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Chapter 562: Great Terror in the Golden Gate Temple

Chapter 562 There is a great terror in Kinmen Temple

Deep down, Jingzhou becomes increasingly unstable.

I don't know when the Great Buddha Heaven got mixed up with a few extraterrestrial demons with terrifying cultivation, whose strength was comparable to that of a Bodhisattva, causing the Buddhist world to become a mess.

Even if the four great Bodhisattvas are attracted to take action, they will only severely injure the demons outside the territory.

As for the Little Buddha Heaven, although there are no extraterrestrial demons from the outside world, the existence of the Tathagata in the flesh makes people panic.

Kinmen Temple has completely become a place that no one cares about, and has even been completely demonized by many monks spreading rumors.

At the beginning, the nearby temples and the Buddha went to the Golden Gate Temple to check the situation.

However, several Buddhas suddenly disappeared. Golden Gate Temple seemed to be shrouded in haze, and no one knew what was happening inside.

The rumors of the Tathagata in the flesh became more and more evil. The flesh and blood body of the mountain Buddha spread the reputation of the mountain Buddha throughout the small Buddha world.

Even several attacks by extraterrestrial demons that occurred in the Great Buddha Heaven were all implicated.

It is said that those monks who did not escape from Kinmen Temple did not even have their bones left in the end, and had turned into food in the belly of the Tathagata in the flesh.

As for the physical appearance of the Tathagata, there are different opinions.

According to the initial description of the Golden Gate Temple, the physical Tathagata was a monster made of flesh and blood, but some monks swore that the mountain Buddha had tens of thousands of faces.

The mountain Buddha seems to be able to swallow the souls of mortals, even the Buddha.

However, the rumors suddenly came to an end more than half a year later, because the missing Buddha who went to the Golden Gate Temple safely escaped from it.

Mortals don't know what happened, and Kinmen Temple became a forbidden area for a while.

Bang bang bang...

The sound of heavy footsteps came from far away, and the faint Buddha light seemed to dispel the haze.

The five insect Buddhas walked along the official road in the direction of Kinmen Temple. Although their pace was not fast, each step covered nearly a kilometer.

The leading insect Buddha has an extremely grotesque appearance, with thousands of arms sprouting from all over its body. It looks like a man or a woman, with a Zen-like feel.

He calls himself the "Thousand-Handed Buddha" and his cultivation level has reached the level of Arhat in the Heavenly Deception Realm.

Even among the Arhat Buddhas, the Thousand-Armed Buddha is considered to be at the top. He is not far away from the Bodhisattva and can break through the bottleneck in at most fifty years.

The four insect Buddhas that follow Thousand-Armed Buddha are all ordinary Buddhas in the Yang God Realm, with very obvious animal characteristics.


"Venerable Thousand Hands, do you think the extraterrestrial demons in the Great Buddha Heaven are true or false?"

The one who spoke was the monkey-faced Buddha. It was obvious that the strange thing with its body was a form of animal transformation. Its skin was covered with long black hair, and it looked like a mandrill.

The Thousand-Hand Buddha glanced at the Monkey-Faced Buddha and said in a calm tone: "Even if there is a demon in the world, it certainly has nothing to do with the existence of the Golden Gate Temple."

The rest of the Insect Buddhas remained silent. Due to their status, they had no access to the secrets.

They came mainly for believers. The Thousand-Armed Buddha promised to give gifts to five thousand monks in their prime after completing the investigation of Kinmen Temple.

The Thousand-Hand Buddha had a calm expression, clasped his palms together and silently recited a few verses, then quickened his pace and headed towards the Golden Gate Temple.

If you observe carefully, you can find that there are some waves in the emotions in his eyes when he mentions the physical Tathagata.

The monkey-faced Buddha took a deep breath and glanced across the blood-stained official road. There were many traces of corpses around him.

