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Chapter 576 Breaking Through Life Two Two In One

Chapter 576 Breakthrough in Life Two (Two in One)

The cracks in the heavenly path have been completely healed silently.

To Ren Qing, the physical Tathagata is like a garbage incinerator. It can digest the transformation of heaven twelve hours a day, and the improvement it brings is naturally far beyond imagination.

The Buddhist world in the West is burning with raging fire of karma, and half of the sky is illuminated.

The monk recited the scriptures wholeheartedly, hoping to use his meager strength to help the physical Tathagata carry the remaining power of the karma fire.

Taoist Zhu seems to have understood why he came to the Western Buddhist world, took the initiative to teach the method of practice, and recruited many disciples in the temple.

Ren Qing was shocked by the speed at which the cracks in the heavenly path healed. In just two years of seclusion, the surface of the tortoise shell had become as smooth as new.

Looking at Jingzhou again, the war between immortals and Buddhas has just entered a fever pitch.

The fight between the Supreme Demon and Dingguang Tathagata comes back and forth. It is often daytime one breath ago, but then falls into a long period of darkness.

The Tathagata Dingguang turned into a golden sun, and the aura of the devil surged up and down.

Ren Qing could also see the clues. Dingguang Tathagata was obviously at a disadvantage. It was only a matter of time before he would lose. He had already been killed and abandoned his armor.

What was strange to him was that the Tathagata of Dingguang was different from the Tathagata in his knowledge.

You should know that the Tathagata Precious Born that Ren Qing came into contact with has a complete body, but the Tathagata Dingguang still only has the Buddha's energy as its main body.

The devil's aura wraps the blood moon inside and out, and a loud explosion sound will be heard from the surface, and the living space of the Buddha's aura is continuously compressed.

Meteorites are falling more and more frequently, which shows that Lord Taiyin is also seriously injured.

The number of rabbit toads is increasing and has taken over the barren Jingzhou.

The Insect Nest did not allow the rabbit toads to continue to multiply, and sent the Tiandao Insect Men to secretly hunt the rabbit toads to avoid affecting the Insect Nest.

"Could it be that Dingguang Tathagata was really stripped from the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng?"

Because the birth time of Dingguang Tathagata was too short, the body had not yet formed, and even the spiritual intelligence could not match the supreme demon.

Ren Qing swallowed, feeling that the Supreme Demon was not in a hurry to kill Dingguang Tathagata, but was instead boiling the frog in warm water.

You must know that the supreme demon originated from the moral deity and is terrifyingly corrosive.

Not to mention ordinary monks, even plants, trees, mountains and rocks are inevitably transformed into black goats under the influence of the devil's breath.

Ren Qing didn't know whether Buddha would turn into a black goat or not.

If there really was a Tathagata Buddha who was transformed into a heavenly demon, it would be 80% impossible for the Earthly Immortal and the Taiyin Star King to survive the disaster.

Ren Qing felt that he still had to keep an eye on Jingzhou, at least to figure out the movements of the Supreme Demon after the results of Dingguang Tathagata came out.

Speaking of which, there are quite a few monks in the Jailer Hall who have come into contact with the Supreme Demon.

There is even a street in Dream City filled with the aura of demons. Monks can hone their will by being on the street.

Ren Qing suddenly thought of Tiandaozi, who was once the supreme demon, and couldn't help but look at the mountains in the world in his stomach.

There are many villages in the world in the stomach, and there are countless villages with mountains on their backs.

The population in the village is a mixed bag, and humans only account for a small proportion.

They believe in various kinds of gods, most of which are brought from outside, but there are also villages where people follow the local customs and believe in mountain gods.

The temples of mountain gods are indeed small in size. They are generally simple descendant temples, but the daily incense is still strong.

Every five years, Miao Zhu takes the initiative to build a market and hold a grand mountain temple fair.

There are also differences between the mountain gods in the north and the south. The south mountain god is called "Chen Changsheng", while the north mountain god is "Tiandaozi". The difference in appearance can be clearly seen from the clay statues.

Ren Qing stared at the temple of the Beishan God and was slightly stunned.

After hundreds of years of baptism, the remnant soul of Tiandaozi became complete and seemed to be able to strengthen itself by absorbing incense.

I can barely see that Tiandaozi's three souls and seven souls are not like before, they are just a bunch of empty soul chess pieces, as if they will be extinguished at any time.

Ren Qing didn't know whether Tian Daozi would regain consciousness after being pregnant for a thousand years. He always felt that in a certain sense, this master really had the possibility of resurrecting his life.

Chen Changsheng's condition is much better than that of Tiandaozi.

