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Chapter 69: Harvest, Expanding the Army

Twenty tons.

In less than a morning at sea, we caught so many fish.

The fishing boat docked.

The workers who had been waiting on the shore immediately became busy, quickly transferring the fresh fish in the fish warehouse to a processing plant not far from the dock, killing and cleaning it first, then salting it and baking it.

Dried fish, or cut into pieces and added with ingredients to make canned fish; some high-quality fish meat is broken into pieces by machines and processed into fish balls and fish sausages.

The livers of some fish can also be used to make cod liver oil, which has the effect of treating night blindness.

The offal can also be dried and ground into powder to become high-quality feed.

Even the last remaining fish bones can be turned into fertilizer that is beneficial to the growth of crops.

As long as it is used properly, every part of the body of a marine fish is a treasure, and all of it can be used effectively.

Of course, for humans, the greatest value of marine fish and seafood is to cook it in the freshest state after catching it on the boat to make delicious dishes.

For example, today's catch of fish, dozens of the fattest large yellow croakers, red-headed fish, octopuses, crabs, lobsters, etc., were put into an additional water tank for breeding before they docked.

After landing, these seafood were handed over to the chef with the best cooking skills, and they were quickly put on the table for everyone to enjoy.

Xu Yuan picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of large yellow croaker meat and put it into his mouth, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"It's so delicious. A wild yellow croaker that weighs more than 20 kilograms and has this taste would cost at least a thousand yuan a kilogram in modern society, right? Only rich bosses can eat it, right?"

"The meat of this conger eel is also very good. The meat is firm and juicy, and equally delicious. The white fish soup is delicious."

"There is also this plate of octopus and this big crab weighing more than ten kilograms. They are all extremely delicious, and they are all wild and have not suffered any industrial pollution."

Everyone was extremely satisfied after having a seafood feast.

Xu Yuan's stomach was also full and round. He sat on the chair to eat for a long time, with many thoughts and ideas popping up in his mind.

And he firmly believed that we must not engage in low-end industrialization with serious pollution in the world of the late Ming Dynasty, and even destroy those backward industrial facilities to protect the environment of this world.

Because for these delicious wild seafood, this sea should be best protected and should always be in its most natural state, instead of being the same as in modern society with plastic particles, oil pollution, heavy metals, and pesticide residues

, nuclear radiation and other pollutants were present, and it was completely dirty.

Don't talk about "pollution first, treatment later". Many pollutions are irreversible. They cannot be degraded naturally within tens or hundreds of thousands of years. Even if huge costs are invested, they cannot be restored to their original appearance.

In this case, the world in the late Ming Dynasty cannot follow the old path of modern society. Xu Yuan must become an extreme environmentalist. Except for the highest-end industrialization, any middle- and low-end industrialization cannot be carried out, and it can only be carried out by him.

led by Xujiazhuang.

There is no way, he is not doing this for personal gain, but for the endless seafood in this sea, and to protect the most natural and primitive ecological environment. I believe everyone will understand his good intentions.

Speaking of seafood, Xu Yuan also thought of a business opportunity. Can he sell high-quality, pollution-free wild seafood from the late Ming Dynasty to modern society? Even if it only sells for 100 yuan/jin, he can wholesale it every month.

Tens of thousands of tons can also bring huge profits of 2 billion yuan per month, and there is no fear of failure to sell, which is much more promising than dumping precious metals.

More importantly, marine fish and seafood are renewable resources. Millions or tens of millions of tons can be caught every year. It is a sustainable industry with great potential.

However, there are not many electric fishing boats now, only 20. Even if they go out to fish once a day on average and return fully loaded every time, the average daily fishing volume is more than 400 tons, which is more than 10,000 tons a month. It can completely catch 40 people in Xujiazhuang.

To meet the fish needs of tens of thousands of people, some of it is even sold externally. However, in a modern society with a lot of troubles, there is no such production at present. We can only wait and see when the number of fishing boats increases in the future.

As the "Ocean No. 1" fishing boat went out to sea for the first time, it returned with a full load.

Since then, twenty electric fishing boats have gone out to sea one after another, bringing more and more fish catches and providing a continuous supply of sea fish and seafood.

Not to mention reducing food consumption.

Provided more than 3,000 new jobs.

It has brought about a new wealth-making industry.

It was just that Xujiazhuang was facing a food shortage problem. It was only after the summer grain harvest began on August 10 that it was completely alleviated and the possible food shortage crisis was solved.

After about a week of rush to collect.

Xujiazhuang, which now has about 250,000 acres of cultivated land (Haigang City occupies 100,000 acres of cultivated land in Rugao County), only accounts for 45% of its summer grain cultivated area.

