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Chapter 32 Deserters

The next day, before dawn, the large army set off. The elderly people seemed to be feeling a little tired. Gan Fu appeared at the front of the group in high spirits, while Huo Guang was feeling sluggish because he got up early.

Because we were walking on a mountain road, no one was riding horses.

The map in Zhang Tai's hand showed the path into the mountain. Before it was dark, the group of people had arrived at the foot of Tiger Mountain.

Huo Guang walked to Gan Fu and said, "Is it okay, old gentleman, to walk so far?"

"I have traveled thousands of miles with Mr. Zhang Qian, so this little journey is nothing."


While he was talking, Gan Fu stumbled and fell into the field. Huo Guang hurriedly pulled him up.

Gan Fu patted the dirt on his body respectfully: "This road is more rugged than the road in the Western Regions."

Huo Guang was speechless, and the old man didn't look very reliable.

Gan Fu did follow Zhang Qian on his return from his mission to the Western Regions.

Gan Fu was captured in a battle between the Huns and the Han Dynasty when he was very young and became a slave of the Han Dynasty. He himself is a Huns and his mother is a Han. He was captured to be the wife of the Huns.

At a young age, he was captured as a slave and given as a domestic slave to the son-in-law of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, Chen Wu, Marquis of Tangyi. Chen Wu, the Marquis of Tangyi, was married to Princess Liu Piao of Shangguantao, who were the parents of Chen Ajiao, the first wife of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.


Although Gan Fu was a slave, Chen Wu did not tattoo the little slave because Gan Fu had shown his talent to become a scholar since he was a child.

Although his status is low, he has unique and exquisite skills in using Qi, so Chen Wu trained him and gave him the opportunity to become a stylist.

Unfortunately, due to his status, he could only stay in Tangyi Marquis, like a frog in a well. It was not until Zhang Qian went to the Western Regions as an envoy to the Western Regions. The then Queen Chen Ajiao suggested that Gan Fu, a stylist who was proficient in the Xiongnu language, accompany him, and Gan Fu had the opportunity to go out.

Take a walk.

After going through hardships, he returned, received a reward, and regained his freedom. He had no sense of belonging to the Xiongnu, but loved the Han family. After getting his freedom, he traveled around the world, made friends, and accepted Sang Hongyang's invitation to become his disciple.

Huo Guang chatted with him: "What kind of person is Zhang Qian?"

Huo Guang learned about Zhang Qian from the history textbook. The textbook said that he went to the Western Regions as an envoy and opened up the north-south road from the Han Dynasty to the Western Regions, which is the famous "Silk Road". His reputation is great, as long as he has studied history.

Everyone in China knows that he is the first Chinese to open his eyes and see the world.

He wanted to meet Zhang Qian and see what kind of person this man who opened up the Silk Road was like, and see the sage's demeanor.

Gan Fu's eyes were full of memories: "Mr. Zhang Qian, that is truly a first-class capable and talented person."

"You seem to admire him."

"Naturally, he is a person with a very pioneering spirit. He has no fear of the unknown ahead. No matter what difficulties he encounters, he always has a firm mind, perseverance, open-mindedness, and treats others with integrity. At that time

My status is humble, but Mr. Zhang Qian has never looked down on me. Not only me, but also the Huns, Da Yuezhi, Wusun people, and Loulan people. Mr. Zhang Qian can tolerate all foreigners with his broad mind, and has also won the respect of all people.


It is precisely because of Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions that the Western Regions will be returned to the Han Dynasty in the future, and there will be Raisins, Tong Liya, Guli Nazha, and Dilraba.

A persevering and upright man, the first person to open the world's history.

Logically speaking, Gan Fu followed Zhang Qian on his mission to the Western Regions and returned from hardships. In addition to exempting him from his status as a slave, Emperor Wu also generously rewarded him and wanted to reuse him. However, Gan Fu refused, which made Huo Guang very curious.

"Mr. Gump..."

"You call me Gan Fuzi or Ganzi, this is the name I gave myself after imitating the sages."

It was a bit strange to call Gan Zi, so Huo Guang said: "Master Gan, didn't His Majesty reward you as an envoy, why don't you serve in the court?"

Gan Fu looked at the blue sky in the distance: "People like me feel uncomfortable when they are trapped in the main hall. They feel more comfortable when walking between heaven and earth."

This was a middle-aged literary youth who loved freedom. This was Huo Guang's first impression of Gan Fu. He was an official but just wandered around. There were very few people like him.

Gan Fu laughed: "I have made an agreement with Mr. Zhang Qian. When he visits the Western Regions again, I will go with him. This time I will go farther. Maybe I will set off next year and the year after that."

The last time we went there, hundreds of people came back, but now he still wants to go, and he seems to be very interested.

Gan Fu had a smile on his face: "I really want to go further afield and see different scenery and people."

The morning wind carries the warm and moist dew. I am a deserter from this world, but I am a fearless warrior who marches forward bravely.

While chatting, a group of people had already gone up the mountain from the trail. Smoke could be seen rising from the stove in the distance. The bandits in Tiger Mountain had opened up fields here, planted crops, and relied on their own harvests and occasional plunders.

With the passing caravans and fleets, the bandits' life became richer.

This is also the reason why the number of bandits has increased sharply in the past two years. Without caring about the area and having food and drink, more people have defected, many of whom are deserters from military service.

There was another kind of military service in the Han Dynasty called border guarding. Under normal circumstances, some people in each county were assigned to guard the border. Compared with ordinary soldiers, this was a hard job. There is no doubt that these people who were assigned to guard the border were

Poor people have no background and no money.

Although it is said to be two years, the journey is far away, and if you are sent out, you may not be able to come back for many years, and guarding the border is much more dangerous than ordinary military service, so some people escape.

After escaping, there is a high chance that you will fall into the trap of a bandit.

Taking advantage of the opponent's lack of defense, Zhang Tai waved his hand gently, and the three large yellow crossbows found the best position and set them up. Following his order, three huge arrows rushed towards the Hushan bandits.


The arrow passed through the thatched house, and under the huge force, the thatched house almost collapsed.

"Kill." Zhang Tai shouted. He didn't have any tactics or tactics, he just fought head-on.

The iron sword was unsheathed, and a group of soldiers rushed towards the bandits with great momentum.

The bandits reacted and prepared to prevent an effective counterattack. However, facing a group of regular soldiers armed with swords, the bandits were frightened. Their weapons were pitiful and their numbers were not as large as those of others.

The bandit leader Zhang Da shouted loudly: "Don't run, don't even run, fight back, fight back."

But no matter how loud he shouted, he couldn't stop anyone. The bandits were well-trained regular soldiers. They were just a piece of loose sand and didn't need the wind to blow it. They dispersed after just two steps.

A thin arrow flew from the crowd and hit the leader's shoulder. Zhang Da fell to the ground in pain. Zhang Tai took the lead. With a wave of one hand, the flying arrow turned and passed through.

He stretched out his arms and pinned them to the ground.

Then another arrow flew towards the bandit's open face, aiming to kill him.

This chapter has been completed!
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