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Chapter 72 Papermaking

Huo Guang felt his stomach churn early in the morning and immediately rushed to the toilet.

After falling for thousands of miles, Huo Guang looked at the toilet seat beside him and recalled the torture his delicate little Daisy had suffered. He was once bitten by a snake and was afraid of well ropes for ten years. He decided not to try again and pulled off another piece of clothing.

of cloth.

Huo Zhongru looked at Huo Guang, whose sleeves were missing again, and criticized harshly: "Ah Guang, no wonder I saw a lot of clothes and fabrics in the toilet bowl. I didn't expect you to be so wasteful."

Huo Guang wanted to argue, but Huo Zhongru added another word: "You still call me wasteful. If you dare to call me wasteful in the future, I will serve you according to the family law."

Huo Zhongru left without looking back. Huo Guang was helpless. He had to get out the paper first for his delicate little Daisy.

Just do it. Papermaking is one of the four great inventions in my country. The most familiar one was invented by Cai Lun of the Eastern Han Dynasty. However, he actually did not invent it, but he compiled and improved it.

There is a very rough paper on the market now, which is far worse than straw paper. It cannot even be called paper. It falls apart when it touches water, and even when written with a pen, it may fall apart. This is the paper before improvements.

Indispensable for the production of paper are plant fibers and adhesives. Fibers from bamboo can also be used. Huo Guang has seen lifestyle bloggers making bamboo paper using ancient methods, but it is labor-intensive and time-consuming, and the quality of the paper is still very poor.

of general.

This kind of paper on the market cannot replace toilet chips. One reason is the price, and the other is that although toilet chips are not easy to use, this kind of paper will shred as soon as you rub it, and you can't tell which one is poop and which one is shredded paper.


Don't ask how Huo Guang knew about it, Zhang Jiaqi heard about it.

Making homemade plant fiber may take a long time under the current conditions. In the video I watched before, it only took a year to make rice paper by drying and bleaching it. Other processes are also very cumbersome.

Even if the paper you wipe your butt with doesn't have to be that white, if you do it, you have to do it well.

Instead of buying a carriage today, Huo Guang took Qiuxiang and went to the street to find the merchant where he had bought the pulpy paper before.

Qiuxiang timidly followed Huo Guang. She had never walked the streets so freely since she was captured as a slave.

She looked around curiously, and then she realized that it was great to follow Huo Guang. Apart from having to do servant's work, she was no different from a free person.

When I came to the shop where I bought paper, I found that the shop had changed its name and started selling other things, and the shopkeeper had changed from an old man to a middle-aged man in his thirties.

"The shopkeeper's."

"Sir, what do you need?"

"Where's the old man who sold paper before? Why is there no paper left?"

The middle-aged man smiled awkwardly and looked Huo Guang up and down. Huo Guang was not badly dressed today. He understood that people judge people by their appearance, so he gradually began to care about appearance.

Seeing that Huo Guang was well dressed, he sighed and said, "My father passed away half a month ago, and the shop no longer sells paper."

There was only one shop selling paper in the entire Xiahe County, and now it is gone.

Huo Guang sighed helplessly: "Hey, forget it then."

Huo Guang was about to go out when the middle-aged man stopped him: "If you want to buy paper, I still have some stock at home. You can sell it to me at a cheaper price."

"Take me to have a look. If it's good, I'll take them all."

As soon as the middle-aged man heard that the shop was being looked after by a waiter, he took Huo Guang and hurried home.

During a conversation in which the other party sighed, Huo Guang found out that the middle-aged man's name was Zhang Lu. His father and County Magistrate Zhang were from the same family. The family originally had a lot of assets, but his father had been addicted to papermaking since he was not married and had no care for the family business.

, I don’t know much about business, the sales of paper are not good, and I have been losing money for many years. The only remaining family property is the ancestral house and the shop.

"Some time ago, if Governor Chu didn't want to buy a shop for no reason and didn't ask clearly, he even bought the shop that my family was famous for. My family would really be able to pay off its foreign debt."

The speaker is careless and the listener is heartbroken.

We arrived outside his yard, not far from Huo Guang's home. The location is very good. Once you open the door and walk in, you can see that the yard is not too small, and the style and price are not low. It used to be a wealthy family, so there are scattered things in such a nice yard.

There were a lot of tree barks and other objects scattered around.

"Mr. Huo is laughing. These things were left over from my father's papermaking business. Recently, there have been many things going on and I haven't had time to clean them up, so they are a bit messy." Zhang Lu said a little embarrassed.

Qiuxiang looked at it curiously: "Sir, other people's houses collect firewood, but their house is full of bark. Look, it's all turned white in the sun. How long has it taken?"

Zhang Lu sighed and said: "My father used to say that the bark of these trees will turn white after one or two years in the sun, and the paper made will be whiter. Moreover, my father also believes that there is a kind of tree that can make paper perfectly, so

He painstakingly collected many types of plants. You see, the cheapest straw ones are boiled, soaked and dried in the same way. The bamboo ones, the reed ones, and the most expensive ones, the green sandalwood ones, are dried.

It’s been three years.”

Huo Guang was stunned, what a god-given material.

Zhang Lu led several people to an independent house. The style of the addition was different from the original house, and the construction workmanship visible to the naked eye was extremely poor.

As soon as he got closer, he opened it, and a middle-aged woman walked out. She said with a hint of resentment: "Zhang Lu quickly disposed of the paper. The old man has left so many things and can't sell them, so it's better to burn them."

As if she didn't vent her anger, the woman added: "The old man doesn't want to think about it himself, so he forces you to learn papermaking. There are so many good empty shops. I would rather not use them than let you do some business. I just make paper every day."

All my career is in ruins."

"You dare to slander my father when there are outsiders here." Zhang Lu's face was filled with anger.

"I never had a good life while I was here, and I won't let you talk about it after I leave."

Facing his shrew-like wife, Zhang Lu couldn't reply and gasped angrily.

I don't know if it was because of his long-term papermaking career that Zhang Lu had the demeanor of a Confucian scholar. In his mind, it must be very embarrassing to argue with his wife like this.

"I'm here to buy paper." Huo Guang said.

Upon hearing this, the woman immediately changed her face: "Let's talk first. This gentleman, our paper is very good. Buy more, and it's best to buy them all." I wish I had lost this hot potato earlier.

"Young Master Huo is laughing." Zhang Lu led Huo Guang into the house, which was filled with papers that Zhang Lu's father had made over the years.

There was nothing underneath the papers, and he tried his best to protect the papers as much as possible. No one expressed his feelings, but Huo Guang felt it.

"Listen to what your lady just said, shopkeeper Zhang can also make paper."

Zhang Lu said with a hint of embarrassment: "That's right. I followed my father's example since I was a child. It's a pity that paper can't be sold and has no use."

"My father is an extremely stubborn person. He has always told me that there will be a kind of paper in the future that will allow scholars to write well, record music and poems, and allow everyone to see and learn calligraphy. But we tried what we could buy.

All the materials still don't work. Maybe this is my father's delusion. I originally wanted to keep these things as a souvenir, but they take up too much space. It seems that the young master sincerely wants to buy them, so I will sell them and keep them a little.

The next few are in memory of my father."

The development of Chinese civilization is due to the virtues of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the magnificence of the Qin Emperor and the Han Dynasty, and the persistence of these little-known people.

Huo Guang said: "Go and offer incense sticks to your father more often."

"I want all these papers and tools outside."

"And you, are you still willing to make paper?"

This chapter has been completed!
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