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Chapter 597 Unprecedented foundation (two in one)

At this time, Ren Qing no longer transformed into the immortal body born from heaven and earth. In theory, his aura should be more restrained, but it still made the monks feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

A trace of black mist blocked the light, causing them to have a familiar stress reaction, as if they had returned to the Buddhist world shrouded in darkness, facing the huge Dingguang Buddha alone.

Immediately, Ren Qing's appearance changed drastically, moving in an indescribable direction.

The main reason is that the immortal body of the Heavenly Demon Tribulation gradually became complete, causing clues to appear unintentionally when operating the spell, resulting in the appearance of the Heavenly Demon.

Ren Qing's calamity of demons was not obvious for a while when he was born in Dao.

At most, there is black mist-like smoke floating out of the pores, but after the Demon Tribulation was successfully promoted to the second life not long ago, the immortal body has initially completed the fusion, and it has become creepy.

Ren Qing's skin spread with fine cracks, covering his whole body like a spider web, and then the skin began to collapse bit by bit.

Just like a fragile porcelain bowl, it falls heavily to the ground from a high place, and then the process of breaking is slowed down countless times.

Before the skin fragments flew away from the body, they turned into black mist and returned to the body.

Forming a weird cycle.

The immortal position of Ren Qingtian Demon Tribulation is called Zizai Tianmo. Although they are both demons, they do not have the black goat characteristics of the supreme demon.

But if a monk really stares at the black mist for a long time, he will find distorted human faces, and his soul seems to be leaving his body.

What is a free demon? It is not a living being in the world, but it is born from the living beings in the world.

Ren Qing continued to run the Heavenly Demon Tribulation around the sky, and soon the human form was no longer visible, and the whole thing looked like a vertical eye tens of thousands of meters tall.

The sense of oppression caused by it is indescribable, even fainter than the corpse of a fairy.

After all, the corpses of immortals and gods are dead objects. They are bound by the rules of the forbidden area of ​​​​the immortal position. Ren Qing's existence is outside the rules, but it is closely related to it because of the rules of its composition.

The Buddha level ban contains a huge amount of Lingshan Buddha energy, and each immortal position also has an immortal position, which invisibly affects the rules of the restricted area.

Ren Qing was able to manifest in the form of an immortal god in the restricted area of ​​the Immortal Position, probably based on this.

A ridiculous idea arises in the hearts of many monks. The so-called "restarting the apotheosis of gods" will not be to witness Ren Qingrong's ascension to the immortal god, right?

Ren Qing was immersed in the exhilaration of breaking through the Heavenly Demon Tribulation, and the process of being promoted to Life 2 was naturally very smooth, without any disturbance at all.

He felt that the higher he was promoted, the more terrifying the use of information flow became.

The price of the information flow immunity spell is already exaggerated, but currently it seems that even becoming an immortal is not its limit.

While forcibly promoting the skills, he also laid a very solid foundation.

Even without the support of information flow, it would be difficult for Ren Qing to go crazy and break through the bottleneck of small realms with ease.

Ren Qing took a deep breath. After a long period of practice, the Heavenly Demon Tribulation finally stabilized.

The black mist that spread all over the body retracted towards the pores, and then returned to its normal appearance, but with a hint of evil in the aura.

The birth of heaven and earth represents the mighty trend, the claw separation technique is accompanied by strange things, and the calamity of heaven and earth represents the evil and weirdness. Each of the five techniques is different.

Ren Qing checked the abnormalities in his body and soul and continued his great cause of seclusion.

However, in the eyes of the onlookers, the vision revealed by Ren Qing foreshadowed the transformation into a demon, and it was inevitable that he would become on pins and needles.

When Dingguang Buddha was first invaded by the supreme demon, he also transformed from a Buddha into a demon.

Ren Qing, as a being who holds the title of god, had his body and soul corroded by the aura of the demon, which shows that the interior of the heaven is not monolithic.

The source of the disaster in the animal pen is the transformation of Dingguang Buddha into a demon.

Today, in the small world of heaven, the handiwork of the supreme demon still appears, making them wonder, what is going on in the world?

The monks in the Jailer Hall felt a little frightened.

They repeatedly confirmed Ren Qing's condition and used their consciousness to communicate with Mengcheng. They were relieved to see that Mengcheng was still stable.

According to the senior officials of the Prison Hall, as long as there is no chaos in Mengcheng, it means that Ren Qing's body and soul are not out of control.

As for why he became a demon?

