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Chapter 638 Welcome to the Final Sound

The sound of heavy breathing came and went.

The Eighteen Arhats immersed in the sea water gradually revived. Their appearance was like a thousand-meter bronze statue, looking extremely majestic.

However, they do not have the wisdom before the disaster of heaven, and their movements are a bit rigid.

The monks issued a call of reverence, held a grand celebration on the island, and even carved the names of the Eighteen Arhats on their skin, even though their cassocks and robes were soaked with blood.

The celebration is called "Bliss Ascending to Heaven", which focuses on the decay of the body and the ascension of the soul to heaven.

The Eighteen Arhats still remained as motionless as a mountain, with a faint Buddhist aura floating out, making the expressions of many monks become extremely intoxicated.

They take the initiative to fan the Buddha's breath to their faces, just to let their mouth and nose absorb it immersively.

Immediately, his consciousness became blurred, and his soul seemed to return to the Great Demon Heaven. His senses were immersed in indescribable joy, and what followed was the gradual decay of flesh and bones.

The crowd on the island was in a state of wantonness, either in ecstasy or sadness, their emotions were amplified to the extreme, and finally turned into a hollow with the walking dead.

After a ceremony, tens of thousands of corpses appeared on the scene.

Swarms of scavenging insects surrounded the corpse, the rotten smell was unspeakable, and the floor tiles were soaked with blood, making the atmosphere of the ceremony strange and inexplicable.

Hundreds of corpse-moving monks came out. Their facial features had been sealed, so they remained awake and took turns taking the corpses to the palace of flesh and blood.

In just a few moments, the new monk was born, cleaning the temple streets as if nothing had happened, and soon it was neat and tidy.

Buddhism relies on the palace of flesh and blood to ensure a constant supply of people.

If Ren Qing were present, he would be able to discover the strangeness of the Buddha's energy and notice that today's Buddhism is very different because of the Supreme Demon.

After the Supreme Demon replaced the lamp, the Buddha's aura was more like the aura of the demon mixed with the Buddha's aura, creating a unique aura that was even more corrosive and terrifying.

Buddha energy can fundamentally enslave living beings, allowing their souls to be used by the ancient Buddha.

"Amitabha, Amitabha..."

Huikong had a worried look on his face, and the veins on his forehead were squirming slightly. It was obvious that he was also suffering from the bliss brought by the Buddha's energy, and it was just his strong willpower that forced him to maintain a trace of reason.

There was something wrong with him recently, his mood was always ups and downs inexplicably, and he did not participate in the celebration of heavenly bliss.

Huikong paid close attention to the development of the situation, but everything revealed something unusual.

It's not that it's not going well, it's actually that it's going too well.

It took fifty years for the Eighteen Arhats to fully recover, which was at least two hundred years earlier than expected. This shows that there are millions of followers of Buddhism, but the reality is exactly the opposite.

The monks sent out by Huikong are not very efficient in spreading Buddhism Xinyang, and the number of followers they have attracted so far is only 20,000 to 30,000.

And they always encounter all kinds of troubles.

It seems that there is an invisible force acting on both Taoism and Buddhism, keeping their forces in a very delicate balance.

Huikong didn't know if he was worrying too much, and now he could only go one way to death.

While he was stunned, the Eighteen Arhats in the sea suddenly moved, and the six headed by the Laughing Lion Arhat walked towards the island.

The Arhats walked on the water, and under the sunlight, their skin and flesh became charred brown, and the Buddhist aura they exuded became more intense and spread to the surrounding sea thousands of miles away.

A large number of fish surfaced, densely packed with corpses.

Huikong sighed.

The departure of the Eighteen Arhats means that his remaining rights have been taken away, and the Arhats will be fully responsible for spreading the faith.

No matter how much he feels sorry for himself, it's useless. After all, nothing can be changed.

Huikong stretched out his arms, and his skinny flesh was like a mummy. It was almost time for his body to die and give birth to a new body.

He planned to live a life of drunkenness in the illusion of bliss, but suddenly he felt a stabbing pain in his mind and couldn't help but take a breath.


Huikong covered his head hard, his temples protruding.

The memory became blurred, and then there were more unfamiliar and messy images in the memory.

Huikong in the picture is a bit strange. He seems to be a Buddhist ascetic who practices alms on foot every day.

"Previous life?"

"I have died so many times in Buddhism. Is there any past life?"

Blood flowed from Huikong's facial features, and his head seemed to explode.

He saw that he had practiced hard for hundreds of years and reached the end of his journey to the west. It was said that there was Mahayana Buddhism there, which could help him transcend the mortal world.

Huikong did it in his previous life, but what greeted him was not Mahayana Buddhism.

Huikong's pupils narrowed.

At the end of the scene, a Buddha covering the sky and the sun pulled his soul out of his body and became an ant under the lotus throne.

Huikong fell into a daze and did not come back to his senses until the island was shaken.