He was mainly affected by the out-of-control Tiandao transformation during his lifetime, which caused irreversible damage to his soul. Now he has recovered more than half of it.

Ren Qing didn't dare to guarantee whether Chen Changsheng's memory had been preserved.

Ren Qing couldn't help but narrow his eyes. When Tiandisheng was promoted to Life 2, there would be a surplus in the Ghost Immortal position, and he could be given to the two masters.

If the two masters re-cultivate their skills, it should not take long for them to return to Yangshen. After all, they are both great talents who founded sects.

Ren Qing glanced at the incense in the mountain temple, and then his consciousness exited the world in his stomach and returned to the silent dragon's blood sea.

He closed his eyes and meditated over and over again, making his state of mind as calm as water.

Tiandisheng is Ren Qing's core technique. The location of the immortal bone is in the intestines and stomach, and it seems to have replaced part of the function of the organ.

Every time Ren Qing meditates, heat will flow from his stomach, nourishing the body's internal organs and benefiting his soul to a certain extent.

He did not continue to be immersed in the meditation of heaven and earth, and summoned the flow of information.

[Whether to be promoted to Life 2 will consume 40,000 years of life]

Ren Qing immediately determined that his body and soul were itching unbearably at the same time, and his jade-like stomach was emitting bursts of light, which was the aura coming from the immortal throne.

Yisheng Er already belongs to the late stage of the Heavenly Creation Realm. The immortal body is nearing the completion of its transformation, and the mysteries within it are naturally not something that mortals can peep into.

Ren Qing prepared himself in advance, and his consciousness immediately fell into boundless darkness.

"The Zhenyuan is the innate spiritual root hidden in the day after tomorrow."

"The spiritual roots are restored to their original state, and the innate and acquired nature merge into one, which is completely integrated into Tai Chi."

"Two hundred and eighty pounds, the reunion is not a loss, the round tutu is shining brightly."

The voice was shouting hysterically, like a dying person who was seriously injured and was about to face the black and white changes that would take his life away.

A mutilated corpse appeared in front of Ren Qing's eyes, and he knew from his face that it was Zhen Yuanzi who had broken through Daosheng's momentary encounter.

Zhen Yuanzi's skin and flesh had been devoured by Ren Qing, leaving only a skeleton with remaining flesh and blood, and still fresh internal organs.

Zhen Yuanzi's eyes were full of resentment, as if the ancestor of the Earth Immortal existed invisibly, and his body and soul were being gradually plundered by Ren Qing.

Ren Qing did not take the initiative to operate the world at all, and the magic began to pull away Zhen Yuanzi's bones and internal organs under the influence of the information flow.

Zhen Yuanzi let out a shrill scream and waved his arms randomly.

Ren Qing could feel that his body was gradually leaving the realm of the mortal body.

The world in the stomach is also undergoing transformation, and the three realms are becoming more hierarchical. At the same time, the areas of heaven and hell are expanding in an orderly manner as the creation of heaven and earth breaks through the bottleneck.


Li Tiangang was sitting cross-legged in the cave, and suddenly felt an inexplicable opportunity.

His three primary and secondary spells were originally one step away from the Sun Immortals, but now the bottleneck has been inexplicably loosened.

Millions of creatures in the world in the stomach all discovered something strange.

Their stagnant cultivation is like receiving enlightenment from an immortal. Even if they are not promoted, they can clearly see the path in front of them.

Song Zongwu pretended to be an old man traveling in the world, and realized that the opportunity to become an immortal was not far away, so he immediately went to the cave to retreat.

In the entire jail, only Master Dameng understood what happened.

He has already reached the Immortal Ladder to the Yangshen Realm, and it is only a matter of time before he reaches the Heavenly Deception Realm, so he focuses on pure cultivation every day.

Dameng Zhenren has long noticed that the world in the stomach has advantages that the outside world does not have, and the practice will gain insignificant bonuses.

The bonus is actually less obvious for monks with higher realms.

But now he can feel that there is a subtle help in being promoted to the Heavenly Deception Realm, so this bonus from Heaven is terrifying.

"Ren Qing...has made another breakthrough?"

Dameng Zhenren guessed that Ren Qing's technique broke through the realm and caused the level of the world in his stomach to rise, which gave them help.

"You are truly gifted, and you are improving almost every moment."

He didn't think that the so-called Zhuo Wei Immortal could affect Ren Qing. He felt that it wouldn't take long for the other party to reach the realm of a true immortal.

It can be said that when one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

"Okay, you Da Meng Zhenren, you actually have to rely on the younger generation to practice."