After tens of thousands of monks defected from Kinmen Temple, the Insect Buddhas stationed in the surrounding temples fought openly and secretly for the population, resulting in many deaths and injuries.

Ironically, although the Tathagata's notoriety spread far and wide, no monk died because of him.

The monkey-faced Buddha is very confused in his heart. As the source of the disaster, the mountain Buddha is why the attitude of the Thousand-Armed Buddha is so ambiguous?

"Thousand-Hand Venerable, we are almost here."

The Sphinx reminded him softly, with a trace of greed in his eyes.

He noticed that there were signs of felling on the nearby trees, indicating that there were probably a large number of monks living in the forest.

It is possible that he escaped and entered the depths of the mountain forest by mistake.

For the Thousand-Armed Buddha in the Sky Deception Realm, a population of tens of thousands is better than nothing, but he doesn't want to miss the benefits of being so close.

The Sphinx's nose moved, trying to smell the scent of a living person.

As a result, he discovered that the survivors seemed to be living in the Golden Gate Temple, and they were not at all as terrifying as the rumors described.

The Sphinx looked vaguely at the Thousand-Armed Buddha not far away. The latter should have also noticed something strange, but he showed no reaction.

He couldn't help but beat the drum in his heart, but still walked towards the Golden Gate Temple.

As the insect Buddhas approached the Golden Gate Temple, the environment revealed many unusual places, which made their hair stand on end.

As a temple built by the Buddha, it is made of stacked glazed stones and will not change at all even for thousands of years.

But I don’t know what happened to the Golden Gate Temple, and it was covered with thick moss.

A musty smell hit my face, mixed with a strong fishy smell, as if I was heading to hell on earth.

The monkey-faced Buddha couldn't help but let out his Buddhist energy, but was immediately stopped by the Thousand-Armed Buddha.

“Don’t make any noise when you come to Kinmen Temple, and be careful.”

The other Insect Buddhas stared at the Thousand-Armed Buddha with fearful eyes. It was true that the attitude shown by the Thousand-Armed Buddha from the beginning to the end was a bit strange.

Thousand-Armed Buddha suppressed his excitement in his tone, closed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Amitabha, fellow juniors, please don't startle others."

He chose to go to the forefront to dispel some of the doubts about the Monkey Faced Buddha.

Not long after, the Insect Buddhas had already set foot within the scope of the Golden Gate Temple. The Thousand-Armed Buddha's attitude became more cautious and his head was lowered slightly.

The monkey-faced Buddha swallowed his saliva and couldn't help but give up.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha behaves very much like believers going to worship, as if they are about to face the Tathagata of Merit.

"Something's wrong..."

The Sphinx murmured, and then motioned to the Monkey-Faced Buddha to look towards the street.

The buildings of the Golden Gate Temple have been bulldozed, leaving a large area of ​​streets and prisons sitting on open space.

"What the hell?!"

When the thorn Buddha made of vegetation saw this, he let out an incredible exclamation and his legs trembled uncontrollably.

In the cage, there were actually a large number of skinny Buddhas imprisoned.

All the Buddhist energy in their bodies has been absorbed, their flesh and blood are withered, and their minds are constantly repeating strange scriptures.

Even when the Insect Buddha arrived, they did not raise their eyes to pay attention and simply ignored the strangers who came unexpectedly.

What scares the Monkey-Faced Buddha is that according to visual inspection, there are at least seven or eight thousand Buddhas imprisoned, which is simply unheard of.

What is the origin of the Mountain Buddha? Isn’t the Big Buddha nothing more than this?

The situation is simply weird and unpredictable. Although there are no believers in the city, you can feel that the aura of the imprisoned insect Buddha is recovering.

If it weren't for the simple environment and the absence of any Buddhist energy, it would be possible to say that it is a giant Buddha in heaven.

You must know that only the Tathagata of Merit can emit Buddha energy to nourish the Buddha without any followers.