If you think about it carefully, there is also a strange and inexplicable demon market in the dream city, which specifically uses the breath of the devil to hone the mind of the monks. It can be seen that Ren Qing can indeed use the breath of the devil.

They suppressed their fear and launched a follow-up exploration of Fude Cave.

On the contrary, the other monks were restless, and in order to protect themselves, they could only pursue the immortal position, for fear of becoming part of the supreme demon.

Tiandaozi and the two men stared at Ren Qing in silence. They had never been able to see through Ren Qing's reality, and they had inexplicable fears in their hearts.

If any monk came into contact with the demon's aura, they would immediately stop it.

They would even incite the Jailer Hall to eradicate the evil, lest the aura of the devil spread and cause a large number of creatures to turn into black goats.

But this was not the first time that Ren Qing had used the aura of a demon. It seemed that the supreme demon that could assimilate Dingguang Buddha had already been grasped by him.

Tiandaozi came back to his senses and said with a slight sigh: "Han Li, let's go deeper and seize the time to catch up with the progress of the insect veins."

Chen Changsheng echoed: "Still following the previous method, the three of us hide in the dark and use magic to communicate every half an hour."

"It's a lot of trouble, Patriarch."

Han Li nodded and used Shadowless Ghost again.

He slipped into the shadows and disappeared without a trace. The two ancestors, wearing Taoist robes and magic weapons, used germs to affect the refraction of light, and with the aid of elixirs that reduced their size, they also disappeared in place.

The three of them rushed towards the mouth and nose of Immortal Fude without stopping.

The Heavenly Law and the Insect's Nest Law, which were extended from the Immortal of Fortune, will eventually have a battle. It seems that they are destined to do so.

Even if it does not determine life or death, it is related to the rise and fall of the next thousand years.

Wuwei Taoist Temple is better, even if it does not obtain the immortal position, after all, the foundation is there, and Tiandaozi is still in charge of the branch.

It's hard to say about the insect veins. Due to the racial disadvantages of the Tiandao insect people, it is very likely that they will withdraw from the ranks of the six major branches of the Jailer Hall.

They now rely on the refined flesh and blood palace to reproduce their offspring. They imitate the Buddhist method of throwing the corpses of dead Tiandao insect people into the palace to form new insect eggs.

But there are always fewer and fewer corpses, and not all Tiandao bug people are willing to give up and become zombies and contribute their own corpses.

Ren Qing was distractedly paying attention to the competition between the branches and the Immortal of Fortune.

It was still within a controllable range, a one-on-one confrontation with top combat power, but it affected hundreds of thousands of monks in the branch.

Ren Qing is waiting for the cracks in the heavenly path to heal, and is ready to complete the realm of heavenly deception, preparing to attack the catastrophe of the heavenly demon.

In a short period of time, he has been promoted to the level of magic many times. There is no need to consider immortals and Buddhas here, he can just focus on his practice.

Ren Qing had to sigh that the Immortal Restricted Area was indeed a good place for retreat.

He is confident that within a few decades, he will be able to perfect all the five arts in the Heavenly Deception Realm, and then plan to become an immortal and attain Taoism.

There was only one thing that worried Ren Qing, and that was the growth of his body size.

He has only reached the perfection of the Heavenly Creation Realm in two techniques, and his body is already close to 15,000 meters. It is estimated that after he has reached the perfection of the Heavenly Demon Tribulation, he should be about 20,000 meters.

Ren Qing may not have become an immortal yet, but his body shape is comparable to the corpse of an immortal god.

What about the Immortal Queen? Will her growth continue without limit?

He just hoped that there would be no accommodation restrictions in the Immortal Restricted Area. It would be a bit embarrassing if he was forced to ascend to the "Upper Bound".

Ren Qing shook his head. In this case, he could consider promoting to Heavenly Demon Tribulation first to completely avoid the impact of the restricted area rules.

The Demon Tribulation's Demon Seizes the Body is also suitable for running away at any time.

While Ren Qing was in retreat, the monks had already arrived at the corpse of the immortal god inside.

They are mainly concentrated in the two caves of the Giant Ghost King and the Medicine Rabbit Immortal. They gather together intentionally or unintentionally. If they are scattered in different places, they will soon be annihilated.

The rules of the giant ghost king's cave are very special.

The resentful spirits wandering in the cave cannot be killed by conventional means. They ignore physical attacks and have no intelligence at all, acting entirely on instinct.

When monks are in Juli Cave, they will encounter endless siege by evil spirits.

They were still wary at first, but then they noticed that the resentful spirits were unable to cause substantial harm to the Yangshen Realm and the Heavenly Deception Realm.