Dameng Zhenren was speechless, and then continued to practice with his eyes closed.

When Ren Qing was completely promoted, all that was left of Zhen Yuanzi in the darkness was his head, and the rest of his body parts completely disappeared.

My head kept rising and falling, muttering to myself the contents of the world.

Ren Qing smiled bitterly when he saw this. If he were to be promoted through normal channels, the dangers could be imagined, and he would probably have to fight Zhen Yuanzi for his life.

It is impossible for Zhen Yuanzi not to fight back, only the flow of information can easily peel off the immortal body.

Ren Qing opened his eyes. His body was still just over two meters tall, and his appearance had not changed at all. There seemed to be no difference.

He then used Heaven and Earth Life, trying to transform into the immortal body of Zhenyuan Earth Ancestor.

His stomach began to release hot air, and strands of flesh and blood as thick as a hair crazily came out, covering Ren Qing's body from top to bottom.

Ren Qing instinctively curled up, like a baby in its mother's womb.

After a while, he turned into a wriggling stomach organ, and then flesh and blood began to fill the air, and the suffocating immortal body gradually took shape.

For miles around the Dragon Blood Sea, the vision of the world in the stomach was shrouded.

You can see towns and cities standing on the earth, with the majestic heaven above your head and the eerie underworld beneath your feet.

He seemed to be able to exert a large area of ​​magic, heaven, and earth with a wave of his hand, allowing the world in his stomach to descend to the outside world, forming an environment similar to a restricted area.

Ren Qing took a breath and gave up the act of transforming into a fairy body instantly.

The vision disappeared, and the flesh and blood quickly decayed. Ren Qing emerged from it and could see that a body dozens of meters long was about to take shape.

However, he has mastered the Immortal Body and cannot move it freely, because the movement is too great.

If not for the Jingzhou Incident, the area where the Dragon Blood Sea is located is very remote, otherwise it would inevitably attract the attention of a large number of forces.

Ren Qing glanced at the insect nest in Jingzhou and wondered if the mistress had noticed the strange phenomenon.

He directly used the Heavenly Demon Tribulation to erase the presence of the Dragon Blood Sea for a few breaths, and then the negative impact of the Immortal Body slowly subsided.

The tortoise shell's hexagram changed from auspicious and inauspicious to auspicious again.

Ren Qing must practice the use of the Immortal Body well to avoid being unable to control it carefully, and also to prepare for becoming an Immortal in the future.

He immediately paid attention to the fact that after the birth of heaven and earth reached the second life, he increased the number of immortals.

There are twelve more human and immortal positions, four earthly and immortal positions, and one immortal position. Unfortunately, there is no key immortal position.

Ren Qing felt that if the world in the stomach wanted to have an independent path to immortality, it would have to look at the benefits that the Celestial Immortal Job had for monks.

His expression was slightly disappointed, and he was just about to think about the distribution of various immortal positions, when he suddenly noticed something unusual.

Tiandisheng seems to have not increased the number of places for the most basic ghost and fairy job.

Ren Qing thought of a possibility and quickly communicated with the world in his stomach about the way of heaven. He immediately discovered that the ghost-immortal job was different from other immortal jobs.

After Tiandisheng was promoted to Life 2, there was no limit to the number of ghost immortals.

If Ren Qing wants to, he can bestow the job of ghost immortal to millions of creatures in the world in his stomach, and the Tiandao tree will also faintly change.

The ghost and fairy function allows the magic to be blessed by heaven, and it can travel through the three realms at will.

The previous dozens of quotas were already quite large, but when placed in the stomach, the world's population of several million still seemed a bit dwarfed.

The number of Yangshen Realm monks in the Jailor Hall is constantly increasing, and even Han Li and other new generation monks are beginning to try to break through the bottleneck.

If the Ghost Immortal Job still maintains a quota of more than a dozen promotions at a time, the system of becoming an immortal in the world in the stomach will become even more useless.

With a smile on his face, Ren Qing immediately seemed to be creating ghosts and immortals in large quantities.

However, he thought that there would be no success without rules, so he forcibly stopped the idea of ​​granting immortal positions on a large scale and carefully planned the pros and cons.

Ren Qing shook his head.

We can no longer grant immortal positions in our own name. We must improve the rules of the world in our stomach and let Heaven be responsible for screening.

Ren Qing's consciousness devoted himself to the way of heaven, and he seemed to be integrated with the world in his stomach.

"Those who are recognized by heaven and have achieved success as a Yang God will be awarded the title of Ghost and Immortal."

His words rang in the ears of every Yangshen realm monk, and many of them felt their bodies and souls shake before they could react.

