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Chapter 81 Breaking the news

I listened to the cries of these ministers.

Chongzhen felt a headache, and most of his good mood was ruined.

"Big companion, go and call the Qi representative from Xujiazhuang, confront the ministers face to face, and explain the matter of the Shandong miners." Zhu Youjian said to Wang Chengen.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Wang Chengen retreated.

About half an hour later.

Inside Dongnuan Pavilion.

Qichunnian, who had his trademark short hair and wore a crisp woolen windbreaker, entered the palace unhurriedly, raised his hands and saluted the emperor: "Qichunnian of Xujiazhuang has met His Majesty."

"Bold! Why don't you kneel down when you see His Majesty?" Liu Chongqing, the right minister of the Ministry of Revenue, jumped up and pointed at Qichunnian's nose and shouted.

"Kneeling is not popular in Xujiazhuang. If you kneel too much, you will easily develop cartilage." Qichunnian straightened his back and said calmly.

"Your Majesty, you are a rude and rude person, please push this person down and behead him!" Censor Wang Wanxiang said with a murderous look on his face.


Chongzhen had to say: "This is not a place for quarrels. Bi Aiqing, the representative of Xujiazhuang Qi is here. Regarding the Shandong miners, please tell me face to face. What is going on?"

Liu Chongqing, the right minister of the Ministry of Revenue, knelt down with red eyes and said: "Your Majesty, the Shandong miners and Xujiazhuang are sworn enemies. I wish I could kill them with a knife. What else can I say?"

"Let me think about it, the brother of one of Liu Shilang's concubines is the owner of an iron mine in Qingzhou. He brings an income of twenty to thirty thousand taels to Liu Shilang every year. Now the mine has been bloodbathed by the rebels, and a new miner has taken over.

Mine, Liu Shilang lost a lot of money, so he turned his anger on the new miners. Yes, Xujiazhuang has some cooperative relations with these miners, but Liu Shilang's accusations are unreasonable.

He was killed by the rebels, what does it have to do with us?" Qichunnian said.

"Don't even think about sophistry. The rebels were far away in Laizhou City. Why did they come to Qingzhou to kill people? It was obviously Xujiazhuang's servants and miner thugs who killed them just to rob the mines, seek money and kill people. No matter how good your words are, you can't deceive them.

Your Majesty!" Liu Chongqing said.

"Where's the evidence?"

Qichunnian asked in return: "What evidence do you have to prove that what you said is right? With your Majesty's intelligence, how could he be deceived by someone like you who seeks power for personal gain again? Even if he sends Jin Yiwei to Shandong to investigate, I'm afraid he will find the same thing."

The younger brother of Liu Shilang's concubine had bad conduct and brought trouble to the party. He arrested good people and used them as miners. He bribed the ministers of the court with large sums of money. After his whole family died in the rebel army, the locals all applauded and applauded. Mr. Liu, what are you doing for this?

Are those who want to seek revenge for their injustice?”

"You are so slanderous! Come on, come on, push this monster down and kill him!" Liu Chongqing said hurriedly.

"I, Qichunnian, never speak without foundation. Mr. Liu has slandered and slandered Xujiazhuang without any evidence. However, I know that Mr. Liu has served as the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue for eight years, and the silver in the cellar of the mansion has never been found.

It has increased to more than 300,000 taels. Some of them came for personal gain, and some came for embezzlement of the national treasury! Do you dare to let me take people to the government to investigate? Your Majesty, this kind of corrupt official who is in office only for money, his impeachment can be believed


Qichunnian looked at the emperor above and said.

Zhu Youjian's face turned completely dark, especially after hearing the number of more than three hundred thousand taels, he was shocked. He didn't even have three hundred thousand taels in his internal funds. Is this Liu Chongqing richer than himself?

"Your Majesty, this monster is slandering me. Your Majesty, please don't listen to his bloody spiel. Please kill him quickly!"

Liu Chongqing panicked. He had no idea how the people in Xujiazhuang found out the details of his assets. Now he just wanted to kill people and silence them.

"Your Majesty, you might as well send a royal guard to check Mr. Liu's family background first. If it is proven that Mr. Liu is an upright and upright official, Xujiazhuang is willing to plead guilty and pay compensation and let the miners leave Shandong. If it is proved that Mr. Liu is not an upright official, Your Majesty can put him in jail and enrich his family property.