But as everyone knows, as long as they come into contact with the resentful spirits, part of the vitality in their bodies will be sucked out, which will indirectly affect their longevity.

However, because the resentful spirits on the surface of the cave are generally weak, their lifespan has not been significantly reduced, so it is difficult to detect.

The monks were not aware of the terror of the resentful spirits, and were still lamenting that Juli Cave was harmless to humans and animals, and was almost harmless.

But the only monks who can truly survive in Juli Cave for a long time are the undead who are neither alive nor dead.

Mrs. Bones felt like a fish in water. The Yin Qi that permeated the cave continued to penetrate into her body, allowing her to quickly replenish her cultivation, and the noise she made while walking became lighter.

Instead, she had to take care of the elephant owner. After the elephant owner hurried to Juli Cave, his injury had worsened to the point where he had to sleep.

Mrs. Bones had no choice but to carry the body of the Elephant Master and go deep into the cave.

On the surface, she was helping the elephant master because of the thousand-year friendship, but in fact, because of the unique nature of the inheritance of the immortal position, her thoughts had already changed.

"Lord Elephant, Lord Elephant, how difficult it is to become an immortal and attain enlightenment."

Mrs. Bones murmured to herself in complicated words: "If I obtain the immortal position, we won't have to fight each other..."

The elephant owner seemed to have a premonition of something, and his whole body started to tremble.

Mrs. Bones said no more, and the Yin Qi penetrated into the Elephant Master's Niwan Palace intentionally or unintentionally, completely cutting off the connection between the latter's body and soul.

If you encounter a vengeful ghost that is difficult to defeat, you can use the Elephant Master as bait.

Moreover, the Elephant Master had been recognized by the Giant Ghost King, and indirectly eliminated one of the biggest threats. The other monks were not enough to prove it.

Madam Bones's expression became distorted. Who among the monks who could understand the magic on their own had a normal mind? They all had an extremely paranoid personality hidden deep in their hearts.

Juli Cave is destined to be a Shura field. At this time, the corpse veins of the Jailer Hall have not yet been added, and it will undoubtedly become more chaotic by then.

There is absolutely no use for the rules of the Poisonous Rabbit Fairy.

After a monk arrives at the Medicine Making Cave, the nutrients in his body will gather on his back.

After just three days of gestation, the red-black vegetation will take root and sprout, eventually bearing crystal clear fruits.

The fruit was called a "great medicine" by Ren Qing, and its medicinal properties were so pure that even ghosts could easily digest it.

Not only the monks, but also the animals and plants in the Medicine Cave have great medicinal properties. The medicinal properties they contain vary, and the worst ones can even increase the chance of breaking through the Heavenly Deception Realm.

When the monks discovered the value of the Medicine Cave, a hunt was inevitable.

However, the animals and plants in Daoyao Cave all have basic spiritual intelligence. After a period of time of devouring each other, their individual strength will reach at least the Yangshen realm.

If you really want to treat the Medicine Cave as a blessed place, it won't take long for your body and mind to disappear, and it will become nutrients for animals and plants to become stronger.

There is also a lot of intrigue surrounding Daoyao Cave.

Great medicine is not very useful for the Heavenly Creation Realm. If they want to break through the realm, they must refine the immortal position. In order to prevent accidental overturning, they all leave the cave as quickly as possible.

There are some monks in the Jailer Hall who want to obtain the Medicine Rabbit Immortal, but the number of monks who actually go there is not that many and they master the wood-attribute magic.

Naturally, they mainly focus on wood trading.

The core technique of Muyi is called Jianmu Gong, which itself has strong medicinal properties.

As a result, the amount of medicine growing on her back was more than ten times that of the same level, like a sarcoma covered with blood vessels and veins.

Mu Yi must be extremely cautious, otherwise he may become someone else's meal.

Of course, the medicine-making cave is also her chance. When absorbing the medicine, she can also digest the monk's understanding of the realm.

As long as the dross in the memory is removed, the soul will not be affected by the deceased.

Even if Mu Yi cannot obtain the immortal position, he can still use the Yao Yao Cave as a shortcut to advance to the Heavenly Deception Realm.

She did not choose a safe way and walked through the Medicine Cave alone.

Instead, he directly used the banner of heaven and led a large number of alchemists to practice alchemy in an upright and bright manner in Daoyao Cave.

On the surface, they help the monks in the Medicine Making Cave to refine the great medicine, but in fact they take the opportunity to collect various clues and prepare to go deep into the hinterland of the cave.

