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Chapter 63 The wicked complain first, Fang Yizhi's determination

"A man who regards peace as the most precious thing and a man who makes money by being harmonious. Treat such a major event as the imperial court's defeat as if it had never happened. Haha... Sun Guangde! How much money did you receive from Xujiazhuang, a defeated general? To do this!


Xu Hongji's face was ashen, he shouted harshly, and his eyes were extremely deep and cold.

"Your Majesty, I don't have a cashier!"

Sun Guangde was startled. He did not expect the reaction of the Wei Guo Guild. He immediately knelt down and bowed down, explaining: "The Xujiazhuang Fire Gun is so sharp that it can shoot out a round of gunpowder within three to five breaths. Its rate of fire is that of a matchlock gun."

Five times, it can break heavy armor within a hundred feet, with extremely high accuracy. How can the imperial army resist such a powerful firearm? Xujiazhuang also has bicycles, a riding equipment that will not tire, and even the cavalry can catch up. Your Excellency, very

It's because of the poor command of the subordinates, but it's because of the majestic formation in the wild. In a head-on confrontation, we are no match, so how can we defeat Xujiazhuang?"

"That's enough! No need to say any more, come here and take this defeated general into custody!"

Xu Hongji didn't bother to listen to his explanation, so he called a few guards in and directly dragged Sun Guang away to prison, ignoring his repeated cries of injustice.

Why is he so angry? He doesn't accept the suggestion of minimizing big things and making money by being friendly. You must know that Xu Chang, the store manager of Wei Guogong's mansion, is the agent of Xujiazhuang's overseas exotic goods. He earns at least 300,000 taels every year by selling Xujiazhuang's goods.

The main source of income for the Duke of Wei.

As a downstream distribution agent and an important partner, Wei Guogong Xu Hongji had money but was not making good money. Why did he suddenly become hostile to Xujiazhuang?

There is no other reason. He, the Duke of Wei, is a noble Ming Dynasty, and Xujiazhuang is just a lowly businessman. What qualifications do he have to talk about so-called cooperation? Moreover, it’s just a matter of not surrendering and compromising to the court. He won by luck, but he actually dared to say anything big.

"Xiaoxiao" pretended that "cooperation to make money" had never happened, and he seemed to be proud of being above the nobles. He did not choose to kneel down and beg for mercy, but seemed to be having an equal dialogue.

What is Xujiazhuang?!

Do you really think that there is nothing we can do to you and that there is nothing we can do to you?

Just a businessman, don't be too arrogant!

Therefore, Xu Hongji would never tolerate Xu Jiazhuang, who completely failed to abide by his duties as a businessman. He must resolutely suppress them and resolutely defend the order and orthodoxy of the Ming Dynasty.

The military operation against Xujiazhuang failed this time, but he would not give up! He planned to contact all the civil and military officials and nobles in Jiangnan to truthfully report the matter to the court, so that the court would attach great importance to the threat of Xujiazhuang, and then raise the issue across the country.

With his own strength, he formed an elite army of 100,000 people. I don’t believe that he can’t destroy the small Xujiazhuang!

Through pervasive intelligence services.

Sun Guangde, who was released to Nanjing, was imprisoned.

Wei Guogong Xu Hongji is contacting Jiangnan officials and is determined to fight Xujiazhuang to death.

Soon it spread to the ears of Xu Yuan and Xujiazhuang's senior officials.

A secret conference room.

After reading the intelligence content report.

Xu Yuan shook his head and said: "It seems that class grievances are far greater than the benefits brought by cooperation. This Wei Guogong wants to choose to fight us to death. The existence of Xujiazhuang has threatened his interests of dominating and aloof. Unless we

Compromise and become an obedient dog, otherwise he will not give up his hostility to us."

"Master, since the contradiction is irreconcilable, why not cancel the Wei Guogong's agency qualification and give them some color?" Wu Dabao said.

"It's not necessary for the time being. Once the cooperation is cancelled, the Wei Guild will be even crazier to deal with us."

Xu Yuan shook his head and said: "In this way, in the future, agents will have to make two lists, one is the list of friendly partners, who can enjoy a 30% price reduction; the other is the list of unfriendly partners, which not only does not have the price reduction, but

Instead, we have to increase the price by 30% to show our attitude."

"Okay, we will immediately add the merchants of Wei Guogong's mansion to the unfriendly list and increase their prices." Butler Zhao Jinde nodded.

"Master, this Wei Guogong wants to drag Jiangnan and the entire Ming Dynasty against us, and he must kill us. At this time, we are considering doing business. Let's kill this Wei Guogong first. How can we allow him to continue to stir up trouble?

" Another senior executive said.

"Yes, if we don't get rid of all these officials and nobles who regard us as our enemies, how can we continue to do business safely?" the senior executive said radically.

"Killing will not solve the problem. Violence is the last resort. The top priority is to send someone to the capital to inform these officials in advance before countless memorials are sent to the capital to give them a head start!

Disrupt their position and gain more development time for us, so the longer the war of words is, the better. It is best to let the connection between Jiangnan officials, gentry and nobles end without any problem, leaving nothing to be done."

Xu Yuan gave his solution.

That is, the disgusting one complains first! (In fact, it can also be called the good guy complaining first, but Xu Yuan doesn’t like to be a good guy and would rather be a villain)

Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian had a very soft ear. Although he had realized that civil servants were hateful, he was still successfully deceived by them without knowing it, causing him to continuously increase taxes on the people and draining his own wealth.

Bo, made him make countless foolish and wrong decisions, and was fooled again and again, until he hung himself from a crooked neck tree.

The most fundamental reason for his failure was not only his own character, but also the fault of civil servants who cheated him again and again. It was probably a 50-50 split.

