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Chapter 64: Chongzhen who is fascinated

Although countless new ideas were absorbed in Xujiazhuang.

But Fang Yizhi was a loyal man, and the traditional idea of ​​loyalty to the emperor and patriotism had always been deeply ingrained in his mind.

Historically, Li Zicheng's peasant army captured the capital, and Chongzhen hanged himself. Fang Yizhi cried bitterly in front of the soul of Zi Palace in Chongzhen, and was captured by the peasant army Guo Ying. The peasant army tortured him so hard that "the two condyles could not be seen", but he still refused to surrender.

Later, Li Zicheng was defeated, and Fang Yizhi took advantage of the chaos and fled south. When news of his vow not to surrender to the peasant army spread to the south of the Yangtze River, his friends compared him to Wen Tianxiang. In the winter of the tenth year of Emperor Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty, Fang Yizhi was implicated in the Guangdong affair.

He was captured and sent to Guangdong. Passing by Wan'an, Jiangxi Province, he panicked at the beach and committed suicide by drowning.

For such a character, it is undoubtedly impossible for Xu Yuan to keep him by his side for a long time, because Xu Yuan's personal selfishness is still relatively serious and he does not have such a strong personality charm.

Emperor Chongzhen's character and ability were not very good, but his personality charm was very outstanding, which made Fang Yizhi want to help him and try his method of saving the Ming Dynasty.

That being the case.

Or perhaps it was fate that Xu Yuan had no choice but to let him go, and idealists could not stop him.

On April 28, sufficient video self-defense materials were collected.

After several days of study and training.

On May 1st, Fang Yizhi left Xujiazhuang and embarked on the journey north again. In order to reach the capital as quickly as possible, he did not ride a bicycle, but sat on a faster MG motorcycle, roaring all the way, at most

It takes three days to reach the capital - if there is insufficient fuel, there are many intelligence stations along the way that can provide gasoline.

On the 4th, Beijing.

Had a short rest for the day.

On the afternoon of the 5th, under the recommendation of Qi Chunnian, the commercial representative and head of intelligence, Fang Yizhi successfully entered the palace with computer equipment and prepared strategies. In Dongnuan Pavilion, he met Emperor Chongzhen Zhu You.


At this moment, Zhu Youjian has changed a lot compared to a few months ago.

The person lost at least ten pounds.

There seem to be more patches on the dragon robe.

The temples were also stained with a hint of frosty white.

The overall mental temperament gives people the feeling that they have aged a lot.

You must know that he is only 21 years old this year, the most youthful and energetic age, but from the outside he looks like a man in his thirties, and his appearance is much older than his biological age.

From this we can also see how much burden and pressure it brought to him to carry this riddled empire on his shoulders.

This image of Chongzhen Zhu Youjian, not to mention meeting the emperor for the first time, Fang Yizhi, who was actually the same age as the emperor, even Qichunnian, who had been in the palace several times, felt a little distressed, too

No matter how hard it is, His Majesty the Emperor has made things difficult for himself. He obviously has little money in his pocket, but he still desperately wants to solve this problem and that problem. However, the civil servants under him are greedy for money, and the military generals are afraid of death. There are not many reliable ones. No matter how hard he tries, he still can't do it.

What an impact it can have.

"Fang Yizhi, a scholar from Tongcheng, pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor. Long live, long live!" Fang Yizhi knelt down and knelt down in obeisance.

"Get flat."

Chongzhen, who was sitting on the couch, was mentally exhausted and weak in speech: "I heard from my eldest companion Qichunnian that Tongcheng was famous for his wisdom and he was a promising young man. He had Zhang Zifang, Zhuge Liang's talent, and he also learned financial management in Xujiazhuang.

Skill, if I get you, I can fill the treasury within five years, and I won’t have to worry about running out of money and food. Haha, there was Yuan Chonghuan who was executed by Lingchi earlier and told me that it would take five years for Liao to be leveled. Now some people say that they can help me for five years.

Fuguo, hehe, do you want to be the next Lingchi?"


Now in Chongzhen, anyone who says he can "xxx within five years" is a liar in his eyes and should be killed!

However... he couldn't help but spare some precious time from his busy government affairs and was willing to meet with Fang Yizhi. There was no other way, he was really short of money. As long as someone had a way to solve the problem of lack of money in the finances, no matter what it was,

He is willing to listen to any bad ideas or bad methods.

What's more, this Fang Yizhi comes from Xujiazhuang, the "richest man in the world", and claims to have learned the essence of financial management... Zhu Youjian subconsciously doesn't believe it, but what if he really has real talent and knowledge? Not to mention the wealth of Xujiazhuang.

It's not fake. Anyone who has bought Xujiazhuang products will believe that Xujiazhuang is rich, and the talents who come from this village should have some abilities.

So it would be better to meet him.

