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Chapter 578 Black Goat Becomes a Buddha Two in One

Chapter 578 The Black Goat Became a Buddha (2-in-1)

No one knows the reason, but the rumors about heaven are getting more and more weird.

It is said that Heaven has the traditions of countless ancient immortals and gods. Now that they are born, they will gradually spread out and reconnect the broken path to immortality.

At present, what Heaven is doing does have a similar trend.

In places where casual cultivators gather, descendants of immortals and gods frequently appear and appear, guiding the casual cultivators to find the inheritance of becoming immortals.

But what makes Ren Qing feel deeply weird is that everything is actually done by the fake heaven.

The Fake Heavenly Court's approach is extremely radical, but it only targets casual cultivators, as if they are planning to curb low-level cultivators.

Ren Qing sent out many monks, but there was no trace of the fake Heavenly Court.

The methods of the fake heaven are extremely subtle, and they seem to have the ability to seize bodies similar to those of the demons, which can cause the realm of heaven to appear everywhere in the world.

Every mid-month, the black market on Lingshan Mountain opens on time, thus attracting more and more casual cultivators.

Feng Ye was squatting in the black market, with bundles of herbs placed on the wooden platform in front of him.

In accordance with the requirements of the mission, he would go to the black market every time it opened, and occasionally sell some resources, acting as a second-tier dealer.

When the news came out that the fake heavenly court was recruiting disciples, the casual cultivators on the top of Lingshan Mountain suddenly became a mixed bag.

As a result, the black market gathered a large number of casual cultivators who were trying to find a way to become immortals. There were also several fights secretly, and deaths and injuries were common.

In a tense atmosphere, casual cultivators who want to seek self-protection inevitably huddle together for warmth and use various means to enhance their strength.

With Ren Qing's acquiescence, Feng Ye went to Mengcheng to wholesale a large amount of resource "sarcoma grass" and sold it in large quantities on the black market.

The effect of sarcoid grass is that within three days after taking it, any wound will grow at several times the speed, the blood vessels will gradually form a rhizome shape, and hematoma fruits will grow.

The medicinal effect of the hematoma fruit can strengthen the body, also suppress the loss of control of alienation to a certain extent, and even have a weak life-extending effect.

For the Jingzu Hall, the blood tumor grass is a very superficial resource.

Originating from the practice of selling their own organs when the monks of the Jailer Hall were short of resources, the blood tumor grass was cultivated by some alchemists.

Ren Qing signaled Feng Ye to sell blood tumor grass in order to attract more casual cultivators and force the fake heaven to appear on the top of the mountain.

At the same time, he really plans to control the black market and make many casual cultivators his informants.

Feng Ye made no secret of Tianting's identity, and raised his revealed cultivation level from the Ghost Envoy Realm to the Yang God Realm. When placed among casual cultivators, he was already a terrifying existence.

It was also because of Feng Ye that the black market was able to operate smoothly.

Feng Ye made a small fortune and was able to monitor the movements of the black market. He was really happy about it, so he went to set up a stall on time every month.

He didn't bother to shout and just threw the bundles of hematoma grass in front of him.

When casual cultivators come to inquire about the price, Feng Ye will enthusiastically inform you about the functions of the hematoma grass and what medicines should be combined with it to make the hematoma fruits growing in the wound fuller.

Feng Ye, who was originally innocent by nature, has shown some potential as a dark businessman.

The Yangshen Realm who are in charge of the black market do not dare to offend Feng Ye at all. They have nothing to do with the owner of the black market. They are able to dominate the top of the mountain mainly because their cultivation is quite advanced.

They had doubted whether Feng Ye was from heaven, but the strength that the latter showed inadvertently clearly transcended the realm of Yangshen.

After the hematoma fruits are available on the black market, casual cultivators can breed three of them every month. They only need to pay attention to their health, and the disadvantages will be very slight.

It can be seen from this that with the current size of the Jailer Hall, any leakage of resources into the hands of casual cultivators is a rare opportunity.

As Ren Qing expected, the number of casual cultivators who came to Lingshan Mountain exceeded a thousand.

Feng Ye honestly conveyed the information in the black market, not even retaining the price difference he made by relying on the blood tumor grass.

After the blood tumor grass penetrated deeply into the hearts of casual cultivators, Feng Ye became successful and retired behind the scenes.

While Ren Qing was practicing in seclusion, he was distractedly paying attention to the top of Lingshan Mountain. According to the pattern of several false heavenly appearances in the past, the number of people on Lingshan Mountain was definitely enough.

If the false heaven really wants to be afraid of the jail, it will not consciously use the method to show people.

Ren Qing felt that the time was ripe, so he used Heavenly Demon to seize the body, and sent a wisp of the spirit of Heavenly Deception to the black market on the top of the mountain.

