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Chapter 85 To win over young people, beautiful men's plan

"Get out of Jiangdong Town!"

"We don't welcome you here."

"If you don't leave, we won't be polite!"

"Jiangdong Town will never join Xujiazhuang, you should give up this idea."

On March 10, Xiang Shixing, the head of the Xiang clan in Jiangdong Town, sent an ultimatum, requiring the propaganda team to leave Jiangdong Town immediately, otherwise they would bear the consequences.

Hear the threat in it.

The five teams of the propaganda team had to withdraw from Jiangdong Town and were forced to move their camps to a hill three miles away, in order to completely eliminate the influence of the propaganda team.


Will the publicity team choose to give up because of this?

On the contrary, this was not only expected by the propaganda team, it was even done deliberately.

Because it is like a mother who has fed her baby milk for a month and now suddenly cuts off the milk. How the baby will react is very worthy of attention and research.

That is, can the poor people in Jiangdong Town achieve "from luxury to frugality"?

The medical team of the propaganda team will still continue to provide free medical services to the residents of Jiangdong Town, but only if the residents come to the camp on their own initiative.

The cooking team will still cook one or two hundred more meals at noon every day, but the meals will not be delivered to those in need. Instead, those who want to eat need to come and eat.

The well-drilling team and the help team merged into a recruitment team, offering a daily salary of 100 Wen, recruiting unlimited workers (not just people from Jiangdong Town, but all surrounding villages and towns), and preparing to build a giant brick kiln.

There are at least thousands of workers, helping more families by providing jobs.

The security team continued their duties and remained on alert to prevent the clan from taking more drastic actions.

After a series of adjustments.

So what is the specific effect?

Will a child who has been weaned from the breast come actively to seek milk?

The first day passed and no one came.

The next day, more than thirty children came secretly to eat.

On the third day, the number of children sneaking in to eat increased to more than 300, and the medical team diagnosed and treated one patient.

On the fourth day, almost all the half-grown children in Dongjiang Town came over. There were thousands of them. Looking at this attitude, they wanted to overwhelm the work team. The elders of the Xiang clan were probably laughing.

I want to see the work team’s jokes.

Little did they know that this played into the hands of the work team and they were overwhelmed. With Xujiazhuang's support, how could the work team be easily overwhelmed? Instead, they took advantage of the situation and not only provided meals for all the children, but also gave each of them a tool.

Let them all work for an hour after dinner, and then give each of them 10 aluminum coins, and ask them to help send a message to their respective homes: the brick kiln factory is recruiting workers, and the daily salary is 100 cents. It can be paid on a daily basis. Anyone who wants to work

Anyone can come.

Advertising with thousands of children naturally has very little effect. The entire Jiangdong Town knows that the work team is recruiting workers. Baiwen's daily salary is very attractive. Naturally, some parents can't help but be tempted, but they haven't yet

Dare to take action.

The clan leaders were shocked. They did not expect the work team to be so cunning. They immediately ordered the children of each family to be restrained and not to go to the work team camp again.

As a result, the number of children who went to the work team camp for meals the next day dropped to more than 500.

The brick kiln factory also recruited workers, more than a hundred in one day, but none of them were from Jiangdong Town. They were all recruited from the surrounding Wangcun, Chenjiacun, and Songjia Town. With such a good-paying job, even if they don’t have

Promote it all over the world with loudspeakers. As long as interested people who want to make money hear it, they will certainly not miss this opportunity.

The work team struck while the iron was hot and told the half-grown children in Jiangdong Town who came to work for a living: The brick kiln factory is recruiting 100 workers today, and there are 900 positions left. If we don't hurry up, we will have no chance.

Another day passed, and the news from the children in Dongjiang Town was that the brick kiln factory was recruiting 300 more workers, and there were only 600 positions left. If we don't hurry up, the money-making opportunities will be taken away by other villages.


Now I am really panicking. Thousands of jobs were obviously prepared for them in Jiangdong Town. Now they are taken advantage of by other villages. How can this be possible? They also have to work in the brick kiln factory.

Get their jobs back!

"Don't go, no one can go!"