The island was pushed by the six Arhats towards the depths of the sea.

It is definitely not enough to resuscitate the Eighteen Arhats. Next, many sleeping Bodhisattvas will be resurrected. These monks are just tools to awaken the Buddha.

Huikong stared at the fanatical monk, feeling a sense of absurdity in his heart.

"That's all hell is, right?"

I will be a slave for the rest of my life and will never be reborn. The so-called transcendence and becoming a Buddha is just an illusory and beautiful long-cherished wish.

They are ants after all...

"Ha ha ha ha."

Huikong took a deep breath of Buddha's breath and couldn't help laughing. Tears flowed from his eyes, and his spirit was on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, a mysterious spell appeared in his mind.

Huikong didn't know what the spell meant, but it was better than never being reincarnated forever, even though the spell had unimaginable drawbacks.

He stumbled into the meditation room and practiced the technique amidst the piercing cheers.

The moon sets and the sun rises, and soon the monks in the temple gradually forget about one person, that is the abbot Huikong who often accompanied the lamp statue.

The six Arhats pushed the island, and the remaining twelve Arhats headed to the mainland. At the same time, their bodies underwent horrific changes.

The skin of the Arhats was ulcerated, and when the new skin grew back, there were actually many plump flesh and blood palaces on the surface.

Their mission is not to destroy Taoist forces, but to breed more monks.

The reshaped world is like a huge chessboard, in which the two sides of heaven compete with each other. However, until the supreme devil comes, the outcome is still unknown.

The top monks of the Taoist sect are just land gods in the Yangshen realm, and the Twelve Arhats occupy the southern region like a ravaging beast.

Not long after, monks began to be born in batches.

The Taoist forces had no choice but to integrate the common people and evacuate towards the relatively safe Zhongzhou, resulting in a large-scale refugee flow.

Accompanying the flow of refugees is a famine of food shortage and rice shortage.

In ancient times when productivity was backward, fleeing usually resulted in a famine that left the entire house empty, and it was unknown how many mortals would die as a result.

The Prison Hall sits in the world inside the stomach, and the food stored in it is enough to feed mortals outside for thousands of years.

But Zhou Zuosan didn't take any action, and still let the gods arrange it secretly, just like the pieces on a chessboard.

He seemed to be waiting for the next reaction of the three Taoist ancestors. The immortal gods were also paying close attention to this and wanted to verify their suspicions.

As a result, just half a year after the famine began, it started to rain continuously in Beijing.

Usually the sun is still shining in the sky, and the rain falls on the earth.

Due to abundant rain and uninterrupted sunshine, the output of various grains has reached a new high in a century, and the mountains and plains are covered with golden farmland.

Obviously, the hypothesis put forward by Zhou Zuosan is very likely to be true, "There are no cognitive errors in the outside world. It is always their cognitive problems. The three Taoist ancestors are not extraterrestrial demons."

The Three Dao Ancestors have compassion for all living beings, so the identity of external evil spirits is not established.

The alienation of the creatures before the disaster by the three Taoist ancestors was probably a way to make up for the situation and return the distorted world to normal.

The result is of no avail. Maybe there are indeed extraterrestrial demons?

In the end, the three ancestors gave up completely and chose to descend to reshape the world and use the survivors from 20,000 years ago as the foundation of civilization.

Even though the jailer was mentally prepared, he was still frightened by the real fear.

As the abandoned children of the Three Dao Ancestors, they can only hope that Ren Qing will advance to the Heavenly Dao.

Otherwise, regardless of the Three Dao Ancestors or the Supreme Demon, they are all enemies to the Jailer Hall. After all, they are not of my race, and their minds must be different.

The response of the Three Dao Ancestors continues to ferment, not only to end the famine.

Following the cries, some babies born in various towns were accompanied by visions and were even protected by rare and exotic animals.

With the jailer's intelligence, at least two hundred chosen sons were born one after another.

Why are they said to be the chosen ones? It's because their souls are incomparably in tune with the way of heaven, and their physiques are all connected with the Taoism. At just one year old, they can already read a thousand words.

They practice magic and get twice the result with half the effort.

Taoist sects that reach the upper limit of the Yangshen Realm will break through the bottleneck of the Yangshen Realm and reach the Heavenly Deception Realm with the help of this group of chosen sons.

Zhou Zuosan did not hesitate and sent immortals to various parts of the world in the stomach.

They searched for the reincarnation of the pseudo-souls of ancient monks, and soon found dozens of them, many of them geniuses who had created the jailer method.

Back then, Ren Qing once released the souls of a group of ancient monks to reincarnate, hoping to create some mainstays of the Jailer Hall, but unfortunately it ended in failure.

After all, fake souls are fake souls. Even if they have the same character, their destiny is always slightly different, making it difficult to become an immortal.

