused the clouds to turn into Buddha statues, seeming to acknowledge their piety.

After reciting the sutras, the Inspiration Temple slowly fell to the ground.

One by one, the monks walked down the mountain. The moment they felt the breeze blowing on their faces, some paranoid diseases had actually entered Niwan Palace.

Paranoia causes them to easily become unswayed from a certain idea once they decide on it.

After the monks left the Inspiration Temple, it was the turn of the ordinary people. However, in order to prevent the latter from causing trouble when they escaped, iron chains were directly pierced through the ankles and connected to each other.

Ren Qing stood on the top of the mountain, watching tens of thousands of people walking around like prisoners, without any sympathy for Song Zongwu's fellow disciples.

For some people, even if they use the art of separation to change their xinxing, their nature is hopeless.

With a thought in his mind, subtle changes suddenly appeared in the glazed mountain forest, guiding the monk towards the restricted area of ​​immortality.

The monk's mentality began to become unbalanced, and even the Yang Shen realm was unable to resist.

Ren Qing's Toe Lifting Technique, which was blessed by the Crack in the Heavenly Dao, was simply not something that the Yang God Realm could resist. Even the abbot with the highest level of cultivation only fell awake for more than half an hour.

There are no signs of rebellion in the Buddha's aura. I don't know what means the unknown ascetic used.

The monk had forgotten his plan when he came to Xiangxiang and walked with three knees and nine prostrations, as if the path under his feet was a shortcut to becoming a Buddha.

They did not notice at all that the number of people around them was getting smaller and smaller.

Ren Qing took the people into the world in his stomach and found that they came from more than a dozen different regions, so he placed them in locations all over the world.

Whether it can develop or not has nothing to do with Ren Qing. He just wants to supplement the ecology.

"Buddha's light!!!"

Liao Shan didn't have the dignity of the abbot at all, he yelled out of control, and then rushed towards the group of Buddha statues like a child.

All the monks were also rushing to run, but Huang Ming was the only one standing there inexplicably.

In Huang Ming's eyes, he only saw an ordinary dry well, but the other monks discovered that there was a way to guide the Buddha's light in the Western Paradise.

The monk jumped into the dry well, and soon Huang Ming was the only figure around.

Immediately afterwards, the glazed mountain forest gradually changed back to ordinary vegetation, the Buddhist aura disappeared, and the sounds of birds and animals began to sound again.

Click, click, click...

Huang Ming's whole body was stiff, and the Buddha statue sitting around the dry well started to move. The strange and inexplicable expression made people shudder.

The Buddha statue turned its head and murmured a strange accent.

Then the Buddha statues got into the dry well one after another in very awkward postures. A few sparrows flew by and stayed at the edge of the well for a while.

Huang Ming subconsciously took a few steps back, and then saw Ren Qing's face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Ren Qing threw Huang Ming into Wuwei City in the world of his stomach. How he could survive in the city depended on his own ability, at least whether he would starve to death.

Wuwei City is dotted with teahouses, taverns, and theaters... Even if you become a beggar, you can have enough food and clothing.

Ren Qing ducked to the Immortality Restricted Area and stood at the top of Xiaoleiyin Temple as if watching a drama, looking at the monks walking towards the Buddhist temple.

The Xiaoleiyin Temple he built is much more magnificent than the one in Journey to the West.

The endless golden bricks cover the sea of ​​clouds, and you can gaze at the bright sun when you raise your head. The small Leiyin Temple in the distance is even more colorful.

On both sides, rows of more than 100-meter-long rows of Arhat Buddha statues stand, reciting the content of the Maitreya Sutra of Great Compassion in a stiff and rigid manner.

The monks including Liao Shan had already been fascinated by Xiaoleiyin Temple and did not notice at all. As the piety in their hearts became more and more intense, the Buddhist energy in their bodies was stripped away bit by bit.

The Buddhist aura of the monk belongs to the Arhat sitting on a deer, which contains a large number of residual souls.

Ren Qing used Menghua to restrain the Buddha's energy. He could feel that the Buddha's energy seemed to have lost its intelligence, and he did not resist his banning methods at all.

Just when the monks came to the door of Xiaoleiyin Temple, a deep voice sounded.

"Human beings suffer from eight kinds of suffering: birth is suffering, old age is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering, resentment is suffering, separation from love is suffering, not having what you want is suffering, and the five aggregates are burning."

"Only when the body and mind are empty can a person escape from difficulties. If difficulties leave the body, all disasters will turn into dust."

"I wish I could become a Buddha..."

The door opened, and a thousand-meter-long Buddha sat cross-legged in the temple, with hundreds of Bodhisattvas on both sides, as if listening to the Tathagata's teachings.

"Buddha, wish!"

Liao Shan didn't care too much, he was already blinded by greed, and he quickly knelt down in front of Ruolai, and most of his Buddhist aura was removed from his body.