"Your Majesty, although Fang is just a scholar, and he does not dare to compare with anyone, but if Your Majesty is willing to follow Fang's strategy, the national treasury may not be full within five years, but it will definitely make a big difference, get out of the current predicament, and achieve gains.

The balance of the branches can more than double the annual income without increasing the burden on the people, and it is 100% sure! If your majesty thinks that my strategy is not feasible, you don’t have to wait until five years later, you can kill me now


After standing up, he cupped his hands with wisdom and said in a rather humble tone, with a face full of confidence.

I listened to what he said.

Chongzhen Zhu Youjian straightened his body, sat up, looked at him with burning eyes, his dejection disappeared, he stared at him with great attention and said: "It will be greatly improved in five years, and the annual income will be doubled. If I feel that it is not possible, I will do it now."

I can kill you...Fang Yizhi, do you really have this confidence?!"

"Of course, I have stayed in Xujiazhuang for a year, and I have learned the essence, which is enough to enrich the country and strengthen the army! And my strategy is all in this 50,000-word "National Salvation Strategy". Whether it works or not, your Majesty will decide after reading it.

I know." Fang Yizhi took out a thick booklet from his leather bag.

"Send it up!" Zhu Youjian said impatiently.

However, through the eunuch Wang Chengen, "National Salvation Policy" was handed into Zhu Youjian's hands. He immediately opened it and read it with concentration.


This book "Policies to Save the Country" is Fang Yizhi's summary of what he saw and heard in Xujiazhuang and the experiences he gained during his daily exchanges with the village owner Xu Yuan, and then formed his own theoretical system, which is condensed and summarized.

In this book "National Salvation Policy".

The core content is mainly five items:

The first is to develop productivity, attach importance to machinery, and improve industrial and agricultural production efficiency. It is proposed that "the efficiency of machines can be increased tenfold, the people can get ten times the rest, reduce consumption ten times, increase accumulation ten times, and use machines to support the people."

point of view.

The second is to highly organize farmers, learn from Xujiazhuang, establish royal collective farms, unite everyone's efforts to fight against natural disasters, and introduce Xujiazhuang's improved seeds, pesticides and Dragon King water pumps, so that food can still be harvested in disaster years.

The third is to select good family members from the collective estates, train elite soldiers, introduce Xujiazhuang's advanced firearms, and establish a brand new army for the imperial power.

The fourth is to develop the non-staple food processing industry, encourage business, obtain a steady stream of wealth through business, and enrich the internal resources.

The fifth is to strengthen the construction of imperial power, combat corruption, rectify officialdom, weaken the power of officials to honor vassal kings, make decisions for the poor people at the bottom, be crowd-oriented, and win the support of the majority of the people. Only in this way can we suppress the bandits internally and destroy the establishment externally.


The above five items are very simple in summary and feel sparse and ordinary, but even so, they don't seem to have much to offer.

But in the more than 50,000-word "National Salvation Policy", Fang Yizhi not only provides theoretical basis, but also gives completely feasible implementation methods. It is not only well-founded and logically consistent, but also simple and easy to understand, even if there are some opinions

It is very contrary to Confucian tradition and takes an eccentric approach, but there are almost no loopholes to be found, and the feasibility is extremely high.

Zhu Youjian was fascinated by what he saw. His eyes lit up, and several beams of light seemed to shine in the dark room.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Zhu Youjian didn't sleep much for three days in a row, didn't go to court, and didn't summon cabinet ministers to discuss matters. Instead, he talked with Fang Yizhi in Dongnuan Pavilion for three days and three nights, and he laughed more and more heartily.


"Hahaha, the "Policy to Save the Country" is as brilliant as the "Book of Shang Jun". I can learn it secretly, just like Duke Xiao of Qin learned about Shang Jun!"

"Secretly, you and I are of the same age and we should be sworn brothers and sleep together with our feet pressed together!"

"Emperor Zhaolie felt that Zhuge Liang was like a fish swimming in water. I can experience it today!"

"All the princes in the court, all of whom are incompetent and shameless, are not as good as you alone! Only today have I seen the gap between the truly virtuous ministers and the mediocre ones."

"Secretly, if you help me make our country rich and our army strong, I will definitely live up to you in the future. I will make you a king and prime minister, and I will never be stingy!"


Just three days.

Fang Yizhi used the knowledge and theories he learned in Xujiazhuang to win the trust and "favor" of Emperor Zhu Youjian. This kind of favor was deeper than the sum of all the ministers in the cabinet, and exceeded the many members of his harem.

The queen's concubine, Zhu Youjian's expectations for him could be said to be greater than anyone else's, because Fang Yizhi gave him hope, a real hope that could become a reality, and it was definitely not Yuan Chonghuan's.

Such a big deception is comparable.

So far.

Fang Yizhi successfully seized this opportunity and took a very successful first step.

This chapter has been completed!
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