The light and shadow were distorted, and the long snakes transformed from dragon-like limbs rolled in the thick fog.

Because of the Heavenly Demon Tribulation, the aura of the dragon's body is extremely weak, not even as good as that of a half-corpse monk in the black market.

After a while, Lord Polar Star's vest descended on the top of the mountain.

Ren Qing frowned and looked around, noticing many strange things.

The thick fog is not caused by magic, but the source actually comes from deep in the soil. You can see that the entire mountain is breathing like a living thing.

"It seems that six months ago, the Four Seas Dragon King of the fake heaven appeared for the first time, and it was indeed accompanied by fog. Could it be the influence of some kind of magical power?"

Ren Qing ducked into the black market and looked at all kinds of casual cultivators, many of whom were wearing Taoist robes with the word "Heavenly Court" on them.

The fruits of sarcoma grass grow on the shoulders of every casual cultivator.

They were willing to serve as a breeding ground for sarcoma fruits in exchange for few resources, such as the prison hall during the Xiangxiang period.

Ren Qing traveled around the black market and found that the reputation of Heaven was very terrifying, and the casual cultivators already had a complete mythological system in their mouths.

There are various rumors about the offshoot monks who once participated in Jingzhou.

Ren Qing frowned after hearing this. The fake Heavenly Court was obviously adding fuel to the flames, deliberately increasing Heavenly Court's reputation in this world.

They probably wanted to force the Jailer's Hall to give up the name of Heaven.

Ren Qing came to Feng Ye's side. Feng Ye was talking to a talkative old man. The old man should be the representative of the casual cultivator. His cultivation level when he first entered the Yangshen realm was relatively frivolous.

"Feng Ye, count the number of casual cultivators of various realms in the black market."

Feng Ye was startled by Ren Qing, and when he saw his body flashing with distorted light and shadow, he realized that it was Lord Polaris coming.

"I've seen the North Pole Immortal Lord... I'll do it right away."

The old man's face was filled with disbelief. When faced with Lord Polar Star in Tianju Realm, could there be such a huge gap in status between them...

He quickly saluted respectfully, and then noticed that the casual cultivators around him had been ignoring Lord Polar Star, and the crowds were constantly coming and going.

Before the old man could say anything, Ren Qing's figure disappeared from the place again.

The mist surrounding the top of the mountain suddenly changed color slightly, from the silvery gray illuminated by the moonlight to a faint green like the water of a yellow spring.

Ren Qing had a sneer on his face. The breath of this spell was a bit unexpected, as if it appeared out of thin air. This showed that the fake heaven had been planning for a long time.

The casual cultivators knelt down on the ground devoutly and couldn't help but sing praises to heaven.

This vision lasted for several hours, during which hundreds of casual cultivators came to the top of Lingshan Mountain, most of them were from the Ghost Envoy Realm.

They hid in various places in the black market, ignoring the casual cultivators seeking transactions, and waited for the rumored appearance of the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

It is said that Heavenly Court will recruit hundreds of disciples every time, go to the blessed land of Cave Heaven to practice and explore the immortal way.

Ren Qing noticed an acquaintance among the casual cultivators who came.

Unexpectedly, the Elephant Master, whom he had not seen for a long time, would go to the top of Lingshan Mountain where casual cultivators gathered. He must have come for the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

The various cultivators had different thoughts, and some of them came to buy the hematoma fruit.

Ren Qing stared at the thick fog, the fake heaven was about to appear, but it still didn't show up, as if it was deliberately delayed.

Time passes slowly.

Ren Qing suddenly smelled a strange rancid smell in his nose.

The rotten smell was very weak. If Ren Qing hadn't controlled the Corpse City and was extremely sensitive to the smell of the undead, even the Heavenly Creation Realm wouldn't be able to distinguish this special smell.

He looked at the sky above Lingshan Mountain. There were faint shadows stirring in the dark clouds, and the Yan Zu Vein was inexplicably running.

Feng Ye looked at Ren Qing doubtfully and couldn't help but whisper: "Dragon King of the Four Seas?"

Ren Qing didn't reply, and stared at the dark clouds. He already understood who was behind the fake heaven, and couldn't help but laugh and cry.

As he watched, a giant snake-like dragon emerged from the clouds.

Exclamations came from the black market, the eyes of the casual cultivators were full of uncontrollable excitement, and they greedily breathed in the thick green fog.

I don't know when they had more crude spells in their minds.

The requirements for magic practice are not high, but it is somewhat strange that the physical requirements must be half human and half corpse.

However, when the casual cultivator noticed that the upper limit of the spell could reach the Yangshen realm, all the disadvantages no longer mattered, and he couldn't help but cheer.

