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Chapter 10 The Money Making Plan

"Ghost?" A Guang looked confused.

As a staunch materialist good young man in the new era, Aguang is only afraid of ghosts when watching ghost movies, so he instinctively feels that there are no ghosts.

But when I think about the steel war horses I have seen before, this world is different from what I know. With the steel war horses, it seems that the steel female ghost is not unacceptable.

"Old man, why is this place so haunted?"

The kind-faced old man said: "It happened six or seven years ago. An old couple here opened a salt shop. They came from other places. They only opened it for a year and all three of them hanged themselves. After that, there were always strange things happening.


Aguang guessed that the county magistrate couldn't have deliberately bought a haunted house for them. Of course, he probably wouldn't have inspected every house in detail. He probably chose it because of the good location and the price. The seller probably hid it.

"Brother, brother."

The kind-faced old man called out twice, and then Aguang became distracted.

"Brother, what do you want to do when you buy this shop?"

"Open a salt shop."

"Ah!?" The old man was shocked and stepped back: "Brother, I'm reminding you, you can take care of yourself."

A Guang didn't take it seriously. When the dust cleared a little, he took A Hao and walked in. Many people gathered behind him but did not follow him at the door.

"Ah Hao, do you believe in ghosts?" Huo Guang said while reaching out and wiping the old tables and chairs, revealing a thick layer of dust with a look of disgust on his face.

"I believe, I am just a poor man."

"You are quite humorous. Come on, stop being idle and let's clean up together."

The two of them moved the tables outside the shop together.

"Don't you want all these things?" Ah Hao felt a little pity.

"It's too dirty, and it's bad luck if someone dies. Let's find someone to rebuild it."

The two of them spent a lot of effort to take out all the old things and spent some money to find someone to transport them away and dispose of them. Aguang found a carpenter and explained in detail what kind of things he wanted to build, and then paid a small deposit.

Let him come to your door tomorrow.

After finishing all this, it was already evening. Huo Guang dragged his tired body to go home and sleep, but Ah Hao stood in front of the store and did not move.

"Why are you standing there?"

"I'll sleep here tonight."

"There's nothing here. Do you sleep on the floor?"

"It'll be fine once you get used to it."

"You are my buddy now. You sleep in my house. Although the place is a bit small, you can still live in it."

Ah Hao said in a daze: "I heard from an old man that a house with a strong yin energy should find a yang-yang boy to sleep with for a few nights, in order to drive away the evil spirits."

A Guang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "When the things are almost finished, I'll ask the carpenter to make another bed for you. Let you sleep here every day, and I won't have to find someone to look after the store."

"Okay." Ah Hao agreed immediately. He was used to sleeping in the open air even though his legs were not convenient. It would be nice if he had a place to sleep and food to eat.

Ah Guang tidied up and took Ah Hao back home. After a tiring day, he lay down and squinted for a while as soon as he got home.

Hearing some movement, Aguang immediately sat up. It was already late at night, and there was a figure standing at the door. Aguang thought he had seen a ghost and shouted: "Who is it?"

"Your dad."

It turned out that Huo Zhongru came back drunk.

Huo Zhongru, who was smelling of alcohol, burped: "Uh...why are you so sleepy? You couldn't sleep well before."

"Now there are sixteen taels of gold horseshoes at home, so we must be careful."

"What?! Why so much money?"

"Sang Jin gave Ah Hao a thank you gift. If Ah Hao refused to accept it, he transferred it to me as Ah Hao's partnership fee."

Huo Zhongru walked to the bed and lay down: "This little girl is really rich and spends a lot of money. Ah Guang, let me tell you, you have to come here quickly. There is no shop like this after passing this village."


"Father, what are you talking about? Your son is an older boy than me. No matter how good the girl is, she is still a widow. Do you want your son to bring a widow into the house? She is still a caregiver."

Huo Zhongru sat up again, smelling of wine, and pointed at Huo Guang with his finger: "vulgar...stupid...you have no experience, you don't even know the benefits of being a widow, let me tell you...I...I asked the county guard today...that little

Widow…little widow…”

Before he finished speaking, Huo Zhongru fell down again and began to snore.

"The words are broken at key points. Fortunately, you are not a writer of novels, otherwise people would say that you are out of context."

Ah Guang was woken up and couldn't sleep for a while, and the bed was occupied by Ah Hao and Huo Zhongru. It was not good for him to squeeze in, so he sat down at the table full of resentment.

At this time, he noticed a jar of something that Huo Zhongru had just brought back when he came home.

When he opened it, he saw that it was tea. Obviously, it was brought to Huo Guang. Huo Zhongru didn't like tea, but Huo Guang liked it very much.

Tea is a traditional drink with a long history. According to legend, it originated from Shen Nong. It was initially regarded as a medicinal herb, but later became a drink. It was not until the Wei and Jin Dynasties that tea truly entered the homes of ordinary people. Nowadays, a small number of people are drinking it.

Aguang slapped his forehead, this is another scam, um, no, it is a good business to make money.

He doesn't actually know much about tea, but he knows a thing or two about over-packaging. How can he make money without over-packaging this thing?

His current goal is to quickly complete primitive wealth accumulation.

Although Sang Jin gave me a lot of money, this amount of money alone is not enough. To accumulate wealth, you must accumulate a way to continue to make money. Otherwise, you will only have output but no input, and you will be left with nothing.

Why does A Guang want to make money? What he is most interested in right now is actually two other things. One is to follow Huo Qubing and make achievements and seal the wolf as Xu, and the other is to figure out that strange steel war horse.

But now I can't do either of them. There will inevitably be money in the future. If I take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of the way to make money now, I won't be stumped by three cents in the future.

Besides, the steel war horse looks expensive, so don’t save more money.

As a business card of the Chinese nation, tea has huge development potential. Moreover, salt and tea are things that Aguang can have access to at any time. It is not complicated and is an item that can be fully operated with the current productivity.

There are not many people drinking tea now, which means they are all potential customers.

Drinking tea can go as far as the emperor in the temple enjoying it with all the officials, and as low as the young lady in the club drinking with the boss.

Opening a jar of tea brought back by Huo Zhongru, Aguang looked carefully and saw that there was still a difference between the tea he knew. Because tea is still largely regarded as a medicine that stimulates the mouth and tongue, so the tea he bought

It has not been roasted carefully and is also mixed with some large leaf residues that cannot be called tea.

After losing the unique fragrance of tea, it becomes so worthless.

At this time, you need to work hard on the quality of the tea itself and packaging, and it also takes a lot of time.

Fatigue suddenly hit him, and Aguang fell asleep in a daze. When he woke up, it was already the morning of the next day.

Huo Zhongru, who had just given birth, was still sleeping soundly.

Huo Zhongru woke up: "Father, today is the first day of taking office, are you late?"

"When you take office, you will meet Xiu Mu. Your father's luck has always been good." Huo Zhongru fell asleep again in a daze.

Huo Guang pulled him up again: "Father, do you know a girl from a brothel?"


Huo Zhongru hit Huo Guang hard on the head: "As a father, I have always behaved upright. Why did you frame me so falsely?"

A Guang rubbed his head: "I'm just curious if the people inside are going to recite poems and write poems." A Guang knew that this was the style of literati in the Tang and Song Dynasties. He didn't know if it was the same in the Han Dynasty. If so, tea would be fine.

The promotion has gone in. After all, literati and elegant things, drinking tea and exploring the world are often connected together.

Huo Zhongru looked at Huo Guang in confusion: "You have spent money to go to that place, why are you doing such unseemly things?"


This chapter has been completed!
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