Master Taihan breathed a long sigh of relief and stared at the palm-sized seal in front of him.

The seal was transformed from the Ghost Immortal Job, exuding a frightening aura, but it also made the true energy in his Dantian extremely active.

Master Taihan touched the Ghost Immortal Job with his trembling palms, and the seal immediately entered the Niwan Palace.

He felt as if his body and soul were undergoing the baptism of heaven, and he finally understood why Master Yuhua could surpass him in just a few decades.


Master Taihan said excitedly to himself, his worries about the insect nest suddenly disappeared.

In fact, although Ren Qing did not let Zongmai participate in Jingzhou's mission, Master Taihan still roughly understood the situation in the outside world through various sources of information.

Master Taihan learned that Ren Qing was not an Immortal of Fortune, but that the ancient Immortals were directly subordinate to the destroyed Heaven.

The Ford Immortal is still alive, and the Insect Nest is also trying to find ways to obtain the immortal position.

Master Taihan fell into a long-term entanglement with the sudden confrontation between the Insect Nest and Heaven. He was not as straightforward as Master Yuhua.

Looking at it now, Jailer Hall is indeed the orthodox descendant of Heavenly Court.

As the leader of the Heavenly Court, Ren Qing has found a way to resume his path to immortality. If things continue like this, he will never be able to refine his immortality.

Taihan Zhenren no longer thinks about gains and losses, and prepares to practice in various places in the three realms like most ghosts and immortals, laying the foundation for the Heavenly Deception Realm.

Ren Qing closed his eyes and found that nearly ten ghosts and immortals suddenly appeared in the world in his stomach.

Most of the Yangshen Realm are monks from various branches of the Prison Hall, and they have been successfully promoted through a large amount of resources, but there are three Yangshen Realm who are actually casual cultivators who are outside the big forces.

With the opening of the Ghost Immortal Job, there will definitely be Yin Cha Realm seeking breakthroughs, and the overall strength of the world in the stomach will be significantly improved.

Ren Qing's thoughts moved slightly, and the clouds and mist gathered toward the center of the Heavenly Palace.

It didn't take long for the prototype of a palace to come to life, a bit like the Lingxiao Palace in Ren Qing's memory standing in the clouds.

Only monks who are above the level of Ghost Immortal can go to Lingxiao Palace.

Ren Qing did not limit the use of the Lingxiao Palace. He mainly thought that the heavenly palaces would not interfere with each other and there must be a neutral place.

Currently, for the world in the stomach, taking on outbound missions is becoming more and more frequent.

It shows that the monks are already exploring this world intentionally or unintentionally, and it won’t be long before even the Yang God realm and above will participate.

Faced with those uninhabited restricted areas hidden everywhere in the world, we must completely block them.

They had to spend energy studying the rules of the restricted area. Mengcheng was too noisy, so it would be just right to discuss matters in the Lingxiao Palace.

As there are more and more monks from the outside world, the name of Heavenly Court will soon spread throughout this world, and the situation is already changing invisibly.

Ren Qing had just exited the world in his stomach, and suddenly he seemed to remember something, and his consciousness came to the temple where the remnant souls of the two masters were stored.

The village surrounding the Tiandaozi Mountain Temple is quite large, with a population of more than 30,000.

The mortals in the village have strange looks, with an extra limb on their hands and feet.

Therefore, their limbs are more flexible. They practice a physical martial art called "Nine-section Iron Whip" and can swing their arms like whips.

Ren Qing did not remember that he had ever brought a similar race to the world in his stomach. It was probably because when he was gathering the population in large numbers, there were a few multi-knot people mixed in.

The sound of catchy reading sounded next to the mountain temple.

The children all wear Taoist robes made of cotton and linen by their parents, and follow the temple instructions to learn common writing so that they can go to the mountains in the future.

They have a different vision for prosperous towns. It is definitely unrealistic to leave the village by taking the imperial examination. They can only strengthen themselves through martial arts training.

Lao Miao Zhu looked at the serious attitude of the children and showed a look of relief.

The temple of the descendants of the mountain god is only half a meter high. It can be seen from the eaves and walls that the number of repairs has exceeded the age of the old temple.

The appearance of the mountain god statue also became blurry.

The old Miao Zhu wiped off the dust on the temple surface with his sleeves, replaced the dried sacrifices with fresh peaches and plums, and recited scriptures in his mouth.

He vaguely remembered that he once got lost in the mountains and was guided back to the village by a figure.

In the eyes of Lao Miaozhu, the mountain god has always existed and protected the village secretly, so he is willing to dedicate a hundred years to worship Tiandaozi.