But for the people he trusts, Zhu Youjian still has great trust, and even gives heartfelt support, such as Yuan Dudu, such as Zhou Yanru who has been the chief assistant for four years and then came back twice, such as the traitor Wen Tiren,

They also served as chief assistants for nearly four years. Together, these two served as chief assistants for more than eight years, occupying more than half of the time in the Chongzhen Dynasty. This was enough to overturn his conclusion that "the chief assistants were changed too frequently", because for

Chongzhen would not easily dismiss his cabinet ministers whom he trusted more.

Of course, there is no doubt that Chongzhen has a soft ear. As long as we focus on this characteristic of his and use Xujiazhuang's technical advantages to implement a "bad guy complains first", we don't expect Chongzhen to be completely biased towards Xujiazhuang, but at least we must make him not be unfair to the civil servants and nobles.

Listen to one side and believe the other, so that you can maintain a neutral position, and not have the same attitude as the officials in the court, and really devote all the efforts of the whole country to get rid of Xujiazhuang quickly - although this probability is extremely low.

Xu Yuan's method of complaining first made the senior executives' eyes light up, and they started thinking wildly and came up with many excuses.

For example, the interrogation testimonies of captured imperial soldiers were collected to prove that their purpose in attacking Xujiazhuang was to "rob money, food, and women." It was an unjust action intended to rob good people.

For example, I went to interview and photograph the tragic past of the Zaohu salt workers, describe the misery of their oppression by the salt merchants, and record the hardship of their lives.

Another example is to introduce the current business situation of snow salt in Harbor City. Because the quality of snow salt is extremely high, and ordinary people can buy snow salt at the wholesale price of 20 yuan in Xujia Manor or Harbor City, the cost of living has been reduced.

A lot. When the production of snow salt increases, more people will be able to eat good salt with good quality and low price in the future, benefiting countless poor people.

all in all.

A large number of pictures and evidence that are extremely favorable to Xujiazhuang were captured on video and then presented in front of Emperor Chongzhen. I believe that as long as Zhu Youjian's three views are slightly normal, he should be biased towards Xujiazhuang, or at least neutral.

He doesn't know what the civil servants and nobles say, so he just believes it.

So the last question: Who should be sent to the capital to act as the executor of the task of ‘reporting evildoers first’?

"Brother Xu, send me there!"

Fang Yizhi took the initiative to ask for help and went to Xu Yuan and said: "It is most suitable for me to go on this persuasion mission. In addition, I have another request that I hope the owner of the village can approve."

"you say."

Fang Yizhi cupped his hands and bowed deeply: "I want to stay in the capital for a long time, and I hope to stay with the emperor as an aide for a long time, and present the "National Salvation Policy" I wrote recently to assist His Majesty the Emperor and save the people of the world. If the Ming Dynasty

If it can be saved, I am willing to devote myself to death; if it cannot be saved, I will return to Xujiazhuang, and in the years to come, I will be driven by the owner of the village without any second thoughts!"

The pupils in Xu Yuan's eyes suddenly shrank. He didn't expect Fang Yizhi to have such a plan. He asked in confusion: "Mi Zhi, but I didn't entertain you well and made you want to leave me?"

"No, Brother Xu has no reservations about me. He is so kind to me that I will never be able to repay him even if I die! From now on, I will practice the philosophy of Xujiazhuang throughout my life and will not change my clothes and hair. The reason why I want to assist the emperor is because you, Brother Xu, can save the country."

The method of enriching the people is very slow to achieve. It will not cover the entire Ming Dynasty within ten or twenty years. If I can gain your Majesty's trust and fully implement Xujiazhuang's method, maybe I can change the Ming Dynasty within five years and save most of the people who are suffering in advance.

, If I stay in Xujiazhuang and enjoy happiness every day, but the outside world is a hell on earth, my conscience will be really uneasy!"

Fang Yizhi expressed his thoughts that had been buried in his heart for a long time. He still had the ambition to serve the country and save the people. Although he could achieve his goal by following Xu Yuan, the collective manor worked steadily and only expanded once every three years. How many years would it take to cover the Ming Dynasty?

?What about the suffering people in other places?

He cares about the people of the world and cannot bear to see this situation of uneven and unequal development. In addition, although the current Emperor Chongzhen is young and impatient, he still has the potential to become a wise king. As long as he can get help from wise ministers and get rid of those corrupt officials and treacherous ministers.

If you just follow a track in the right direction, you will definitely achieve great things!

I listened to what he said.

Xu Yuan was stunned for a moment.

He didn't understand what Fang Yizhi was thinking. He finally learned a lot of knowledge from him and had a thinking close to that of modern people, but he suddenly came up with the idea that this nightmare copy of the late Ming Dynasty could be saved and Emperor Chongzhen could support it.

, where did he get such confidence?

Even Xu Yuan himself took the path of creating a new system to avoid being contaminated by the shit like Ming Dynasty. Fang Yizhi actually planned to dive in and try his own abilities.

Xu Yuan didn't know what to say.

But he was so determined that he couldn't be dissuaded. He even considered the consequences of failure, hoping that Xu Yuan would give him a chance to try.

"Well, if Chongzhen can help, you can give it a try. If you need help, just ask and Xujiazhuang will provide help. In addition, you can safeguard the interests of the emperor, but do not harm the interests of Xujiazhuang, otherwise

Even if I treat you as a friend, others will not let you go, remember your position and duty!"

After a long time, Xu Yuan opened his mouth and said.

"Brother Xu, don't worry. If I can gain your majesty's trust, I will only safeguard the interests of Xujiazhuang and attack the interests of those who oppress the people. If I violate the rules, I will be punished by heaven and earth, and I will not die a good death!"

Fang Yizhi raised his hands and swore a poisonous oath.

This chapter has been completed!
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