Well, it saves you a lot of trouble in the investigation. I wonder if Mr. Liu, who is honest and honest, is willing to make sacrifices in exchange for Xu Jiazhuang's confession?" Qichunnian asked a question.

"No, you monster, don't even think about alienating the relationship between me and His Majesty, your Majesty." Liu Chongqing was so flustered that he could not speak coherently.

"Someone is coming!"

Zhu Youjian suddenly said, a group of royal guards entered the palace.

"Qichun New Year!" Zhu Youjian shouted at him, and Liu Chongqing suddenly looked happy, thinking that the emperor was going to order the execution of this Xujiazhuang monster, and then he fell into the bottomless abyss: "You take these knights in brocade clothes with you

, go to Liu Chongqing’s house to investigate, if you find hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, I will kill Liu Chongqing, if not, I will kill you, and I will also ask Xujiazhuang to plead guilty and be punished!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Qichunnian raised his hand.

Liu Chongqing collapsed to the ground.

In the evening.

Box after box of gold, silver, jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings were moved into the palace.

Emperor Zhu Youjian personally participated in the inventory and found that the total value of these properties was at least 450,000 taels, and the cash amount alone was 300,000 taels, which was much more than what Qichunnian said.

Eight years.

A small right minister of the Ministry of Revenue, who served for eight years, used power to acquire so much property for personal gain, and even dared to reach out to the national treasury, which shocked the emperor.

"Your Majesty, please spare my life!"

Liu Chongqing wailed and was dragged down by the Jin Yiwei, and his end could already be imagined.

And with this living example, Bi Ziyan, the Minister of Household Affairs, Wang Wanxiang, the censor, and others naturally did not dare to continue the impeachment and prosecution, let alone confront Xujiazhuang and cause trouble. They were too insidious and vicious. The monsters in Xujiazhuang

, never dared to engage in gentlemanly debates by quoting classics, only played some tricks, and even secretly investigated the net worth and all kinds of dirty information of the important ministers in the court, and frantically exposed the dirty information to frame them in front of the emperor. This is

Whatever you want to do, you can use such shameless and despicable methods. In the future, you will rebel and stir up the Ming Dynasty. This is completely possible and will be done.

Your Majesty must be careful about Xujiazhuang and not get too close to the demon in Xujiazhuang.

Cabinet ministers and civil and military officials all sent memorials to remind the emperor to distance himself from Xujiazhuang and to be close to virtuous ministers and away from demons. However, except for a few honest ministers and officials, they continued to attack Xujiazhuang with ulterior motives and did great harm to the Ming Dynasty.

In addition, there are very few people who really dare to attack Xujiazhuang head-on.

It's not that they don't hate Xujiazhuang, but if they attack too hard and are asked by the emperor to confront Xujiazhuang demon again, wouldn't they follow in the footsteps of Liu Chongqing and be completely ruined?

In the fifth year of Chongzhen, it was the thirteenth day of the first lunar month.

The Ministry of War also received the military information about the "Great Victory in Shandong and the Total Annihilation of the Rebels" and immediately announced it. Lubu Feijie. This rare victory shocked the entire capital and added a lot of laughter.

Emperor Zhu Youjian was also very happy after being confirmed and rewarded Wang Chengen well.

Then the whole palace became lively, and three famous opera troupes were invited to the palace to sing operas. Then they bought buy buys for the queen, buy buy buys for Concubine Tian, ​​buy buy buys for Prince Zhu Cixi, and then buy buy buys for the prince Zhu Cihong, and then bought buy buys for the palace.

The eunuchs and maids added favors and rewards, and spent more than 200,000 taels of silver in a short period of time. Yes, although the time is a little behind, Zhu Youjian still plans to have a prosperous year this year, and this is also a corrupt official

Considering Liu Chongqing's contribution and allowing him to live a good year, there is no need to behead him. The whole family should be exiled for seven thousand miles to give them a way to survive.

On the 15th day of the first lunar month, another good news came. The three generals Yang Yufan, Wang Hong, and Deng Qi, who were originally responsible for exterminating the rebels in Shandong, rushed to the capital non-stop despite the severe cold (actually they came on a sleigh from Xujiazhuang).

, to report victory to the Holy Spirit in person!

"Okay, okay, let the three generals enter the palace immediately. I want to see the three heroes!"