"This is Xujiazhuang's treacherous plan. If you go there, you will be fooled!"

"Someone go and break his legs!"

The clan leaders tried their best to stop them, but without any persuasion, because people from other villages had gone to work and had earned light money (aluminum coins). Why couldn't they go? Young people from other villages

People are not afraid of Xujiazhuang’s conspiracies and schemes, why should they be?


On that day, more than 800 young people from Jiangdong Town, who were from relatively poor backgrounds, went to work in brick kilns despite obstruction and warnings.

But there are still about half of the young and strong people who are firmly controlled by the patriarchs. On the one hand, they are more obedient, and secondly, their family background is not bad. The attraction of jobs that pay hundreds of dollars a day is not strong enough for them to rebel.

The level of elders, and these young and strong people, belong to the core foundation of the clan.

As for this basic base, the work team also has ways to win them over.

The children who were eating and drinking were still allowed to act as propaganda team members, and they successively spread several blockbuster news to these young and strong ears:

"It's free to learn to ride a bicycle. If you want to learn to ride a bicycle, you can go to the work team camp to learn for free. There are hundreds of bicycles. You can learn how you want!"

"Don't you want to learn to ride a bicycle? Although you can't afford it now, it won't hurt if you learn to ride. If you can afford it one day, wouldn't it be just in use?"

"There are only 100 bicycles left. First come, first come, first come, first come, see others learn, last come, don't miss this great opportunity!"

"Movies are showing. Movies are showing for free. They are shown on time from 7 to 9 pm every night. As long as the weather is good, they are shown every day. Anyone who wants to see it can go and see it."

"The security team of the task force intends to recruit 100 assisting defense members, with a monthly salary of 5 silver dollars, including food and accommodation. Those with better performance will have the opportunity to become full-time security team members, with a monthly salary of at least 10 silver dollars, as well as various subsidies, physical fitness

The fit ones are preferred!”

The above-mentioned blockbuster news is undoubtedly very tempting to the young people in the clan base of Jiangdong Town.

Learning to ride a bicycle is a necessary skill for the upper class. Who doesn’t want to learn it?

It is said that new things like movies have not spread, and only the villagers in Xujiazhuang can occasionally see them. Now they also have the opportunity to be exposed to the forefront of fashion?

There is also a powerful security team. The firecrackers in their hands can kill people at a distance of 300 steps. As long as you become a defense team member, you will have the opportunity to touch it. It is not impossible to fire one or two rounds occasionally, not to mention the monthly salary of 5 silver dollars.

The treatment includes food and accommodation, which is definitely a high salary. If you can become a full-time team member, it will be even more amazing!

It's loose.

The basic foundation of the Xiang clan has been loosened, and it has been loosened in a collapse-like manner.

The next day, more than 300 people went to learn to ride bicycles, and more than 200 people applied to become defense team members. In the evening, people with their families went to watch the movie "Everyone is Like a Dragon in Xujiazhuang".

, there are nearly 3,000 people.

The clan leaders still tried their best to stop them. They wanted to bring out the clan laws and severely punish some clan members, and even beat them to death. If they became ruthless, they must rectify the clan customs, organize clan members, and destroy the Xujiazhuang work team. They could no longer let it go.

Poisoned the people of the Xiang clan.

It’s just these tough words from the patriarchs that caused disapproval from the young people:

"If we don't go, wouldn't it mean that so many good things would come at an advantage to other villages? Wouldn't we be stupid if we don't want them?"

"The people in the work team are so good, why are they beaten and killed?"

"Patriarch and uncle, you are all very old and have no idea how powerful Xujiazhuang is. Even the security team in the work team can kill hundreds of us. If you really offend Xujiazhuang, how can our Xiang family still survive?"

Are there any survivors?"

"Even if we don't want to join Xujiazhuang, we can't offend him, and we must be friendly and cooperative. The court can't do anything to Xujiazhuang, so what can we do?"

"Patriarch and elders, you don't have to worry too much. We can control how to deal with Xujiazhuang. We are not so easy to be fooled and will also bring benefits to the family. If you are so opposed, you will only make Wangcun next to you, Chen

Jiacun and Songjia Town took a big advantage, but it was us who lost."