They greedily breathed in the green corpse gas, abscesses broke out all over their bodies, and their internal organs showed varying degrees of decay, but it had to be said that the spell was indeed not hidden at all.

Ren Qing narrowed his eyes. It was obvious that the Corpse Dragon was the work of Wuming, and was made up of eighty percent of the flesh and blood of the Corpse Immortal.

Wuming's plan for becoming an immortal has begun to ferment.

Incidents that use the name of heaven occur frequently in various places. Most of them are probably the actions of unknown people, while a small number of them are powerful people fishing in troubled waters.

The owner of the black market is probably just one of the casual cultivators controlled by the Wuming Corpse Immortal, and is nothing to be afraid of for Ren Qing.

The technique taught by Wuming is the "corpse bone technique" that is separated from the scriptures of the dead.


Ren Qing realized that Wuming's actions were mainly to spread the Dead Man's Book and to let more monks master the Dead Man's Book.

It is very likely that Wuming will not be able to voluntarily escape from the parasitism of the Corpse Immortal, so he will have to use tens of thousands of casual cultivators to find opportunities to trap and kill the Corpse Immortal.

Before Ren Qing could take action, the Elephant Master took the lead and chased the corpse dragon.

As a result, as soon as the Elephant Master approached within a hundred meters, the corpse dragon's body and soul began to collapse, turning into a large number of corpses and falling down in just a few breaths.

"What kind of heaven, they use flesh and blood puppets to scare people..."

The Elephant Master snorted coldly, his cultivation in the Tianju Realm was completely exposed, and he walked away in anger, shattering the surrounding mountains.

Ren Qing turned to Feng Ye and said: "I will contact the corpse ghosts in the Corpse Department. Feng Ye, you can just go to Mengcheng to ask them for resources."


Since Wuming wants to spread the Dead Man's Book, Ren Qing has no reason to stop him.

The two can each take what they need. Ren Qing is very interested in the corpse immortal's "haunting ghost immortal", and he also wants to see how Wuming managed to kill a true immortal in his heyday.

However, Wuming will not take action for the time being, at least until he finds a suitable immortal position.

Ren Qing decided to let the dead ferment, but that didn't mean he wouldn't deal with the problems in the fake heaven. After all, many of them were not nameless fakers.

He chatted with Feng Ye and asked Feng Kong to take control of the black market as soon as possible.

Ren Qing doesn't mind using the black market to sell techniques that help increase Yin Qi, so that more casual practitioners can become immortals by practicing the Sutra of the Dead.

As the Corpse Emperor of Fengdu, the Sutra of the Dead was completely conquered by the immortal throne.

The greater the number of zombie monks, the more they are unable to shake the Fengdu Corpse Emperor, and the final outcome is just to become a skeleton under the Throne of Bones.

Wu Ming gave Ren Qing a good warning. In fact, there was no need to send monks around the world. Intelligence could be collected through the black market.

Although the strength of the casual cultivators is low, their numbers are there.

As long as the distribution of the established black market is wide enough, casual cultivators will naturally send news from various places to Ren Qing's ears.

Seeing this, Ren Qing issued a mission in Mengcheng.

There are some monks in the Jailer's Hall who like to engage in the business of buying and selling. How could they miss the opportunity to cut leeks?

It didn't take long for black markets to appear on the fringes of some areas.

When it comes to doing business, the monks of the Jailer Hall have the entire Dream City as their backing. They are naturally invincible and can easily stir up prices.

The only thing to be prepared for is the trouble of gangsters taking advantage of gangsters. After all, the Jailer Hall has too few high-end combat capabilities.

Ren Qing specially released hundreds of fungus souls to analyze clues everywhere in the world and discover content that could be useful to him.

He gradually opened up the quota for the Small Heavenly Court and gradually attracted selected monks to join it.

The Elephant Master has been searching the Heavenly Court, as if he wanted to inquire about the Lady of Bones. However, just a few days after leaving the top of the mountain, his consciousness was pulled into the Little Heavenly Courtyard in his sleep.

His image in the small heaven is not that of an elephant with a human body, but that he is dressed like an ordinary Orion.

The elephant owner seemed extremely surprised by the existence of the small heaven.

The main reason is that the Little Heavenly Court is extremely real and cannot be shaken by the mysterious environment of the sky, which invisibly adds some indescribable credibility.

The elephant owner still saw the Bone Lady in the heaven, whom he had not seen for several years. His expression could not help but sigh, and he stood blankly for a long time.

But at this time, Mrs. Bones was almost at the Palace of Plague.

The Elephant Master is half a day's journey away from Madam White Bones, so he can only try his best to get closer to the Palace of the Plague Department, hoping to make the other party aware of him.