A total of 823,000 shi of rice was harvested.

Harvest potatoes for 1.415 million stone.

The harvest of sweet potatoes amounted to 626,000 shi.

The total output of summer grain is nearly 3 million shi, an increase of about 50% compared with last year (the corn harvested last month is not included).

Good harvest.

This year is another very good harvest. It also declares that some businessmen in the Jiangnan area who are not friendly to Xujiazhuang have completely failed in their attempt to block Xujiazhuang with grain. The bumper harvest achieved by Xujiazhuang this year can completely achieve 100% self-sufficiency in food.

We even export some of our grain to foreign countries.

"It is better not to sell food in the future. Now the number of refugees and disaster victims who come to Xujiazhuang is increasing. The population increases by ten to twenty thousand every month. Some refugees are simply led to our Xujiazhuang on purpose. I think

It will increase population pressure on us and make our Xujiazhuang poor and collapse! It can be described as very vicious, but the most difficult moment has passed. The increase in population means an increase in strength! In two or three months, our total population will be

It will exceed the 500,000 mark."

"This has brought us challenges, but more importantly, it is an opportunity. As long as these 500,000 people are fully utilized, transformed into productivity, and transformed into the most precious human intelligence data, we can greatly enhance our overall

Strength brings new qualitative changes."

"So not only can food not be exported, but large quantities of food must be purchased from the villages and towns surrounding the collective estates to take precautions and avoid further shortages. Some collective estates are almost out of food. Food security issues must be placed first!"

At the Autumn Harvest Meeting, Xu Yuan summed up the lessons and said emphatically.

"Yes, owner."

"This year we won't sell a single grain of grain. We will eat it all. We will feed and fatten all the villagers! It is better to turn it into real strength than to turn it into gold and silver that are hungry and inedible."

"I think non-staple foods such as vermicelli, dried tofu, and sweet potato starch can still be sold. We ourselves can't eat them all. Storing them in the warehouse will only make us hoard more, so it's better to sell them."

"It depends on the situation. If there is really too much food that cannot be digested internally, we will sell it to the outside world. Anyway, the priority is to ensure that we have enough food. Under this premise, we will sell the excess food and deal with it according to different situations."

After discussing the issue of food.

A more important issue was also put on the table for discussion.

Expand the army.

Xujiazhuang is about to start the second round of military expansion.

It is planned to increase the number of village guards from a very small number of 1,550 to more than 10,000 people, turning it into a powerful army of 10,000 people.

It is said that Xujiazhuang does not face much external military threats now, and the more than a thousand villagers who protect the village are enough for self-defense. Why is it suddenly necessary to expand the army?

In fact, the main reason is not caused by the external environment, but that Xujiazhuang has absorbed too many people now. It will soon exceed the 500,000 mark. It will continue to grow in the future. Every day, a large number of people come to China with expectant faces.

Leaving Xujiazhuang.

Among these people, there are honest and bankrupt farmers, refugees and hungry people who cannot survive in their hometowns, but there are also gangsters mixed in, including spies sent by Jiangnan officials, gentry and businessmen, and even murderers, death row prisoners, thieves, and pirates.

The purpose of criminals like Kou sneaking into Xujiazhuang is not to come here to work down-to-earth, but to work hard.

The mix of good and bad, and the mixed composition of the people have led to the deterioration of the security situation in Xujiazhuang in recent months, with frequent criminal incidents, and even major and vicious incidents such as murder for money.

Although Xujiazhuang has implemented strict martial law and carried out two or three crackdowns, and more than 500 criminals have been shot, the short-term deterrent effect is good, but the long-term deterrent effect is not. The fundamental reason is that the number of village guards is too small.

It's the loopholes in public security that lead to people always taking risks.

The best way is to expand the army and significantly increase the number of team members protecting the village.

After some discussion.

A specific military expansion plan was produced.

The main content is: the total number of team members protecting the village should be increased from 1,550 to 11,550.

Among them, 7,000 people were selected from the young people who joined Xujiazhuang earlier, with reserve team members given priority.

Among them, 2,000 people were selected from the young people who later joined Xujiazhuang. They were required to be married and established, have a clean family background, have no criminal record, and have a good reputation.

The remaining 1,000 people were recruited from surrounding villages and towns outside Xujiazhuang or neighboring prefectures and counties. They were required to be good-natured children with parents still alive, a family and children, and a decent family background. Although there was a very low risk of insiders mixing in,

When Xujiazhuang begins to expand in the future, this type of team members who protect the village can play a very important role.

This chapter has been completed!
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