Facing the objections of young people.

The clan leaders were so angry that they wanted to vomit blood, trembling all over, but they were speechless, because what the young people said was indeed very reasonable, but their obstruction seemed too stubborn and conservative, which was difficult to understand.

As a result, the situation became increasingly difficult to contain. It did not depend on the will of a few people at all, and it slipped in a direction they did not want to see.

Work team camp, bicycle training ground behind the hill.

Yuan Ying is teaching a girl, who is obviously disguised as a man, how to ride a bicycle step by step:

"Don't panic. First of all, you must not panic."

"Secondly, we must grasp the center of gravity well and keep the center of gravity of the bicycle in the vertical direction by swinging the front of the bike. It is normal for there to be an offset, but the offset must be small enough and the correction must be quick enough."

"It's really not difficult to learn to ride a bicycle. I've seen people who learn the fastest. They learned it in one morning. It takes three to five days on average. You have been learning it for seven days now. The reason why you haven't learned it yet means that there is no such thing in a small place."

Enlightenment, as long as you find the problem, you can definitely learn it."

Yuan Ying took the trouble to talk to this cute and cute 'gongzi', but she felt very helpless in her heart. He had taught many people to learn to ride bicycles, but there were very few who were so clueless, and she didn't look very stupid.

Despite his appearance, he is quite smart. Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to learn so slowly.

But the identity of this student is not simple. She is fifteen years old, the same age as me, her name is Xiang Sir, she is the seventh granddaughter of Xiang Shixing, the head of the Xiang clan, and she is also the youngest and most favored granddaughter of Xiang Shixing.

Among his descendants, no one has a more important status than Xiang Sirer.

Because of this, even though Yuan Ying was full of criticisms of this student, she could only be ten times more patient and tirelessly repeat the key points of learning to ride a bicycle over and over again.

And I heard the word 'not enlightened'.

As if being stimulated by something, Xiang Si'er suddenly threw the bicycle to the side and glared at him angrily: "You are not enlightened, Brother Yuan. I think the person who is least enlightened is probably you, a blockhead.


After saying that, she turned around and left quickly, looking very angry.

"Xiao Yuan, you pissed off this girl, why don't you hurry up and chase her?" Captain Wang Kangping, who had been paying attention to the situation here, immediately came over and said to Yuan Ying.

"Chasing? Why should I chase? It's okay if you are stupid. Why did you suddenly throw my bicycle? I'm not angry yet." Yuan Ying was furious and felt very speechless. He didn't want to teach students like this anymore.

"I order you to chase her back immediately! Didn't you realize that she actually learned to ride a bicycle on the first day? She just wanted to get to know you better. You are such a fool and you haven't seen it through until now. Now you are offending someone.

Yes, if you ruin our big event, it will be your fault. Go and get her back immediately, apologize, and then take her around to see, capture this girl, and then use her to capture her grandfather's item.

The world is prosperous." Wang Kangping said.


Yuan Ying was stunned for a moment. Did she already learn it? No wonder she asked so many irrelevant questions, but why didn’t I see it? And what did the captain mean by this? Did he want to sacrifice his appearance to deceive this person?

The girl's relationship finally achieved the goal of taking over Jiangdong Town.

"What are you still doing? Go quickly!" Wang Kangping urged again.

"This, isn't this just a beauty trick? I won't go, I, I have no plans to marry yet..." Yuan Ying shook her head like a rattle.

"You also know that this is a beauty trap. When we specially sent you, a handsome young man, to get in touch with this girl, didn't you have the awareness in this regard, and you didn't realize it until now? Go quickly, or you will mess up our affairs.

You are the biggest sinner!"

Wang Kangping kicked him hard on the butt.

The other team members also urged him to sacrifice himself and not to ruin everyone's big event. Moreover, the girl had already gone far and it would be too late if he didn't chase her.

"Okay, I'll go!"

Yuan Ying had no choice but to quickly hold up the bicycle, pedal upright, and quickly caught up with Xiang Sirer.

This chapter has been completed!
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