Zhou Zuosan personally took action and used Daluo Jinxian level resources to refine acquired Taoist bodies for them. The souls were also strengthened to the extreme that mortals could bear with the help of resources.

While the various sects in the outside world were frantically grabbing the innate Taoist bodies, the Jailer Hall released these orphaned babies of the acquired Taoist bodies into different towns.

On the surface, the orphan's qualifications are only slightly worse than those of the innate Taoist body, but his body is more or less incomplete.

Naturally, it was impossible for the Dao Sect to let go, and the Houtian Dao Body was quickly divided up.

They called the situation in which Tao bodies poured out one after another "the age of great contention", which indicated that Taoism was about to enter an unprecedented prosperous age.

As everyone knows, the acquired Taoist experience will gradually recall the memories of the previous life as the cultivation level improves.

The reason why Zhou Zuosan wants to use the acquired Taoist body to infiltrate the Taoist sect is, on the one hand, to test the possibility, that is, whether there is any chance that the "Deceitful Tao System" and the "Great Dao System" represented by the Three Taoist Ancestors can complement each other.

If he really wanted to succeed, Zhou Zuosan wouldn't mind asking the hundreds of millions of monks in the world of his stomach to change their system and join the Three Dao Ancestors.

On the other hand, he found that the Third Daozu seemed to be wary of something.

The Third Dao Ancestor has a very indifferent attitude towards the Jailer Hall, and is also neutral towards the Supreme Demon. It is clear that there is a greater threat secretly.

Since the Third Daozu didn't care, he had no intention of being polite.

Zhou Zuosan wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to occupy the magpie's nest and use the acquired Taoist body of the Prison Hall to distribute the resources of the innate Taoist body given to him by the three Taoist ancestors.

Because Ren Qing has not yet been promoted to Heaven, he must try his best to ensure a balance between the two parties.

Of course, the most important thing is that as the supreme demon gradually approaches, Zhou Zuosan becomes more and more certain about the disaster.

at the same time.

Sanqing Temple was overcrowded, and a ceremony for the master to accept disciples was being held.

The platform is suspended in mid-air, dragged by white smoke. In the center are an immortal old man and eight children in their early teens.

Tens of thousands of disciples looked at the child with admiration on their faces, and their eyes were full of surprise.

As expected of an innate Taoist body, he has only been in Taoism for a few years and has already reached the perfection of refining Qi and transforming into God. It is just around the corner to refine Qi and transform into God.

There is no bottleneck in their practice, and it is estimated that they will become immortals on land by the age of fifty.

There are more than two hundred innate Tao bodies distributed in various sects. After all, their respective resources are limited, and it is impossible to guarantee a hundred land gods at the same time.

Even though there are only eight people in the Xiantian Taoist body, the resources of the remaining disciples are still deeply affected, and Sanqing Temple has obviously tilted its resources.

"From now on, they are the eight leaders of Sanqing Temple. As long as they defeat any one of them, they can obtain their resource supply."

The headmaster spends an almost impossible sum of money in front of his disciples.

The innate Taoist body looked at the disciples of Sanqingguan coldly, and their sense of superiority made them not feel that they were the same kind of people as ordinary disciples.

"Disciple, if it hadn't been for the birth of the Immortal Body, with your qualifications, it would never have been possible for the position of leader to fall into the hands of others."

The skinny old woman spoke to herself with a pointed mouth. She looked frail and exuded an unpleasant corpse smell.

The two apprentices who followed her also looked a bit different from ordinary people.

A strip of childish hair appears light white, and the pupils are pure black. At the same time, his hands hang down below his knees, and his back is completely bowed.

There is also a child with an extra arm under his ribs and a shrunken and deformed right foot.

Their eyes were fixed on the figure of the innate Taoist body, the greed in their eyes seemed to be tearing out their hearts and lungs, and their mouths were full of nonsense.

"You think so, six diseases, Tai Sui?"

The two Taoists did not reply. As the reincarnation of the pseudo-souls of ancient monks, they possessed all the characteristics of evil monks.

The Jailer Hall is like a parasite, secretly beginning to ingest the blood of the Taoist sect, trying to influence the situation through infiltration.

The outside world is in a stalemate.

Buddhism and Taoism have a tacit agreement to occupy the north and south respectively, waiting for the arrival of the supreme demon.

Only the Jailer Hall has been busy, Zhou Zuosan kept issuing a large number of tasks, signaling the gods to go to the outside world to arrange things.

Many of his actions were meaningless in the eyes of Master Dameng, and even Zhou Zuosan himself would overturn them in a short time.

But when the immortals saw Zhou Zuosan's increasingly swollen head, they understood that they had no other choice but to trust Zhou Zuosan.

Time passed little by little, and five hundred years seemed to have flown by in vain.

Zhou Zuosan's voice sounded in the ears of the immortal gods of the three realms: "The Supreme Demon is here."

This chapter has been completed!
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