Zhu Youjian immediately put down the work at hand and changed into more solemn clothes, eagerly looking forward to meeting several great heroes.


Inside Wuying Hall.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Yang Yufan, Wang Hong, and Deng Qi, all wearing silver plate armor, all knelt down and shouted long live.

"Pingsheng, my three beloveds, please come to leveling soon!"

Zhu Youjian walked over, helped them up personally, and then expressed his concern and care, which moved the three generals to tears.

Yang Yufan, the commander-in-chief, and others used the map of the Ming Dynasty hanging above the Wuying Hall to describe the detailed process of their counterinsurgency in Shandong. They unified their narrative in advance, highlighted the difficulties in the process of wiping out the rebels, and introduced how the officers and soldiers

They refused to give up and overcame various difficulties. In the end, all the soldiers, with their amazing blood and will, wiped out the rebels in one go and restored peace to Shandong.

As for the nearly 200,000 rebel prisoners, family members and civilian husbands they captured, and various materials and goods totaling more than one million taels, which were divided 50-50 with the miners' coalition, now all three of them have been paid, each of them

They all exchanged 10,000 sets of Xujiazhuang Bingjia, and each earned nearly one million silver dollars. After all the huge results of this batch are digested, they are confident to build a peerless and powerful army of more than 10,000 people - this information

, they would not take the initiative to tell the emperor.

"Okay, okay!"

Zhu Youjian called out "Hello" several more times, and then rewarded each of them with ten thousand taels of silver, named their wives the first rank, and made Yin Yizi the royal guard of the hundred households, and encouraged them to keep up their efforts and achieve more meritorious deeds.

"The final general will swear to serve the country to the death, and is willing to eliminate all rebellions for the Ming Dynasty and restore peace to the world!"

The three generals knelt on one knee and said with tears of gratitude, but they couldn't help but curl their lips. For such a great contribution, they were rewarded with ten thousand taels of silver and some false honors. This amount of money was not even enough to bury the soldiers who died in battle.

It would be better to work for Xujiazhuang. If possible, they are willing to fight against the rebels for the rest of their lives and capture millions and tens of millions of prisoners.

When he heard the word "peace in the world", Zhu Youjian suddenly felt something in his heart and asked the three general officers: "My dear friends, the ministers in the DPRK said that there are armed miners in Shandong who are causing trouble, which is no less harmful than the rebels.

With the support of Xujiazhuang behind me, I wonder if the three beloved ministers can send troops to defeat the Shandong miners, and then go all out to seize Xujiazhuang in the south of the Yangtze River, uproot it, and eliminate this hidden danger for our Ming Dynasty? "

Look at the emperor's expectant look.

Yang Yufan thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, the Shandong miners occupy the mines just to mine for money. They have not rebelled or destroyed everywhere, but it is not difficult to wipe them out. As long as you wait for one million taels of silver, ten

Ten thousand stones of food and grass, once we expand our army, we will be able to wipe out the miners within a year! As for Xujiazhuang, I need at least one hundred thousand elite troops, ten million taels of silver, and one million stones of food and grass, and then we will fight three times in the heart of Jiangnan.

For more than 10 years, there is no guarantee of winning.”

Zhu Youjian suddenly frowned: "How can a mere businessman need so much money and food? I have been fighting in the heart of Jiangnan for three years. Without the support of Jiangnan, my Ming Dynasty cannot last three years! Mr. Yang, are you deliberately exaggerating?

The strength of Xujiazhuang?"

Commander-in-Chief Wang Hong said: "Your Majesty, Commander-in-Chief Yang is not exaggerating in the slightest. I can testify."

Even Deng Qi, who had experienced hundreds of battles, said: "Your Majesty, all the ministers are warriors and are not afraid of death, but they dare not imitate those civil servants, who are always ready to destroy this and that. We are the ones who really go to battle to kill the enemy, soldiers."

Your Majesty, please think twice about this important matter of the country."

After Zhu Youjian thought twice, he gave up the idea of ​​​​exterminating Xujiazhuang.

Even the Shandong miners gave up the idea of ​​annihilation, because now he simply could not afford one million taels of silver and one hundred thousand stones of food and grass. A few days later, the Shandong miners sent several representatives to the capital.

, promised to pay 50,000 taels of mineral tax every year, and then annihilated the miners in Shandong, and the matter was left to nothing.

This chapter has been completed!
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