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Chapter 1 Xujiazhuang

In the third year of Chongzhen, in March of Yangchun.

South Zhili, Yangzhou Prefecture, Xinghua County.

Not far from the east of the county seat, there is a place called Xujiazhuang, which is very famous in the county.

Xujiazhuang is not very big, and it is a newly built Zhuangzi. It was only established two years ago, but it has created many legends that shocked the whole county and even Yangzhou Prefecture.

Such as super wheat that yields thousands of pounds per acre.

High-yielding potatoes and sweet potatoes with a yield of tens of thousands of kilograms per mu.

The yield of high-stem corn is several thousand kilograms per acre.

They are all spread from this Zhuangzi, and they have shocked countless people in the world. Even the imperial court has heard about them, and they are regarded as auspicious by local officials.

It's just that Xujiazhuang is quite mysterious and closed. It is surrounded by barbed wire. There are young men with knives and forks patrolling the place day and night. No strangers are allowed in. As for thieves who want to go in and steal seeds and things, they often fail.

If you get close, you will be discovered in time, and the end will be very tragic.

The owner of Xujiazhuang is a mysterious figure. It is said that he is a wealthy overseas businessman with a wealthy family. He has done many good deeds, helped orphans and widows, spent money to adopt many orphans and children, opened schools, and taught them reading and literacy. But he also wanted to annex them.

He took the common people's land, turned the peasants into farm laborers, required all boys and girls over 6 years old to go to school, strictly prohibited women from binding their feet, and also promoted shaving short hair. Disobedience would be severely punished. He was a character who was both good and evil.


In the living room of the main house of a six-pointed star-shaped bastion.

Xu Yuan sat on a huanghuali wood official hat chair, holding Longjing tea that had just been launched this spring in his hand. He took two leisurely sips. In the steaming white water, his rather handsome face emerged. He was 27 years old.

His age may have been a bit older in ancient times, but to Blue Star, he was still an immature young man.

He raised his left wrist and looked at the looming white halo.

Xu Yuan couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Three years.

It has been three years since I got this portable time portal.

When he was only 24 years old, he found an inexplicable halo on his wrist that could not be removed. After studying it for several days, he suddenly opened the halo, enlarged it and expanded it into a time gate. He stepped in cautiously, explored it, and discovered the purpose of the time gate.

Behind the scenes is the world of the late Ming Dynasty in parallel time and space.

He was so excited at that time that he couldn't sleep all night long and danced while walking.

Then he resigned, decisively broke up with his money-worshiping girlfriend, and became a time and space tycoon... It's so cliche that I'll just briefly mention it here.

The career of the Time and Space Master lasted about a year.

The specific operation process is similar to the contents of those popular time-travel novels. The salt, sugar, glass products, soap, mechanical watches, lighters, penicillin and other industrial products from Blue Star are resold to the late Ming Dynasty to earn gold, silver,

Antique calligraphy and painting, etc., from which high profits can be obtained.

Xu Yuan has calculated that no matter what kind of industrial products are resold, after being exchanged for high-value gold, the profit can generally be ten times, twenty times or even hundreds of times.

In less than a year, based on the ancient currency of the late Ming Dynasty, his net worth reached 10 million taels of silver.

Over at Blue Star, Xu Yuan also has a deposit balance of up to 1 billion yuan in his bank account.

However, Xu Yuan suddenly didn't want to do it anymore, a profession with unlimited money and potential as a time and space dealer.

It's not because he thinks he's earned enough and plans to just sit back and enjoy it, but because the risk factor in this industry is too high.

It's okay with Blue Star. As long as he pays enough taxes, no one will cause trouble for him.

This side of the world in the late Ming Dynasty was completely a dark jungle society.

Blackmailed by gangsters.

Being slandered, slandered and suppressed by business competitors.

Targeted by strongmen and robbers.

Being chased by assassin thugs.

He was beaten to the bone and sucked out the marrow by the subordinate officials of the government.

The troubles he faced were endless. All the evil forces were eyeing this fat sheep and wanted to bite him hard and kill him completely.

In order to solve these troubles, Xu Yuan spent a lot of money and energy, and ended more than 30 lives with his own hands, but the troubles continued one after another.

If it weren't for the time gate, Xu Yuan could escape back to Blue Star instantly. However, there was no way he could have survived several dangers, and his life would have been lost long ago.

In short, this year's experience of time and space has been full of ups and downs and countless dangers. It is definitely enough to write half a million words.

Xu Yuan was tired of it. He didn't have strong official connections or clan protection. Wanting to get rich by doing business in ancient times was simply a dream. It was a hellish game experience. Although he made a lot of profits, he didn't feel happy at all.

Just high tension and fear.

Xu Yuan plans to change his style of play.

I am not going to take the business stream, but the traditional farming stream.

So he took his vast wealth and a dozen trustworthy men to the countryside, bought a lot of land, and made large-scale mergers. It took him two years to build a manor with ten thousand acres of fertile land as his foundation.

In the autumn of last year, Xu Yuan went to Yangzhou Prefecture to take the college examination. He used high-tech cheating methods to successfully obtain the title of scholar, and barely managed to join the ancient gentry class. Although it did not bring much benefit, it was still very good.

Amulets can avoid many troubles.


Come back to your senses.

Three years have passed.

Compared with other time-travelers, Xu Yuan's achievement may not be much, and there is not much to brag about, but he himself feels that it is not bad, at least he can sleep soundly at night.

And with the solid foundation of Xujiazhuang, the next plan can be carried out smoothly and will not be as difficult as before.

"The owner of the village."

Xia He, a young maid in a green dress, came over, bowed and said, "All the businessmen participating in this year's agent bidding are here and waiting in the main hall."

"I see."

Xu Yuan nodded, put down his tea cup, stood up, and walked toward the main hall with his hands behind his back.

In the main hall at this moment.

Businessmen from all over the place, dressed in silk and satin, gathered together and it was very lively.

Many of them are local businessmen in Nanzhili.

Some come from Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Beijing and other places.

There were also maritime merchants from Fuzhou and Guangzhou.

There were a total of seventy or eighty people, speaking with different accents, either closing their eyes and meditating, or whispering to each other to learn more about each other.

"Brother Zhang, you want to win the dealership right of that place this year. How much money have you prepared?"

"I haven't prepared much, just a few thousand taels. The people in Songjiang Prefecture are small and poor, so they can't sell much."

"Brother Luo, I didn't expect you to come here again this year. You don't do good business as a salt merchant, and you don't want to play with the Yangzhou thin horse at home. Why are you here to focus on such a small business?"

"Haha, this is not a small business. Last year, you took away the agency rights of Yangzhou Prefecture with 200,000 taels. This year I will not be careless again. I must get the agency rights back!" The businessman surnamed Luo gritted his teeth.

The way.

"Brother Luo, why bother fighting and losing both sides? How about you and I cooperate and run the business together. Each of us contributes half of the capital, wins the agency right of Yangzhou Prefecture, shares the profits equally, and how about we all make money together?"

"Who will share it with you? Last year you said that the bid price you prepared was 150,000 taels. I believed you. But you offered 180,000 taels. I won't believe you anymore. You can find someone else to cooperate. This year's agent

I, Luo, am bound to win the right!"

"Brother Luo, you are so angry that you are hurting your money."

"The owner of the village is here!"

Butler Zhao Jinde's voice sounded.

The businessmen immediately stopped whispering, their spirits were shaken, and they all looked toward the porch.

This chapter has been completed!
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