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Chapter 65 Mechanical Creatures

The Huns have more stylists, and there are not even a few. Ganfu said that the other party has ten times more stylists than me. There is no basis for him to say such a thing.

After sighing, Ganfu continued: "I am also half of the Huns' blood, and even the original production method of mechanical creatures was imported from the grassland."

"So for a long time, the Han Dynasty had nothing to do against the Huns, or the Qin Dynasty in the past, during the Warring States Period, they built the Great Wall to resist the Huns, but the number of Huns at that time was not large, but when Qin II

When the Central Plains was in chaos, the Xiongnu took advantage of the opportunity to rise. After intermarriage with the Han Dynasty people, the offspring they produced inherited the excellent blood of the two races, resulting in a surge in the number of Xiongnu stylists in the past century."

Huo Guang said worriedly: "The Huns have so many stylists, which means that they have a larger number of mechanical creatures such as mechanical war horses. The mechanical war horses have power that ordinary horses cannot match. In this way, I am heading towards

Isn’t it in danger?”

Gan Fu shook his head: "Having more stylists does not mean they are stronger. They may be stronger than a hundred years ago, but the Han Dynasty is now at its peak. It does not mean that there are more mechanical war horses. The people of the Han Dynasty are better at styling.

Although the master's talent is not as good as that of nomads like the Huns, their ability to cooperate with mechanical creatures in fighting is far superior to that of the Huns."

"How to cooperate?"

Gan Fu stroked his beard and said, "Ask your brother about this matter when he comes back. I'm not good at this. What I know is a bit out of line when put in front of General Huo Qubing."

"My eldest brother is very strong?"

"You seem to have some misunderstandings about General Huo Qubing. He is not very strong, but extremely strong."

"Do you know what it means to have one Han against five barbarians?" Gan Fu continued to ask.


"This is not to say that any Han can withstand five barbarians, but that Han scholars on the battlefield can defeat at least five Huns and such barbarians by themselves. Han scholars

Their fighting power far exceeds that of other races.”

Gan Fu's words gave Huo Guang a new understanding. Different ethnic groups seemed to have their own different talents. The Huns had a strong affinity for the living beings themselves and were easy to become stylists. However, the impression that the gentle and elegant Han Dynasty people had seemed to have different talents.

In terms of fighting, we are such a gentle nation, but you say that we are martial?

Impossible, impossible, it’s all slander, we are all peace-loving people.

Huo Guang seemed to have thought of something and said: "Master, my elder brother told me that the three major elements of mechanical creatures are words, blood, and stylist. Is that so?"

"The characters and blood are actually very simple, so I didn't specify it specifically. Iron War Horse is the character for horse. If you want to make a steel dog, write the character for dog. Blood is the blood of living beings. When we stylists are styling, for example, a

When making a steel war horse, you have to kill the simulated creature body and introduce its whole body's blood into the body of the steel war horse through Qi, so that the mechanical creature can "live"."

"So in fact, the body of the creature is also very important. The taller and stronger the body is, the taller and stronger the steel war horse you can make. If it is different from the body, the steel war horse cannot be activated to become a mechanical creature."

Huo Guang suddenly realized. He remembered that when he first saw Sang Hongyang coming back, there were two steel horses in the carriage, but the steel horses were obviously a lot smaller than the ones Huo Qubing was riding. At that time, he was still wondering why these steel horses were

The ones that are not made are taller and more majestic.

The original reason is that here, you can only make a steel war horse that is the same as the original creature. The higher the similarity, the greater the probability of success. You cannot say that a small pony with a height of 1.3 meters can be made into a large one with a height of more than 2 meters.

Ma, even if blood and words are introduced in this way, it still cannot "live" and is just a pile of scrap metal.

"But Master, I see that the steel war horse you made is different from ordinary horses. Those dragon scale-shaped armor plates replace the skin, and the legs have gears. These things are obviously different in appearance from ordinary horses."

Gan Fu nodded, obviously very satisfied with Huo Guang's keen observation: "The steel war horses used now are not exactly the same as the horses that were just made. When they were first made, its surface was made of iron, and the legs were the same.

But after the iron cools, the steel horse will be unable to move, and the movement of the legs will cause the iron skin to crack, and the performance will be insufficient."

"So after many years of attempts, the stylists will change the appearance of the steel war horse after it is formed and given life's blood and characters. The dragon scale armor, wrapped in iron sheets, makes the steel war horse

Even in the case of strenuous exercise, there will be no tearing of the external iron plates, and the legs are the focus of the change. Due to frequent movement and huge wear and tear, the connecting parts of the legs are very precise and need to be replaced frequently."

Huo Guang was stunned. Isn't this factory modification?

"Master, does this not matter?"

"Yes, as long as the original creature's appearance must be followed during production, some parts can be changed after the production is successful."

With that said, Huo Guang came up with an idea, wouldn't it be possible to change the horse's legs into wheels? Thinking about it, although this picture is a bit strange, it should be very practical.

I immediately told Ganfu my thoughts.

Ganfu was speechless when he heard this. What kind of weird imagination was this? He stopped him directly: "No, the way the horse moves is its legs. This cannot be changed. If it is replaced with wheels, it will not be able to move."

Huo Guang immediately thought, wouldn't it be enough to use the horse's legs as connecting rods and directly add wheels?

Hey hey, hey hey.

Looking at Huo Guang's smile, Gan Fu knew that this kid would definitely experiment with such weird ideas in the future, and there was nothing he could do to stop him. However, as a stylist, having imagination is very important, and he had no reason to stop him.

At this time, Sang Jin came over and looked at Huo Guang who was grinning. He was a little confused but said respectfully: "Master, what are you and A Guang talking about?"

"Teach him some theoretical knowledge about mechanical creatures."

"Master, you are finally willing to teach him." Sang Jin said with some surprise.

Huo Guang couldn't wait to ask: "Master, what about the power? Why can it move by eating coal?"

"I don't know how to tell you if I dig deeper into this matter. It's not just coal, wood, charcoal, but anything that can burn. After eating it, the stomach of the mechanical war horse will consume these things, and it can move.

Yes, I once thought about researching it, but once the stomach is opened, the mechanical war horse will die, and there will only be unburned materials inside."

This is another situation that Gan Fu is not clear about. What he, the stylist, is not clear about, which means that most people nowadays probably don’t understand it and haven’t studied it in depth.

Huo Guang had a hypothesis, whether the stomach of the mechanical creature is something similar to an energy converter, but he doesn't know how it works, but it can convert coal and wood into power. Maybe things like gasoline can also be used, but it's not available yet.

No gasoline.

Gan Fu was in a good mood and said: "Since I have taught you some theoretical knowledge, let me tell you one more thing. Others may never encounter it in your life, but you will definitely encounter it, about strange beasts."

"Exotic beast?" Huo Guang became interested when he heard the name. This was definitely not an ordinary thing.

"Exotic beasts are different from ordinary creatures. They are extremely rare, and even their existence is unique. There is a special alien beast department in the palace. The ultimate goal of all stylists is to shape alien beasts. I say you must

The reason why you can touch it is because maybe you have seen it before."

"Have I seen it?"

"General Huo Qubing's white horse looks like an ordinary horse, but it is an out-and-out exotic beast. It was created by the best stylist in the world."

"The best stylist in the world?"

"Her name is Zhuo Wenjun."

This chapter has been completed!
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