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Chapter 38

"Sang Jin, how are you making this iron piece that looks like dragon scales?"

"Sang Jin, this horse eats coal, how does it work inside the body?"

"Sang Jin, what's causing the steam coming out of your hind legs?"

In the past two days, Huo Guang had not only continued to see if there was anything that needed improvement in the salt field, but also pestered Sang Jin to ask about the steam war horse. However, Sang Jin didn't know anything after asking. Huo Guang didn't know if she really didn't know or if she deliberately didn't tell him.


Seeing Huo Guang's distressed look, Sang Jin couldn't bear to say: "Ah Guang, you'd better ask Master. I really don't know how. Master hasn't taught me yet. I've just started training for two months.

It’s still early.”

"You really don't know how?"

"I really can't."

"Aguang, we are going back today."


The three of them were preparing to return home. Huo Guang originally thought that it would take several months to come and go, but due to the existence of steel horses and national highways, it only took a few days.

Riding the steel horse again, Huo Guang became more familiar with it. Although he was still stunned by the shock, he got a little better once he got used to it.

They were not in a hurry on the road, so they walked slowly. When they passed a post station, the three of them stopped for a while. Huo Guang found a mountain not far from the post station. He walked up it with nothing to do. As soon as he went up, he was stunned.


Looking down from the mountain is a huge pit. The pit is full of irregular iron blocks, piled up like a hill. Many of them have become rusty due to exposure to the sun and rain.

There is such a big pit on the edge of the national highway, which is completely used for stacking scrap iron. Is there too much iron ore in the Han Dynasty? There are so many iron mines that are so casually discarded and thrown on the roadside.

Is the smelting industry not at this level?

Huo Guang instinctively realized that this matter must be related to things like Qi. Iron war horses also need iron.

Huo Guang randomly pulled Gan Fuzi to the mountain and showed him the big pit.

"Huh? What's wrong? Let me see the scrap metal?"

"Master Gan, why is there so much iron here? Do you know?"

Gan Fu looked at him as if he were a fool, but when he thought that Huo Guang had spent all his time in a small county town, it was normal for him to be ignorant, so he said: "There is a scrap iron store like this near many big cities.

These are the places where scholars from all over the ages wanted to learn how to be a stylist and smelt, so it’s not surprising.”

"Master Gan, you mean that there are pits filled with iron like this around many cities?"

"This is still small. You have never seen the pits around Luoyang and Chang'an. Over the past hundreds of years, the backlog of scrap iron has been huge."

"No need?"

"Use it. These scrap irons are basically sold to blacksmiths, but they can't use so much. This is why iron products can be privately owned in this dynasty. There are too many scrap irons."

Huo Guang immediately asked: "How did the scholars make these irons?"

"At once……"

"Good boy, you want to trick me." Gan Fu immediately reacted.

Huo Guang chuckled: "Master Gan, I also call you Master. This is not asking you for a core secret. Just tell me."

Gan Fu glanced at Sang Jin first, and then said: "Sang Jin, please talk to him. His qualifications are relatively dull. Please explain more carefully."

"Ajin, didn't you say you couldn't do it?"

Sang Jin said embarrassedly: "I don't know how to make a steel war horse, but I know how to make iron."

The two came to the edge of the scrap iron pit, and there were people guarding it. After Sang Jin showed that he was a scholar, the other party ignored him. It didn't matter if he used the scrap metal casually.

Sang Jin placed a piece of scrap metal in front of him and lit another candle.

Write down the words iron and fire. As the Qi flows, flames and iron ore are suspended in the air.

The flame continues to heat up under the stimulation of Qi, and iron blocks are added.

"Ah Guang, as long as you write the word "iron", you can use flame to melt the iron into molten iron. In the same way, you can melt and precipitate the iron in the iron ore. This is also the reason for the formation of this scrap iron pit. Scholars of all dynasties have tried to

Anyone who wants to be a stylist should try their hand at iron ore, because it is an indispensable step in making mechanical creatures."

Sang Jin explained to Huo Guang while operating.

The flame can heat up under the stimulation of Qi, and is not affected by the small flame of the original candle. This obviously violates the law of conservation of energy. Huo Guang observed more carefully that it seemed that Qi was transformed into the fuel of the flame.

The scrap iron quickly melted into molten iron. When the temperature reached a certain level, Sang Jin canceled the flame and used both hands to control the energy to control the molten iron and slowly turned into the shape of a sword.

Huo Guang was dumbfounded by hanging it directly in the air.

After a while, the shaping was completed, and Sang Jinxiang was sweating profusely. It was obvious that this operation was too forced for her.

He took out the kettle, wrote the word "water" with one hand again, and used water to temper it. As the steam rose, the iron sword fell to the ground and was inserted into the mud.

Sang Jin fell down as if she had lost all strength, and Huo Guang hurriedly supported her.

Feeling Huo Guang's solid chest, Sang Jin blushed slightly, and immediately stood up on his own. The man and woman did not kiss each other, but no one saw it.

After watching Sang Jin stand firm, Huo Guang walked up to the iron sword she forged. It looked good from a distance, but the details were still not good. It just looked like the sword. Only part of the blade was sharp, and the other parts were not sharp.

Above is a sword.

Wiping the beads of sweat on his forehead, Sang Jin said: "I have just started learning, and I haven't practiced enough, so the production is not precise enough."

Huo Guang held the sword in his hand and observed it carefully. The overall production process was still the same as heating the iron block. However, Sang Jin directly heated the molten iron to shape it into a sword, while ordinary swordsmiths hammered and forged it.

It is difficult for people to operate molten iron without mastering Qi.

Of course there are exceptions, Thor's Storm Axe.

Therefore, if the magical factor of Qi is excluded, it is actually not much different from ordinary forging.

Huo Guang shook his head. He always felt that everything was somewhere between reasonable and unreasonable. Let's call it reasonable. The existence of Qi is unreasonable. Let's call it unreasonable. Putting aside the magical part, the essence has not changed.

Sang Jin continued: "Actually, the principle of shaping the appearance of mechanical creatures is also simple. It is to shape iron, copper and other things into the appearance of living things, and then use the way of the Holy Spirit to supplement it. However, it is very troublesome to operate in practice and requires extremely strong Qi.

The ability to control.”

Huo Guang roughly understood the principle and suddenly became enlightened.

Mechanical creatures like steel horses are troublesome, but from another perspective, steam engines are much simpler.

What is a scholar? This is a humanoid mold that can change its shape at any time.

Sang Jin, a scholar who has only been a beginner for a while, can build an iron sword that is at least similar in appearance. So wouldn't it be okay to give her a graphic and let her build a connecting rod and piston?

As for a stylist like Gump who can make a steel horse, he might be able to mold the shape of a car into one piece.

Compared with the steel horse? It must be more convenient transportation such as trains.

This chapter has been completed!
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