Just as he lit the incense candle, the sapphire seal slowly fell into the statue's hand, and countless spiritual lights seemed to flash by.

When Laomiao Zhu turned around, he noticed that the temple had become empty.

The statue of the mountain god that had been there for hundreds of years disappeared. He was immediately frightened and turned pale. He quickly looked at the children who were studying and practicing martial arts.

As a result, Lao Miaozhu did not notice that the usually playful children had left their seats.

He couldn't help but panic, but he soon noticed an upright white-haired old man standing in the shadows not far away.

The white-haired old man looked at the children wearing Taoist robes in a daze.

Ren Qing originally thought that Tian Daozi had recovered his memories of his life, but after careful observation for a long time, he eliminated this possibility.

He did not force Tian Daozi to retrieve his memory.

The real Tiandaozi is already a part of the Supreme Demon, and the Tiandaozi in the world in the stomach is just a false remnant soul.

Ren Qing hesitated for a moment, took out this technique "Dao Dao Dao" from his arms, placed it next to Tian Daozi, and then left the mountain village.

"Huang Qi, is that you..."

Tian Daozi took it and started reading it, but he didn't speak again for a long time.

It wasn't until Laomiao Zhu came towards him that Tiandaozi turned into a statue of the mountain god again, holding a seal in his left hand and a book in his right hand.

Lao Miaozhu's eyes filled with excitement, and his feet began to tremble uncontrollably.

He knew that the mountain gods were not just changes in statues, they were probably completely different, and they might be able to protect villages in the mountains in all directions.

Lao Miaozhu has seen the demons in the deep mountains and old forests, and he also knows that the Yunmo Village to the north was destroyed twenty years ago because of the demons.

With the mountain god around, the village will be more stable in the future.

Compared to Tiandaozi, Chen Changsheng directly recalled the memories of his lifetime, without the need for Ren Qing to teach the techniques, and he had already begun to rebuild them purposefully.

Chen Changsheng is very ambitious, but with the current Jailer Hall, he can only follow the general trend.

Ren Qing released a few fungus souls to pay attention to the two masters, continuing to stabilize the cultivation of the first and second, and at the same time polishing the control of the immortal body.

He noticed that after transforming into an immortal body, he could vaguely detect the aura of the nearby immortals, and neither the Wind God Boqiang nor the Silkworm Mother and Chongxian could hide from them.

This is not good news.

Ren Qingsheng was afraid that the monks in the late stage of the Heavenly Creation Realm would discover the immortal throne he had hidden, so he used various means to seal it off as much as possible.

Under such circumstances, even ten miles away from the Dragon Blood Sea, one can still detect the aura of the Immortal.

Ren Qing couldn't help but have a headache, and finally knew why the Matchmaker was hiding in the deep sea tens of thousands of meters away, because in the eyes of the true immortal, existences in the same realm were probably inescapable.

"We must start the construction of the immortal restricted area as soon as possible..."

Ren Qing can actually barely meet the three conditions for immortal positions to form a restricted area, but the number of immortal positions is definitely far from enough.

Ren Qing couldn't help but glance at Jingzhou. There were two ready-made immortal positions in front of him. It would be a pity not to fight for them.

It's a pity that Jingzhou can only die if it touches the immortal position before the winner is decided between immortals and Buddhas.

You can pay more attention to Wuming's movements, after all, the number of monks in the mirror world has been reduced by one-third.

The number of forces Wuming can radiate through the Corpse Immortal exceeds double digits.

Ren Qing could feel the undercurrents surging, among which the insect nest had the greatest impact.

Among the four mistresses, there were not only Buddhist believers, but also those controlled by the Corpse Immortal. The insect nest was riddled with holes by various forces.

Ren Qing couldn't help but feel pity, and then decisively started to explore the insect nest.

The Tiandao Insects who belong exclusively to the Jailer Hall appear one after another near the insect nest. When formulating a plan to infiltrate the insect nest, Master Taihan formulates a plan.

Master Yuhua was responsible for the implementation and led the Tiandao Insects to sneak into the interior of the Insect Nest.

Ren Qing was very curious. When the Insect Hive Mistress planned to attack the Ford Immortal, and suddenly there was a thunderstorm inside her house, what would she choose?

He now understands the benefits of being a chess player.

Even though we are in the Dragon Blood Sea, the information from various forces is still sent to the Prison Hall from different channels.

Ren Qing's expression was weird. While Tianting's reputation was rising, half-true and half-false Tianting ruins appeared all over the world.

"It's broken...I'm a substitute?"

(End of chapter)

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