It's not like there are no monks who are interested in the great medicine on Mu Yi's back.

But Mu Yi acted like this and never gave others the chance to seize the painful foot. The word "Tianting" is still very useful in the restricted area.

If it weren't for the limited number of monks and the inconvenience of entering and exiting the restricted area.

Otherwise, they will definitely attract outsiders to come to the medicine-making cave and refine the elixirs by themselves, which will inevitably cause a bloody storm.

However, currently the monks need to cooperate with each other, so they are still relatively restrained.

Not long after, Mu Yi established a market for elixirs in Daoyao Cave and began selling some elixirs used to extend life.

Fude Cave and Daoyao Cave gradually formed the prototype of the town.

The towns are inhabited by bloodline heirs refined by various monks through various means, mainly to help them with supplies.

If you want to become an immortal, drilling into the cave is absolutely unrealistic.

Unless they have backup resources provided by Dream City, this is also the main reason why inheritance monks choose to work alone.

The monks' exploration of the cave gradually succumbed to calmness as time passed.

Even Han Li did not rush into the five internal organs of the corpse of the immortal god. He has been exploring the endless river of blood vessels.

The same is true for the insect veins. The area of ​​​​the cave is really too wide.

It would take several months of walking to circle the surface of the corpse, and the internal organs are stacked layer upon layer.

Trying to find traces of the immortal throne in it is no less than finding a needle in a haystack.

It was just a matter of time and effort. It was not the time to really compete for the immortal position yet. Ren Qing was happy with this and kept practicing in seclusion.

Ren Qing planned to stay in the Immortal Restricted Area for at least a few hundred years, and even if he finally became an Immortal using the Five Arts, the time would be more than enough.

He began to release outing missions one after another, and monks continued to log in to the Immortal God Cave.

Unknowingly, the crack in Ren Qing's heaven was close to healing.

The most significant difference is that after the Tiandao transformation is reduced, the power of the spell plummets, and its huge body size also shrinks several times.

Ren Qingma continued to improve his skills, but he did not choose the catastrophe of the once-in-a-lifetime demon, but instead entered the Corpse City in the realm of celestial deception for the first time.

[Whether one is promoted to Tao Sheng Yi or not, it will consume 40,000 years of life]

The reason why she was promoted to the Corpse City was because Madam Bones was making faster progress, and Juli Cave seemed to be treating the undead too favorably.

In order to ensure that the Bone Lady is out of control, Ren Qing decided to first fuse part of the undead emperor's corpse to increase the suppression of the undead.

He closed his eyes without hesitation, and his body alienated in an unknown direction.

All the monks were a little frightened, fearing that Ren Qing would turn into a supreme demon out of control, and none of them would be spared.

What surprised them was that the direction of Ren Qing's alienation turned out to be zombies.

The skin turned purple, sharp fangs sprouted from the mouth, the pupils were gray and white, and there was a strong corpse gas filling the mouth, nose and breathing.

All the monks were confused about the situation. What kind of magic did this heavenly immortal god practice?

How come he is related to both the corpse path and the heavenly demon at the same time? Aren't he afraid that his body and soul will lose control, or that he will be overtaken by a higher immortal god?

Mrs. Bones was so frightened that her whole body trembled, almost losing the balance of Yin Qi in her body.

She suddenly remembered that when she was deep in Jingzhou, she had experienced inexplicable heart palpitations, as if she had encountered unmatched terror.

Only now did Mrs. Bones realize how terrifying the existence of the God was.

Even the Corpse Immortal did not make her so frightened, indicating that the other party had probably refined the Immortal Position of the Corpse Dao Immortal God, at least the kind of existence that was superior to ordinary Immortal Gods.

She murmured a few words, dragged the elephant owner who was missing arms and legs, turned around and got into the hole leading to the inside of the cave.

The elephant owner's injuries became more and more serious, and his hands and feet were used to attract the attention of the evil spirits.

Originally, Madam White Bones wanted to be on the safe side and let the Elephant Lord recuperate for a while before considering the matter of finding the immortal throne.

Now that I see the sense of oppression displayed by Ren Qing, my nature is inevitably more eager for quick success and instant gain.

Little did Mrs. Bones know that when Ren Qing only initially fused with the immortal body of the Fengdu Corpse Emperor, it meant that she would not be able to stand up at all.

His consciousness came to the illusion, but he did not see the true form of the Fengdu Corpse Emperor.

In front of Ren Qing is a coffin more than a thousand meters long, connected by tens of thousands of iron chains, and noises can be heard inside from time to time.