It's a pity that the voice is judged in heaven, and shouting is of little use.

With a pious expression, Mrs. Bones carefully cleaned up the debris in the temple and placed the broken statues in front of the door.

There are words engraved on the surface of the statues, and not surprisingly, there are various methods of ascending to immortality.

As if Mrs. Bones had found a treasure, she kept the missing method of ascending to immortality in mind.

The source of the method of ascending to immortality is naturally directed at the seducing ghost immortal. Even if Madam White Bones can practice it, she will inevitably become Ren Qing's favorite in the end.

Through the ruins and fragments of the palace, she completed the secrets from thousands of years ago in her mind.

The history of Heaven fabricated by Ren Qing is a combination of myths and stories from previous lives, which have been baptized for thousands of years. Even if there are loopholes, most of the content can be justified.

What shocked Madam White Bones the most was that, according to the murals recorded in the temple, the three Taoist ancestors were all indescribable monsters.

Yuanshi Tianzun is like a spreading bubble; Daode Tianzun is an amorphous black mist; Lingbao Tianzun's body is covered with countless weird limbs.

"Could it be that the Heavenly Court was destroyed by the crazy Three Dao Ancestors?"

Mrs. Bones couldn't help but fall into a daze while staring at the mural. At the same time, her head ached faintly, as if she recalled her experience of contacting the way of heaven.

While she was dazed, the Elephant Master also came to the palace of the Plague Department.

The invisible position no longer restricts the consciousness of the monks. Except for the Leibu Palace guarded by the Fengkong people, they can travel to other places in the heaven at will.

The magnificence of the Little Heaven made Mrs. Bones unable to extricate herself.

The Elephant Master is also extremely frightened by the historical details shown in Heaven. The amount of information on the tip of the iceberg may even involve the three ancestors.

Mrs. Bones took a deep breath and then asked: "Elephant Master, you should have been in contact with the Moral Heavenly Lord. Is it the weird appearance in the records of the Heavenly Court?"

"I don't know. No monk can look directly at the Three Dao Ancestors. I just caught an unexpected glimpse and almost lost control of my body and soul."

Little did the Elephant Master know that Ren Qing could not only look directly at the Three Dao Ancestors, but also maintain his consciousness clearly, from which he suddenly understood the method of ascending to the immortal realm.

"Mrs. Bones, where is your body trapped?"

Mrs. Bones' expression dimmed, remembering the dark and humid third floor of the underworld. Even if she could escape from the cage, she would not be able to escape completely.

"Don't worry about it."

"Now that Heaven has been born, chaos is likely to follow. If possible, it is better to lean against a big tree."

The elephant owner recounted the events that have occurred in the outside world in the past few years. He could feel the undercurrents of various forces and that a disaster was indeed about to happen.

Mrs. Bones looked towards the small heaven, and there were more and more people inside.

When they see the immortality method engraved on the surface of the statue, they will definitely go crazy because of it, and they don't know how many creatures will be involved.

The real immortal Buddha, who had not been seen for hundreds of years, now appears frequently, and even gets together to fight.

Crisis represents opportunity, but when the world is afraid of crisis, opportunities may be enough to reshuffle the world structure.

Bang bang bang...

Ren Qing was in the Dragon Blood Sea and felt the ground shaking slightly.

He quickly communicated with Jingzhou's eyeliners and found that the blood moon in mid-air was pure black, and the overwhelming aura of demons was suffocating, but he couldn't feel the slightest bit of Dingguang Buddha aura.

The corner of Ren Qing's mouth twitched, either Dingguang Tathagata has been destroyed by the supreme demon, or...

The blood moon fell to the ground like a meteor, its surface was full of pits, and a thousand-meter long Tiandao worm could be seen inside.


A deafening explosion was heard, and a deep hole appeared on the ground. A blood moon was embedded in the mountain peaks, and countless granules grew on the surface, absorbing nutrients from the surrounding vegetation.

The hills transformed by the Insect Hive Mistress all rose up in unison.

But instead of moving closer to the blood moon, they spread out in all directions.

Ren Qing swallowed his saliva, and his first reaction was to withdraw the dragon's limbs and ingest the nearby monks who were traveling out into the world in his stomach.

I saw just among the clouds, a Buddha four to five kilometers away sitting cross-legged in the air.

Dingguang Buddha holds the flower with one finger and wears a flawless white cassock. It is like the substantial Buddha energy emanating from all parts of his body.

But as a Buddhist Tathagata, his body is that of a supreme demon. There is nothing more absurd than a black goat wearing a cassock.

After the Supreme Demon assimilated Dingguang Buddha, he escaped and returned to the animal pen.

[A little stuck, my head hurts]

(End of chapter)

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