The Golden Gate Temple is so weird, it feels like you are at the junction of hell and Buddha. It is full of things that subvert your imagination.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha was not surprised at all and seemed to have become accustomed to it.

The Monkey-Faced Buddha couldn't help but ask: "Master Thousand-Hands, have you ever been to the Golden Gate Temple?"

The Thousand-Hand Buddha smiled and walked forward without stopping. Then suddenly cracks appeared in the palms all over his body, and his mouth opened with his tongue sticking out.

"I once sat in the Golden Gate Temple, and it was all the glory of my Buddha Tathagata..."

"My Buddha Tathagata allows me to become an Arhat."

"If you are willing to become a Buddha under the True Tathagata, you will have the opportunity to become an Arhat or even a Bodhisattva in the future."

The Thousand-Armed Buddha looked at them with threatening eyes, raised his head and said, "The Great Buddha is the Tathagata. After you see my Buddha, you should know that there is only one Tathagata in the world."

The Thousand-Armed Buddha... no, the Multi-tongued Buddha had a ferocious face, and then burst out with a burst of Buddha energy.

Arms were drilled out of the ground, and then the arms combined with each other to form a wide wall, directly surrounding the four insect Buddhas.

"No, let's run away."

The Monkey-Faced Buddha knew that he was no match for the Multi-tongued Buddha, so he quickly signaled the Buddhas to flee, only to find that they stood still in shock.

The Multilingual Buddha has knelt on the ground and recited the two words "Tathagata" devoutly.

The monkey-faced Buddha turned around stiffly and saw a dozen Buddha statues carrying a mountain of meat, slowly approaching them.

It was as if physical pressure surged out, and they were unable to move at all.

"Now that I see the Tathagata, why don't you kneel down?"

A vast sound rang out, mysterious patterns appeared on the surface of the physical Tathagata, and the golden and bronze Buddha aura filled the entire city.

The Multi-tongued Buddha praises the name of the Tathagata in the physical body, "Lingshan Tathagata".

Thousands of insect Buddhas imprisoned in the Golden Gate Temple opened their eyes one after another, shouting hysterically and praising Lingshan Tathagata.

They are only at the level of the Yang God Realm, so how can they withstand the remaining power of the Heavenly Deception Realm.

Even if the physical Tathagata has no means of attack, the Buddha's energy alone can suppress the Yang Shen realm and easily imprison them in a cage.

"Well done, Multitongued Buddha."

"Tathagata, I will let more Buddhas worship under you..."

The physical Tathagata began to squirm, and the statue that was exactly the same as the Multi-tongued Buddha stretched out its arms and pointed its index finger at the center of the Multi-tongued Buddha's eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, the Buddha's energy was instilled into the body of Duo Tongue Buddha, causing his cultivation level to increase slightly.

"Thank you, Tathagata. Thank you, Tathagata."

The Multi-tongued Buddha did not wait long, he also wanted to find more Buddhas for the Tathagata in the flesh.

Ren Qing looked at the retreating figure of the Multi-tongued Buddha. The Tathagata in the flesh could control the mind of the Insect Buddha and could replenish the Buddha's energy.

At present, the physical Tathagata is still in the Yang Shen realm, but he can create an insect Buddha in the Heavenly realm.

Ren Qing has spread five Insect Buddhas outside, and has begun to close the net one after another. It will not take long before he can completely control the Little Buddha Heaven.

He was very curious about the situation of the Great Buddha Heaven.

Madam White Bone waits for the Heavenly Deception Realm to reach the hinterland of the deep world. Even in such a remote place as the Golden Gate Temple, one can hear their reputation as an extraterrestrial demon. What kind of chaos has it caused?

Ren Qing just took advantage of the opportunity when the Big Buddha was attracted attention, and first took back the Small Buddha, and finally snacked on the Big Buddha.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at the Pig Taoist hiding in the Main Hall.

The pig Taoist shivered.

(End of chapter)

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