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Chapter 57 New Rules

Huo Guang spent the next two days worrying about the affairs of the salt company. Zhang Jiaqi was now his only subordinate, and the other one was Li Si. Huo Guang closed the salt shop directly, letting Li Si continue to follow him and return the goods to others.

Salary increased.

Because of Zhang Jiaqi's outstanding performance in killing everyone in the clan ancestral hall, County Magistrate Zhang didn't say anything openly, but arranged several capable subordinates for Huo Guang and Zhang Jiaqi. They were all veterans and calm in work, and joined the salt company.

Huo Guang chose the location in the middle of the area, which was close to the four counties, and bought a house and a large piece of vacant land. Because it was not a prosperous area, the house and land prices were very low, and he used the county's money.

Sang Hongyang had already received news and agreed to Huo Guang's plan. The pearl salt arrived that day. The first time it arrived was 15 stones of pearl salt. Huo Guang calculated that the cost was about 900 yuan per stone, because it was on a national highway.

Traveling by national highway is expensive, but it is really fast. Now the price of pearl salt in Luoyang, Chang'an and other places, even if Sang Hongyang deliberately lowers the price, it still costs 5,000 to 6,000 yuan per stone, and the supply exceeds demand, which makes other salt merchants miserable.

, seizing a large amount of market share.

Sang Hongyang was not idle either. Instead of being obsessed with making large amounts of money every day, he began to make aggressive acquisitions and merge other salt farms and salt shops.

His purpose was not to take this opportunity to make a lot of money. When he saw Huo Guang's proposal, he also had an idea in his mind. He felt that he could give it a try, and the obstacles would be much smaller if he started from a small place, so he not only specially added salt

He brought it over and ordered everyone in the Sang family to help Huo Guang.

With the preparations almost complete, Huo Guang sent a message to the main salt merchants in the county and invited them to come and gather.

All the salt merchants who could be named in the county were here. In fact, there were only ten of them, and some of them cooperated with each other.

Everyone attaches great importance to the pearl salt matter and arrived early.

Anyone who can open a salt shop is not an ordinary person, but this group of merchants had to wait for Huo Guang to arrive.

Huo Guang took Zhang Jiaqi with him and walked into the middle hall to greet everyone. The person who came to the Sang family today was Sang Tianliang. Since Huo Guang left the Nvlu, Sang Jin has not contacted him again. He probably knows about this.

Yes, Huo Guang was busy so I didn’t contact him.

Everyone sat down, and Huo Guang made tea and said, "Everyone, take a sip of tea first. These tea leaves are different from ordinary tea leaves. They are made from the young buds on the tips and stir-fried to create a fragrant aroma. They are sweet aftertaste. Everyone

You can try it.”

Those who couldn't bear their temper spoke first: "Mr. Huo, don't be so pretentious. We are here to do pearl salt business. Just tell us straightforwardly."

Huo Guang took a sip of tea, it felt a little hot to his mouth, and then he put it down.

"You have all seen and tasted pearl salt during this period. You are sincere in coming here today. Everyone knows the news about our establishment of a salt company. I won't say more nonsense. Now there are some in the warehouse.

15 stones of pearl salt will be distributed to everyone for sale."

"Master Huo, how do you divide it?"

"I plan to liberalize pearl salt so that everyone can sell it, but the salt company will allocate everyone's quota to be as fair as possible so that everyone can sell salt and make money, but at the same time I have to remind everyone,

The pearl salt sold by the salt company will be recorded in the book, and the Shaofuyuan of each county will come to reconcile the accounts every month. If the sales, purchases and inventory are not consistent, everyone will understand what it means."

Huo Guang's words caused a group of people below to whisper. Everyone was dissatisfied. This meant that there was no way to evade the salt tax. Of course, this matter could not be said openly. No matter how ignorant people dare to say directly that they want to evade taxes,

Come out?

And pearl salt is only available here, so if you want it, you have to go his way.

Huo Guang looked at a group of people who were hesitant and continued: "We only care about our pearl salt, not ordinary salt. Pearl salt is now only supplied to big cities like Chang'an and Luoyang. Qinghe County is an exception, and the salt tax on pearl salt is

, it will not be taxed at 15%, but taxed at 20%." This is equal to 5 points, and the tax rate has been slightly adjusted.

As soon as they heard the good news that the tax rate has been reduced, everyone felt relieved. Some children with strong arithmetic skills have already calculated that the salt tax will be reduced by 1/4 of the original rate.

Of course, this is still a lot worse than their original intention of escaping.

"Mr. Huo, how do you calculate the price of pearl salt? How can we get the goods?"

Comparing the stakes, basically everyone wants to do the pearl salt business.

Huo Guang asked someone to bring up a stone of pearl salt, placed the salt in front of everyone, stretched out his hand to grab a handful, and slowly dropped it, white and translucent.

"Everyone, you can buy pearl salt from me, but I will allocate it according to the inventory quantity. I will not let one family get a lot or a small amount. I will ensure that everyone has something to sell. As for the price, it is 1,200 yuan per stone."

As soon as they heard this price, this group of salt merchants went crazy. Pearl salt cost five to six thousand yuan per stone no matter how it was calculated outside. Didn't the price take off? They all shouted for a hundred or ten stone. As soon as the price was announced, all of them were instantly

concerns were dispelled.

The cost is 900 yuan, and the profit is the salt tax. If the switch is completely done in a year, it will be calculated as at least 1,300 rock salt in Xiahe County. If it is completely switched in the future, the income of nearly 400,000 yuan will be almost the same among the four counties, which is 1.6 million yuan a year.

Their income must be added to the 5 points of value-added tax on the sales. After this calculation, it is much more than the previous salt tax income.

Of course, this is a perfect situation. With the high price in the normal early stage, it would be great if the market share of pearl salt could reach one-tenth.

Although the price will definitely drop in the future, according to Huo Guang's calculations, at least the salt shipped from the salt industry company will have a salt tax added, at least a minimum of 10 points, which is not high, but the total amount is still very considerable.

After deducting the costs of operating the salt company and salaries, the salt tax paid to the county is still very large.

"The rules have been set. If you follow the rules, we can operate pearl salt. But if you don't follow the rules, I'm the one who said something ugly, so don't do it. You are all my elders. It's inappropriate for me to say this."

, but the county governor trusts me so much and asks me to do this, so I have to do my best to do it well."

"There is another rule, that is, the pearl salt in this county can only be sold within this county, and it is not allowed to be exported to other places."

Huo Guang's condition made them into an uproar again, and they all put forward different opinions. However, Huo Guang did not let them discuss it, but informed them.

Zhang Jiaqi asked in a low voice: "Brother Guang, can this matter be settled?"

"We can't limit it, but we can restrict some of it, and we can catch the big ones and let go the small ones. If we rashly flow pearl salt to other counties, it will definitely cause trouble. If it's a small amount, it should be fine."

"What should I do if someone really disobeys me?"

"If you said you shouldn't do it, then don't do it. They won't stop making noises for a while. I'll go to the back to discuss things with your grandfather and the others first. You don't need to say anything to deal with them in front.

, if they ask you, just say you don’t know and let them discuss it themselves.”

In addition to the group of merchants in front, there are also county leaders and leaders from four counties behind them.

This chapter has been completed!
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