His old face was full of longing, after all, he would die in less than a hundred years.

The monks knelt down one after another, but a few of the Yang Shen realms vaguely sensed something was wrong, and chose to stand still despite their fear.

Ren Qing controlled the ghost shadow and sent the life-extending elixir into Shan's stomach.

Old Liaoshan's face turned red, and he couldn't help but feel itchy all over his body. His flesh and blood were blurred when scratched with his nails, and new skin grew out.

My eyebrows have turned from gray to pure black, and wrinkles have been erased, making me look like I am decades younger.

Several more monks couldn't stand the temptation and fell to their knees. The scattered Buddhist energy rushed towards the dream flower, which was mixed with countless souls.

If you come back and recite sutras, even if Ren Qing doesn't know any Buddhist principles, he has learned a lot from the Great Merciful Maitreya Bodhisattva.

In order to make Ruilai have a deterrent effect above the Yangshen realm, he specially refined it with the corpse of a meat-and-wine Taoist, with the aura of the Heavenly Creation realm.

The current refining progress of the Taoist of Wine and Meat is barely adequate, relying entirely on the Buddhist aura emitted by Menghua to support the scene, but it is definitely enough to bluff people.

Soon, all the monks from Qingxin Temple fell into Ruolai's seat at Xiaoleiyin Temple and sat on the futon in the corner in reverence to listen to the Dharma.

Ren Qing can use the time when their bodies and souls are relaxed to extract the Qi of the Sitting Deer Buddha.

The Little Leiyin Temple is more effective than expected. The monk's underwear was stripped off without even noticing, and he was still intoxicated in the nonsense of Tathagata.

A wooden box appeared in Ren Qing's hand, which contained most of the energy of the Sitting Deer Buddha, and then he left the Immortality Restricted Area.

He didn't want the restricted area to be damaged due to the riot of Buddhist energy. After all, there was still an immortal throne buried there.

It is even more impossible for the world in the stomach to risk accommodating the aura of the Sitting Deer Buddha. After much deliberation, the only way to check the fruit position is in the outside world. The risk is minimal.

Ren Qing continued to dive for a thousand meters and stopped when he reached about three thousand meters underground.

The ghost dug a cave of more than ten square meters, with dream flowers scattered everywhere, for fear that the Buddha's energy would leak out and be discovered by those true immortals.

Ren Qing used his consciousness to explore into the wooden box, and immediately saw the vast and boundless Buddhist aura.

However, the state of the Buddha's energy is a bit weird, burning like a flame, and its color keeps changing between dark gold and fiery red.

Ren Qing just stared at it for a few breaths, and the flame formed a columnar shape. A large number of souls floated up and down, melting like candles, and the three souls and seven souls re-condensed in the blink of an eye.

His eyes became sore and he immediately regained consciousness.


Ren Qing thought of the unexpectedly glimpsed ancient Buddha that looked like a half-melted candle. It was probably an alternative form of "Heavenly Transformation".

He frowned, as the unknown ascetic definitely wanted to reveal some secret.

Ren Qing carefully checked the wooden box and determined that it was an ordinary magic weapon. It was tougher at most and could not seal the aura of the Sitting Deer Buddha.

Explain that the method of the unknown ascetic should act on the energy of the Sitting Deer Buddha itself.

He opened his mouth and spit out the rich Yin Qi, revealing his cultivation in the Heavenly Creation Realm, completely covering the cave without leaving any gaps.

The wooden box was opened a little, but the Buddha's energy was still calm and burning like a flame.

Ren Qing used the dream flower to draw out a trace of Buddhist energy, which is indeed a trace that can only be found in the transformation of heaven.

As soon as the Buddha's energy left the wooden box, it was like a spark splashing outside, and it soon began to fall apart.

Ren Qing collected the Buddhist energy in it, and the blood-red candlelight floated in the cave, wanting to go to the outside world sealed by the Yin energy.

He used various methods to test the bright red candle flame, and as a result, as long as objects were close to the turbid fire, they would dissolve inexplicably.

Ren Qing used the Great Compassionate Buddha Qi he had collected before to approach the turbid fire, and the candlelight actively blended into it, causing the Buddha Qi to burn.

He continued to use the energy of the Sitting Deer Buddha, but the candlelight had no response.

Buddhism seems to have a very special ability, which is to graft the transformation of heaven to the upper Buddha, resulting in all the transformation of heaven being concentrated on the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng.

To be precise, there may be some connection between Buddhist fruition statuses?

Is the fruit position replicable?

Due to some method of the unknown ascetic, the Arhat Sitting on a Deer was unable to transfer to heaven, and his soul shared the madness, while the Buddha's energy fell into a deep sleep.

As long as Ren Qing carefully separates the Buddha's energy, the Sitting Deer Buddha's energy poses no threat at all.

(End of chapter)

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