Under the influence of the information flow, the coffin shook violently.

It gave Ren Qing a feeling that the Fengdu Corpse Emperor would break through it at any time. Unfortunately, the immortal throne was a dead thing without intelligence after all.

The promotion process was uneventful, and Ren Qing's control of Yin Qi was somewhat precise.

He could clearly feel how many zombie monks there were in the Immortal Restricted Area, and they could be easily erased with just a thought.

Ren Qing took a deep breath. When the fourth immortal body merged into himself, his foundation underwent earth-shaking changes. The most notable feature was that he could use his arms and fingers to perform spells.

His five spells are all compatible, and he can transform into five immortal bodies at the same time, and he has the power to fight against earthly immortals.

The immortal bones of Shifengdu are the spines that represent the source of blood.

The flowing spinal cord can send yin energy to all parts of the body, nourishing flesh and blood and bones.

Ren Qing suddenly realized that if he used the unprecedented Five Immortal Body to be promoted to Earth Immortal, his foundation would be so strong that it was indescribable.

It has indescribable benefits for oneself to transcend the way of heaven, and should be the most critical gain in coming to the Immortal Restricted Area.

Ren Qing restrained her Yin Qi, thinking that Shi Fengdu's promotion was just an episode.

The current efficiency of the physical Tathagata in digesting karmic fire is not worth mentioning for a lifespan of 40,000 years, and will not affect the subsequent attainment of immortality.

But Ren Qing's consciousness had just withdrawn from the environment of the Fengdu Corpse Emperor, and he felt a mysterious connection with the outside world.

He was stunned for a few breaths, and then he came to his senses.

Ren Qing originally injected the blood of the Fengdu Corpse Emperor into the blood pool of the Black Crow Mistress, so anything that swallowed the blood pool would be corroded.

However, being able to detect corpses even in the Immortal Restricted Area means that the blood pool was devoured by one person, perhaps the Black Crow Mistress?

Ren Qing frowned, and then reluctantly used the power of the immortal position to try to communicate with the blood of the Fengdu Corpse Emperor with his body and soul.

"What the hell!!!"

It has been nearly ten years since Ren Qing came to the restricted area of ​​​​the Immortal Position, but his expression that has remained unchanged since ancient times has changed for the first time.

After the aura of Shifengdu was leaked, it formed a wave of air that swept through the nearby Immortal God Cave, causing the monks to feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

As Ren Qing passed through Corpse City, a vague figure appeared in his mind.

The figure has nothing to do with the Black Crow Mistress, but is an old friend of Ren Qing.

The Corpse Immortal is hiding under the soil of the Buddhist world. His appearance has once again undergone incredible changes, with countless sheep's hooves protruding from the holes in his body.

Chains spread to the surface like vines, eagerly absorbing the breath of the demon, driving the Corpse Immortal to completely transform into a demon.

Obviously, the blood pool did fall into the belly of the corpse immortal.

This was not the reason why Ren Qing was shocked.

Because through the Yin Qi, he discovered that Wuming did not take the opportunity to escape from the parasitism of the Corpse Immortal, but actually still stayed in the Corpse Immortal's body.

The nameless person is in an abdominal cavity filled with blood and flesh, and his limbs are in the shape of large fonts.

He had a strange and incomprehensible expression, and a large amount of the devil's aura poured into his pores, causing his body to move closer to the black goat.

Ren Qing was sure that Wuming was not forced to do anything, because the Corpse Immortal had not yet completely transformed into a demon, and the aura of the demon in his body was very thin.

If Wuming wanted to escape, it would be impossible to be trapped by his methods.

What is horrifying to think about is that the nameless demon has not yet affected his sanity, but he is actively absorbing the aura of the demon.

It’s impossible to give up the immortal position of Old Man Yuexia without any name, just for the sake of the supreme demon, right?

Or, what is the secret hidden in the transformation of the demon? Perhaps the formation can help Wuming become an immortal, and the disadvantages can be ignored for the time being.

In the siege of Buddhism, has the Supreme Demon turned into the guest?

Ren Qing had a wry smile on his face. When his five arts reached the perfection of the Heavenly Creation Realm and the core immortal position Zhenyuan Earth Patriarch became an immortal, he would also have to put on the agenda to advance to the Earth Immortal through the Toe Separation Technique.

He is now in the restricted area of ​​​​the immortal position and has no idea about the situation in the outside world.

The victory or defeat between Buddhism and the Supreme Demon is likely to be related to the direction of this world, and what role Wuming will play in it.

This chapter has been completed!
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